Soal PAS BHS. ING Kls 3 - Genap 2019

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My sister is 22 years old

SD HAFIDZ AL-QUR’AN a. Twelve b. Twenty two c. Twenty d. Forty two
Alamat: Dsn. Gempol Sampurno RT. 03 RW. 04 Porong Sidoarjo
Website:, Telp: 085230800767, 081515481123
6. My………………………….is 72 years old
SOAL PENILAIAN AKHIR SEMESTER GENAP a. brother b. grandmother c. grand father d. mother
7. The horse is brown
Nama :.......................................... Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
a. Kuning b. Biru c. Coklat d. Putih
Nomor :.......................................... Hari : Selasa
Kelas : III (Tiga) Tanggal : 21 Mei 2019 8. My brother is seven teen years old. He is a magician
a. 27 tahun b. 17 tahun c. 20 tahun d. 30 tahun
A. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini dengan dengan memberi tanda silang ( X )
pada jawaban yang paling benar! 9. My father is forty five years old. He is a magician
a. Pesulap b. Polisi c. Pelukis d. Presiden

1. ………………. is Teacher 10. What is the color of the sky?

a. You b. I am c. She d. He the color of the sky is ………………………
a. Black b. Red c. Blue d. Green
2. My mother is 40 years old.
a. Twenty b. Thirty c. Forty d. Fifty 11. What is the color of ………………………?
the color is yellow
a. Grape b. Banana c. Carrot d. Apple
3. He is …………………………
12. What is the color of carrot?
a. Doctor b. Magician c. singer d. Police man
the color of the sky is ………………………
a. Pink b. White c. Grey d. Orange
13. What is the color of catton?
4. She is …………………………
the color of catton is ………………………
a. Nurse b. Housewife c. Painter d. President
a. White b. Brown c. Purple d. Grey
14. What is that?
B. Lengkapilah teks yang kososng dibawah ini dengan pilihan jawaban yang
that is a ………………………
a. Sheep b. Horse c. Cow d. Elephant
1. ………………………... is very dangerous and poisonous - basketball player
15. What is that? 2. The color of butterfly is …………………..………. - banana
that is a ………………………
3. A penguin has two wings but it …………………….. - half past four
a. Penguin b. Dog c. Duck d. Chicken
4. My brother is 15 years old, he is …………………. - thursday
16. What is that?
5. The color of grass is …………………….. - stripes
that is a ………………………
6. The color of ………………………. is yellow - pink
a. Fish b. Pig c. Bird d. Mouse
7. …………………….….. has four legs and one trunk - cannot fly
17. A snake is very dangerous and poisonous.
a. Berbisa b. Berbahaya c. Panjang d. Buas 8. What time is it? It is ……………………… - green

18. Seekor Gajah memiliki empat kaki dan satu belalai. 9. The day after Wednesday was ………………………. - a snake
a. Trunk b. Legs c. Wings d. Stripes
10. Seekor Zebra memiliki belang berwarna hitam dan putih - an elephant
19. Jennifer : What can a bird do?
Kata yang bergaris bawah dalam bahasa inggris adalah ……
Mita : A bird can ……………. in the sky
C. Terjemahkan kata-kata berikut ini ke dalam Bahasa Inggris!
a. Run b. Swim c. Fly d. Walk
20. A cat and a horse can walk and run.
a. Berjalan dan berenang 2
b. Berjalan dan berlari
c. Berlari dan terbang 3
d. Berenang dan berlari


1. S_______ 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

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