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Day 1
You = the
I have come across many people that look at me like I'm
crazy when I explain to them about using a simple mantra or
positive affirmation like, "I am beautiful".

Do you realize how many people say numerous negative

thoughts to themselves each day?

We all do it.

I use to do it a lot too.

But one day a light went off in my brain. Literally. I felt so

low, so unloved, not worthy of love, heck...I didn't feel
worthy at all.

I was miserable.

From that day forward (about 10 years ago) I promised


I learn everyday.

When times are tough, we tend to return to negative self-


I sometimes go backwards and have to reel myself back in.


The idea with positive affirmations is to say something

positive to yourself until you start believing it.

When someone tells you over and over again how beautiful
you are, do you believe them?

What if someone tells you, you are aren't smart enough to go

to college?

What if you tell yourself you aren't smart enough to attend


As humans, we believe what we hear because our brain is
trained by what we process.

We have to retrain our brain to accept positive thinking and

positive affirmations will help you get to a happy place and
away from negativity.

Take time off, and start telling yourself these:

I am the builder of my life.

I am confident.
I can do whatever I set my mind to.
I love myself unconditionally.
I am happy just being me.
I am a good person who deserves to be happy.

Day 2
Joy sustains

Whether freshly committed to making meaningful change in

this new year or working through the challenges of a new
health reality, do not underestimate the transformative
power of a little thing called "Joy".

Our culture places such a high priority on productivity and

external success, it’s easy to get caught up in that world—
believing that if you continue a fast-paced routine and work
relentlessly at achieving your goals, you’ll experience a life
of joy and well-being at some point in the future.

Meanwhile, your daily life is filled with endless stress and
‘things to do’. Perhaps you feel anxiety, a sense of isolation
and a deep frustration with yourself and what your life has

If you’re one of the lucky ones, you come to grips with the
emptiness you feel inside and ask yourself: "Is this all there is
to life?"

The answer to that question is a big ‘NO’.

Before the day starts, take time to shift your mindset and
prioritize joy.

Make a list of things to do or see that you'd think will bring

you joy. Note: It doesn't have to cost you anything to be

Day 3
Tranquility begins
with the heart
Love the feeling of entering a tranquil spa?

The weight of the world lifted from your shoulders as the soft
soothing sounds envelop you and the lighting quiets your
restless mind?

There’s no reason to dream of this relaxing place when you

can replicate it at home (where the heart is). Here’s how:

1. Change your lighting, change your mood

One of the worst things about most offices is the harsh


Fill your home with natural light by hanging sheer curtains

and keeping them open as often as possible during the day.
Natural light lifts our moods and warms the home.

When you do need to turn to artificial lighting, use soft

lighting options such as pink bulbs. Install dimmer switches
for soothing mood lighting when needed. You can also use
candles to bathe a room in soft light. Everything looks better
in candlelight.

2. Invite the natural inside

In addition to natural lighting, bringing other elements of

nature into your home will create a soothing environment.
This can include something as simple as a house plant or
fresh-cut flowers, or a more costly improvement like a water
feature.All of these items appeal to the senses.

A houseplant is both visually appealing and improves the

quality of the air. Flowers are enjoyed by the eyes and the
nose. The water feature provides a visually soothing accent
to your home’s decor as well as the soothing sounds of
flowing water.

3. Create No phone zone

Create an electronics-free zone where electronics are

forbidden. This allows you to turn your focus inward and
enjoy the quiet of your own thoughts.

Keep electronics out of your bedroom and you’ll also have

more restful sleep.

4. Change the color palette

The next time you visit an interior that appeals to you, pay
attention to the colors they use.

There is a reason that spaces that are designed to encourage

tranquility are decorated with colors found in nature –
earthy browns, soothing blues, and verdant greens.

If you want your space to be a soothing oasis, adopt a

tranquil color scheme.

Day 4
Fight negativity
and anxiety
The inevitable conditioning of modern lifestyle makes sure
that we are not even aware of something as omnipresent as
the humming of an air conditioner — background noise of low
intensity — until it stops.

We have somehow learned to live with a certain level of

constant discontent, unease, and fear of uncertainty.

As a consequence, all forms of fear — anxiety, tension,

stress, worry — has become the socially acceptable form of
mental illness.

It has succeeded in desensitizing us to such an extent that
we never gather the courage to find out the real reasons
behind that constant fear and unease.

There is an unconscious attempt on our part to address this

background of Constant anxiety through use and abuse of
various stimulants like — alcohol, drugs, mobile, work, food,
television, travel, compulsive shopping.

Have you ever heard of how elephants are usually tied

It’s not the rope or the stake that prevents the elephant from

It’s the conditioning of the elephant from the very young age
when they were weak, they were made to believe that they
couldn't yank the steak out of the ground.

As a result, their behavior gets heavily influenced by these

long ingrained limiting beliefs.

It is because of this conditioning that your thinking becomes

so spineless and circumscribed that you start accepting
things that make no sense and rejecting things that are full of

So how you choose to undo the long-term damage done by

conditioning, will eventually help you in course correction.

What are your limiting thoughts and beliefs today?

List them at least 5 below now:


As a result, their behavior gets heavily influenced by these

long ingrained limiting beliefs.

It is because of this conditioning that your thinking becomes

so spineless and circumscribed that you start accepting
things that make no sense and rejecting things that are full of

So how you choose to undo the long-term damage done by

conditioning, will eventually help you in course correction.

Day 5
Let’s be honest: whether we want to admit it or not, there
are many things in life that we aren’t good at doing.

Even so, it’s not easy to embrace your weaknesses and

accept the fact that there are some things you aren’t good
at.There are several things that can make it difficult to
recognize your weaknesses.

Excessive pride, low-self esteem, or fears that you’re

fundamentally not good enough can get in the way. On the
other hand, you might genuinely believe that you’re good at
a particular thing until the truth punches you in the face.

Fully embracing your weaknesses is the only way to work on
them. Doing so allows you to make positive changes in your
life and creates opportunities for growth.

Will you make peace with your weaknesses or will you work
to only conceal them?

Regardless of your choice, fully acknowledging them is the

first step.Working on your weaknesses can yield amazing

For instance, low self-confidence might be hindering your

ability to attain success and happiness.

In this case, focusing on that particular weakness and taking

full responsibility for it would produce several positive
changes. It would likely unveil hidden potential and create
significant momentum in your life.

Of course, trying to get rid of a certain weakness isn’t

always the best idea. Not every weakness can or should be

Sometimes, all you need is the courage to recognize it and

accept that you can’t or shouldn’t do anything about it. After
all, imperfections are part of being human. You aren’t a
superhero, and no one is asking you to be.

List down at least 1 to 3 talents and strengths you have:


Day 6

Forgiving is a very hard thing to do - not because you have

been a victim of something or someone, but because usually
your emotions and the time gaps prevent you from doing so.

You usually are at your most extreme emotional state when

something happens against you.

You therefore, are not thinking rationally and act on your


After some time, you do return to a calmer and clearer

thinking state, but then the damage has been done and
things get even more awkward between the concerned
parties to make way for forgiveness and reconciliation.

The act of forgiving someone is, in essence, your refusal to
let anger and hatred prevent you from moving forward.

You are taking a stand against allowing the actions of others

to alter the course of your life or who you are. Being able to
forgive is admirable and shows great courage.

Here's a quick tip: It's a matter of freedom.

After much of his life had been unfairly spent behind bars,
Nelson Mandela had said, "As I walked out the door toward
the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't
leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."

So, you must ask yourself, "Am I living in an invisible prison

because I am unable to forgive?"

Unforgiveness is a prison of the heart and mind. People who

have hurt you are the cell walls, and your thoughts about
them are the steel bars keeping you inside.

Without forgiveness, moving forward is impossible; the future

is limited, and you become stagnant. Through unforgiveness,
you turn the controls of your emotional life over to someone
else... there is no freedom in that.

Hanging on to suffering only hurts you more. Forgiveness

and letting go puts you in a place of power and freedom...the
person who benefits is you.

Think of someone you have yet to forgive, and write them



Now say, (name), I forgive YOU!

Day 7
Passion in
The benefits of compassion can be experienced in all of our
lives. Compassion, with the desire to relieve suffering, is a
key element of heart-based support that can be applied to
ourselves and others to assist with the authentic flourishing
of life and self-realisation.

Compassion is a natural instinct within us all, but is stifled

when we lack mindfulness and are not present to life. This is
why the practice of compassion results in numerous health
benefits for the giver as well as the receiver of compassion.

Compassion is ultimately the embodiment of the realisation
that all life is one continuum, and that what benefits the
authentic wellbeing of others also benefits ourselves.

Here are 5 powerful benefits of compassion:

1. Compassion reduces suffering and contributes to the

wellbeing of the whole, making the world a better place.
Compassion opens your heart.

2. Compassion increases your happiness, fulfilment, and


3. Compassion enables you to become better connected,

improving your social, ecological, and spiritual relationships,
and inspiring loyalty and commitment in your regular

4. Compassion improves your health by strengthening your

immune system, normalising your blood pressure, lowering
your stress and depression, improving your physical recovery
from illness, and even extending your life.

5. Compassion enables you to understand yourself and others

more as you seek to relieve suffering.

Tasks for today. List down at least 3 deed that you can show




Day 8
Staying positive

Daily affirmations are simple, positive statements declaring

specific goals in their completed states.

Although they sound rather basic at that level, these

empowering mantras have profound effects on the conscious
and unconscious mind.

Successful people, from top salespeople and entrepreneurs
to bestselling authors and Olympic athletes, have figured out
that using willpower to power their success isn’t enough.

You need to let go of any and all negative thoughts and

images and bombard your subconscious mind with new
thoughts and images that are positive and stated in the
present tense.

How do you do this?

The technique you use to do this begins with daily

affirmations, which are simply statements that describe a
goal in its already completed state.

Begin your day by saying this:

"I am ever grateful."

"I believe in myself."
"I have high standards."
"I help people."
"I am resilient."

Day 9
Choice, Choice,
What kind of life do you want?

I say a happy one. Why not!

Many people believe that you’re either born happy or you’re

not. I believe happiness is a choice — that you have the
ability to create real and lasting happiness for yourself.

We’re always making choices and doing things to be happy -

choosing what to eat, what clothes to wear, who to love,
where to work.

Some of our choices are good and others not but they’re all
based on our deep and impelling desire to be happy.

Certainly genetics, your personality and nature, plays an
important part in your happiness.

Then life circumstances also affect your happiness such as

upbringing, health and finances.

But the most vital element to being happy is choice. You can
choose to be happy.

Your personal happiness has everything to do with the

conscious choices and the sincere amount of work you put
into living a good life; to flourish, thrive and to be joyful even
while you may be living in painful and seemingly hopeless

Happiness is up to you. Your choice. Your way.

Here’s how to regain and build happiness

1. Think about a time in your life when you were really happy.
2. Why were you so happy? State the facts. Write them all
3. What were you doing that made for such confidence,
personal excitement, peace and pleasure? 32
Day 10

The beliefs you hold about yourself, your circumstances, the

future and your ability to influence that future
unquestionably impact the outcomes you achieve.

Those most likely to succeed are people who believe they

can. As Oprah Winfrey tells us, “You become what you

Recognize when a lack of belief is holding you back from

making good choices. Challenge these beliefs with evidence
of why you should think and feel differently.

Give yourself credit for what you have already achieved and
respect the strengths you possess.

Our thoughts decide if we will have a good day, a successful
presentation or an enjoyable trip.

The window through which we see life frames everything.

Our perspective is so powerful and we control it.

List down some challenges that are always on your mind right


Now, choose to believe that you will overcome them

eventually and become a stronger person


Practice makes perfect.

We hope you've enjoyed and found this book useful. The

more you practice them, the more you can be inspired to
make a positive change in your life - and ultimately be an
inspiration to others too!

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