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Yustina Kristianingsih

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, STIKES Katolik St. Vincentius A Paulo Surabaya.
Jl. Jambi No. 12-18 Surabaya

Email :


Professional Nursing Practice Model becomes one of the subjects in higher education of nursing
at academic stage and continued in MPKP application when Ners candidate passes Ners
profession program for nursing management course. However, most students find it hard to run a
professional program in nursing management courses because it is the first experience of
managerial learning and fears can not do anything. The purpose of this study is to identify the
implementation of professional nursing practice model according to the perception of nursing
management profession nursing students.
The research design used was descriptive with the number of samples of 47 students of nursing
management profession in RSK St. Vincentius A Paulo force 2016. The sampling technique uses
Concecutive sampling. Variable in this research is student perception about applying model of
professional nursing practice.
The result of the research shows that the application of Professional Personnel Practice Model
according to nursing management profession students more than 50% (53%) is optimal.
Based on the results of the research, the emphasis of the material that is still not well understood
about the Professional Nursing Practice Model is the different roles and functions between the
Team Leader or the primary nurse and the nurse, supervision and delegation, nursing

Keywords: Perception, Professional Practice Model of Nursing, Magement, Ners, nursing


Nursing education is an institution that plays a very big role in developing, educating and
creating professional nursing staff. Nursing education should be able to provide a nursing style to
the graduates produced in the form of a level of ability that is able to give voice and contribute to
the nursing profession itself (Nursalam, 2015). Currently a lot of nursing high education that has
stood in Indonesia from Diploma to Doctoral level. However, higher education in nursing in
Indonesia also has many challenges, especially in providing professional nursing care and also
the increasing tuntuntan community of quality nursing services professional and quality.
One of the strategies developed by nursing higher education is by teaching and applying the
professional nursing care model since the nurse candidate is sitting on the bench. The
Professional Nursing Practice Model (MPKP) is a system consisting of structures, processes and
values that enable professional nurses to manage the delivery of nursing care including an
environment that can support nursing care (Sitorus, 2006). Elements in this MPKP include the
determination of the number of nursing personnel, the stipulation of nursing care standards
aimed at improving the quality of nursing care, giving nurses the opportunity to carry out
professional nursing practice and provide opportunities to develop nursing research (Sitorus,
2006; Setiadi, 2016).
This Professional Nursing Practice Model becomes one of the subjects in higher education of
nursing at academic stage and continued in MPKP application when Ners candidate passes Ners
profession program for nursing management course. Based on the experience of researchers
during the course of nursing management both at the academic stage and the subject profession
is a challenge for both lecturers and students. Most students find it hard to run a professional
program in nursing management because it is the first experience of managerial learning and
fears they can not do anything. It is very influenced by the perception of students about the
implementation of MPKP itself.
Perception is an interpretation of the environment and the process of processing information
(Wilson, 200). The stimuli received by the individual are organized and then denoted so that they
are encountered by the individual. The process of perception occurs by itself and there is a
response. Perceptions of students or prospective ners have been formed when receiving nursing
management courses and when hearing stories from students who have followed the professional
program ners in previous years that said that the toughest profession program is nursing
Initial survey conducted by researchers on 10 students who will carry out the nursing
management profession on 22 May 2017 on 10 students who will do the nursing management
profession got 7 people said do not have a picture of the practice later when have received the
material and also pembekalan, 3 people say no know what will be done during practice later.
Perceptions that appear on each individual are influenced by internal and external factors.
Internal factors such as inat and experience greatly affect the perception posed by individuals
(Uma, 2013). Profession ners students who have got stories about the experience of older
siblings of this level greatly influence the formation of its perception. If a well-rehearsed
experience will lead to positive perceptions and vice versa. This will have an impact on the
implementation of professional practice and affect the success of the practice and the
competencies to be achieved by each student.
In this research will be measured the perception of the students of nursing program profession
when the practice of nursing manajamen so that later from the result of this research is expected
to improve the way and the learning process before the profession program is done to improve
the quality of lulusa Ners especially on the competence of Professional Nursing Practice
Management (MPKP). The purpose of this research is to identify perception of Application of
Model of Professional Nursing Care (MAKP) according to Practice of Nursing Management
force of 2016.

The research design used in this research is descriptive with sampling consecutive sampling
technique with the number of respondents 74 Praktikan nursing care nursing profession
profession. The research was conducted in June 2017. The measuring instrument used was
questionnaire. After data is collected analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis of percentage

Table 1 Respondent Characteristics of nursing management profession students in St.Vincentius

A Catholic STIKES A
Table 1 Characteristics of Respondents of Nursing Management Professionals in STIKES
Catholic St.Vincentius A PauloSurabaya
Variable Frequency % Mean ± SD
Characteristics of Age

< 30 years 42 89,4 27,77 ± 5,52

>30 years 5 10,6
Male 3 6,4
Female 44 93,6
Characteristic of Work
No Experience 42 89,4
Experience 5 10,6

The result showed that the average age was 27.7 ± 5.52, 95.4% female sex and 89.4% had never
worked before.


Good Poor

Diagram 1 Application of MPKP according to the perception of nursing management profession

in STIKES Katolic St.Vincentius A Paulo

Based on diagram5.4 the application of MAKP according to nursing management profession

nursing students in RSK St.Vincentius A pauloSurabaya optimum 26 respondents and not yet
optimal 21 respondents.

The results showed that 89, 4% of respondents were <30 years old. Early adulthood is a period in
which individuals who have adequate education, rational thinking, life experience and
psychosocial are considered more capable in solving personal and social tasks (Perry & Potter,
2005). An early adult professional ners in providing services to patients is expected to be able to
perform higher analysis in solving every patient problem. Age is also influential in the ability to
empathize with the patient, care and patience. It will appear in the provision of nursing care and
model Professional nursing practice that will improve the quality of nursing services to patients.
The results showed 94% of respondents were female. Prospective nurses or professional students
are expected to attend the presence of patients, because women have aninsting and maternal
instinct that can provide a kasisayang, attention and care to patients who treated.
All respondents have completed nursing undergraduate education. Education is a process of
development towards a more mature in an individual (Notoadmodjo, 2003). All respondents who
have completed nursing undergraduate education have learned about the theory of nursing,
nursing base, nursing such as nursing medical surgeon, children, maternity, gravity, critical and
also nursing management which includes MPKP which can be a very good basis in managing
patients ranging from during admission until the patient returns, ranging from planning,
organizing, directing and control in nursing care in patients who are responsible jwabnya.
The perception of students about 53% of MPKP implementation is optimal, it is supported by the
education of respondents who have all received nursing management courses in which to learn
the entire management process including personnel planning, election of professional nursing,
supervise and delegate, new patient acceptance, , drug centralization, nursing rounds, discharge
planning and nursing documentation. So this provides the provision and foundation for
professional students ners to do nursing care profession properly and optimally. However, 47%
of respondents said the application of MPKP during the nursing management profession that has
been passed is not optimal because of the lack of understanding of the role and function of the
team leader or primary nurse with the executing nurse, has not done complete documentation yet
the supervision and supervision format so that still need to be developed again readiness of
professional students ners about things that have not been well understood with more
pembekalan either at the time of academic lecturing and also when preparation of profession
program especially nursing management.

Conclusions and recommendations

Based on the results of research can be concluded that the application of Professional Nursing
Practice Model according to Perceptions Students profession ners more than 50% (53%) is
optimal. Based on the results of the research, it is important to note that given the deepening and
emphasis of the material that is still not well understood about the MAKP is the difference in the
role and function of the team leader or primary nurse and nurse, supervision and delegation,
nursing documentation for the application of MPKP during better nursing management practices
and improve student competence.


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