Finals Perdev Grade 11

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I. Read the following statements. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blanks provided for.
_____1. What should you consider when making decisions around sex and sexual limits?
a. Your values b. your friends c. your family d. all of the above
_____2. What is the best style of communication to use when making decisions about sexual limits and boundaries?
a. Assertive b. passive c. aggressive d. assertive communication
_____3. Which of the following is not an element of a healthy relationship?
a. Trust one another c. one person makes all the decisions
b. c. respect one another d. open and honest communication
_____4. It is important qualities of a healthy relationships
a. follow your heart desire c. do not ask opinions of your friends
b. give your love 100% d. open communications
_____5. This is the reason why you may not make a healthy choices when it comes to sex
a. pressure b. self desire c. love d. trust to your opposite sex
_____6. They are the resources you can turn on to if you worried about abuse in your relationship.
a. Family and friends c. peers and friends
b. The person you love but hurt you find someone else whom you can trust
_____7. They are the characteristics of an Unhealthy Relationship
a. Love, trust and forgiveness c. both of you should always find ways to grow
b. Jealousy, abuse and manipulation d. practice give and take relationship
_____8. What skills do you need to make healthy decisions in your relationship?
a. Intelligence, memory, ability to do public speaking
b. Assertive communication, active, listening, and negotiation skills
c. Passive communication
d. All of the above
_____9. Why you should choose abstinence?
a. Because of your Religious beliefs c. because you are using contraceptives
b. Because of your peers d. because of your partners decisions
_____10. Which of the following are signs that you may be in an abusive relationship?
a. Bruises, scratches, and other signs of injuries
b. Avoiding friends
c. Apologizing for your parents behavior
d. All of the above

II. Put a heart before each statement that you think is a sign of a healthy relationship: and put an (X) on
each statement that you think is a sign of unhealthy relationship
1. You can express your opinion without fear or dread
2. You and your partner can make decisions together and fairly.
3. Each person takes responsibility for their own actions.
4. Your partner respect your feelings about sex.
5. Your partner supports you and your choices even when they disagree with you.
6. You respect and encourage each other.
7. You give each other space to study or hang out with friends or family.
8. You are able to make your own decisions about spending your money without worrying about your partner’s
9. You can discuss pregnancy and parenting decisions and your view is respected.
10. You feel isolated from friends and family.
11. Your partner tries to control how you spend time and who you hang out with.
12. Your partner tries to control how you spend money.
13. Your partner doesn’t support your decisions.
14. You are sometimes forced to do something that you’re not comfortable with.
15. Your partners threatens, insults or humiliates you.
16. Your partners hurts you physically an emotionally.
17. Your partner doesn’t keep your secret safe.
18. Your partner undermines your decisions about pregnancy and parenting.
19. You give yourself to your partner because you really loved him/her even without marriage.
20. Give your 100% love and trust to your partner because you can’t live without him/her.
State whether these statements are TRUE OR FLASE
1. It is important to work on communicating our feelings in relationship.
2. To love someone , we must love our self first.
3. Trying to understand where other people are coming from rather than judging them help us build and
maintain relationships.
4. Having good relationship does not contribute anything to us having good health.
5. When people listen deeply and lest us know that they recognize the feeling behind our words, more
likely than not, our relationship is doing good.
6. In our relationships, it is vital that we practice forgiveness when a loved one has hurt us.
7. Our loved ones cannot help us when we deal with stress.
8. Using positive methods to resolved conflicts will more likely help us maintain good relationships.
9. Expressing gratitude to our friends and family help us maintain good relationships.
10. Significant differences in core values and beliefs never create a problem in relationship.
11. We are happy in our relationships when our loved ones stay connected by spending time with us and
letting us know that they love us.
12. Excessive reliance on social media can be a cause of tension in relationships.
13. Relationship are static: they are unchangeable.
14. Being compassionate, forgiving and grateful contribute to healthy relationships.
15. To fully enjoy and benefit from relationship we need skills, information, inspiration, practice and social

Enumerate the following:
1-4 why relationships are important
5-7 health consequences when you experience low support in your relationships
8-13 how will you keep healthy relationships
14-22 basic rights in a relationship
23-30 give at least 8 most common relationship problems
31-35 give 5 rules for finding love and creating long- lasting Authentic relationships.

Prepared by:

PER-DEV. Teacher
NAME:__________________________________ HEALTH EDUCATION SCORE:___________

Complete the paragraph by writing the correct answers on the blanks.

Consumer health encompasses the health information, products, and services being gathered, acquired, and availed by an
individual. _____________________ refers to any concept, idea, data, or figures that may aid to the health status of an individual.
__________________ refer to materials, devices, or items that an individual purchases to improve health. Examples of these are
shampoo, medicine, health electronics, and food. On the other hand, ___________________refer to programs offered for the health
appraisal of an individual through various treatment, screening, and examinations. Some examples of these are health professionals,
facilities, and insurance. When availing of health information, products, and services, it is important to examine and evaluate the
reliability of the sources to avoid quackery. Quackery refers to fraudulent promotion, sales, or advertisement of various products.
There are three kinds of quackery. The first is __________________ which refers to the prescription of scientifically unproven
medical treatment and cure. The second is ____________________ which refers to the sale of items that are believed to treat or
cure an individual. The last is __________________ which includes fad diets and other practices. Under the law, the consumers are
protected with rights such as _________, ________________, ________________, and _________________. With these rights, a
consumer may be able to report incidences of fraudulent ____________________ and _________________________.


1. The right to __________________This right guarantees survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, and
2. The right to ___________________This is the right to be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of services
that are hazardous to health and life.
3. The right to ___________________This is the right to be protected against dishonest or misleading advertising or labeling and the
right to be given the facts and information needed to make an informed choice. Pros Cons All rights
4.The right to ___________________ This is the right to choose products at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfactory
5. The right to ___________________ This is the right to express consumer interests in the making and execution of government
6. The right to ___________________ This is the right to be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory
7. The right to ___________________ This is the right to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be an informed customer
8. The right to ___________________ This is the right to live and work in an environment that is neither threatening nor dangerous
and, which permits a life of dignity and well-being.


1. Vigorous physical activity is always recommended for a beginner.
2. Convenience and personal preference are some of the factors affecting food choices.
3. Exercise for a healthy lifestyle should be done at most three times a week.
4. BMI is dependent on a person’s height and weight.
5. If the goal is weight loss, a person should minimize energy expenditure.
6. Non-communicable diseases could be affected by genetics.
7. Changes in a person’s lifestyle only affect the physical aspect.
8. Active recreational activities are recommended for the promotion of health because they are
enjoyable and effective in keeping the body in motion.
9. Dieting is not as effective as participating in regular physical activity when trying to lose weight.
10. Basic skills in basketball include behind-the-back dribble, dunk, and alley hoop.
11. Recreational activities are those activities held during one’s leisure time.
12. A lifestyle that includes regular exercise may be more important for health than trying to reach any
“ideal” weight.
13. If BMI and other assessment tests indicate that fat loss would be beneficial for your health, your first
step is to establish a goal.
14. Aside from taking note of your eating habits, you should also take note of your actual weight as an
indicator of health risk.
15. Modifying your eating habits can aid you in managing your weight.
16. A simple elimination of food or addition of physical activity does not encompass the entirety of
weight management.
17. An unhealthy lifestyle brings with it certain diseases that can shorten your lifespan.
18. Managing your lifestyle entails making modifications in your routine especially in those aspects that
elevate health risks.
19. Teenagers like you should be more aware on how your nutritional practices can affect your health.
20. The way in which an individual lives is called lifestyle

II. DIFFERENTAITE the weight gain, weight loss and weight maintenance
NAME:__________________________________ ART EDUCATION SCORE:___________

I. Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank provided
for your answer.

_____1. He was a key figure in the transition from realism to impressionism, with a number of his works considered as
marking the birth of modern art..
a. Edouard Manet b. Claude Monet c. Auguste Renoir
_____2. a French artist and post-impressionist painter
a. Paul Cézanne b. Vincent van Gogh c. Auguste Renoir
_____3. was an art style that incorporated elements from the native arts of
the South Sea Islanders and the wood carvings of African tribes which suddenly
became popular at that time
a. Neoprimitivism b. surrealism realism
_____4. was a style characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual
tricks and surprises
a. Dadaism b. fauvism realism
_____5. It had the same spirit of freedom of expression and openness that
characterized life in the 20th century, but it differed from expressionism in certain
a. Abstractionism b. fauvism c. . Dadaism
_____6. The movement .expressed the artist’s role in social reform
a. social realism b. fauvism c. . Abstractionism
_____7. Installation art is a contemporary art form that uses sculptural materials and other
media to modify the way the viewer experiences a particular space.
a. social realism b. Technology based art c. . performance art
_____8. Performance art is a form of modern art in which the actions of an individual or a group
at a particular place and in a particular time constitute the work.
a. performance art b. Technology based art c. . social realism
_____9. a form of “action painting,”
a. op art b. Installation art c. . social realism
_____10. movement arose from the intellectual points of view in the 20th century.
a. abstractionist b. fauvism c. . Dadaism

II. Read the following statements. Write True if the statements is correct and False if it is not correct.
__________1. art has mirrored life in the community, society, and the world in
all its colors, lines, shapes, and forms.
__________2. Impressionism was an art movement that emerged in the second half of the 19th century among a group of
Paris-based artists.
__________3. The name impressionism was coined from the title of a work by French painter Claude Monet
__________4. The Barque of Dante, contained a then revolutionary technique that would profoundly influence the
coming impressionist movement.
__________5. The painting conventions and techniques of earlier art periods were very much concerned with line, form,
and composition.
__________6. Photography was in its early stages at this time as well
__________7. After the brief yet highly influential period of impressionism, an outgrowth movement known as post-
impressionism emerged
__________8. Neoprimitivism was an art style that incorporated elements from the native arts of the South Sea Islanders
and the wood carvings of African tribes which suddenly became popular at that time.
__________9. Surrealism was a style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world beyond the logical, conscious,
physical one.
__________10. Many surrealist works depicted morbid or gloomy subjects, as in those by Salvador Dali.
__________11. The movement known as social realism.expressed the artist’s role in social reform. Here, artists used
their works to protest against the injustices, inequalities, immorality, and ugliness of the human condition.
__________12. Pablo Picasso’s Guernica has been recognized as the most monumental and comprehensive statement of
social realismagainst the brutality of war
__________13. The cubist style derived its name from the cube, a threedimensional geometric figure composed of strictly
measured lines, planes, and angles.
__________14. Human figures as well were often represented with facial features and body parts shown both frontally
and from a side angle at once
__________15. It also gave cubism its characteristic feeling of dynamism and energy.
NAME:__________________________________ MUSIC EDUCATION SCORE:___________

I. Read the following paragraph. Supply the missing word/s on the blank to complete the sentence. Choose
your answer on the table below.

A number of outstanding composers of the 20th century each made their own distinctive mark on the
contemporary classical music styles that developed. ___________________ and _______________ were the
primary exponents of impressionism, while __________________ was the primary exponent of expressionism,
with the use of the ________________________ and ______________. ________________________ was a
neo-classical, modern nationalist, and a primitivist composer who adopted Hungarian folk themes to introduce
rhythms with changing __________________ and _______________________.
____________________________ was also an expressionist and a neo-classical composer. He incorporated
nationalistic elements in his music, known for his skillful handling of materials and his rhythmic inventiveness.
____________________ made use of the whole-tone scale. It also applied suggested, rather than depicted,
reality. It created a mood rather than a definite picture. It had a translucent and hazy texture; lacking a
dominant-tonic relationship. It made use of overlapping chords, with 4th, 5th, octaves, and 9th intervals,
resulting in a non-traditional harmonic order and resolution.
__________________ revealed the composer’s mind, instead of presenting an impression of the environment. It
used atonality and the twelve-tone scale, lacking stable and conventional harmonies. It served as a medium for
expressing strong emotions, such as anxiety, rage, and alienation.
________________________ was a partial return to a classical form of writing music with carefully modulated
dissonances. It made use of a freer seven-note diatonic scale.
The ________________________ style was associated with electronic music and dealt with the parameters or
dimensions of sound in space. It made use of variations of self-contained note groups to change musical
continuity, and improvisation, with an absence of traditional rules on harmony, melody, and rhythm.
________________________ is a looser form of 20th century music development focused on nationalist
composers and musical innovators who sought to combine modern techniques with folk materials
The new musical styles created by 20th century classical composers were truly unique and innovative. They
experimented with the elements of ______________, ____________, ________________, ________________,
and _____________ in daring ways never attempted before. Some even made use of electronic devices such as
synthesizers, _________________________, amplifiers, and the like to introduce and enhance sounds beyond
those available with traditional instruments. Among the
resulting new styles were _______________________ and ______________________. These expanded the
concept of music far beyond the conventions of earlier periods, and challenged both the new composers and the
listening public.
As the 20th century progressed, so did the innovations in musical styles as seen in the works of these
composers. From France, ______________________ use of new instruments and electronic resources led to his
being known as the “Father of Electronic Music” and a description of him as “The Stratospheric Colossus of
Sound.” From Germany, there was _______________________________, who further experimented with
electronic music and musique concrete. Stockhausen’s electronic sounds revealed the rich musical potential of
technology. From the United States, there was _____________________ with his truly unconventional
composition techniques. Cage’s works feature the widest array of sounds from the most inventive sources.

Claude Debussy Maurice Ravel Arnold Schoenberg Twelve-Tone Scale

Atonality Bela Bartok Meters Heavy Syncopation

Igor Stravinsky Impressionism Expressionism Neo-Classicism

Avant Garde Modern Nationalism rhythm melody

harmony tempo timbre Electronic Music

Chance Music Tape Recorders Edgard Varese’s Karlheinz Stockhausen

John Cage musique concrete Father of Electronic Music unique and innovative

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