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C a rdi o g e n i c Sh o c k

Semhar Z. Tewelde, MDa, Stanley S. Liu, MDb, Michael E. Winters, MDc,*

 Cardiogenic shock  Hypoperfusion  Inotropic medications  Vasopressor medications
 Percutaneous coronary intervention  Echocardiography  Dobutamine
 Intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation

 Bedside echocardiography should be performed in the initial evaluation of patients with cardiogenic
shock (CS) to assess intravascular volume, determine the left ventricular ejection fraction, and di-
agnose a pericardial effusion or obstructive lesions.
 Initial resuscitation of the patient with CS is aimed at restoring cardiac output and tissue perfusion.
 Management of the patient with CS includes a combination of medical therapies, reperfusion ther-
apy, and mechanical support.
 Vasopressor and inotrope medications can increase myocardial oxygen consumption and increase
the risk of arrhythmias.
 Consider mechanical support devices in patients with CS who are not responding to pharmacologic

Cardiogenic shock (CS) is commonly defined as a Commonly accepted hemodynamic criteria for the
physiologic state in which cardiac pump function diagnosis of CS are listed in Box 1. In addition to
is inadequate to perfuse the tissues. If CS is not these hemodynamic criteria, patients with CS
rapidly recognized and treated, tissue hypoperfu- also exhibit signs and symptoms of pulmonary
sion can quickly lead to organ dysfunction and pa- congestion and tissue hypoperfusion. These signs
tient death. Patients with CS can present with a and symptoms can include dyspnea, rales,
myriad of symptoms and physical examination elevated jugular venous pressure (JVP), altered
findings that range from subtle hemodynamic al- mental status, narrow pulse pressure, reduced
terations to overt cardiovascular collapse. Once urine output (less than 20 mL/h), cool and clammy
diagnosed, patients with CS require rapid initiation skin, and elevated lactate levels.1,2
of therapy to prevent unnecessary increases in
morbidity and mortality. Treatment of patients
with CS is challenging, as many will require a com-
bination of vasoactive medications and mechani- Many patients with CS die before hospital arrival.
cal support. This article reviews the most As a result, it is difficult to determine the true
common etiologies of CS, along with critical com- incidence of CS. What is clear, however, is that
ponents in the diagnostic evaluation of patients the proportion of intensive care unit admissions
with CS. Medical management and mechanical with CS has doubled from 4% to 8% over
support of patients with CS also is discussed. the past 15 years.3 Currently, CS complicates

Disclosure: The authors have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 110 South Paca Street, 6th
Floor, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA; b Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Maryland
School of Medicine, 110 South Paca Street 7-N-127, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA; c Emergency Medicine/Internal
Medicine/Critical Care Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 110 South Paca Street, 6th Floor,
Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Cardiol Clin 36 (2018) 53–61
0733-8651/18/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
54 Tewelde et al

Box 1 Table 1
Diagnostic criteria for cardiogenic shock Nonischemic etiologies of cardiogenic shock

 Hypotension Etiology Examples

 Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg Pharmacologic Beta blockers
OR Calcium channel blockers
 A reduction in mean arterial pressure of Digoxin toxicity
30 mm Hg or more from the patient’s Primary Acute myocarditis
baseline ventricular Stress cardiomyopathy (ie,
 Reduced Cardiac Index dysfunction Takatsubo
 Less than 2.2 L/min/m2 body surface area Nonischemic
for patients receiving vasoactive or me- cardiomyopathy (eg,
chanical support sarcoidosis, amyloidosis,
 Less than 1.8 L/min/m2 body surface area hemochromatosis)
for patients not receiving vasoactive or me- Outflow Valvular stenosis
chanical support obstruction Left ventricular outflow
obstruction (eg, in
 Adequate Filling Pressure
 Pulmonary artery wedge pressure greater cardiomyopathy)
than 15 mm Hg Acute valvular Trauma
Adapted from Reynolds HR, Hochman JS. Cardiogenic
regurgitation Degenerative disease
shock: current concepts and improving outcomes. Cir- Endocarditis
culation 2008;117:686; with permission. Endocrine Severe hypothyroidism
Pericardial Cardiac tamponade
disease Pericardial constriction
approximately 8% to 9% of patients with an ST- Tachyarrhythmias Supraventricular/atrial
segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), tachyarrhythmias
Monomorphic VT
whereas the incidence of CS in patients with a
Polymorphic VT (ie,
non-ST-segment myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) Torsades de Pointes)
is approximately 2.5%.4–6 Mortality for patients
Bradyarrhythmias Sinus node dysfunction (eg,
with CS is unchanged in recent years and
sick sinus syndrome)
remains unacceptably high at approximately AV node dysfunction (eg,
50%.7 AV nodal block)

Abbreviations: AV, atrioventricular; VT, ventricular

ETIOLOGIES tachycardia.
The SHOCK Trial Registry is the largest data set
from which to assess the various cardiac etiol- INITIAL EVALUATION
ogies of CS.8 By far, the most common cardiac
cause of CS is acute left ventricular failure in Emergent evaluation of the patient with suspected
the setting of an STEMI.8 Most often this is due CS is critical. The immediate goals of the initial
to anterior wall myocardial infarction and evaluation are to identify signs of tissue hypoper-
accounts for almost 79% of patients with CS.8 fusion and determine the etiology of shock. Select
Mechanical complications of ischemic heart dis- findings from the physical examination, ECG,
ease include severe mitral regurgitation (7%), chest radiograph (CXR), laboratory studies, and
ventricular septal rupture (4%), right ventricular bedside echocardiogram are extremely helpful in
failure (3%), and tamponade (1.4%).8 Of these achieving these initial goals.
cardiac causes, ventricular septal rupture carries
the highest mortality.
Physical Examination
CS can also result from nonischemic cardiac
conditions. These conditions are listed in Table 1. A focused physical examination should be per-
It is important to consider these nonischemic etiol- formed in patients with suspected CS. Pertinent
ogies in patients presenting with typical signs and findings from the examination are listed in Box 2.
symptoms of CS but with nonspecific findings on Although physical examination findings of
the electrocardiogram (ECG) and negative labora- abnormal cardiac function often lack sensitivity,
tory values for myocardial infarction. the presence of an elevated JVP, an S3, and a
Cardiogenic Shock 55

Box 2 increased in-hospital mortality.12,13 Similarly, ST-

Physical examination findings segment depression in leads V1, V2, and/or V3 in
the setting of an inferior myocardial infarction sug-
 Signs of abnormal cardiac function gests posterior wall involvement and is associated
 S3 or S4 heart sounds with increased morbidity and mortality.14
The ECG can also suggest nonischemic cardiac
 Bibasilar rales
etiologies of CS, such as cardiac tamponade.
 Murmurs of valvular disease or mechanical Although the findings of low QRS voltage, electri-
complication of ischemia cal alternans, and PR depression have limited
 Signs of decreased organ perfusion specificity and negative predictive value for tam-
ponade, the presence of these abnormalities can
 Altered mental status
prompt bedside ultrasound evaluation.15,16
 Decreased capillary refill Chest Radiography
 Cool, clammy extremities A CXR should be obtained in all patients with sus-
 Signs of elevated intravascular volume pected CS to evaluate for pulmonary edema.
However, acute heart failure cannot be excluded
 Elevated jugular venous pressure based on the absence of pulmonary congestion
 Hepatojugular reflex on the CXR.17,18
 Pedal edema
Laboratory Studies
Laboratory studies commonly obtained in the
displaced cardiac apex are strongly suggestive of evaluation of patients with shock include a com-
acute heart failure.9 Jugular venous pressure can plete blood count, comprehensive metabolic
be used to estimate central venous pressure panel, coagulation factors, lactate, troponin, and
(CVP), but can be challenging to measure in criti- venous blood gas. Values are often abnormal in
cally ill patients. Recall that the jugular venous all forms of shock due to hypoperfusion. For pa-
wave is a 2-part wave that rises and falls with tients with CS, hepatic congestion due to cardiac
inspiration. In nonsupine patients, the distance failure can cause abnormal liver enzyme and coag-
from the right atrium to sternal angle is approxi- ulation levels. In addition, it is important to identify
mately 8 cm.10 A JVP of more than 3 cm above electrolyte abnormalities in patients with CS who
the sternal angle has a positive likelihood ratio of present with arrhythmias. Natriuretic peptide
10.4 for a CVP above 12 cm H2O.11 Application levels can be valuable in patients with suspected
of pressure to the patient’s right upper quadrant, CS, as elevated levels have high sensitivity for
termed the hepatojugular reflex (HJR), can be acute heart failure. In contrast, a B-type natriuretic
used to confirm the JVP location. In fact, a positive peptide level less than 100 pg/mL, or an N-termi-
HJR has a positive likelihood ratio of 8.0 for eleva- nal B-type peptide level less than 300 pg/mL,
tions in left heart filling pressure.9 Rather than esti- exclude the diagnosis of acute heart failure.18
mating a true CVP value, it is more practical to Echocardiography
determine whether the JVP is elevated, normal,
or low. Bedside ultrasound can be used to assess Echocardiography should be performed as part of
the central veins and estimate filling pressures the initial evaluation of patients with suspected CS
when JVP measurements cannot be performed to assess intravascular volume status, left ventric-
(ie, obese patients). ular ejection fraction, and pericardial effusion or
obstructive lesion.19 Echocardiography can be
performed by an emergency physician, cardiolo-
gist, or sonographer with training in point-of-care
An ECG should be performed as soon as possible ultrasound.
in patients with suspected CS to evaluate for the Echocardiography assessment of the inferior
presence of an acute coronary syndrome. In addi- vena cava (IVC) can be used to determine intravas-
tion to evaluating for a STEMI, the ECG can pro- cular volume status and estimate right atrial pres-
vide valuable prognostic information. For patients sure (RAP). Specifically, an IVC diameter that is
with an inferior myocardial infarction, a right- less than 2.1 cm and collapses more than 50%
sided ECG that demonstrates at least 0.5 mm with inspiration suggests hypovolemia and an
ST-segment elevation in lead V4R has RAP between 0 and 5 mm Hg (Fig. 1).20 An IVC
been shown to be an independent predictor of diameter greater than 2.1 cm with more than
56 Tewelde et al

Fig. 1. M-mode ultrasound image

of IVC with greater than 50%
collapse between inspiration and

50% collapse with inspiration suggests an RAP tamponade, or arrhythmias essentially excludes
between 5 and 10 mm Hg, whereas an IVC diam- the diagnosis of CS. Unfortunately, poor systolic
eter greater than 2.1 cm with less than 50% function alone does not establish the diagnosis
collapse with inspiration suggests an RAP greater of CS. Rather, a poor ejection fraction should be
than 10 mm Hg (Fig. 2).20 It is important to note interpreted in the overall context of the patient.
that these IVC measurements are estimates of Finally, echocardiography can be used to eval-
RAP. Some patients can still respond to additional uate for a pericardial effusion and obstructive le-
intravenous fluid (IVF) even in the setting of high sions. Echocardiography can diagnose a
RAPs. In addition, patients receiving positive pres- pericardial effusion and determine whether it is
sure ventilation will have a dilated IVC that does circumferential or localized. Signs of cardiac tam-
not collapse with inspiration.20 In these patients, ponade include end-diastolic right atrial collapse
the Distensibility Index should be used to assess and early right ventricular diastolic collapse. In
intravascular volume and the need for additional addition, an IVC diameter greater than 2.1 cm is
intravenous fluids. highly sensitive, but not specific, for tamponade.
It is critical to estimate the left ventricular ejec- A greater than 30% inspiratory decrease in
tion fraction with echocardiography in patients mitral-inflow velocity, measured by pulse-wave
with suspected CS. The ejection fraction can sim- Doppler, is also associated with cardiac tampo-
ply be categorized as normal, poor, or hyperkinet- nade.21 Obstructive lesions (ie, aortic stenosis,
ic. Normal, or hyperkinetic, left ventricular systolic mitral stenosis, left ventricular outflow tract
function in the absence of valvular disease, obstruction) can be with 2-dimensional (2-D) and
color Doppler echocardiography. Similarly, acute
valvular regurgitation can be diagnosed with
these modalities and prompt emergent surgical


The initial resuscitation of the patient with CS
should be focused on restoring cardiac output
and tissue perfusion. This is accomplished
through a combination of medical therapies,
reperfusion therapy, and mechanical support.

Medical Therapies
Medical management of the patient with CS in-
Fig. 2. B-mode ultrasound image of dilated IVC with cludes IVFs, inotropes, and vasopressor medica-
no respiratory variation. tions. Importantly, the role of these therapies is
Cardiogenic Shock 57

primarily supportive, as there are no randomized Epinephrine strongly stimulates both alpha and
data that demonstrate improved patient outcomes beta adrenergic receptors. As a result, it increases
when used alone for the management of CS.2 MAP through increases in heart rate, contractility,
Similar to septic shock, medical therapies should and SVR.2 Epinephrine can also increase pulmo-
be used to target a mean arterial blood pressure nary vascular resistance and right ventricular after-
(MAP) between 65 and 70 mm Hg.1 load.2 Due to its strong effects on heart rate and
contractility, epinephrine can markedly increase
Intravenous fluids myocardial oxygen demand. Epinephrine will also
Intravenous fluids should be administered to the elevate both lactate and blood glucose levels.22
patient with CS to optimize cardiac filling pres- Given these profound side effects, epinephrine is
sures and maintain euvolemia.1,2 The number of less frequently used in the treatment of CS
IVFs should be individualized and based on hemo- compared with NE.23
dynamic parameters, clinical assessment, and Dopamine is the endogenous precursor to both
echocardiography findings. There are currently NE and epinephrine. Its effects on the various
no data to support a specific type of IVF for pa- adrenergic receptors are dose-dependent. At
tients with CS. Similar to other shock states, low doses, dopamine stimulates the D2 receptor,
isotonic crystalloid solutions are the most which results in vasodilation of the splanchnic and
commonly administered IVF. renal vascular beds.2 At intermediate doses,
dopamine stimulates beta-2 adrenergic receptors
Vasopressors and causes an increase in contractility and heart
Common vasopressor medications used in the rate.2 At high doses, dopamine stimulates the
treatment of CS are listed in Table 2. These alpha adrenergic receptor, resulting in vasocon-
include norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, striction and an increase in SVR.2 Dopamine has
and vasopressin. It is important to note that, historically been the first-line vasopressor of
although these agents increase MAP, they can choice for patients with CS. However, recent liter-
also increase myocardial oxygen demand and in- ature has demonstrated that dopamine may be
crease the risk of arrhythmias. Thus, these agents less favorable for patients with CS when
should be administered at the lowest dose to compared with NE.24 In a trial of more than
achieve the goal MAP and for the shortest period 1600 patients with shock, De Backer and col-
possible. leagues24 demonstrated an increase in arrhyth-
Norepinephrine (NE) stimulates the alpha adren- mogenic events in patients treated with
ergic receptor and, to a lesser extent, beta adren- dopamine compared with those treated with NE.
ergic receptors. As a result, NE increases MAP Furthermore, in the subgroup of patients with
primarily through an increase in systemic vascular CS, dopamine was associated with a higher 28-
resistance (SVR). Heart rate and contractility are day mortality when compared with NE.24 As a
only minimally increased, given the weaker beta result of this trial, dopamine is no longer recom-
adrenergic receptor stimulation. NE is often the mended as the first-line vasopressor medication
first-line vasopressor medication chosen to for CS.
augment MAP in patients with CS, usually in com- Vasopressin causes peripheral vasoconstriction
bination with dobutamine.22,23 Side effects of NE through stimulation of V1 receptors in vascular
include reduced renal and splanchnic blood smooth muscle.2,22 Although vasopressin is
flow.22 commonly used as a second-line vasopressor in

Table 2
Vasoactive medication

Vasopressors Clinical Effect Dose

Epinephrine Increase HR, SV, CO 0.05–0.5 mg/kg/min
Vasoconstriction at higher doses
Norepinephrine Increase vasoconstriction 0.05–0.5 mg/kg/min
Mild increase in HR, CO
Dopamine Increase CO 1–20 mg/kg/min
Vasoconstriction at high doses
Vasopressin Increase vasoconstriction 0.01–0.04 units/min

Abbreviations: CO, cardiac output; HR, heart rate; SV, stroke volume; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.
58 Tewelde et al

patients with septic shock, there is little to no liter- Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor
ature on its use in CS. In fact, there are no random- that increases cyclic adenosine monophosphate
ized trials on the use of vasopressin in CS.22 levels. The result is an increase in cardiac
Nevertheless, vasopressin has been recommen- contractility without the significant increase in
ded by some clinicians for use in patients heart rate seen with other vasoactive medica-
with CS due to right ventricular failure, as it does tions. In addition, milrinone can cause vasodila-
not significantly increase pulmonary vascular tion of both the pulmonary and systemic
resistance.2 circulations.25 Importantly, milrinone can take
Phenylephrine should be avoided in patients several hours to take effect and must be adjusted
with CS. It increases MAP through strong activa- for renal impairment.25
tion of the alpha adrenergic receptor. The marked
increase in SVR can decrease cardiac contractility Reperfusion Therapy
and may cause a reflex bradycardia. As a result,
cardiac output decreases and tissue hypoperfu- Since acute coronary syndrome is the most com-
sion may worsen. mon cause of CS, emergent reperfusion therapy
with either percutaneous coronary intervention
Inotropes (PCI) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
The 2 most common inotrope medications used is critical. For appropriate patients, emergent PCI
in CS are listed in Table 3. These medications or CABG reduces mortality.26 The American Col-
increase cardiac output primarily through an in- lege of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart
crease in cardiac contractility. Inotropic medica- Association (AHA) recommend emergent PCI for
tions are critical in the medical management of patients with an STEMI and CS.27 Unfortunately,
CS to bridge patients to reperfusion therapy or in-hospital mortality remains high for patients
mechanical support. Similar to vasopressor med- with CS who undergo emergent PCI.28 This may
ications, both dobutamine and milrinone increase be due to the relative increase in patients over
myocardial oxygen consumption and increase the past decade with an NSTEMI compared with
the risk of arrhythmias. At present, there is no those who have an STEMI.29–31 The latest ACC/
literature that demonstrates the superiority of AHA Guideline for the management of NSTEMI
either dobutamine or milrinone in the treatment specifically references hemodynamic instability
of CS. (ie, shock) as a criterion for emergent PCI.32 Data
Dobutamine stimulates both beta adrenergic re- from the SHOCK trial demonstrated no difference
ceptors and is the most common inotrope used in in hospital mortality in patients with an NSTEMI
CS.23 The recommended initial infusion rate of compared with those with an STEMI.33 More
dobutamine in CS is 2.5 mg/kg per minute. The recent trials, however, have suggested that there
infusion is then increased by 2.5 mg/kg per minute may be mortality differences between patients
every 10 minutes until clinical improvement occurs with STEMI and NSTEMI.34,35 Nevertheless, PCI
or a dose of 20 mg/kg per minute is reached. or CABG is preferred over fibrinolytic therapy for
Dobutamine does not require adjustment for renal patients with CS. Fibrinolytic therapy can be
function. Although dobutamine primarily aug- administered to patients with an STEMI and CS
ments cardiac contractility and cardiac output in the event that transport to the cardiac catheter-
through stimulation of the beta-1 receptor, it is ization laboratory is delayed or the patient is not a
important to note that hypotension can worsen candidate for emergent PCI or CABG.27 Patients
through stimulation of the beta-2 receptor. As a who fail PCI, are found to have severe triple vessel
result, a vasopressor medication (ie, NE) is often disease or left main coronary artery disease at the
used with dobutamine.23 time of PCI, or have a mechanical complication of

Table 3
Vasoactive medication

Inotropes Clinical Effect Dose

Dobutamine Increase SV, CO 2.5–20 mg/kg/min
Increase vasodilation
Milrinone Increase diastolic relaxation, CO Loading dose: 50 mg/kg
Increase vasodilation Infusion: 0.375–0.75 mg/kg/min

Abbreviations: CO, cardiac output; SV, stroke volume.

Cardiogenic Shock 59

an acute coronary syndrome (ie, papillary muscle compared with the IABP.40 Two of the most
rupture, ventricular septal rupture, free wall common pVAD used in clinical practice are the
rupture) are candidates for emergent cardiac micro-axial flow catheter (Impella, Abiomed,
surgery.27,36–38 Inc, Danvers, MA) and the centrifugally driven
right to left femoral artery bypass device (Tan-
demHeart, Cardiac Assist, Inc, Pittsburgh, PA).
Mechanical Support
These pVADs can deliver 2.5 to 4 L/min of flow
Mechanical devices used to support the circula- and may be best for patients with left ventricular
tion are being used with increased frequency in failure without pulmonary compromise. Impor-
patients with CS. These devices include the tantly, pVADs are temporary and must be
intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), percutaneous replaced by an implantable VAD or the patient
ventricular assist device (pVAD), and extracorpo- must undergo CABG.
real life support (ECLS). These devices are ECLS is a novel mechanical support therapy
pictured in Fig. 3. At present, there are no data that is being used in many acute care settings
to suggest the superiority of any mechanical with impressive results. In a single-center series
support device. In fact, mortality rates have of approximately 200 patients with STEMI and
been shown to be relatively equal among all CS, the use of ECLS during cardiac catheterization
devices. demonstrated a 33% decrease in 30-day mortality
The IABP remains the most commonly used me- compared with patients who did not receive
chanical device in patients with CS, despite the ECLS.41 The most common type of ECLS is extra-
lack of evidence to support improved patient out- corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). The 2
comes.39 IABPs decrease afterload and improve types of ECMO are veno-venous ECMO and
diastolic coronary blood flow. The most recent veno-arterial ECMO (VA-ECMO). VA-ECMO is
ACC/AHA STEMI Guidelines recommend IABP used in the patient with CS to provide full cardio-
for patients who are not quickly improving with pulmonary support. Importantly, ECMO is
the use of pharmacologic therapy (ie, vasopressor, currently limited to select centers, as this therapy
inotropes).27 Importantly, this recommendation is very labor intensive. Patients who do not
has been downgraded from class I to class IIa, respond to pharmacologic therapy can be consid-
based primarily on the study by Thiele and ered for ECMO as a bridge to emergent reperfu-
colleagues.1,25,27,39 sion therapy or cardiac transplantation. In most
The pVAD devices are now more accessible of these cases, transfer to a center with expertise
and may provide more robust circulatory support in ECMO will be needed.

Fig. 3. Percutaneous mechanical support devices. (A) Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation. (B) The Impella is in-
serted percutaneously and positioned across the aortic valve in the left ventricle. (C) The TandemHeart ventricular
assist device, which is placed in the left ventricle using a trans-septal cannula. (D) The venous access is connected
to an ECMO system with an integrated centrifugal pump and membrane oxygenator (artificial lung) and con-
nected to the arterial inflow access. (From Werdan K, Gielen S, Ebelt H, et al. Mechanical circulatory support
in cardiogenic shock. Eur Heart J 2013;35(3):156–67; with permission.)
60 Tewelde et al

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