ASEAN Youth Climate Statement at COP 16

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ASEAN Youth Climate Statement at COP 16

We are a group of South East Asian Youth who are participating in the United Nations
Climate Change Conference as members of civil society. We are committed to bringing back
insights to our respective countries to catalyze actions on this extremely urgent issue in
different ways, including public awareness, mitigation, policy development and government


The ASEAN, with its population of over 600 million, has a huge stake in ensuring climate
change is addressed effectively. Considering the different circumstances in each member
country, ASEAN cannot tackle climate change on its own. However, ASEAN can no doubt
enhance its efforts to ensure a robust low-carbon economic region and its climate resilience.

ASEAN has been gaining increasing political clout around the world. Its effectiveness and
credibility as a regional bloc will therefore have to be more acknowledged from within and
by other actors.

ASEAN contributes to approximately 12% of global greenhouse gas emissions and therefore
has much potential for mitigation, while taking into account the principle of common but
differentiated responsibilities. ASEAN countries must have a clear vision of developing low-
carbon economies, with appropriate strategies for short-term and middle-term and long-
term goals in order to achieve sustainable development.

Southeast Asia is one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change, especially due to its
rich biodiversity and extensive coastlines. Southeast Asia is situated right in the middle of
the coral triangle and holds over 30% of the world's coral reefs. Furthermore, the
occurrences of extreme weather within the region have increased, with the number of
typhoons in 2004 increasing to 21, above the median of 17.5 for the years 1990 through

In addition, droughts in Vietnam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and the Philippines have
caused forest fires, crop failures and water shortages. From 2002 to 2007 alone, Southeast
Asia produced 140 million tonnes of grain per year and the Asian Development Bank report
on the Economics of Climate Change believes that there could be a 50% loss in the
agricultural output of ASEAN in the future due to erratic weather and other climatic events.
This could pose problems for economic development, trade, and food security within and
between ASEAN and other countries. Many South East Asian countries also have significant
coastal regions with physical and infrastructural capital at risk from rising sea levels.

These combined effects will only multiply in the near and long-term future. If no cohesive
strategy is taken to adapt to and mitigate climate change, socio-economic and
environmental stability of the region is much at risk. We have to politically recognize that
climate change will affect ASEAN economically. For example, Indonesia, Philippines,
Thailand and Vietnam risk suffering a loss equivalent to almost 7% of their annual GDP by
2100 if insufficient action is taken.

The ASEAN, with its many vulnerabilities, should advocate limiting warming to 1.5 degrees
Celsius and bringing long term carbon dioxide concentration below 350 ppm. In addition,
ASEAN countries should capitalize on the strengths of respective members in order to
create an integrated, effective approach to tackle regional climate change, be it policy,
sharing of best practices or direct action in local communities. A rights-based approach to
tackling climate change issues should also be discussed about and integrated into decision-

With this said, much of ASEAN has an opportunity to avoid conventional modes of
development and transition into an environmentally friendly and sustainable region while
effectively adapting to the inevitable effects of climate change. This will allow the region to
achieve effective and sustained economic integration, ensuring equal opportunities to self-
determination and prosperity for all.

Key Concerns and Recommendations

ASEAN Economic Strategy

Given the integrated economies of the ASEAN and its aim to establish a free trade zone,
climate change policies must play a significant role in ensuring socially equitable and
environmentally sustainable economic prosperity for all.

One positive development would be for decisions made by the ASEAN Meeting for the
Environment (AMME) to be effectively amalgamated into the work of the ASEAN Economic
Community. This will allow climate change to be at the forefront of being a political priority
year after year, discussed closely in tandem with any discussion of economic growth and

There should be systematic capacity building, and also emphasis on the interconnectedness
and impact of climate change on other sectors, such as biodiversity, agriculture and
fisheries. We need to mainstream climate change in all sectors of our economies,
recognizing that it is an issue central to our economic future and our livelihoods.

Sustainable energy provision must be a central strategy of any economic plans ASEAN with
energy demand projected to increase by 76% by 2030. We should have a vision of adopting
an ASEAN Renewable Energy Grid that will bring many co-benefits and provide for many
economic opportunities. We also call for governments to recall the Singapore Declaration on
Climate Change, Energy and the Environment which encourages an integrated approach
towards R&D and adaptation. Efficiency, energy security and reducing energy poverty can
all result from this.

We call on all nations to develop effective Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions

(NAMAs), differentiating between those that are unilateral actions and those that are
supported by international finance and technology transfer.

Forest Conservation
Reducing deforestation and forest degradation is a cornerstone to any ASEAN strategy to
tackle climate change. At the outset, the ASEAN Transboundary Haze Agreement has to be
effectively implemented. Drivers of deforestation both on the supply and demand side must
be addressed. Proper forest governance is required to ensure that corruption which
entrenches illegal logging and forest clearance. Laws enacted must be effectively
implemented on the ground at local and sub-national levels.

Any REDD+ mechanism to be implemented must ensure that its ultimate purpose of
conserving intact, biodiverse, natural forests is maintained. We also emphasize that any
programme must safeguard and enhance the lives of local and indigenous communities and
observe the principle of free, prior and informed consent. Intact and degraded forests must
also not be perversely converted into monoculture plantations. REDD+ programmes must
be supported on a fund-based mechanism and not a market-based system where Annex 1
countries are allowed to offset their emissions.

Education and public awareness

Governments can play a significant role to raise greater public awareness on climate change
and its effects. This would aid in increasing society's support for the successful
implementation of environmentally sustainable policies and practices. Government
intervention alone cannot successfully address climate change; the active participation of
the households, schools, universities, the private sector and individuals is equally essential.

Climate change education must be integrated into the formal curriculum in nationally
appropriate methods and targeted for different age groups. Financial support and
educational Young people must be empowered to act locally to reduce their own impact but
also be able to think globally and critically on such a complex issue. As such, the existing
ASEAN Environment Education Programme is acknowledged and serves as a good
foundation for further climate change education. Informal means of bringing up the issue of
climate change is also essential. The implementation of Article 6 of the UNFCCC Convention
must be enabled in all our countries.

We need to cultivate and empower a generation of capable leaders that will have different
capacities and different roles to play in the transition into the new green economy,
providing decent work, contributing to their communities and ensuring clean development
for all.

Capacity building, regional cooperation and governance

Sufficient information on environmentally sustainable practices as well as their benefits for
both private firms and the environment should be made available and accessible. This
would clearly educate and incentivize citizens on why and how they can choose
environmentally sustainable options.

The undertaking of more extensive research to provide accurate information on climate

change, as well as mitigation and adaptation efforts, could also prove useful in policy
making for all countries within ASEAN. With this, a collective goal can be established in
tackling climate change and build even closer, deeper ties amongst countries and other
stakeholders through cooperation and collaboration.

Regional mechanisms and centres of excellence can be established on varying issues.

Adaptation and mitigation being of utmost priority, would take into account regional and
local circumstances. Information technology and communication can also be seen as an
effective tool in building online databases and become excellent platforms for sharing
information and best practices.

ASEAN as an organization must go beyond mutual pressure and joint declarations on the
commitment to tackle climate change. It must be seen as being more visible in dealing with
climate change in the eyes of the public. We applaud the Vientiane Plan of Action as a step in
recognizing significant areas wherein environmental cooperation can be enhanced. ASEAN
can and should actively participate and lead in international forums in particular in the lead
up to the United Nations Conference of Sustainable Development in 2012 (Rio+20).

Involvement of civil society
The involvement of non-governmental actors is key to effective action on climate change in
ASEAN. These stakeholders must be allowed to do their work without restriction, be it being
a watchdog on environmental policies and their implementation or empowering local
communities to adapt to climate change.

Because climate change is an issue of a shared historical and intergenerational

responsibility, the ASEAN youth is also key in resolving this issue. ASEAN member states
must cultivate an environment wherein young people can be empowered to act locally,
nationally, regionally and even internationally on all aspects of climate change.

We hope that the ASEAN+3 Youth Environment Forum can be strengthened and have a
more effective say in developing national and regional policies. In addition, NGOs and CSOs
should be allowed as stakeholders in the newly formed ASEAN Working Group on Climate
Change. Governments should also allow youth delegates to be part of official delegations to
international conferences such as at the UNFCCC.

We call for an enhanced platform for all stakeholders to be part of decision-making

processes by holding regular forums, conferences and consultations within and between
countries to discuss the whole range of issues that climate change encompasses. The
involvement of academia is also essential to provide much needed information provision
and research required to deal effectively with this complex issue.

We therefore call the ASEAN governments individually and collectively to ramp up its
resolve with a shared vision to contribute effectively to global efforts to tackle climate
change at the UNFCCC platform and beyond. ASEAN as a region can certainly be a model of
success for others in the international community.

For more information and possible future consultations, please contact Zhe Yu Lee at

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