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JadeAnthony M.

Baloloy: BSME - 1B
Jericho Diaz

Session 4: Rizal’s Childhood and Early Schooling

Instructions: Read Chapters 1-3 of Rizal’s Life, Works and Writing by Gregorio and
Sonia Zaide . You can refer a book to Lucky Educational Center at Legazpi City
Centro/Daraga or go to the BU Library.
Answer the questions in group of two members and write them legibly on yellow
paper or encoded in prescribed font, size and size of paper.

1. What experiences attributed to Rizal’s writing and arts inclination?
Experiences that lead to Rizal’s writing and arts inclination started from first
education with her mother. First of all, seeing her boy with talent in poetry she
encouraged Rizal to write poems. Other reason described José was designed by nature
to be an artist. This he revealed before he was five years of age, for without any
assistance from others he began to draw with his pencil and to mould in wax or clay any
object he saw about him. There was a also a time when Rizal was able to draw a bird
flying nearby without lifting the pencil he was using from the paper till the picture he
drew was finished. He can also draw a running horse and a chasing dog. • Jose Rizal
also owned a pony and used it to have long rides into the surrounding country which
was rich in scenery. He also took long walks together with his big black dog named
Usman. He also loved to play with the doves in his neighborhood. He learned about the
myths and legends in Laguna after sleeping through the nut in a little straw hut used by
Laguna farmers during the harvest season. Rizal was also good in hand tricks which he
perfected to amaze the simple folk and performed magic lantern exhibitions. All of these
helped in molding Rizal to become what he is in his life.

2. What were the factors for Rizal to be a great person?

For me to sum up it could be group into three factors that affects Rizal’s work and
mold him to be a great person was the following:
a. Hereditary influence- according to biological science, there are inherent traits or
qualities which a person inherits from his ancestors and parents. Therefore, Rizal
inherited lot of good qualities from his ancestors, father and mother.
b. Environmental influence- environment, as well as hereditary, affects the nature
of a person. Which includes places, associates, and events? Like Rizal was
affected in what his family and the environment influence and teach him to be a
good son and develop his talent and ability.
c. Aid of divine Providence- Rizal was providentially destined to be the pride and
glory of our people. God had endowed him with the venatile talents of a rare
Also with the help of his family specifically his three uncles who were brothers of his
mother also had much influence on the early childhood of Jose Rizal. The youngest
uncle named Jose, took care of teaching regular lessons to Rizal. His huge uncle
Manuel developed his physique until he had a body of silk and steel and no longer a
skinny and sickly boy. The last uncle, Gregorio instilled in the mind of Rizal that it was
not easy to obtain something until you put effort into it.
3. What attributes, traits, and character did you learn from Rizal’s childhood life?
Attributes, traits and character I learned from Rizal’s childhood life was desire to
learn, even frequenting the church nearby his home to watch and observe people but
not to be religiously inclined. Jose Rizal was not a physically blessed or strong child
however, he had a strong will guided and taught by his mother, his first teacher. He
learned almost without the use of books. His mother was the one who laid the
foundation of his great knowledge achieved in such a short time. His brilliance was also
the character of the young Jose Rizal. Also Rizal spend much more time on church,
which was conveniently near that I think give and influence him on being a believer. As
well, respecting the rights of other specially elders. Good companionship among adults
even on his young age. This may also include personality in terms of good relationship
and ties among family. And love to his country that evenly expressed on young age as
he made poems and writings.

4. What circumstances awaken Rizal’s heart to fight against Spanish tyranny and

Rizal pointed out that long before the coming of the Spaniards, the Filipinos were
industrious and hardworking. The Spanish reign brought about a decline in economic
activities because of certain causes:
a. First, the establishment of the Galleon Trade cut off all previous associations
of the Philippines with other countries in Asia and the Middle East. As a
result, business was only conducted with Spain through Mexico. Because of
this, the small businesses and handicraft industries that flourished during the
pre-Spanish period gradually disappeared.
b. Second, Spain also extinguished the natives’ love of work because of the
implementation of forced labor. Because of the wars between Spain and
other countries in Europe as well as the Muslims in Mindanao, the Filipinos
were compelled to work in shipyards, roads, and other public works,
abandoning agriculture, industry, and commerce.
c. Third, Spain did not protect the people against foreign invaders and pirates.
With no arms to defend themselves, the natives were killed, their houses
burned, and their lands destroyed. As a result of this, the Filipinos were
forced to become nomads, lost interest in cultivating their lands or in
rebuilding the industries that were shut down, and simply became submissive
to the mercy of God.
d. Fourth, there was a crooked system of education, if it was to be considered
an education. What was being taught in the schools were repetitive prayers
and other things that could not be used by the students to lead the country to
progress. There were no courses in Agriculture, Industry, etc., which were
badly needed by the Philippines during those times.
e. Fifth, the Spanish rulers were a bad example to despise manual labor. The
officials reported to work at noon and left early, all the while doing nothing in
line with their duties. The women were seen constantly followed by servants
who dressed them and fanned them – personal things which they ought to
have done for themselves.
f. Sixth, gambling was established and widely propagated during those
times. Almost every day there were cockfights, and during feast days, the
government officials and friars were the first to engage in all sorts of bets and
g. Seventh, there was a crooked system of religion. The friars taught the naïve
Filipinos that it was easier for a poor man to enter heaven, and so they
preferred not to work and remain poor so that they could easily enter heaven
after they died.
h. Lastly, the taxes were extremely high, so much so that a huge portion of what
they earned went to the government or to the friars. When the object of their
labor was removed and they were exploited, they were reduced to inaction.

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