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PARGEM >ragmor@live.

com< G V HARRIS Date: 5/12/08 V0103PROHECY-C

There are many today who decry the study of prophecy. I have
encountered this reaction to the teaching of prophecy to such an extent that I want, the Lord helping
me, to set forth some of the Scriptural reasons for studying and preaching prophecy.
It would seem to me that the first reason would be apparent to every student and
minister of the Word. In Matthew 4:4 our Lord, in response to the first temptation, tells Satan that
man is to live by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. That includes all of the
prophets and prophecies of the Old Testament, as well as those of the New Testament, including the
book of Revelation.
It is interesting to hear men talk and preach on the subject of the church when our
Lord, as far as the record goes, just mentioned the church twice during his earthly ministry--in
Matthew 16 and Matthew 18. He didn't mention it in Mark, Luke or John, but all through these four
books He spoke repeatedly of His second coming; and these same preachers refuse to accept, believe
or teach about His muchly publicized return. Others preach continually on baptism, cooperation,
tithing which are well and good in their place but seldom mentioned or referred to by the Lord,
whereas practically everything that is said throughout the whole of the New Testament points to and
emphasizes the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom.
The second reason for the study of prophecy is manifest in Paul's two epistles to the Thessalonians. In
I Thess. 1:7 we learn that the church at Thessalonica was the model church. In verses 9 and 10 this
model church did three things: (a) they turned to God from idols, (b) they served the living and true
God, and (c) they waited for His Son from Heaven, (second coming). In II Thess. 2 we find that
during the three weeks' ministry Paul had with this church he spoke of the day of the Lord, he preached
on the anti-Christ, and he preached on the great apostasy which would precede the second coming. In
Thess. 4:13-19 he preached on the rapture--the resurrection of the dead and the translation of the
living. In the fifth chapter he preached on rewards to be given out at our Lord's return.
A third reason for the study of prophecy is that one may be able to discern false spirits (I John 4:1-3).
If anyone does not believe and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, he is of the spirit of
antichrist (how can one know about antichrist apart from prophecy?). II John 7: if one does not
believe that

Jesus Christ is coming back in the flesh, that one, too, is of the antichrist. I wonder how many
ministers there are standing in the pulpits today, trying to preach the Word, who in reality are the spirit
of antichrist because they don't believe Jesus Christ is coming back in the flesh.

Another reason for studying prophecy: II Peter 1:19—whereas we learn that prophecy is THE LAMP
which the Lord has given us as a guide in this time of darkness in which we live. Anyone attempting to
go through his Christian life without a knowledge of prophecy may be compared to an individual
tearing down the highway at night in an automobile at sixty miles an hour without any lights.
Another reason for the study of prophecy is to be found in I John 3:1-3, in which we are told that
hope in things surrounding the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is a purifying agent for any and all who
are looking for His coming, and this cannot be done without a knowledge of prophecy.
A further reason for studying prophecy is that according to Hebrews 5:10 through 6:12, prophecy is
revealed as the meat of the Word, and the Lord desires that babes in Christ get off the milk of the
Gospel after they are saved and get on into the meat of prophecy that they might grow into manhood.
Another reason -- and to me this might well be considered the primary reason -- is that only through
the study of prophecy can we know the approximate period of our Lord's return and in truth watch for
His appearing. Again and again our Lord admonished His followers to watch and be ready at the time
of His return. In this way we would not lose our reward; in this way we would enter into the full
realization of the things that the Lord has prepared for those who love Him and long for His return.
When one says he is not interested in the Lord's return he is proclaiming that he has little interest in
the Lord. When one says he doesn't believe in the Lord's return he is denying the Word of God. The
Apostle Paul, a great example for a minister to follow, preached salvation by grace and rewards on the
basis of works, such works to be carried on diligently in the light of our Lord's soon return. One
cannot go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and leave out half of the good
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth" (II Tim. 2:15). "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of
God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (II Tim.3:16,17).
The above quoted Scriptures are entirely meaningless to any teacher or minister of the Word who
does not study, teach and preach prophecy; and such a one standing in the presence of the Lord at the
judgment seat of Christ cannot say with the Apostle Paul "For I have not shunned to declare unto you
all the counsel
of God" (Acts 20:27). I am reminded of what a great Methodist said on one occasion when, in
referring to the dearth of prophetic teaching and preaching, he said, "Anyone who doesn't teach and
preach the second coming of Christ is either a coward or an ignoramus."


G V Harris 2526 Cedarton Court Chattanooga Tn 37421 <rague@gmail.com>


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