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Proportional Limit Stress The greatest stress that a material is capable of

withstanding without deviation from straight line proportionality between the stress
and strain. If the force applied to a material is released, the material will return to
its original size and shape.
Tensile test results graph (Insert test graph)

Locate the proportional limit on the test graph. Solve for the proportional limit
stress: σ = F/A

Yield Point Stress

2. The point at which a sudden elongation takes place while the load on the sample
remains the same or actually drops. If the force applied to the material is released,
the material will not return to its original shape.

Locate the Yield Point on the test graph. Solve for the Yield Point stress: σ = F/A
load of 30kN and stretch of 1mm

Ultimate/Tensile Stress
3. The point at which a maximum load for a sample is achieved. Beyond this point
elongation of the sample continues, but the force exerted decreases.

Locate the maximum load location on the test graph. Solve for the
Ultimate/Tensile stress: σ = F/A
Load of 35kN and stretch of 12.25mm

Breaking/Rupture Point
4. The maximum amount of stress that can be applied before rupture occurs. The
specimen fractures in the necking region where the material reduces in diameter as
it elongates.
Locate the Breaking/Rupture Point on the test graph. Solve for the
Breaking/Rupture Point stress: σ = F/A
17mm and 26kN

Modulus of Elasticity
5. A measure of a material’s ability to regain its original dimensions after the
removal of a load or force. The modulus is the slope of the straight line portion of
the stress- strain diagram up to the proportional limit.

Solve for the Modulus of Elasticity: E =(F 2 -F 1 )L0 /(δ 2 -δ 1)A

1305396.42063 psi
Modulus of Resilience
6. A measure of a material’s ability to absorb energy up to the yield point. This
modulus is represented by the area under the stress vs. strain curve from 0-force to
the yield point.

Solve for the Modulus of Resilience: Ur= 1⁄2(σyp)(εyp)

Modulus of Toughness
7. A measure of a material’s ability to plastically deform without fracturing. Work
is performed by the material absorbing energy from the blow or deformation. This
measurement is equal to the area under the stress vs. strain curve from its origin
through the rupture point.

Solve for the Modulus of Toughness: Ut= 1/3 (εbr)( σyp+ 2 σult)

Conclusion Questions
1. Test and observe the graph created when testing cast iron. What does the graph
tell you about the hardness of cast iron? Describe an application where the
hardness of cast iron would be an advantage.
It tells us that iron is one of the weakest materials since it can be pulled apart with
about 20 kN of force.

2. Compare the difference in the size and shape of the material if the test is
stopped before or after the yield point.
As the metal is pulled apart the shape becomes longer and thinner until it breaks.

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