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Dear ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters.

My name is Drs. S. Notosoejitno. I have published 5 e-books that I want to sell,

the title of which are : An anthology of Pencak Silat, Glossaries relating with Pencak
Silat in Indonesia, Monograph of 33 perguruans of Pencak Silat in Indonesia, Padepokan
Pencak Silat Indonesia, PERSILAT and Ikrar Pesilat, and Choronology of the history of
Indonesia. The reviews of each of those books and their prices is as follows :

1. An anthology of Pencak Silat.

This book explains important things around Pencak Silat, involving among others
: The Origin and Term of Pencak Silat, The History of Pencak Silat, The Values
of Pencak Silat, The Identity of Pencak Silat, The Branches of Pencak Silat, The
Spiritual Dimension of Pencak Silat, The Physical Dimension of Pencak Silat,
The Supplements of Pencak Silat, The Education, Teaching and Training of
Pencak Silat, The Aliran, Perguruan, and Pendekar of Pencak Silat, Outside
Influence into Pencak Silat, Scientific, Research, Survey and Literature of Pencak
Silat, The Organizations of Pencak Silat, Pencak Silat Competitions, Padepokan
Pencak Silat Indonesia, Challenges Against and the Future of Pencak Silat.
Various Pencak Silats disseminated and developed in Indonesia and any other
countries are consisted of 3 profiles, namely : a. the relatively genuine Pencak
Silat, included the mixture Pencak Silat between the genuine and genuine ones, b.
the mixture Pencak Silat between the genuine one with the other self-defense
system, and c. other self-defense systems, mostly Kungfu, naming themselves
Pencak Silat.
By reading this e-book you can know all things relating with Pencak Silat.
The price of this e-book is : US $ 10.

2. Glossaries relating with Pencak Silat in Indonesia.

This book contains 44 entries in Indonesian consisted of philosophy,
terminologies, predicates, institutions/organizations, names of techniques, names
of figures and any other things having relation with Pencak Silat, along with their
meaning and explanation in English, composed alphabetically to make the readers
easy to find the things to be needed.
The price of this e-book is : US $ 9.

3. Monograph of 33 perguruans of Pencak Silat in Indonesia.

In this book 33 selected and well known perguruans of Pencak Silat are explained
briefly, comprising their history, philosophy, disseminating areas and members.
Perguruan is an institution which educate, teach and train someone to
comprehend, to absorb fully and to apply the spiritual dimension of Pencak Silat
and master its physical dimension. There are perguruans which teach the same
aliran Pencak Silat and there are also perguruans which teach the combination of
various alirans variedly, either of domestic or foreign alirans.
In view of the branch of Pencak Silat to be taught, perguruans Pencak Silat can be
categorized into 4 gropus, that is the perguruan of Mental-Spiritual Pencak Silat,
the perguruan of Self-defense Pencak Silat, the perguruan of Artistic Pencak Silat
and the perguruan of Sports Pencak Silat. The perguruan of selfdefensive Pencak
Silat is the most of all, some of which teach supernatural mighty power.
In view of the way of teaching to be executed, perguruans Pencak Silat can be
categorized into 3 groups, that is traditional, modern and transitional perguruans.
The foremost difference of those perguruan groups lays on the method of
education and management. The education method of traditional perguruas is
monologue and its management method is unwritten. The education method of
modern perguruans is dialogical and its management is written and relatively
professional. The education method and the management of transitional
perguruans are combination of those both mentioned perguruans.
In conformity with the demand of social development which becomes more
rational, all of the traditional and transitional perguruans Pencak Silat will
develop and change into modern ones with professional characteristics of
management and education.
In view of the profiles of Pencak Silat to be taught, there are 3 kinds of perguruan
Pencak Silat, that is perguruans of genuine Pencak Silat, perguruans of not
genuine Pencak Silat and perguruan of mixture Pencak Silat.
The price of this e-book is : US $ 9.

4. Padepokan Pencak Silat Indonesia, PERSILAT and Ikrar Pesilat.

This book explains firstly around Padepokan Pencak Silat Indonesia, located in
Jakarta, that are assumed as the big home of Pencak Silat communities
throughout the world, secondly around PERSILAT, acronym of Persekutuan
Pencak Silat Antarabangsa of The International Pencak Silat Federation, which is
the only one Pencak Silat organization having international scale activities,
having more than 40 national Pencak Silat organizations as its members, and
thirdly about code of ethic of Pesilat or Pencak Silat conductor all over the world,
named “Ikrar Pesilat”, containing obligations that must be comprehended and put
into practice by every Pesilat.
The price of this e-book is : US $ 3.

5. Choronology of the history of Indonesia.

The name “Indonesia” was given by Adolf Sebastian, a Germany Anthropologist,

at the end of the 19th Century AD. The meaning of this name, originated from
Greece language “Indo” and “Nesos”, is an archipelago area along with its
territorial water between and surround it and air space over it, stretching on the
equator between Asia and Australia continents, and between India and Pacific
oceans. Other names similar with “Indonesia” are “Nusantara” (nusa = Islands,
antara = between) and “Dwipantara” (dwipa = islands, antara = between).
Since 17 August 1945, this archipelago area, de jure and de facto, became the area
of the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia (USRI). On sea area, USRI
borders on with 10 states, that is : India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam,
the Philippine, Palau, Papua New Geunia (PNG), Australia and Timor Leste. On
land area, USRI borders on with 3 states, that is : Malaysia, PNG and Timor
As maritime state USRI involves 17.508 islands. Its whole width is 7.7 millions
Km2, consisted of land width 1,9 millions Km2 and sea width 5,8 millions Km2.
The whole length of its seashores is 80.791 Km. Comparison between land and
sea width is 1 : 3. Natural resources in the area of USRI involve among other:
agriculture, plantation, fishery, cattle, forestry and mining, prominently petroleum
and gas mining. Because of its natural beauty and its fertile green plants, formerly
the Europeans, especially the Dutch, appreciated the Indonesian archipelago as “a
chain of emerald on equator”.
Geographic location of USRI on the cross position and on the international trade
stripe, had made the area of this state strategic in political, economic, social,
cultural, defense and security fields.
The inhabitants of USRI consists of around 300 tribes and 50 languages which are
very different one to the other. Viewed from the side of ethnic, religion, race,
language, custom, tradition and culture, the Indonesian is a diver nation. This
diversity constitutes a social and cultural fact that had been rooted in the history
of Indonesia. It is also one of the unique characteristic of the Indonesian. But in
this diversity, all elements of the Indonesian always in firm, strong and intact
union and unity. It is conformed with the slogan : “bhinneka tunggal ika” ,
meaning unity in diversity.Because of that diversity, the Indonesian has various
cultural wealth, among other in the form of various handicraft and arts, such as the
arts of dance, self-defense, voice, music, chisel, carve, painting and calligraphy.
In the year 2010 the inhabitant amount of USRI was around 238 million people,
60 % thereof lived in the island of Java, and 75 % thereof have livelihood in
agriculture fields, involving farming, plantation, cattle, and fishery.
This book explains history of Indonesia in a very brief descriptions and is
dedicated for they who have not enough time to read because of their daily stir. It
is hoped that by reading this book they will have a sympathetic and friendly
assumption to Indonesia and its people. This thing in turn can create world peace
based on inter-understanding attitude.
The price of this e-book is : US $ 6.

They who want to buy those e-books could contact my e-mail, and then send your
money according to the price of the respective e-book(s) to my bank, Bank Mandiri, in
the name of Drs. S. Notosoejitno, account number 119-00-0464417-3. After I have
received your sending money at my bank, I will open the key (passwords) of the e-
book(s) for you in order that you can copy the e-book(s) that you buy. Buying the whole
e-books all at once will get 10% discount, meaning US $ 33.86.

Thanks for your kind attention.

Sincerely yours,

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