Social Media Case Study - SAP

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A Company Transforms
Itself Through Social Media

Robin Fray Carey for, 4/21/2007


This case study was written to demonstrate how a company
can create a social networking platform that not only achieves
its tactical goals of pushing company content to its target audi-
ence, but also broader, strategic purposes aligned with the
company’s corporate profile and brand. The study will look at
technologies used to develop the SDN and the BPX networks,
the quality of the user experience, and metrics achieved, as
well as issues related to maintaining and growing the network.
Finally, the author speculates on how the success of the com-
bined networks could lead to further revenue growth and en-
hancement of current corporate communications.

I. SAP: A Company Transforms Itself Through

Social Media
II. Solution Deployment: SAP Eats Its Own Dog Food
III. Content Came from Internal Sources
IV. Community Management: Maintaining and Enriching the
User Experience
V. Revenue Generation through Premium Content and
“Presence Packs”
VI. User Growth Exceeds Expectations and Other Measure-
ments of Impact
VII. SAP Sets Aggressive Goals for the Future

Robin Fray Carey for, 4/21/2007


SAP: A Company Transforms Itself Measures of Success

Through Social Media
In 2002, the world’s third largest software company, SAP, faced
a new challenge. No longer was it content simply to be a devel-
oper of much of the world’s most successful business software. SDN MEMBERSHIP:
Instead, it wished to become a “platform” company, on its own From 340,000 members YE 2005
Web-based platform solution: NetWeaver. That meant it had to to 750,000 members April 2007.
open its platform to developers outside its own walls, who
would drive innovative ways for businesses to use this platform BPX MEMBERSHIP:
to solve their business problems. From zero members Q3 2006 to
100,000 members April 2007.

It meant it had to “talk” to a huge, new audience that had not PAGE VIEWS:
been part of its prior focus: developers across the globe who From 20M page views YE 2005 to
may or may not be SAP employees. Shai Agassi, SAP’s former 75M page views YE 2006, project-
President of the Product and Technology Group, had a vision: ing 150M YE 2007.
to create an online developer network that would open the com-
pany’s content, NetWeaver strategy, and technical information ACTIVE CONTRIBUTORS:
to a global audience. NetWeaver would achieve ubiquity by From 740 most active contributors
breaking down its walls and embracing a larger, interactive YE 2005 to 1,600 active YE 2006,
community: the technologists inside and outside the company projecting 3,000 by YE 2007.
who recognized that a business solution is the ever-changing
product of global collaboration. ACTIVE CONTRIBUTORS:
60% are not SAP employees
(customers, partners, independ-
Additional objectives included a desire to increase adoption of ents)
SAP products and to provide a platform of innovation for SAP
and its partners. Also, the SAP Developer Network (SDN) was DISCUSSION FORUMS:
seen as a way of providing a learning platform for new custom- 4,000 posts daily.
ers that would be facilitated by existing customers, and to
accelerate the learning curve and adoption of new SAP prod- UNIQUE MONTHLY VISITORS:
ucts. From 200,000 YE 2005 to 450,000
YE 2006 to 550,000 April 2007.

1-5 scale: From 4.11 YE 2005 to
4.19 YE 2006 to 4.24 Feb. 2007.

Robin Fray Carey for,


Solution Deployment: SAP Eats Its Own Dog Food Is SAP Naked?
As noted above, Agassi’s plan for making the NetWeaver
platform ubiquitous was to use the platform itself to enable the
proliferation of the technology. NetWeaver is the SAP founda-
tion for Enterprise SOA (Services Oriented Architecture) – the
development paradigm that creates technology “services” on an “Transparency” and “conversation”
as-needed basis, and that is wholly Web-centric. The platform are to the Web 2.0 culture what
is its own demonstration for building large-scale media, and “productivity” and “innovation” are
creating a content-and-technology ecosystem for the additional to corporate culture, and with SDN
tools that refine the information available to users and make it and BPX, SAP is attempting to
more interactive. bridge these worlds.
Can any corporation be completely
transparent? Should it be? And is
NetWeaver supports change by allowing flexibility in the IT that without exception a good thing?
infrastructure. The platform is designed for flexibility so that To some extent, academics, bloggers,
you can put out different pieces, applications, or content, and and other buzz-makers apply an ex-
you can make changes over time – allowing you to use tools ceedingly high standard to what it
today that may be superseded or complemented by new ones takes to achieve transparency, to
tomorrow. The enterprise architecture is one that matches the relinquish corporate control, and
pace of accelerated business change. incorporate conversation into en-
gagements with customers and other
stakeholders. But their free speech
For the database, MaxDB was incorporated. SAP has added is not burdened by a legal depart-
blogger, wiki, discussion forum, and portal solutions from out- ment or the SEC.
side the SAP suite, but the ease with which NetWeaver can The recent discussion on the tech
accommodate these third-party technologies is testament to its blogs about SAP’s partner, Micro-
flexibility. soft, and its attempts to open up to
“conversation” on its Channel 9
social media site, are illustrative of
Content Came from Internal Sources the dilemma that SAP has so far
avoided. By all accounts, SDN and
Mark Yolton, Vice President, SAP Community Networks, notes now BPX have not suffered from the
that from the beginning, “We wanted the community to kind of conflict that the Microsoft
influence the company as much as the company influences the user networks have caused inter-
community.” nally. Clear and consistent leader-
ship and support for the network
has been key for SAP. And a moder-
The content for SDN was initially unleashed on the SAP devel- ate amount of moderation, in the
opers, and came from internal sources: case studies, demos, form of strategic rewards and
other downloads, e-learning, etc. An SAP manager was put in banishments, has made for a user
charge of “marketing” the network, which is now an integral experience that is substantial, occa-
part of the sales engagement with customers. Discussion sionally lively, and, more important,
forums, which now are published at a rate of about 4,000 posts not embarrassing.
per day, were opened up in Web page format. These were “Moderation in all things”: Cicero
followed by blogs, initially contributed by employees, and wrote about it as a basic tenet for
quickly opened to outsiders, so that now 60% of “active con- responsible citizenship and ended up
tributors,” as bloggers are called, are non-employees. Active having his hands nailed to the doors
contributors include customers, consultants, and other opinion of the Forum. Yet he lived a good,
leaders, and the blogs feature everything from long-form essays long life and produced “content” that
on relevant topics to shorter bursts about future trends or remains and pertains today.
interesting innovations.

Robin Fray Carey for, 4/21/2007


In the fall of 2006, a second network was launched, BPX, which User Experience
targets business process management. BPX was a natural ex-
tension of the Industry Value Networks (IVN) ecosystems ini-
tiative spearheaded by SAP, which creates communities to inte-
grate solutions and addresses problems concurrently with SAP
partners and ISVs in real time. Again, as with the SAP net-
Susan West and Michael Gold
works, NetWeaver is the integration platform. But the IVN
teach at the annual Stanford Pub-
community is allowed open access to the platform and to SAP
lishing Seminar and have devel-
applications. This not only makes for a more efficient and
oped a 10-point scoring system
timely solution, but also validates Agassi’s belief that commu-
(each “point” topic is shown here
nity creation improves overall customer satisfaction. (IVNs
in bold) for effective Website
have now been incorporated as “hubs” within the BPX commu-
communications. I used their
methodology to evaluate the user
experience of the SAP sites.
Building on the success of the IVN ecosystems and using
current databases, BPX was launched with 50,000 members, Clear identity? Yes, definitely,
and, as of this writing, had expanded to 100,000. Topics for the initial “community” intersti-
BPX are less technical, such as “I want to architect a new busi- tial page immediately defines the
ness process” or “how do I outsource this, how do I do order-to- SDN and BPX sites and is the
cash, or procure-to-pay in a more deliberate or more orderly gateway to both. I found sign-up
manner?” to be easy, requiring only nine
fields to register and immediately
access all non-premium material.
Both networks are transparent, anyone can sign up, and both Labeling is not only straightfor-
are searchable. Users can subscribe and obtain RSS feeds from ward, and additional navigational
the most popular bloggers, and all the content is accessible to areas, i.e., areas of interest, are
social book-marking sites, as well as from Google and other provided as easy-scroll down
search sites. Currently SDN and BPX are offered in four lan- choices.
guages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
While both sites clearly “show off
To launch wikis, SAP determined the initial topics, which have the treasure,” the documents,
grown to dozens of major topics and hundreds of sub-topics. blog postings, archived Web
According to Yolton, they form the “loosest” part of the site; events, and podcasts that pertain
new wikis are viewed internally and can be rolled back if neces- to one’s interest are easy to find.
sary. Wikis are used for a variety of purposes, including There are premium areas that are
member cultivation on “Contributor Corner,” where contribu- unavailable to some users, but in
tors can introduce themselves and network with other contribu- spending time with the free areas,
tors, in “classic” social media style. I’ve found there is plenty of con-
tent available. I was able to up-
grade quickly to the premium ar-
Because of bandwidth burdens on the existing infrastructure, eas as well, which afforded me the
and bandwidth limitations for some users, online meetings and chance to get more complex
flash video are not currently part of the network experience, downloads and presentations, in-
but are being evaluated, particularly as these newer formats dicating that “premium” is defined
begin to deliver a richer and more interactive experience. as much by the format as by the
Widgets are being developed internally, by customer and part- actual information.
ner members of the community – and blogged about – for intro- —RFC
duction later this year.
© 2006 West Gold Consulting

Robin Fray Carey for,


Community Management: Maintaining and Enriching User Experience

the User Experience, Growing the Network
Through Active Policies
Blogging is voluntary, and the casual relationship between
blogger and the network is monitored by SAP Community Net- These are not news sites, strictly
works staff. When users indicate a desire to blog, they’re asked speaking, and as a corporate sites,
by the network manager what he or she wants to blog about. SDN and BPX do present “good
Then they are inducted into the “junior blogger program,” stuff above the fold,” such as a
where they are monitored for the first four to five posts. After free online event, or new training
their initiation, they “graduate” to full blogger status. There classes, very clearly and boldly
are even “star bloggers,” whose recognition on the network can presented. Uninformative “hogs”
earn them tangible rewards and external recognition. such as graphics and pictures are
kept to a minimum.

Key to the success and growth of SDN has been a novel awards
program. Users can obtain points by providing answers to Channeling and Navigation are
network questions, by publishing blogs, and by conducting very sophisticated, differentiated
online demos. Accumulation of points brings rewards, in the graphically, intuitive, and easy to
form of online recognition, recognition at TechED conferences, use. Considering the breadth of
regional TechEDs, and SAPPHIRE. (SAP TechEDs are annual both information and format, find-
technical conferences, held on four continents, which attract ing what you want to know and
20,000 attedees. SAPPHIRE is SAP’s annual business confer- being able to access that data re-
ence, held on two continents.) Rules of the program are posted quires at most five clicks. Naviga-
on the site and have achieved a considerable level of detail and tion is handled at both the top and
even a sense of humor. Here’s an example of a frequently asked the left-hand navigational areas
question (“FAQ”) with its response: and offer searches by several dif-
ferent topic areas, with scroll-
down categories, as well as by
Question: The point values of Weblogs, code samples, particular media type.
and tutorials seem somewhat subjective. Who decides
how many points I get? And can I appeal?
Subject choices are easy to choose,
Response: You're right, it is subjective. And, until we but extensive – more than West
have an artificial intelligence engine that can judge the Gold’s ideal “rule of seven.” Given
quality of your content submissions with unfailing accu- the breadth of available content,
racy, we're going to leave it up to the esteemed commu- “overload” of choices is some-
nity and forums managers. And their decisions are final. what unavoidable.
Unless, of course, you know where they live. —RFC

© 2006 West Gold Consulting

© 2006 West Gold Consulting

Robin Fray Carey for, 4/21/2007


Revenue Generation through Premium Content and

“Presence Packs” User Experience
With its Premium Access Zone (PAZ) program, SAP offers pre-
mium content, such as conference video downloads or
Powerpoint presentations, to end users for an additional fee,
using a model that is increasingly popular with both consumer By definition, using the unusually
and business-to-business sites. (for most websites) powerful Net-
Weaver platform and MaxDB data-
Exhibiting more creative use of its online network assets is the base truly exploits the Web’s ca-
“Presence Pack,” a customizable package of what Yolton calls pabilities. I like the fact that
“tasteful” banner advertising and other integrated opportuni- with all the standardization of-
ties: virtual and actual events, white papers in the online li- fered by the navigational choices,
brary, targeted banners in areas of key member activity, or there is built-in capability to add
“hubs,” as well as restricted content such as downloads of Web areas of interest and growth, as
or actual events for key members of the network who are with the “Business Lounge” area of
“Premium Access” users. These packages are developed with BPX, a free-form area of interest,
the help of business development managers who are part of the which will presumably form
Community Networks team. the basis of new topic areas.
Newsletters, RSS feeds, and a
There are no plans to syndicate ad sales, banners, or links to variety of alerts by subject area,
third parties like Google AdSense. are all available, but there are no
embedded social bookmarking ca-
pabilities; one-click rss subscrip-
User Growth Exceeds Expectations and Other tions are available in some areas
Measurements of Impact but not others, like executive blogs,
When SDN was first launched, in 2003, the expectation for for example.
eventual audience size was 500,000 members. (Additional user
measurements below.) Now that the benchmark has been Wikis are extensive, amazingly
exceeded, it is clear that the full potential for these networks detailed, and adaptive to many
could include new expectations for success. In fact, SAP media. It’s interesting to compare
expects to claim one million members by the end of this year. a wiki-in-progress, like the BPX
wiki launched March 21, with
more developed wikis: you can see
SAP’s success — and the value derived from using an expanded how the SAP managers have set
intelligence and skill network to improve the platform and the up a supportive framework, but
applications that are built on top of it — would seem to be suc- are leaving the members to de-
cessful by any measure, and measuring that success could be as velop the detail. Wikis are part of
simple as having a customer solve his problem within the net- “my” site, enabling the wikis to
work without having to engage SAP’s support team. more closely mesh with the mem-
Significantly, the network itself has transformed the “brand” bers’ interests, and to encourage
that SAP carries in the world. Yolton states: participation.

“SAP was formerly viewed as rigid, monolithic, overly

process-oriented. Our SDN and BPX communities have
dramatically shifted that view, to the surprise and delight
of many….if you look at the blog posts or the media cover-
age, it’s been very good…. We are now viewed as open and
collaborative” © 2006 West Gold Consulting

Robin Fray Carey for, 4/21/2007


A survey of posts and articles on the following page confirms

User Experience
Yolton’s comments:

• Ross Mayfield, founder of SocialText: http://
• On SDN and Open Source: “Webified text,” or the re-
opensource/2006/05/17/saps-sdn-has-all-the-benefits-of- formatting of text into bite-size
open-sourc-communities/ pieces that satisfy Jacob Nielsen’s
• On SDN and widgets: observation that Web users are
james-governors-monkchips-guess-which.html “selfish, lazy and ruthless,” is sat-
• Shai Agassi, Community, IVN’s: http:// isfactory, but it would be useful if there were internal hyper-links
within the site to point out impor-
Another potential benefit for SAP can be derived from a greater tant information as well as to take
understanding of how the software of social media can be used you quickly to related areas.
and developed. This has great value for incorporating more
enterprise Web tools – content management, enterprise wikis, Search on the sites is simply
search – into existing solutions. terrific, with one huge exception.
While results are displayed in a
Could this also mean that SAP is targeting the low-margin variety of media formats and can
publishing industry segment? Not apparently, but an ex- be easily changed by language, a
panded network using social media tools might become a great particular result will not be dis-
platform for the crucial small-to-midsize market. Those firms played or highlighted within the
will otherwise be looking to Google or Yahoo for many of their topic listing, so that the user will
business marketing or process objectives. But particularly for have to search within that docu-
small businesses that support large enterprises, the SAP ment or Web-cast for the search
community networks could provide not only an opportunity to topic. While topic titles are exten-
access business applications within the ecosystem, they could sive, summaries and excerpts are
also provide a marketing platform for companies selling prod- not provided.
ucts and services to larger companies in the network. In other
words, an embedded IVN kind of “hub” for SMB could be both a
great way for small firms to collaborate as well as to market Advertising, in the form of part-
their services. ner “Presence Packs,” is so
“tasteful” as to be practically in-
distinguishable. West and Gold
SAP Sets Aggressive Goals for the Future have a traditional media bias that
With 750,000 users of both networks, one would think that SAP preaches that users should be told
would rest on its laurels. But the current goal is for one million explicitly about content that is
users, and perhaps more importantly, for the networks to be- paid for, but SDN and BPX, as
come completely self-funded. business-to-business sites, have, I
believe, some justification in not
There are also plans and programs underway to extend the con- making useful information explic-
versation to an even larger audience of many of the same peo- itly labeled as “advertising.”
ple who are engaged with the company in other media cur- — RFC
rently, i.e., financial analysts, the media, online buzz-makers
and bloggers, and other opinion leaders. SAP would like to see
more “hubs” formed around topics of interest to this broader
group, in the same way that self-selected communities have
formed hubs around topics like NetWeaver components in the
SDN network and “strategy to execution” in the BPX network.
© 2006 West Gold Consulting

Robin Fray Carey for, 4/21/2007


This represents an intriguing possibility: with such a large

Social Media Today
audience, and with such a high level of engagement, will SAP
become a major business-to-business publisher, rivaling
Thomson, VNU, McGraw-Hill, or others? Online advertising
of all kinds is expanding at a rate of more than 30% per year,
and business-to-business online advertising, which has lagged
Social Media Today is a collection
behind business-to-consumer, should grow at an even faster
of the best writing from the Social
rate. SAP’s ability to not only capture and engage an audi-
Media Collective, a diverse group of
ence, but also to create content segmentation, will prove in-
bloggers, consultants, entrepre-
creasingly attractive to its technology partners — but why not
neurs, investors, journalists, and
also to non-partners in a given industry segment, as well as to
analysts who represent the Web's
consumer marketers who are seeking the professional/
best thinking on social media, mar-
managerial audience delivered, particularly as the number of
keting, and Web 2.0. For informa-
hubs and business topics expands?
tion, contact Jerry Bowles.

Patricia Aufderheide Brian Magierski

Also, will the same methods of network management, rewards, John Bell Tom Mandel
and recognition work as well as the audience grows and Rohit Bhargava Mike Manuel
changes? And will the current rules of engagement, not to Rod Boothby Andrew McAfee
mention the very open use of the platform, continue to Jerry Bowles Dennis McDonald
enhance SAP’s brand? It is unlikely that a technology analyst Robin Fray Carey Jake McKee
Michael O’Connor Dina Mehta
using the platform will see the value of an online point system,
Clarke Alexander Muse
but why not motivate that analyst in ways that are meaning- Jeff Nolan
Niall Cook
ful, such as a membership in a “private” community open only Mark Crofton Thomas Otter
to top SAP and partner executives? It may also make sense to George Dearing Mike Prosceno
further reinforce the private community with specific events Zoli Erdos Emanuele Quin-
that provide a “high touch” element to the engagement. SAP Jennifer Faber tarelli
is doing something similar with its external bloggers at Dan Farber Mitch Ratcliffe
SAPPHIRE, “Blogger’s Corner,” which puts leading technology Maggie Fox Tom Raftery
bloggers together with SAP’s communications team. Ismael Ghalimi Giovanni Rodriguez
Nathan Gilliatt Deborah Schultz
Gary Goldhammer Susan Scrupski
Dan Greenfield Social Media Club
Currently, the company spends millions of dollars to reach Brian Solis
Howard Greenstein
specific target audiences — customers, analysts, the financial Sterling Hager Mike Stopforth
markets, and investors — through traditional media. While it Chris Heuer Luis Suarez
is unlikely that budgets would be reallocated overnight, and it Peter Himler David Tebbutt
will continue to be valuable to the company to use outside me- Dennis Howlett David Terrar
dia to expand SDN and BPX and whatever evolves next, it is Sam Huleatt Todd Tweedy
conceivable that its own network could replace and improve Mathew Ingram Jason Wood
Mark Kuznicki The Workplace
some of the current traditional allocations.
Rajesh Lalwani
David Lavenda
Charlene Li
“We are still very much in the early stage,” says Yolton.
Jevon MacDonald
Indeed, but even SAP has been surprised by its own success.
Stewart Mader
May the later stages continue to reward the company, and to
Tom Mandel
expand our own understanding of the value of social media in
corporate communication.

Robin Fray Carey for, 4/21/2007

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