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tTtHE SUPREN,IE Court has given time till Decisions that will affect the factor that we have

factor that we have learnt to live with.

! September 30 for corue.s'ion of all the Today, the argument will be that London
I public transport vehicles in New Delhi common man are taken fiom transport has proved that ULSD is better
from diesel to CNG. But, that decision may the precincts of air-conditioned than CNG. rv\lhat is the conditibn of the
not become final as the Government of London road as compared to any road in
Delhi is preparing to file an affidavit. There offices of the Delhi politicians India today? What is the smooth movement
are strong indications that a plea will be and bureaucrats. "Committed" rate of vehicles in the U.K. as compared to
filed to allow Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel the stop-jerk-start-brake-stop kind of
(ULSD) to be used instead of CNG. Several technical people whose sole movement on Indian traffic?
points in opposition to CNG have already Decisions that will affect the common
been voiced. Newspapers have started man are taken from the precincts of air-
carrying articles for or against CNG or Ultra interests of the corporates they conditioned offices of the Delhi politicians
Low Sulphur Diesel. dnd bureaucrats. "Committed" technical
work for often support them. people whose sole desire is to protect the
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) comes interests of the corporates they work for
straight from the bowels of the earth just often support them. \{hen a campaign is
like crude oil is dra,,nrn from the oil wells. In the so-called green petrol is not really green.
launched questioning such "facts" as
most cases natural gas is allowed to be Green fuel only throws out less noxious
perceived by the "committed" persons,
gases than its earlier used cousins did.
flared through a pipeline into the words of acid are throlrrn at the genuinely
atmosphere. To make use of it it has to be Today, a warning has already been given
interested persons in the welfare of the
compressed into a small area and its flow that the attendants in a gas station or petrol
regulated. That is when it acquires the name pump are more prone to cancer as the
CNG. As it is, CNG is a cheap fuel. One fumes from benzene laden petrol are Abuse of political power
great advantage of CNG over other fuels inhaled by them, which they do as they fill
Let me ask this. There is logic in the
such as petrol, diesel is that it is so far the up our vehicles. In India we still have not policy that all transport vehicles can use less
cleanest fuel. From the gas wells, CNG is woken up to this dangerous fact, whereas in
taxed diesel, as they carry consumable
transported through pipelines and taken to other countries it is compulsory to have
goods and passengers needing cheap
the distribution points. It is then further fumes controlled through better delivery
transportation. !\lhat is the need for
carried to filling stations and stored just as nozzles. Such nozzles prevent benzene-
subsidising the rich who buy diesel cars,
petrol or diesel is stored. From these laden fumes from evaporating on the faces
spending more money for those cars than
dispensing points, which are called petrol of attendants. petrol cars? There is no rationale behind
pumps or gas stations, CNG is loaded into CNG does not have any of these this. Again the "committed-to-their-own
tanks fitted on buses, lorries and other problems. I mention this even though we needs" have decided to give themselves, on
transport vehicles. These tanks are just like are discussing the pros and cons betlveen behalf of the common people of this
car petrol tanks, but only greater safety ULSD and CNG. The industry does not country that diesel cars should be allowed.
precautions are built into them. come out with the whole truth, is a point I \{hy? Is it to protect a few moneybags who
wish to make here. fund the various political parties in their
!\lhile various figures are given as to how political ambitions?
long crude oiI from which diesel is distilled There is perhaps a lobby working in India Universal PDS was followed till the
and produced will last, one thing is certain. today, which will "persuade" the consumer movement cried halt and pointed
The world does not have inexhaustible government officials to suggest and opt for out that subsidised wheat and rice to the
supply of crude. It is just a question of one ULSD. When it is pointed out that our rich people need not be subsidised as it was
or two decades, more or less. As the supply refineries do not have the facility to distil used by the servants of the house and used
is limited and the demand is increasing, huge quantities of ULSD that will be to pay less to their servants. That was gross
dependence on this source of energy must required, the quick iulswer as stated by abuse of political power. Even the
be reduced. But the world is following experts is, "we can import it." Has anyone subsidised price of diesel has only produced
exactly the opposite route. calculated the outflow of foreign exchange? negative situation. The transport vehicle
Pros and cons Moreover, the cost of ULSD in the U.K. is owners never pass on the benefits they get
stated to be 35p. In today's conversion rate, out of the subsidised diesel. lVhenever the
According to experts of both diesel and which is unlikely to come down, it would be government raised the price of diesel even
CNG, each claim their choice is better. about Rs. 25. If import duty and other by a few rupees, the price of goods per kilo
Today with ULSD, it is true that the sulphur transportation costs are added even with the also went up by a few rupees, even though
content is reduced to 500 ppm as against Government of India not wanting to exploit each vehicle carried 5, 10 or even 20 tonnes
2500 pip in 1995. It may be further reduced
the situation by lerying the least duties, it of goods and per kilogram cost will not be
to 350 ppm in the next few years. would work out to about Rs. 35 per litre. much; in fact it is insignificant. When I put
Clean fuel is described as "a fuel, which is Wn-en the acknowledged policy of the this question to a transporters association
required to facilitate meeting the emission government is keep the taxation of the leader he had no logical answer.
norms for any given category of vehicle/ diesel low to supply to transporters, will this I mention this only because the interest of
engine technology". The Supreme Court not be a contradiction? the common man is limited to platform
added, "a clean fuel is that which does not exhortations and promises. It is there in the
Road conditions performance of all these "committed"
cause pollution and is otherwise not
injurious to health." Having been intimately associated in persons to be seen by anyone who cares to
putting dor,ryn adulteration of petrol and investigate. Under these circumstances, any
When lead was considered a dangerous diesel from 1986, I know ULSD is not the move to prove that ULSD is good for the
additive to petrol, it was slowly reduced and answer. Right now, it cannot even be country, will only confirm that those who
removed. It was replaced by benzene. considered ds an option, because ULSD will govern us are interested only to protect the
Benzene was started with a higher be adulterated. Unless and until our interests of a few corporate companies, who
percentage but now reduced to 1 per cent petroleum industry can vouch absolutely wield enormous power in the corridors of
for metros. As Dr. Anil Agarwal said, we unadulterated fuels, which is going to be Delhi and other decision making places.
start with the assumption that a new impossible under the present political This is not fair to the Indian citizen
additive is not dangerous till we find out policies of the government, the Supreme consumer.
that new additives also create new Court should not allow or accept ULSD as I hope the Supreme Court will not fall a
problems. Benzene is considered very an alternative fuel for CNG. I am positive prey to such blatantly untruthful
dangerous. It is proven to be highly that powerful presentations will be made to presentations to itself or the Bhurelal
carcinogenous. When we reduce the substantiate that ULSD is the best. It is not Committee.
percentage of additives like benzene, we and it cannot be, till large scale tests are
give ourselves longer time to kill ourselves conducted in India under Indian road o R. DESIKAN
by cqncer. It is not absolutelv clean. In fact conditions with overloading as an accepted A consumer actiuist
CNG and rral
Dassenser kilometre) would be slightty sel does not make either environmen-
(Continued [rom Page BS 1) iui oi sense. It is an absurd
ilore tfian that of a diesel bus, mainly ""o"o*ic
obviously being pushed by
Whv is this so? In real (and practical) b""u*t" of the reduced payload' The irrnn"ttiott
inter;al combustion engines the rapid tables would be turned if the diesel bus
u"It""d i.,r"t".ts. CNG is a much bemer
and complete miscibility of fuel with were to run on ultra low sulphur (less alternative.
air in the combustion chamber is crit- than 0.005 per cent) fuel because that is However, the Pace or the exlent of
ical to good engine performance' It is more expensive than regular diesel in the current "CNC drive" in the capital
iUrrlou."tttrt gas'eou* fuels have an ad- additiorrto being imPorted' does not Permit an unambiguous an-
I vantase herebver their liquid counter- A low emission Euro 3 comPatible swer. Costs could be reduced if the gov-
) oarts."Both CNG (which is B0 to 99 per diesel bus would also be more expen- ernment reduces the taxes and duties
\ tent methane) and LPG (mainlY Pro- sive than a Euro 2 one because of its on CNC brr."t, cars, autorickshaws and
oane and butane) also do not contain idrran.ed diesel engine and because of tiit ut these current$ account for
Iulohur that can cause havoc in the the particulate trap on the diesel's ex- about a 25 Per cent mark uP'
.ombustion chamber. Most important' hauit. In addition, the leading German The author personally feels ..that
these fuels cannot be adulterated in the automobile (not Ieast diesel automo- school buses can perhaps run on clleset
many ways common in India' bile) manufacturer BMW feels that cat- ,i""ia"a they meet Euro 2 standards'
Costs astrophic breakdown of a regenerating fohv onlv school buses? Because theY
partiiulate trap may occur when it is .rni U" easilv identified and probably
Turnine to acquisition costs, a new iubiect to full power while regenerat- i"" SO to 100 km a daY rather than the
CNG fueli-ed ciry bus chassis would cost ing. 500 km common among others and be-
about 60 Per cent more than a diesel ttt" extra cost 6urden of CNG
iuro t bus (about Rs. 5lakhs more after Safety "u"t" would be excessive' In ad-
taxes and duties). Euro 2 compatibility CNG is stored at high Pressures in "otr"aaiott
aitiott, ttt" children would
would reduce this by about Rs' I lakh soecial tanks both on automobiles and .,rbi""t to the ambient air pollution
(Obviouslv the cost of a modified bus Unl" to that of the bus(es) they are
ui filline stations. These need to be spe-
would be considerablY [ess, but it cially rianufactured and carefully in- ".rd
riding in.
would be difficult to be precise because sta[6d. The current manufacturers and On balance, a sensible PolicY from
it *o,rfa depend on t6e condition of installers seem to be up to the job, but the environmental and economic per-
the existing-engine and the like') it is desirable (if not essential) that in-
These coits include new engines op-
.""Jr.t would be to ensure a gradual
deoendent inspection agencies exam- dNGltatio.t with no ambiguity or back-
timised for CNG operation' the fuel ine their work initially and at five yearly sliding on any one's Part'
tanks and catalytic cbnverter' The new intervals.
CNG buses would meet the Euro 4 Does it make sense for the rest of the
The gas irself is lighter than air and country? Probably not, except perhaps
emission standards that come into ef- ouickli and safely disperses to non-
fect in Europe in 2005 and only in 2008 urban areas near the existing naturat
combustible ]evels if it leaks' ln this re- eas pipelines or landing points' For ex-
at the earliest in India. There are no spect, it is much safer than diesel or
Euro 4 compatible diesel buses com- I*rit.i, i" Bombay and Surat, after the
mercially available anywhere in the Defhi lessons have been learnt'
Attempting to run a very large fleet of
world today. C. Manmohan ReddY
The operating cost of a CNG bus (Per buses inbelii on ultra low sulphur die-
6 o.s gE


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Advantage LPG
according tot Mr. Rajeeb Roy, member the vapouriser to check large temper- from the cylinder is automatically dis.
of the Association.A pressure adapter is ature drop that usually occurs as the rupted. Normally, it is not advised tr
[M'{Ij#l]$if*J:#ii connected to the cylinder to let the LPG
through a high pressure hose (about 5
LPG is converted from liquid to vapour
keep the cylinder horizontally whilt
pnversion' to LPC driven cars is no ' metres) and a gas filter. A pressure The gas is now regulated and mixed This is because, if kept horizontally
tception. gauge indicates gas avaiJability. lt also with air in the mixing unit or directly at the LPG in liquid form can flow into tht
LPG or liquefied petroleum gas is lights up an LED indicator on the dash- the air intake of the car. From here the tube and reach the burning end of tht
lown to be a clean, cost effective and board when the LPG supply is about to LPG is dralr,n into the engine as a dry stove. This can result in uncontrollet
fllution-less fuel, and for these rea- be exhausted. gas/air mixture. Vapourisers used need burning because of the availability o
lns the Government of India gave a The filtered LPG is transported by an to be of ISO Standards (imported) as sufficient quantity of orygen.
[ust to its use as a cooking fuel dec- insulated copper tube (16-18 gauge and there are no company made Indian va- However, in an automobile, LP(
les back. Recently engineers have 6-8 mm diameter) used in the refriger- pourisers of ISl/Automobile standards flows as tiquid (at a lower pressure
ioved its use as an automobile fuel. ation industry. The tubes can transport as on date, from the cylinder and only the vapour
pwever some doubts remain in the Iiquefied gas at much higher pressure In some systems, a solenoid valve for iser in the bonnet delivers it in the gase'
[blic mind. than that used to fill LPG in cylinders. petrol is installed in betr,veen the carbu- ous form to the engine where oxyger
ilast week, in these columns, Mr. S. As per conventional safety norms, the rettor and the mechanical fueI pump. supply is controlled. Hence it does no'
iraraman had raised a felv doubts fuel line (LPG line ) is always instructed When the car is running on gas this so- matter if the cylinder is kept horizon
fout the safety aspects of the conver- to be laid outside the passenger com- lenoid closes and prevents the flow of tally, say some members of the associ
pn. The points raised by him do not partment, and away from exhaust pipes petrol. lty'hen cars with mechanical fuel ation.
bld, if the converters are to be be- and other hot spots. pumps are converted to the dual fuel They say that the components use(
ived. With technology and methods It is usual to lay the copper pipe along system, great care should be exercised, by reputed consultants are importec
loven elsewhere, it is pointed out, LPG the bottom edge in such a way that even cautions Mr. Roy. and are as per Intemational Standards
,as safe an any other fuel in its use as under abnormally bad road conditions In other countries, the LPG tank madr
He says when the car runs on LPG, with associated filling and level gaugr
n automobile fuel provided stringent there is no mechanical damage to the the pump will continue to pump petro-l
uality criteria are satisfied. systems are mounted permanently a
tubes. and create excessive pressure in the the rear of the vehicle.
'Worldwide, governments are encou- Copper is the preferred material for petrol line. This may, over a period of
This is a standard fitting to allow re
filling at the gas bunks. This is a fool
proof safety system and has to be madr
mandatory in India.
It is interesting to note that even tht
British Queen has.voted tbr this alterna
tive fuel. (See the Web site auto The followin1
1y-e-b- sjtes, also-provide more . informa
tion on the use of LPG and related is
sues:; and
Dr. B. S. Murthy, a mechanical engi
neering professor (retired ftom the IIT
Chennai) and an expert in this fiek
opines that LPG is an excellent fuel witl
characteristics such as good fuel effi
ciency, low emission and low cost. I
has been demonstrated widely in for
the use of LPG as an alternative the tube because it undergoes passive use, damage the diaphragm in the eign countries.
in recognition of the significant corrosion, that is, as it is exposed to the pump or lead to bursting of the fuel In fact many of them have stipulater
fits it offers. ambience, a very fine layer of corroded line, as has happened in a much publi- quality norms for the equipment use<
In fact, LPG has been ranked number material forms on its surface which acts cised accident recently. But such prob- for the conversion of vehicles. Some dr
as an alternative transport fuel in like a coat and protects it from further lems are easily avoided in the case of not lery even road tax for the converte{
US Energy Policy act of 1992 (Bharat deterioration. cars with electronic fuel pump which is vehicles.
Iournal, Issue Number 1997- In addition copper is extremely mal- connected to an electronic changeover Many Italian manufacturers havr
Ieable. Hence, even when crushed, it system. come up with equipment such as gaug
!, page 9).
lBut in India, the situation is confus- does not break. However, under major The Changeover of fuel is done with es, filters and regulators that adhere tr
p. Members of the yet to be formed road eventualities, the fuel line can be the flick of a switch. The switch is con- the norms, says Mr. Roy who import
psociation for LPG Car Consultants, cut as it happens with conventional nected to the gas and petrol solenoids. them.
The changeover switch is normally a He is also planning to indigenise thr
iy that although the Indian Govern- gasoline cars.
approved in
lent approveo
rcnr principle the use of
rn prrncrpr( Mr. Roy lays emphasis on proper lay- three position switch for LPG, neutral technology.Dr. Murthy is howeve
pC as an auto fuel way back in 1996, ing procedures. He recommends that and petrol. against such adaptation of the technol
To switch over from LPG to petrol, ogy by small manufacturers until thr
!e legislation to permit and drawing of customers go to a technically qualified
government stipulates the qualit
pidelines has not yet been processed. and certified person to do the retrofit- the switch can be brought from LPG to
lis onJy the lack of firm guidelines that ting. The copper can also be run inside petrol position directly. This closes the norms. He however recommends man
s created the confusion.. the car and below the carpet. gas solenoid and opens the petrol sole- ufacture of the equipment by OEMs sr
As oftoday, the converted car in India noid allowing the flow of petrol to the that the public can be sure of the safet
This may be of greater appeal as the
run using the gas sold for cooking carburettor. of the technology.
tubing is protected from stones and
uposes. The cylinder is kept horizon- bumps on the roads but this method is To go over from petrol to LPG, the Initially he recommends the use o

y and fastened with a safety belt in switch is brought to the neutral posi- such conversion to LPG in four wheel
not to be encouraged, says Mr. Roy. The
e boot. The belt does not allow the tion, the petrol in the carburettor is ers and three wheelers. Once the tech
copper tube emerges in the bonnet and
linderlo jolt while in motion. enters a normally closed gas solenoid. drained and then the system is put on nology matures and the Governmen
The idea i6 to prevent pulling off the gas mode. Mr. Royemphasises the need stipulates the quality standard norm
When a dual fuel vehicle runs on petrol
rxible joints ftom the fixed joints. to test the system for leaks before deliv- for the equipment, connectors and it
this solenoid valve is closed. The output
use, retrofitters may be allowed to man
nce its susceptibilitl,to jolting and from the solenoid is fed to the vapouris- ering the converted vehicle.
As a safety precaution, devices are fit-
ufacture them.It is good if the govern
losion has no bearing. The safety er which is the heart of the gas con-
ment decides fast.
It is easy to lock and unlock as it has a version system. Hot water from the ted so that in case of any healy leakage
lcro riveted on the locking portion, engine's cooling system is circulated in or drop in LPG pressure the supply Our Special Coresponden
*p*m Lm*p SysE**m
A Typieal LPG conversicn system consists *f :
' LPG slorage tarik rvith safery devices.
' Vapcriser/regutator to vaporise and regutate LPG pressure.
' Mixer to mix the LPG with the air.
. Petr-ol shut off system when LPG is selected.
LPG fl.ows through the Multifunction vatve, filter & Main Sotenoid valve,
1^/hii:h opens when engine rpm srgnal is sensed.
Changes from_liquici to gas in theJ:pttsr,where a_{juqlmenl screws are
provideci for regulaiing flow in tIe-iTffit-proportion to the mass of air
being breathed for cntinral airlfueI ratio input to the engtne.
Selector switch & Levet lndicator for se]ection of fuel and to dispiay the
levet of LPG present in the tank are also provirjed.
TheSi.5;iueLr-atio is ggyg1y.,q$ by the gas ail-flLxer which comprises of a
yglturi in an alqry|Tjgm ring where piei$Le.drop in the vg11gi causes g*s
i6 flo* through'the-tube. tt is important for ihe rnilei*io Ee ptsi6qtiy
tr.11e-d to the vaporiser through the*aAjustment screws provided'
Get the devil out of dies6l;-il1-=--_-
in the Die-sel' (The Himdu, use of high-performance liquid chromalography
m Dec $ article -'Devilregarding
Il, 1997) the carcinogenic separation aird fluorescencddetection. In piaciicL
influence of engine-related and iuet-retatedrtac-
I compounds in the exhaust fumes of the die- tG detection limits for PAH is in the 10-50-ppb
tors on the conJentration ofvarious PAH, in both
petrol and diesel engines. One can imagine the
sel_ engine_ ought to be of great concern to the range and somewhat higher for nitro-PAH. Fbr ixtent of the produition these toxins i-n India
public and requires a closer understanding. This biologicat activity, the key assay for use in screen- where there is no control over the fuel quality in
problem has special signilicance to India since ing t[ese extracti has been some version the'Sol- view of unscrupulous adulteration and'com6us-
auto-exhaustisamajorhealthhazard.According monella/microsome' mutagenicity assay tion in admixture with Iube oil as is done in the
to the Kyoto University study, it is reported that developed by Ames. two cycle engines. Driving transients too are vul-
theincidenceoflungcancer.inthepeoplere-siding Studies at IIT Madras in the earlv 1975 and rr"roble for production olvarious proportions of
atvehiclecongestedareasiscloselylinkedwith lg76,weredirectedtoidentificaiin'"#o."ilti PAH and nitro-PAH. Studies onlh&e aspects
tt-r" carcinogenic cgmn_gun$, 3-nitrobenzan- frcation of polynuclear must be undertaken with urgency in the research
throne produced in the diesel exhaust.
{hg re- ii,Nal pirtilutarly th"".;;il"^hyd;J;;;, laboratories. Methods of meisuring
searchers are reported- to have measured large pyrenein - tire exhaus[ or ai"s"i-"-"!iri;.
fii- i};]
-t{;- cluding-mutation tests should be multi-disciplin-
amount of mutations th" cauge! ste-*ed from rhe *o.[?b"""r;l ary and will be within the reach of tITs and
:_o.rrl!gYl! |g1
in the DNA of standard strains of bacteria using tois which provided the iJ"t
source -it"riut fo, tti" universities with bio-technology research activ-
the stanclard Ames test' preparation of the sample, extraction of PAH from ities.
It should however be emphasised that diesel thesampleandseparationofPAHintotherespec- As far as the control technologies are con-
exhaust is not the only source of these dangerous tive components by thin layer chromatography cerned, the main strategy should be to reduce the
products. These compounds belong to the family and final identilication using spectroflurometry. total particulate matteis either by exhaust after-
of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are III Madras, at that time, encouraged socially ben- treatment, innovative engine design and fuel
generated in general by the incomplete combus- elicial research in collaboration with citizen modification. Direct particulate Iilters and cata-
tion of fuels (high temperature prolysis) in a re- groups. With the support of Pallavan Transport, lytic soot Iilters are wall flow ceramic substrates
ducing atmosphere. Besides diesel engine investigations were carried on vehicles as well as t-o filter offthe solid particulates. When the filter is
exhaust, emissions_ from petrol engines, partic- stationaryenginesundervariousconditions.And blocked by sufficient particulates, the increased
ularly the two-stroke vehicles are vulnerable for some of the main recommendations were proper back presiure automatically diverts the exhaust
formation of PAH as lubricating oil (which also maintenance, avoiding overloading, use of un- gasesioanadjacenttrapwtiiletheblockedfilteris
contains PAH from the source) and petrol are adulterated fuels, proper driving culture avoiding iegenerated by combusting the blocked matter by
pre-mixed and combusted incompletely in a over- excessive racing of the engine, which were all a [urner or heater. The catalytic soot filter has in
rich atmosphere. In addition to this, the discharg- responsible for the formation of PAH. Alternate addition special catalytic coiting applied to the
es from industrial combustors, incinerators and fuels such as alcohols and CNG were surely bene- inlet and outlet surfaies of the wall.
othei heating systems are further static-combus- Iicial for avoiding PAH hydrocarbons, thoush the
tio.r rorr""r"tdown to produce the devil of PAH. lubeoilburning"-uy"o.rt.tri'ffiffi;ffi;l
The dangerous compound referred to in the arti- of traces of PAH in the exhaust. ,"?'il?irl'J#t'H"3::'jtltff;]fl*iti$ffi:I
.. iri"i a"*anding atmosphere as it has to deal sol_
Studies, have been ids, tiquias ancl"gases and not just gases like petrol
conducted at the, Mi- engin6 exhaustl The diesel engin-e exhaust tem-
Schematic of diesel particles and Solids (SOL)
vapour phase compounds .Technologi- peiature is low of the order i00-6000C imuch
cal -U^niversity for iower in turbo-charged engines), white the petrol
opr 20 y:ar: on the. engine typically hai an eihausi temperature of
charactensatron. ol 300_10000C. The important design feature of
P$$ in particulates DOCs is to develop a citalyst that oiidises hydro-
Vapour phase
of diesel engines and carbons and car6on monoxicte-bur not suiphur -
hydro carbons
ooa ,% control technologies. dioxide. Catalyst placement is also important as
&o These studies would thetemperatureattheplacementofthdconverter'
be excellent source should be with in the bxidation range of hydro-
for conducting fur- carbons but below the timit for oxiclition oi sul-
sotubte organic fractio n -/tt
(SoF)/particle phase hydrocarbons\ ....---.->
ther research appro- phurdioxide. The challenge ofdeveloping a nitric
priate to - Indian bxide decomposition catal"yst (caled deNbx cata-
!t. practice of diesel lyst) to achieve NOx decbmposition in the ox-
a transportatio-n.. Ac- idising atmosphere of the diesel engine-exhaust is
a, cording to Michigan ako riet by designers so that it caribe used before
,,'.WYi // ooo" 'x,a
Diesel exhaust is a
the the oxidation citalyst.
;;;;i";;i"{;r; Innovative eng^iIre designs, are also under wav
;;;;i; ;J-i;;;";-"*"i to_control the SOI (fuel and lubricate fractions)
solids and the NOx. Three variables to combus-
Sulphate (S04)
.""iliJl"a ,r..: tion system design are (a) optimisation
-r]i"Lr. --rBi"f of in-cyl-
--'-rit* inder flow by _ redesigning the combustion
,..ti""i"t" chambers. Use of helical intake_ports and re-- en-.{
';--;.;..;^..--*".; trant in the piston. (b) increase of the'
cle (called nitro-PAH for brevity), is the nitrated consistsof an aggloremate of solids,(SOL). with i,r"i-i.r;e"tiorrpressurebyirr"r"iringthepumping!
derivative ofPAH by the,surface reaction ofnitro- absorbed hydrocarbons called soluble organic iui. of tfr" fuel inlection pump. (c)"application of
gen oxides with the hydrocarbon particulates. fraction (SOF) that can be removed by an organi" uu.iubl" fuel injeition ,ut" u.rd tiriririj witn etec-
Assessment of these harmful chemical sub- solvent,andsulphates(duetopresenceofsulphur ironic control.'In order to reduce tE" SOf, (u),
stances which contain mutagens and induce mu- in the fuel). Several laboratory studies with rats avoiding dribble in the injectionnozzle(b) prevenl living beings are iarried out in many have indicated that the solid portion is probably tiln'of ilrall impingement of fuei (c) reiricing the
research proie.cts in ]apan. Mutatiorr caused by essential for tumor formation,,while the associ- sacandholesizeoTthenozzleandoptimisati6nof
mutagens is a hereditary changg in the stru_ctural ated SOE particularly the PAH and nitro-PAH the iuel inlection timing *".o*" oith" strategies
arrang€ment of the genes, whic! consists oJDNA. could have a contribution to the overall carcino- .*^16ys6. *' -
Thou[h such studiei are not widely carried out in genic effect. The health significance of the vapour j '-, ,:..
trr. L1.";il;;;il;il; th.;il" ;h; fihase organics has beerieven more dillicuit to In addition to these control measures, controll-.

derection and removal -;t;;;;;-;;ilil;dl; issess. A"nd the presence of sulphur i" tt. r""t ing the lube oil consumption, exhaust gas recir"
trr.- "f
i"-;;;;;;;;;;;;;# ii introduces further complicationi in ttre stuay. culalion and use of high cetane and ultra low
""i"-"rrr""ripollution must be matters
environmental of Thedifferentproportionsofthesolids,sor,ror
greatest,.g",,cv in India.
detection and characterisa-
phates and theiapour
ph*1i::Ti$:'1;i:iiL: Hfiff""ffiil:?:1,'il"i*i:fl'#ff*H*:.
Mutagenic-activity vehicle ;;::"-
diesel particulates are dependent on the practice where
tion of combustion-products must be a murti-dis- operating conditions. Th" hi;hl;e Hi"li[li: us.e of cNG has alreadv become a

fi11ffiX;"ffik#,:x*ffiltf;rf:r'i,"ff# r;tt e1xfi*-lff: #Hff;:l'jtt[i:}#: i#,3'.x'l3flilU["i+,ll*fffli"tiffiTtrit?:

sugar cane resources' These fuels are potentially
pAH compounds in diesel exhaust consist in prep- soi:T#;":"il*:il;
"- ----*':""'; tikelv candidates for the low emission of partic-
ute to nearly 60 per cent
;:ili:iiJ#t1Xi;"ii':f,i,Jil:,T:,?i,1,11i1u'31, if.l.Iff: li:*1?:';',?fri#:'""H: i#f i'A B urates responsibre ror the PAH ramlv in exhaust
a filter p_aper under diflerent engile-fuel operat- Iaboratoriesof leadingindustriesinlapanandthe B. S, Murthy.
ing conilitions, followed by identification by the U.S. have conducted systematic studies on the Formerlg Prolessor :t llT Chennal

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