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“Role of HR in Event Management”
Submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of

Bachelor of Business Administration

Session 2016-19

Supervised By External Guide Supervised By Internal Guide

Name: Iman Roy Name:GAUTAM GHOSH
Designation: Manager Designation: Professor
Department: Human Resource Department:

Submitted by
Afnan Alam
Roll No 172104296588
Enrollment No KU1601551/2016

BBA V SEM 2018



I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the Summer Training work
entitled Role of HR in Event Management, is based my own work carried out during the
course of my study under the supervision of Iman Roy.

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project
work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report
does not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any
other degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.

(Signature of the Candidate)

Name: Afnan Alam
Roll No.: 172104296588
Enrollment No.:KU1601551/2016

Certificate by Organization

Note: In this page you have to put the certificate received from the organization.


This to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of the project work
entitled Role of HR in Event Management carried out by Afnan Alam bearing Roll No.:
172104296588 & Enrollment No.: KU1601551/2016 carried by under my guidance and
supervision for the award of Degree in Bachelors of Business Administration of Kolhan
University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand, India.
To the best of the my knowledge the report
i) Embodies the work of the candidate himself,
ii) Has duly been completed,
iii) Fulfils the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BBA degree of the
University and
iv) Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.

(Signature of the Guide)

Designation: Professor
Name & Address of the Institute: Netaji Subhas Institute of Business Management

The project work as mentioned above is hereby being recommended and forwarded for
examination and evaluation.


This is to certify that the project entitled

Role of HR in Event Management
Submitted by Afnan Alam

Afnan Alam, Roll No.: 172104296588 Enrollment No.: KU1601551/2016

Has been examined by the undersigned as apart of the examination for the award of Bachelor of
Business Administration degree of Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand.

Name & Signature of Name & Signature of

Internal Examiner External Examiner
Date: Date:

Forwarded by

Academic Head
Department of Management


First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Kolhan University for
having projects as a part of the BBA curriculum.

Many people have influenced the shape and content of this project, and many
supported me through it. I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Gautam Ghosh for assigning
me a project on Event Management, which is an interesting and exhaustive subject.

Secondly, I would like to thank Mr. Iman Roy for being so supportive throughout my
internship program. Not only he has taught me so many things regarding the conduction of an
event but also made me a part of the team. I would always be thankful to him for teaching me
so much.
He has been an inspiration and role model for this topic. His guidance and active
support has made it possible to complete the assignment.
Last but not the least I would like to thank the Almighty for always helping me

(Signature of the student)

Name: Afnan Alam
Roll. No: 172104296588
BBA 5th Semester


This project is undertaken to fulfill the project work component of the BBA program

in the V Semester. My project guide from Netaji Subhas Institute of Business Management is

Prof. Gautam Ghosh.

This project gives an idea about what are the things that should be taken in

consideration while handling an event. This report also covers some sort of challenges that are

faced by an event manager.

This project specifically talks about Glam Hunt South India Bangalore Beauty

Peagant, Holi 2K18, and various such corporate events featuring Hotel Taj by Vivanta,

Chancery Pavellion, The Grand Mercure, etc.

This project consist of various task assigned to me by my mentor throughout various


Table of Content

Chapter No. Title Page No.

I Introduction 1-6

1.1 Objective of the Study 2

1.2 Event Management 4

1.3 Event Management as an Industry 5

II Company’s Profile 7-22

2.1 Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. 8

2.2 SWOT Analysis 12

2.3 Role of HR in Event Management 13


2.4 Event Management Process 14

2.4 Responsibilities of HR 20

III Methodology 23-40

3.1 Methodology 24

3.2 Limitations of The Study 26

3.3 Questionnaire 27

3.4 Analysis 31

IV Results and Discussions 41-45

4.1 Work Finding 42

4.2 Recommendations 44

V Conclusions & Scope of Further Work 46-48

5.1 Conclusion 47

5.2 Bibliography 48

Chapter – I

The report is prepared on the basis of six weeks practical experience at Brewed Bros
Pvt. Ltd that helps a lot to learn about the practical situation of an Event Management Firm
and implement theoretical knowledge in to practical and realistic work environment. They
have in the business for not very long but they intend to.

We at Brewed Bros believe that every well known successful organization started
from scratch and become a giant. So similarly we also have equal opportunities to do so. All
we require is hard work and equally concentrated efforts.

Event management, the very topic looks challenging. A concept which gained
importance in India only after the late 90’s. Commitment, leadership and mental & physical
devotion are the core factors needed to manage any type of event. Irrespective of the type or
the scale of the event, the mental and physical hard work that is to be put in, differs by only a
negligible degree of difference.

This terminology is comparatively very new to India, though Indians have been
arranging for wedding ceremonies, naming & threading ceremonies even much before
independence. But due to the lack of proper forecasting, proper material handling they used to
end up in problems like wastage of the food, shortage of food, smaller premises, accidents,


This study is aimed at providing me invaluable practical knowledge with the consideration of
my theoretical knowledge I had gain from BBA Program at Netaji Subhas Institute of
Business management. It will also help me to develop my concept Event Management and it

The objectives are:

I. To make a bridge between the theories and practical procedures in a real life situation.
II. To understand the terms that has been taught during my BBA period at the University
in a real life situation.

III. To present my observation and suggestions to the organization and to increase

IV. To analyze and understand the Customer minds towards the company’s services.
V. To study the behavior of Human Resources in an organization
VI. To study the different problems faced by an HR manager

“The use of unconventional media / method involving people witnessing a happening within a
capsule of time, for the purpose of communication of a message”

An event is a live multimedia package carried out with preconceived concept,

customized or modified to achieve the clients’ objectives of reaching out and suitably
influencing the sharply defined, specially gathered target audience by providing at complete
experience and an avenue for two way interaction.

The term "management" characterizes the process of and the personnel leading and
directing all or part of an organization through the deployment and manipulation of resources
(human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible).
Event management is the application of the management science of project
management to the creation and development of festivals and events.

Event Management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the
target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics, coordinating the technical
aspects before getting down to actually executing the modalities of the proposed event.

The recent growth of festivals and events as an industry around the world means that
the management can no longer be ad hoc. Events and festivals, such as the Asian Games or
the Dubai Shopping Festival, have a large impact on their communities and, in some cases,
the whole country.

The industry now includes events of all sizes from the Olympics down to a breakfast
meeting for ten business people. Every industry, charity, society and group will hold events of
some type/size in order to market themselves raise money or celebrate.


‘Event management’ is catching the attention of companies and graduates alike. It

does not have a textbook definition and to try and define it would mean to borrow heavily
from mainstream management and media concepts. It usually consists of conceptualization,
planning, budgeting, and execution of below-the-line activities such as exhibitions, stage
shows, fashion or rock shows, music concerts, celebrity appearances, fashion or charity
shows, conferences, weddings, product or brand launches, and sports shows to name few.

Events begin where the glamour ends. EM is the most intimate form of marketing. It is
a controlled activity aimed at the target audience. Events have always been there. In the past
meeting, organizing and project planning were the form of event management as a profession.
Today it is much more professional and more organized a sector than, a decade ago. Event
management was started, the moment multinationals started pouring in, when our markets
liberalized in the 80s. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when event management broke away
from mainstream course and started carving a niche for itself in the industry. Maybe it was
around 1996 that it rapidly gained importance as a professionally managed niche of

Companies realize that through events they can reach out to customers more closely,
more intimately and it is cheaper than mainstream or conventional forms of communication,
say television or print. It can be called as 'experiential marketing', or niche marketing, where
the environment is controlled to suit the needs of the product or

The show being showcased and the output being far tangible that that of the conventional
media. An event is a niche communication medium that allows companies to reach their target
audience directly with tangible outcomes, which are not possible through conventional forms
of advertisement. Through events, we can select and reach out directly to our target audience,
we can control our budgets and at the end of the event tangibly analyze if the event was a
success or not. This is quite difficult, in mainstream communications, where the results are
intangible and we are not sure who is seeing it and whom the communication reaches out to.

Meaning of Event Manager

The Event Manager is the person who plans and executes the event. Event managers
and their teams are often behind-the-scenes running the event. Event managers may also be
involved in more than just the planning and execution of the event, but also brand building,
marketing and communication strategy. The event manager is experts at the creative,
technical and logistical elements that help an event succeed. This includes event design,
audiovisual production, scriptwriting, logistics, budgeting, negotiation and, of course, client
service. It is a multidimensional profession.

There are an increasing number of universities which offer Graduate Degree/ Diploma
in Event Management, especially in cities like Bangalore where they have been quick to catch
on to the new interest and many are now offering certificate, diploma, degree and masters

Chapter – II
Company’s Profile


Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd is a deals, coupons, and event management firm based in
Bangalore, that was created by pairing together our passion for Food and Beverages Industry
and Casual and Corporate events. We bring a fresh, unique approach to the event
management industry. We are strategic event management partners. We understand that a
properly executed event can be leveraged to support an organization’s strategic vision,
incorporated into a company’s marketing plan, or used to build networks and client loyalty.

Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. is in the business of creating experiences and our staunch belief
is that an event may be forgotten, but an experience will last a lifetime. Our team is dedicated
to making every celebration reflect the host’s personality, taste, style and budget. Our
experience and personal touch ensure a seamless and cohesive party, whether it is a private
gathering for family and friends or a corporate affair for 2500. We work with you every step
of the way, starting with initial concept design and budget planning, to deliver a party that is
guaranteed to exceed your expectations, creating lasting memories for you and your guests.

Our events are custom-designed to create a platform for Brand Communication and
positioning, hence we strongly believe in Creating Experiences that helps Brands, Businesses
and Customers in more than one way.

With the singular belief that entertainment and events have the potential to redefine
every industry, we are working to establish ourselves in the market. Brewed Bros is a
platform for discovering, booking & organizing all events & activities at one place.

At its core we are a service provider company. Scale and reach is backed by service
rendering that are constantly evolving. Our team works in tandem with the business team to
deliver what work for our customers and merchants.
Being a part of the team is a constant adventure. Work is play, a motto that we truly live by.
Respect, Ownership, Performance are not only the values we believe in, but are practices that
every person lives by. We thrive on dreaming big, and working hard to own the outcome. The

performance is reward with frequent and rapid growth. We believe in rewarding performers,
and 80% of our leadership is home grown.

We are a bunch of young, diverse and talented people. While we take our work very
seriously, we also make sure we have a blast while we are at it. It’s because we have some
incredible people here - people who love every bit of what they do and have found the place
where they truly belong.

In our world, everyone has a seat at the table, and everyone’s voice counts because
great ideas can come from anywhere. Uniquely harnessing the power of the social media, we
have created a smarter way to discover and share information regarding events. We are the
connecting bridge between users who are looking for events and event promoters who are in
search of their audience. There’s always a bigger picture. All facets of event marketing needs
to be understood and we cover the gamut.


To be a leader in Event Management and Coupons and deals Industry


To reach global audience through Brand activation, interactive and event-led brand
platforms, films, television and innovative media.


Creativity, Trust, Quality, Responsiveness, Ethics and Morals.


The organization not only deals with large organization but also deals with not so big
brands and helps in establishing them in the market through brand building via strategically
organizing events to provide maximum exposure to the new brands in the market. Not only
this but, the firm also managed informal events such as wedding and other similar events. The
small scale to medium scale events helps them establish themselves in the market as well as

they get a ground for self promotion. All above this they do earn a wholesome profit from
these events.

We represent your interests to the vendors, keeping you out of the complex and time
consuming tasks that must be completed. We establish a pathway to achieve the event you
desire, within the budget you require. Regardless of our level of assistance, as our client, you
will remain in control of the overall decision making process.

The organization is good at managing product launch and organizing small to medium
scaled business events. Set the constant innovation as our key for achieving the ultimate goal
of success and emerge as a global company by providing the superior quality services and
solutions. Whether designing weddings, milestone celebrations, corporate events, galas or
charitable functions, our unmatched creativity and precision in event planning will give you a
truly meaningful, memorable and magical experience.

Our main motive is to deliver the work provided with higher efficiency as well as to deliver
qualitative as well as proficient work. Our mission is to enhance the wealth generating
capability of the enterprise in a globalizing environment by exhibiting our efficiency and
adopting the innovative “more-than-enough” methodology in our work. We believe in
qualitative working and fond of exaggerating our knowledge boundaries by working on
advance and new technologies in order to be a full enhanced package.

Our goal is simple: We want your group to experience the best possible event; while securing
the best available rate; without the hassle and frustration you would encounter by planning it
all on your own!

We continue to build our reputation and strive towards becoming an industry leader: a goal
we aim to accomplish by maintaining our integrity; by consistently providing quality client
care and by investing in the development of our people and our systems in order to sustain
short-term & long-term growth and profitability.

Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. is an excellent company led by strong and dedicated people. I have
witnessed and observed management that has an ideal vision of the company and always goes
the extra mile to reach goals. The employees were always willing to take time out of their
busy schedules to walk me through things and show me the ropes, which helped me learn this

field of work more than I can explain. With all of that in mind, this is why I am very fortunate
to have done my internship at Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. And if possible I would like to begin my
career as an event manager from this organization only. So I would have an opportunity to use
my skills and knowledge that I have accumulated within this time period. I will get to apply
my management skills in this field and this is something I have wished for. So working in this
organization could bring about the career development and future prospects for myself.

SWOT Analysis

The description below analyses Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. internal strengths, weaknesses,
external opportunities and threats. This has been prepared based on their performance since
their existence with regards to what I have observed in the following days.

Strengths Weakness

 Experienced and motivated

team.  Lack of sufficient financing
 Efficient tools for for the event.
promotions.  New in the market.
 Flexibility  Dependency on volunteers
 Strong relationship with the for the events.
complimentary service
 Difficulty in managing
Offline sales.

Opportunities Threats

 Strong competition.
 Favorable economic
conditions.  Lack of revenues can
 Motivated employees attract demoralize the employees.
a lot of clients.  Volunteers may or may not
 Having a proper online give 100% commitment.
influence makes it possible
to have an impact on the

Role of HR in Event Management Industry

Human resources play a crucial role in the planning of an event or conference, no matter how
big or small the attendance is.

This specific department is the go-to team for organization and support on a number of
elements that all contribute to the smooth-running and success of an event.

Many debate the importance of budgeting for a dedicated HR team when it comes to an event,
they assume it’s a job that can be managed by one person or responsibilities can be delegated
throughout other departments – but that simply isn’t how it works.

We at events management company have been responsible for the management of a number of
successful events throughout the India and from our years of experience, we absolutely value
the need for dedicated HR before, during and after events have taken place.

For example, let’s imagine that you work for a conference centre that has admin, sales,
marketing and an events team all on site.

It’s the HR professional’s responsibility to ensure that all of the named departments have the
right support, training and facilities needed to perform in a safe environment which all
contribute to the smooth-running of an event, especially in the initial stages which are often so

Event Manager

An event manager is in charge of planning, organizing, and executing all types and sizes of
events, like musical concerts, food festivals, and conventions. You'll meet with clients to
assess their needs and determine the purpose of the event. After setting an objective, you'll
meet with organizers, vendors, and other event specialists to develop an agenda. Financial
management is also an important component of this career; an event manager must work
within budgetary constraints set by the client.

Task of an event manager

During the process of event management, the manager is required to focus on some factors
that would help them to carry out the process affectively. In planning of the event, the entire
process needs to be followed in an organized manner.


There are 2 stages of event management process namely, Event planning and Event control.

1. Event Planning
To plan an event we must consider the following areas of an event, i.e. feasibility, promotion,
site choice/design, staging, shutdown, site map, event proposal.

2. Event Control
To control an event we must look on the following areas logistics, negotiations, costing &
cash flow, event manual, I.T., decision making and change, risk management.

1. Planning The Event

A significant part of event project management is the planning. It is a process of mentally
fitting all the components together. It includes foreseeing any problems and solutions.
However, to see all the problems is impossibility.

It is more realistic to regard event planning as a method of reducing the number of problems.

In this sense the aim of event planning is to plan all the tasks that can be planned so that
changes and unforeseen problems can be dealt with in a focused way. Although most aspects
of the event can be organized, the fluidity of event preparation means there is always the

Feasibility Study

A major element in a feasibility study is to provide a choice of various models for the event
and discuss the implication of these models.

 Setting out the aims of the study

 Choice of time and place
o Factors in Site Choice
o Draft of Suggested Places
o Factors in the Choice of Date
 Logistics
o Sourcing
o Transport
 Costing
 Revenue
o Ticket scaling
o Ticket distribution
o Funding sources - sponsorship, foundations, grants
 Event Content
 Event Options or Models
 Comparison of Event Models

 Administration including contracting and organization structure

 Risk issues -including possible insurance
 Assessment of similar events
 Recommended Option

Event Promotion

As with all areas of event management, event promotion must be dynamic and able to respond
to opportunities as they arise. Other areas of the event planning should also be able to respond
to the unforeseen products of promotion. A good bit of PR can result in a surge of interest in
the event and the event company needs to be able turn the response to the advantage of the

The promotion schedule is only a tool to assist the planning of the event - not the
event's master.

Tools of Promotion

o Advertising
o Public Relations
o Direct marketing
o Word of mouth


The staging of an event involves bringing together all the event elements around a theme. It is
where the 'action' takes place at an event - where the audience looks. Staging is the heart of
event management- it is basically the 'show'. All other aspects of event management surround


Event control is how the steps are implemented in the correct order fort the event to be
successfully completed. It consists of various steps. They are given below:


Logistics is both a science and an art. It is also a convenient way of classifying an aspect of
event management.
In logistics the areas of importance to the events are supply, transport, linking, flow control,
and information network.


 Event coordinator mobiles

 Emergency Services - police/ambulance/fire numbers
 Lost children procedure
 Lost property
 Headquarters - where and when open
 Police - where on site
 First Aid - where on site
 'On the Day' Event Contact List (one page)
 Road and Traffic Authority
 Venue Management

Risk Identification

Part of the knowledge gained by event experience is the ability to identify risks. The
managers should be aware about the problems that could arise before or during the event.
They should be able to identify problems before they take the form of crisis. Brainstorming is
a common method of identifying risk. The brainstorming meeting can apply itself to the
whole event or to particular sections.

Prepare a blue print

It may be useful to prepare a blueprint which outlines your project timelines and the people
responsible for tasks. This will help keep track of your progress. This will let the concerned
individual track what next step has to be taken or the sequence of jobs to be done. This will
help the management track the status of the jobs to be done. By this it could be made sure that
no important job or task is left undone or something that could cause chaos during the event.

Monitor event progress

The Event Coordinators role is to monitor the teams progress against milestones and ensure
the event runs smoothly. Regular meeting dates for progress reports are advisable, to keep
members feeling connected with each other, report on progress or problems, and map out next
steps for the project and address contingencies.

Event delivery
Event delivery day requires a clear understanding at the event of each member’s
responsibilities. It’s good to have back up plans in case of changes. A script sheet for the day
distributed to all involved is an excellent guide for a smooth event. It also provides context for
an individuals tasks. Information on this schedule should include person, task, timing, those
involved, location and contact information to reach the relevant people. All activities, no
matter how small, should be included in the script (greetings at the door, set microphone up
and test, present gifts). Throughout the planning and event delivery stages, it is important to
keep records of all activities, promotional material, media coverage, transactions and
sponsorship agreements.

Post event
Although the event is over, a number of wrap up tasks still need to be done.
These include:
 Obtain feedback from participants.
 Thank and recognize all involved in the event including volunteers, sponsors,
 Media and participant
 Send out event reports to all sponsors and key organizations
 Ensure records are kept in a central place for running the event in the future

Responsibilities of HR

Work Allocation
Many assume that the event management team will allocate the work, but human resources
often work very closely with coordinators to ensure that:

 The budgets allocated for third party involvement aren’t exceeded

 Departments are aware of their objectives leading up to the event

 Tasks are allocated to the right employees

Not to take any credit away from event organizers, but without HR staff, the smooth running of
an event before, during and after is never 100% guaranteed – which is why experience always
pays off.

It doesn’t matter if the event involves 50 members of staff or 500; the HR department have to
make sure they work together with other relevant figures to ensure that performance levels are
managed correctly.
HR professionals therefore have to work closely with an internal finance department or third-
party to monitor that employees are being paid the amounts they’ve been quoted.

For permanent employees of a company, rewards are often used as a way of acknowledging
and thanking team members for their hard work. Human resources are counted on for creating
the right prizes for the right departments, using their judgments based on employee interests.

Time Keeping
Often events are allocated a very strict time allowance, depending on the venue or the nature of
the gathering.

This means that schedules and patterns are created for employees to make it clear where they
need to be and the tasks to be carried out at given times.

In order for this to be a successful process, labour laws have to be adhered to which includes:

 The limitation of hours that employees are allowed to work

 Any overtime requirements for staff members

If hours are not correctly delegated and regulated, the company in charge of the event could
face legal action either

a.) Working employees for too long or

b.) Not giving them the appropriate compensation

Managing Performance & Expectations

We touched upon it very briefly in the last section, but managing both the performance and
expectations of employees is crucial to a winning event.

It doesn’t matter if the event involves 50 members of staff or 500; the HR department have to
make sure they work together with other relevant figures to ensure that performance levels are
managed correctly.

Talent is the lifeblood of every organization.

In order for a lighting technician to improve upon setting up times or to ensure that the head of
catering is properly managing their team, performance needs to be monitored realistic
expectations need to be set.

HR professionals are the ones that plan and maintain performance management along with
working closely with employees and their authorities to create expectations that are
challenging and that will help them to further their skill sets and enhance their experience
within the events industry.

HR management software is fast becoming one of the most popular ways of managing the
performance of employees, setting new goals, managing employee leave and much more.

Payment & Rewards

Although research by the Harvard Business Review states that the majority of employees are
money driven, ensuring that employees or contract workers are paid fairly for the work they
produce at events is important for a number of reasons.

The reputation of the event, the company associated and the reputation of sponsors could be
tainted if employees aren’t paid on time or with the correct amount.

The association between salary and job satisfaction is very weak.

HR professionals therefore have to work closely with an internal finance department or third-
party to monitor that employees are being paid the amounts they’ve been quoted.

For permanent employees of a company, rewards are often used as a way of acknowledging
and thanking team members for their hard work.

Human resources are counted on for creating the right prizes for the right departments, using
their judgment based on employee interests.


Chapter – III

For every research, few assumptions will have to be made. The assumptions are made with
the respect to the respondent’s, organization, market and its conditions hoping that the result
will be as that of the presented objectives.
Collection of data through personal interview with structured questionnaire is easy and

Research Methodology

 A questionnaire was prepared to systematically collect data.

 Survey has been done by asking questions from employees of Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd.
 The question was asked in one to one interview with each of the respondents.
 Responses of the concerned persons had been thoroughly analyzed.
 Conclusions had been arrived at using the response of the concerned persons and
not on questionnaire alone.

Sampling procedure
A total of 15 respondents from Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd, are taken as sample for the present
study. The sampling procedure used in this study is non probability sampling namely
convenience sampling. Convenience sampling technique is used because it is the least
expensive and least time consuming of all sampling techniques and sampling units are easily
In this context the questionnaire was not a fully fledged one and was made with an intention
of getting the main information as employees don’t have that much time to spare and also a
long questionnaire may irritate them. So the questionnaire used in my research was really
crisp and was aimed at getting the required information in the least time, also the
questionnaire was used for primary purpose only.

Research Design
Research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study. A
research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of the data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to their search purpose with economy in procedure.
Research design is broadly classified into three types as:
 Exploratory Researeh Design
 Descriptive Research Design
 Causal Research Design

Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describes the
characteristics of particular individual. In descriptive as well as in diagnostic studies, the
researcher must be able to define clearly, what he wants to measure and must find adequate
methods for measuring it along with a clear cut definition of population he want to study.
Since the aim is to obtain complete and accurate information in the said studies. The
procedure to be used must be carefully planned. The research design must make enough
provision for protection against bias and must maximize reliability, with due concern for the
economical completion of the research study.

A Sample Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to
the technique to the procedure adopted in selecting items for the sampling designs.

The sample size has been 15 employees. Conclusions had been arrived at using the response
of the questionnaire.
Data Collection Method
Primary Data: Primary data means data that are collected by different techniques
like questionnaire, Depth interview, Survey. Schedules, etc.
In this project primary data has been collected by the means of questionnaire.

Secondary Data: Secondary data means data that arc already available i.e.: they refer to the
data which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. Usually published data
are available in: Various publications of the central, State/local governments or foreign
governments, technical and trade journals etc. The secondary data involved in this project has
been gathered from the medical journals, literatures and internet.

Limitations of the Study

In course of my internship I have faced many problems that may be termed as the limitations
of the study. These were:
1. Could not spend sufficient time required to make an in-depth study on such an important
subject because of time constraint.
2. To get the actual information have been very difficult
3. Sufficient records, publications were not available and some questions were avoided or not
exactly answered by the respondents may be because of lack of clear idea.
4. Although everyone have tried their best to help me, their nature of job is such that gives
them little time to discuss.
7. Secondary sources of data relating to Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. are very limited as sufficient
books, publications and journals were not available.
Despite all these limitations, I have given the best of my efforts and tried to make the report as
informative and comprehensive as possible.

1. The organization’s human resource requirements are systematically ascertained and an
appropriate plan is formulated for satisfying the requirements

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Disagree

2. Please indicate the type of employee contract preferred by your organization





3. The organization encourages employees to suggest product/process improvement

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree

4. Our performance goals are set at realistic levels.

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree

5. Our organization places the right person in the right job.

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree

6. We are being paid adequately for the work we do.

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
7. We are often asked by our supervisors to participate in decision making.

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree

8. Our organization makes all payments due to us in time.

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree

9. Continuous efforts are made in our organization to create a sense of belonging among

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree

10. The organization conducts exit interviews.

Strongly Agree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Disagree

1. The organization’s human resource requirements are systematically ascertained and an
appropriate plan is formulated for satisfying the requirements.

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 8
2 Agree 2
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2
4 Disagree 3
5 Strongly Disagree 0

Neither Agree
Nor Strongly
Disagre Agree
e 13% 54%


Analysis: The above question was asked by the employees of Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. As the
above graph shows that 54% of the employees strongly agreed that human resource are hired
as per the needs and requirements. The organization neither has lack of human resource nor
have idle workforce. The hiring are done only when permanent employees are needed.

2. Please indicate the type of employee contract preferred by your organization

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Permanent 6
2 Contractual 5
3 Temporary 1
4 Part-time 3

20% Permane
Temporar nt
y 40%


Analysis: The above question was asked by the employees of Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. As the
above graph shows that around 40% workforce is permanent employees whereas 33% is on
contractual basis. Having contractual employees is good for the organization as they are cost
effective. Part time employyes consist of 20% which include freelancers and students who
want to earn some extra money. Temporary workforce is hired when experts are needed for a
specific event.

3. The organization encourages employees to suggest process improvement

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 9
2 Agree 3
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 0
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly Disagree 1


Neither Agree Disagre

Nor e
Disagre 13%
e 0%
Agre Strongly
e Agree
20% 60%

Analysis: The above graph shows that out of 15 employees, 9 told that they are asked for
suggestion regarding various process developments. This accounts for 60% of employees.
This means that the management is not just control oriented and asks for suggestions from the
employees. This could be a sign of a good management of the firm.

4. Our performance goals are set at realistic levels.

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 4
2 Agree 5
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3
4 Disagree 1
5 Strongly Disagree 2

8% Strongly
Neither Agree Agree
Nor 31%
e 23%


Analysis: For this question, the response were rather mixed. But it was to be noted that 9 out
of 15 were on the positive side whereas just 3 were on the negative. 3 of them were neutral
and cant come up with an answer. So from a wide viewpoint I would say that majority of
population was on the positive side. They agreed that the organization has realistic goals and
objective that they could achieve in the desired period of time.

5. Our organization places the right person in the right job.

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 6
2 Agree 2
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly Disagree 2

Disagre 13 Strongly
e % Agree
13% 40%

Neither Agree
e 20% Agre

Analysis: For this question 8 out of 15 employees agreed that the employees were placed at
the right place where their efficiency lies and can be utilized for the benefits of the firm.
Having proper employee at core jobs can be highly beneficial for the firm. But still there is a
scope to improve this and those who have not agreed for this should be asked for suggestions
regarding the correct placements for the employees.

6. We are being paid adequately for the work we do.

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 3
2 Agree 4
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3
4 Disagree 4
5 Strongly Disagree 1

Disagre 20%

Neither Agree
Nor 27%
e 20%

Analysis: For this question I got rather a mixed response from the employees. 20% strongly
Agreed whereas 27% just agreed that they were being paid adequately for the job. On the
other hand 5 out of 15 disagreed and told that they were not being paid adequately for the job.
This is rather a big problem for the firm as the thought of not being paid enough could be a
major reason for employee dissatisfaction and could result in higher employee turnover. Lack
of payment can also demotivate the employees and their efficiency and effectiveness could be

7. We are often asked by our supervisors to participate in decision making.

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 8
2 Agree 2
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 3
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly Disagree 0

Neither Agree
Disagre Strongly
e 20% Agree


Analysis: When this question was asked the response were good and positive. They told me
that the seniors were including the sub-ordinates in decision making process and their advices
and suggestions are kept on the table before making decisions regarding various services. This
is a positive sign for the core management team as this process makes the employees feel like
a part of the firm and highly motivates the employees to perform for the firm. This should be
kept in mind that only 2 individuals disagreed and the reason for this should be found out and
corrective measures to be taken.

8. Our organization makes all payments due to us in time.

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 6
2 Agree 7
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 1
4 Disagree 1
5 Strongly Disagree 0

Neither Agree
7% Disagre


Analysis: Another positive response from the recipients. 13 out of 15 individuals (86%)
agreed that the firm makes due payments of salary in time. Inspite of having contractual as
well as temporary employees, the salary of the permanent employees are being paid on time
and there is no complaints regarding the matter. This is a healthy sign for the firm because
payments made on time makes the employees feel motivated as one of the basic motive to
work in an organization is to earn. And timely payment of wages does exactly that. Another
advantage is that employees retention ratio increases and the goodwill of the firm in the
market also increases. This makes hiring new and eligible candidate not so difficult.

9. Continuous efforts are made in our organization to create a sense of belonging among

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 7
2 Agree 3
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 1
4 Disagree 1
5 Strongly Disagree 3

Neither Agree
e 8% Disagre

Agre Strongly
e Agree
25% 59%

Analysis: 7 out of 15 employees strongly agreed (59%) and 3 out of 15 just agreed (25%) to
this question which makes 10 employees agreed to the fact that a sense of belongingness is
created among the employees. Having this sense makes the working environment less hostile
and more productive. If the colleagues considers themselves a part of the team and work
together to achieve a single goal then the can prove to be more productive for the firm. This
also makes the management’s job a bit easy.

10. The organization conducts exit interviews.

S.No. Options Frequency (f)

1 Strongly Agree 2
2 Agree 4
3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 0
4 Disagree 5
5 Strongly Disagree 4

Strongly Agree
Disagree 13%


Neither Agree
e 0%

Analysis: Out of 15 employees, 9 of them disagreed (60%) that the firm conducts exit
interview. This is a problem that should be tackled because not knowing the exact reason for
why an employee chooses to leave the firm could prove to be a negative factor for the firm. If
the management can understand the reason, they could reduce employee turnover ratio.

Chapter – IV
Results and Discussions

Work Finding
As an intern at Brewed Bros. Pvt. Ltd., I have gained crucial experience that I will use moving
forward in my career. I have had the privilege to work with different employees and
departments throughout the program, which has been very beneficial because I was not
restricted to one specific line of work and I was able to gain a well-rounded perspective on
how each department operates. This was my first experience in the “real world,” and I was
given real world responsibilities such as managing small projects throughout the program and
assisting with various clients campaigns.
Some of the responsibilities allotted to me during the time as an intern taught me many things
including dealing with clients, vendors, as well as the concerned authorities of the place.
I worked in various departments including finance and customer handling.
But the main responsibility was to Work Allocation to different employees including
temporary workers and volunteers. For instance if a particular event required more technician
then I was supposed to redirect that workforce to that specific place. Allocating work to the
right employee is the key for the success of any event. Some of the event was small scaled
and was easily completed with few staff but few of them was large scaled and required a large
number of workforce. These instances were complicated and required a lot of dedication and
focus by us. I observed that under these conditions, few of the employees became nervous and
stressed. They were not that capable in solve the problems thrown to them spontaneously.
I would say that the management team was good at managing small as well as complexities of
the firm and were confident with the decisions they took. One of the best thing that I observed
while working there was that the employees were considered an integral part of the
organization. They were included in decision making process and were asked for advices and
suggestions on matters they were good at. The senior management team was not control
oriented and made room for improvement within the organization. The employees were
encouraged to work co-operatively whose outcome will be better profits which ultimately lead
to employees prosperity.
Appreciating good work was a regular task of the core management team and each month an
employee is chosen as the “Employee of the month” which motivates the employee to give
their best of efforts.

As far as I was concerned, they really did not discriminate with me. They taught me anything
and everything they could within the short time. They used to include me on various meetings
and would often ask me for “something out of the box”. I got to deal with few clients and my
job was to collect the preliminary data regarding the requisites of the events. Sometimes I was
asked to accompany our representative to meet the vendors or contactors that used to provide
us with extra workforce. Sometimes we need to get some stuff on rent.
It could be said that the firm has well defined goals and objectives and they are working
gradually towards the objectives. The core management team tries their best to keep the team
spirit alive and treat the employees with respect and gratitude. But it must be noted that if an
employee is constantly not able to perform, intentionally or unintentionally, he/she is warned
and if no improvement is seen within few days, then he/she is sacked from the firm. It is done
to make sure no employee is taking advantage of the gratitude of the management team.
Payment of salaries and wages along with due bills is another major advantage for the firm.
As stated earlier, most of the employees think that payment of salaries is done on time, makes
them highly motivated and gives them a reason to stay on the job for a longer period of time.
And all this is possible because of effective leadership. The 3 partners of the firm have high
sense of duty and morale which effectively guides others working underneath them. They
themselves work together with the team to achieve all round development. Since the line of
authority and responsibilities are not long, the chain of commands is shorter in length and is
actually implemented in as shorter period of time. There is no major lack of communication
between the management and the employees. This is one of the reasons that I think the
organization could prosper in the near future.
Overall working in this organization was a great deal for me as I learnt a whole lot of things
not only in Human Resource department but Finance as well as Marketing. I learnt Personal
Management as well as Project Management from some of the sharpest minds I have ever
met. I learnt that each and every event can be made a success if and only if the planning is
proper. All we needed to do was to plan each and every thing beforehand and does not leave
any variable on just sheer luck. Another thing was that we could not achieve everything by
going on the rules of books. Sometimes we have to make our own rules.

Working in Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. for around 45 days, I learnt a great deal about the
company. Not everything but a lot of it. Some things were as good as could be but there were
some that could be improved or something new could be introduced to make this firm achieve
great heights.
The major form of marketing and promotions for the firm is Social Media. Others forms of
promotion include word of mouth, pamphlets, and influencers. The firm should use other
forms of promotion to make the world aware of their existence. Relying on social media alone
is not a very efficient. The firm should make sure that the clients are so satisfied that they do
recommend Brewed Bros to others. The firm should use some resources for marketing. It’s a
false hope that a customer will discover you, unless you make concerted efforts to grow
them with a properly structured plan to promote your firm.
Finding the right people for the job is a tough job and in today’s dynamic business
environment, dynamic employees are needed who could tackle business problems efficiently.
So having a proper structured interview is needed to hire such employees. Having
employees who looks good on paper but is not able to perform could be a severe bottleneck
for the organization. So proper interview along with a well diverse personal interview
should be conducted to make sure correct employee is hired for the job.
Prioritization of work should be encouraged. This means that those jobs should be
categorized in such a way that some important job is left behind and the not so important job
is done beforehand. So jobs should be prioritizing. This can be done in a most simple way. All
we need to do is to ask ourselves: Which job is to be done today and which one can be
postponed for tomorrow? This will give you the answer for which job to be prioritized first.
As a currently growing business it is true that there is a lot of scope in event management
industry, but it is also true that there is a whole lot of hardcore competition also. Well no one
said it is going to be easy but the firm should be ready to compete with the rival firms on day
to day basis. The competition could only be tackled with effective future planning and proper
implementation. The strategies should be formulated carefully and the management should
be flexible enough to cope up with the ever changing environment.
Another factor is financial management. Money begets money. Remember the fact that to
increase revenue, money must be spent. Some firms tend to find it difficult to properly
manage their finances and they bog down against the pressure. So taking advices and

suggestions from financial consultancy firms may really help out in managing financial
issues. Having a properly experienced employee in the finance department in the firm could
really help the firm avoid financial issues.
Customer trust is one of the major advantages this firm has against rivals. So the firm should
use this factor as a competitive advantage over others. They should put their efforts to
increase this trust level and work more on customer satisfaction. This would ensure that the
satisfied customers will bring more customers to the firm. This could prove to be a rather
advantageous for the firm. They should become more customer centric and work towards
making a loyal customer base.

Chapter – V
Conclusions & Scope of further work


Working as an intern in Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. was an opportunity that I will never forget in
my life. This was the first real world experience for me and I would say that I got to learnt a
great deal about how an event management company operates in the real world. I also got to
know about the challenges they have to face in day to day activities and the harsh competitive
environment that they constantly had to survive. Working there as an intern for 2 months was
a life changing experience. I always wanted to work in an event management company and
through this I got to fulfill my wish. This experience has convinced me to pursue my career in
this field after completing my studies.
As far as Brewed Bros is concerned, I have rather high hopes for them. I sincerely think that
they can sustain themselves in the market and will surely become a firm that could compete
hand to hand with the existing rival companies. They have realistic goals and are giving best
of their efforts to achieve their goals.
As an intern, I got to learn the basis on how the Human Resource Department works. But my
superiors wanted me to explore the other fields as well. I got to learn about the marketing
strategies of the firm as well as how the financial department works in the firm. So I could say
that there was a heap of knowledge to be acquired and tried to accumulate as much as I could
within the short time.
I would, with all my heart, thank my mentor Ashish Dutta and Iman Roy for mentoring me
during my internship. Next I would thank Professor Gautam Ghosh for helping me throughout
my project. I would say that without his constant efforts and support this project would not
have been completed. He provided help and support whenever I needed it.


I have taken information as well as data from various sources. Some of the sources are given

1. Brewed Bros Pvt. Ltd. official webpage

2. Wikipedia

3. Times of India

4. Economic Times

5. Wizcraft



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