Influence Line

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(ERIE 4 site rotting load of 100 AN moves on a girder of span 20m. (a) Construct ‘the influence lines for (0 shear force and (it) bending moment fora section 5m. from the left support. (b) Construct the influence lines for points at which the maximum shears and maximum bending moment develop. Determine these maximum values, (@) To find maximum shear force and bending moment at 5m from the left support tox _ 20-5 For the ILD for shear, IL ordinate to the right of D = =075 20 ordinate tothe lft or = £=5, 30.28 100 kN sprees fe Sn te o 07s 02s ILD for SF at O° ° WDirenay © Fig. 27 For the IL for bending moment, 1 ordinate at D = 2222 = S218 5 5.75 m, (@ Maximum positive shear force By inspection of the ILD for shear force, itis evident that maximum positive shear force ‘oceurs when tho load is placed just to the right of D. Maximum positive shear force = load x ordinate = 100 x 0.75 ALD, SPg,+ = 75 KN. (i Maximum negative shear force ‘Maximum nogative shear force occurs when the load is placed just to the left D. ‘Maximum negative shear force = load « ordinate = 100 x 0.25 ALD, SP,,—= 25 HN. (ii) Maximum bending moment ‘Maximum bending moment occurs when the load is placed on the soction D itself. Maximum bending moment = load x ordinate = 100 x 9.75 = 975 kN m. (b) Maximum positive shear force will occur at A. Maximum negative shear force will occur at B. Maximum bending mément will occur at mid span, The ILs are sketched in Fig. 2.8, a ILD for positive S.F at ‘A’ a) ILD for negative SF at © @ Positive shear force ‘Maximum positive shear force occurs when the load is placed at A. Maximum positive shear force = load x ordinate = 100 x 1 SP gr max* = 100 KN Gi) Negative shear force ‘Maximum negative shear force occurs when the load is placed at B. ‘Maximum negative shear force = load x ordinate = 100 x (~ 1) =-100 kN ‘Maximum bending moment occurs when the load is at midspan ‘Maximum bending moment = load x ordinate = 100 5 = 500 kNm. 56 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS-I 10kNm ‘The influence line diagrams are already found in Figs. 2.7 (b) and (c). (@) Maximum bending moment ‘Maximum bending moment at D due to a UDL shorter than the span occurs when the section divides the load in the same ratio as it divides the apan. (Fig. 2.8). hom AyD _ AD In the above figure, Bip “BD ~ 0.25, A,D=2m, BD=6m Ordinates : 375 Ordinate under A, = => x3 = 2.25 Ordinate under 8, = 222 x9 2.28 (NELUENCE LINES 7 ‘Maximum bending moment = Intensity of load x Area of ILD under the load AtD, () Maximum positive shear force Maximum positive shear force occurs when the tail of the UDL is at D as it traverses from left to right (Fig. 2.10). o Fig. 2.10 Ordinate under B, = 275 x (15-8)= 0.35 15 Maximum positive shear force = Intensity of load x Area of ILD under load +035)x8 2 = 10x SF, += 44 KN m. (c) Maximum negative shear force Maximum negative shear force due to an UDL occurs when the head of the load is at D asit traverses from left to right. (Fig. 2.11) Fig 2.11 se STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ‘Maximum negative shear force = Intensity of load x Area of ILD under the load = 10¢} «0.25 x 5) Negative SF ygqq= 6.25 KN. ‘Two point loads of 100 KN and 200 AN spaced $ m aparteross a girder of span 15 m from left to right with the 100 kN load loading. Draw the influence line for shear force and bending moment and find the value of maximum shear force and bending moment at a section D, 6 m from the left hand support. Also, find the absolute maximum bending moment due to the given load system. (@) Maximum bending moment 100K “Lom ‘Maximum bending moment at D occurs under the critical load. This load, when it moves from left to right or from right to left of D’ changes the sign of L,, the differential loading rate, where, Wing _ Went Lay Te Now, let us try with 200 KN load. Firstly, keep this 200 KN load to the left of ‘D’. Wien _ Wests _ 200 _ 100 1, = Ses. — paste 290 _ 180 = 22.22 (+ ve) ‘Moving this load to the right of D’, . Ww, 1, = Met - ae = 8-29 59.53 ve) Since, the sign of L, changes, the 200 kN load is critical. The maximum bending moment occurs at D when this 200 kN load is placed at D. Ordinate under 100 kN load = 48 x6=24 Maximum bending moment = E (Load x ordinate) = 200 x 3.6 + 100 x 2.4 Mage = 960 kN. (6) Maximum shear force 4) Positive shear force 200 KN 100kN Fea Fig. 2.13. ILD for shear force at ‘D’. ig. 2.13 shows the load position for the absolute maximum positive shear force. If the Joad train is moved to the left, the positive contribution due to the bigger (160 KN) load is lost and a negative contribution is obtained. If the load train moves to the right, the ordinates under to the loads decrease. Hence, the indicated load position is the critical one. Ordinate under 200 kN load = 0.6 Ordinate under 100 XN load = °& =04 ‘Maximum positive shear force = 200 (0.6) + 100 (0.4) SF 4, + = 160 KN. Gi) Negative shear force 200kN — 1004N dam _$-S8-} 60 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS “Trying with 100 KN load, first keep this 100 KN load to the left of D. Then move this load to the right of ‘D’ by 3 m. Ifthe value of the shear increment S, is a negative value, it indicates 8 decrease in negative shear force. 3003 — SORES ~ 100 = - 40 ve). 'D’, Hence, to get maximum negative shear force, this 100 KN load should be kept just to the left of D. ‘Ordinate under 100 kN load =04 Ordinate under 200 2Niead = 4 3-08 Maxien negara sheer ae 7150 104-¢300 403000 Sst (c) Absolute maximum bending moment: @) Resultant of the loads El srepeetc oper TueaeR#, ReS00AN, # 10m. Abesate marin bending coun com ender ned wich pone hr extant thn heal potion thn tie sestant Wand oe ioed are ogee Hanh ons open (Chine edi, Sn sea tote nase Distance of this 200 kN from C = Distance of ‘R’ from C. =%x10805m 200 KN 100 kN Maximum ordinate of ILD (ie.) ordinate under 200 kN load = sea =3.733 m Ordinate under 100 KN load = 2799S «9 489m 9 Absolute maximum bending moment, M,,,, a= Z (Load x ordinate) ‘= 200 9.788 + 100 x 2.489 = 995.5 kN DRE 4 rin of 5 ice soars crosecs a simply supported beam of span 22.5 m. Using influence lines, calculate the maximum positive and negative shear forces a mid span and abvoluis meinem Bending moment ongrhere othe pan, 120KN 16OKN 400KN 260 kN 240 i 2sm|25m|25m| 25m © Fig. 2.17. TLD for shear force at ‘C". 62 ‘STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS “To determine the ond point got the maximum postive shor force, le ws keep al the loads to the right of C. Then move W, load to the left of ‘C’ by 2.5 m. If the sign of shear ineveent 3 t nogtive iw incte thc W, shall betaine of ae TE W, W= Total load onthe span = 120+ 160 + 400+ 260+ 240 = 1180 2N ¢ = Distance through which the load train is moved = 2.5 m g= B&*25 _s99.3131(6 0) Since 6 ie posltive, the sheer foe neroses dust the shifting of Wt the lof ‘Again, let us move W, ta the left of C by 2.5 m to check whether the shear force further in- Seema Since S, is negative, it indicates that to get maximum positive shear force, W, should stay just right of C. Ordinates of ILD -05 Ordinate under W, = 755 x (11.25 2.5) =—0.39 Ordinate under W,= 5235 . 0.5 Ordinate under W,= 3°5- Ordinate under W,= Ordinate under W,= 3.75 =0.17 os 1125 ‘Maximum positive shear force = E (Load x ordinate) = 120 (— 0,89) + 160 (0.5) + 400 (0.99) + 260 (0.28) + 240(0.17) = 302.8 KN. ALC, SFagy (ii) Negative shear force 120KN 160KN 400KN 260KN 240 KN 26m| 25m | 25m |25m 11.25 m 11.25 m Fig. 218 ‘To determine the position of loads to get the maximum negative shear force, move the loads one by one to the right of C and computer the value of S,. If S, becomes negative, it will indicate a decrease in negative shear force due to that movement. First let us move the leading W, to the right of ‘C’ by 2.5 m and caleulate S,, Wa so T Wy= 240 KN j= 2.5m = HBO *2B 249 = 108.69 ve) Since ao incentes that W, shoal sty jt tothe af of © Ordinates of LD ‘Ordinato under W, 05 nen ig AB 28)- 088 Ordinate under W, is 5.0) = 0.278 Ordinate under Wy = 505; 5 (11.28 -7.8)= 0.167 it Ordinate under W, = 3055 «(1125 -10)= 0.086 ‘Maximum negative shear force at C = 240 - 0.5) + 260(-0.89) + (400(-0.278)) + 160 (- 0.167) + 120 (- 0.058) y, ‘max 386.04 KN (6) Absolute maximum bending moment ) Position of resultant of all loads ‘Taking moments about W,, 120 (0) + 160 (2.5) + 400 (5.0) + 260 7.5) + 240 (10.0) = R. Re 1180kN ¥ =5,72m from W, (i) Location of absolute maximum bending moment Absolute maximum bending moment occurs under the load, which is nearest to the resultant ‘R’ (In this problem, W, is nearest to the resultant ‘R’), The distance between C and R and the distance between C and W, shall be equal. Distance between R and centre of span (C) = ¥4(0.72) = 0.86 m. Fig. 2.19 shows the IL for bending moment at the critical spot D, 10.89 m from A. ssom_|esmlos 5m, ecim A 3 2 some ye _tsve Ee )- Ep, 10.89 m ate1m sem rres 5.00m S61 m coy Fig. 2.19. ILD for bending moment at ‘D". Ordinates of ILD: ‘Maximum ordinate of ILD (e.) ordinate under Ordinate under Ordinate under 5.62 Ordinate under Wy= Gigi < 91 =4.41 562 Ordinate under We= Fagy <6:61=3.20 Absolute maximum bending moment = 120 (3,04) + 160 (4.98) + 400 (5.62) + 260 (4.41) + 240 (8.2) Myer max 5220.2 KN m.

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