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Questionnaire – I (Parents)

Effects of Television Viewing on the Growth and Development of

Children during Middle and Late Childhood in India and Iran: A
Comparative Study

Dear Respondent,

I am pursuing doctoral research on the impact of television on children in

India and Iran under the guidance of Prof.B.P.Mahesh Chandra Guru in the
Department of Studies in Communication and Journalism, University of Mysore,
Manasagangotri, Mysore. Please feel free to share your views and experiences on the
impact of television on children. The information provided by you will be utilized for
research purpose only. I solicit your kind cooperation in this regard.
Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely

Research Scholar

Personal Information
1. Name of the Parents :

2. Gender : Male : Female:

3. Age (in Years) : <40years / >40years

4. Education : Secondary/ Pre-university/Degree/

Masters Degree and Above

5. Profession : Agriculturist/Businessmen/ Public Service/

Private Service/Housewife/Unemployed
6. Monthly Income :

7. Type of the Family : Nuclear Extended Joint

8. Religion : Hindu/Muslim/Christianity/Buddhism/ Jainism

Attitude of Parents towards Television Vie wing
(Tick the appropriate response namely – SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree, CS=Can’t
Say, D=Disagree and SD=Strongly Disagree)

Sl. Attitude SA A CS D SD
1. The television is a medium of instruction for

2. The television provides the benefit of exposure to


3. The television viewing is a positive activity for

children’s development.

4. Regulated television viewing increases the cognitive

performance of children.

5. The television viewing encourages the process of

socialization among children.

6. Parental intervention in watching television

programmes benefits the children.

7. The parents should decide the viewing of television

programmes by their children.

8. The watching of television programmes by the

children in the company of parents and siblings
improves family atmosphere

9. The children should be guided by their parents

regarding the time and contents of television

10. The parents should restrict the children to watch

adult television programmes

Influence of Television on Pare nts
(Tick the appropriate response namely – SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree, CS=Can’t
Say, D=Disagree and SD=Strongly Disagree)

1. Television viewing encourages the parents to get

actively involved in their children’s education
2. Television viewing encourages the parents to adopt
right techniques and mold their children
3. Television viewing encourages the parents to assume
managerial role for socio-emotional development of
4. Television viewing encourages the parents to regulate
children’s opportunities for better social contact
5. Television viewing encourages the parents to initiate
contact between children and potential play partners
6. Television viewing encourages the parents to monitor
the progress of children in terms of social settings,
associates and activities
7. Television viewing encourages the parents to develop
interaction with children in order to make them grow
into socially mature individuals
8. Television viewing encourages the parents to facilitate
meaningful child-sibling relationship
9. Television viewing encourages the parents to facilitate
meaningful child-peer relationship
10. Television viewing encourages the parents to adopt
healthy parenting as children grow older
11. Television viewing encourages the parents to become
more knowledgeable about child development
12. Television viewing encourages the parents to learn the
art of child care
13. Television viewing encourages the parents to treat
their children positively
14. Television viewing encourages the parents to provide
stimulating environment to the children
15. Television viewing encourages the parents to cultivate
healthy child care practices
16. Television viewing encourages the parents to adopt
mentoring programmes which improve the
achievement of children
17. Television viewing encourages the parents to
understand the issues of child development
18. Television viewing encourages the parents to develop

the craft of nurturing the children
19. Television viewing encourages the parents to
understand the importance of parenting in child
20. Television viewing encourages the parents to interact
with their children effectively

Questionnaire – II (Children)
Effects of Television Viewing on the Growth and Development of
Children during Middle and Late Childhood in India and Iran: A
Comparative Study
Dear Respondent,

I am pursuing doctoral research on the impact of television on children in

India and Iran under the guidance of Prof.B.P.Mahesh Chandra Guru in the
Department of Studies in Communication and Journalism, University of Mysore,
Manasagangotri, Mysore. Please feel free to share your views and experiences on the
impact of television on children. The information provided by you will be utilized for
research purpose only. I solicit your kind cooperation in this regard.
Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely

Research Scholar

Personal Information
1. Name of the Children :
2. Gender : Male : Female:
3. Age (in Years) : Middle Childhood (6-8 years)
Late Childhood (9-11 years)
4. Status of Respondent : Student

5. Standard/Class :

6. Name and address of the

School :
7. Hostel address :

8. Residential address :

9. Birth Order : First Born / Second Born/ Third Born/

Later Born
10.Place of Birth :

Family Particulars
1. Name of the Father :
2. Name of the Mother :

3. Type of the Family : Nuclear Extended Joint

4. Family Size : Members

5. Religion :Hindu/Muslim/Christian/Others (Specify)

6. Caste : Forward/Backward/SC/ST/Minorities
7. Profession of the Parents : Agriculture/Business/Public Service
/Private Service/House Wife/Unemployed
8. Monthly Income of the Parents :

Communications Media Association
1. Media services available at home

a) Newspapers Yes No

b) Magazines Yes No

c) Radio Yes No

d) Television Yes No


f) Tape recorder Yes No

g) Two in One ( Radio+Tape Recorder) Yes No

h) Computer Yes No

i) Computer with Internet Yes No

j) Mobile with Internet Yes No

k) Cable /Satellite connection to : Yes No


Television Vie wing Behavior Pattern

1. Do you watch television : Yes No

2. Place of television watching

(a) At home (d) At friend’s house

(b) At neighbor’s house (e) At community TV

(c) At relative house (f) School

(g) Hostel (h) Any other place (Specify)

3. Mention with whom do you usually view the television?

(a) Alone (d) Friends

(b) Parents (e) Relatives

(c) Siblings (f) Publics

4. When do you view television? : (a) At a specific time

(b) To view a specific program

(c) Flexible Time

5. Mention the physical position of viewing the television.

(a) Sitting on the floor (d) Lying on the floor

(b) Lying on the sofa (e) Standing

(c) Sitting on the chair /sofa (f) Any other

6. Mention the distance between the television set and your usual place of viewing the


(a) Near (meters) (b) Normal (meters) (c)Far (Meters)

7. Who decides the programme and time of television viewing at home?

(a) Yourself (adolescent) (d) Elders

(b) Parents (e) Any other

(c) Siblings

8. When do you have discussions about the television programs?

(a) Before viewing (b) While viewing (c) After viewing

9. With whom do you discuss the television programs?

(a) Parents (c) Friends

(b) Siblings (d) Any other (Specify)

10. Do you engage yourself in any other activity while watching the television?

(a) Reading + television viewing

(b) Writing + television viewing

(c) Eating + television viewing

(d) Home work + television viewing

(e) Household work+ television viewing

(f) Playing + television viewing

(g) Any other work + television viewing

11. How do you distribute the time for viewing television?

Days Number of Hours Vie wed

Morning Afternoon Evening Night Late Total
(till 12 am) (12am-4Pm) (4Pm9Pm) (7pm10 Night
pm) (Above 10

12. What are the objectives of television viewing?

Objectives Yes No
1. To gather information
2. To gain education
3. To derive entertainment
4. To watch advertisements
5. To develop personality
6. To gain emotional strength
7. To escape from parental absenteeism
8. To escape from sibling absenteeism
9. To avoid sibling rivalry
10. To avoid peer rejection
11. To spend time in the absence of friends
12. To spend time in the absence of family members
13. To avoid meeting people
14. To find a substitute for companions
15. Any other (Specify)

13. Mention the priority accorded to the television programmes. (High, Moderate and

Programmes High Moderate Low
1. News and current affairs
2. News bulletins
3. Documentaries
4. Discussions/Interviews
5. Film Songs
6. Music (vocal/instrumental)
7. Dance programs
8. Sports programs
9. Regional
- Bollywood
- Hollywood
- Other
10. Health Programs
11. Educational programs
12. Human Interest Programs
13. Cultural Programs
14. Development Programs
15. Programs for adolescents &
16. Fashion Show
17. Advertisements
18. Life Style
19. Any Other (Specify)

14. Mention the frequency of viewing the television programmes?
Sl. Frequency of Vie wing
No Daily Weekly Fortnightly Rarely Never
1. News and current affairs
2. News bulletins
3. Documentaries
4. Discussions/Interviews
5. Film Songs
6. Music (vocal/instrumental)
7. Dance programs
8. Sports programs
9. Regional
- Bollywood
- Hollywood
- Other
10. Health Programs
11. Educational programs
12. Human Interest Programs
13. Cultural Programs
14. Development Programs
15. Programs for adolescents &
16. Fashion Show
17. Advertisements
18. Life Style
19. Any Other (Specify)

15. Mention the languages in which you view the television programs.
Sl.No. Languages Yes No
1. Kannada
2. Hindi
3. Tamil
4. Telugu
5. Malayalam
6. English
7. Persia
8. Any other (Specify)

Role of Television in Child Development
(Tick the appropriate response namely – SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree, CS=Can’t Say,
D=Disagree and SD=Strongly Disagree)
Sl. Attitude SA A CS D SD
1. Television is a window on the world for children
2. Television plays an important role in the lives of the
3. Television provides the benefit of exposure to
4. Children experience a world of earning through
television exposure
5. Television brings about cultural understanding
among the children
6. Television increases the children’s information
beyond their immediate environment
7. Television enables the children to incorporate new
information into existing knowledge
8. Television facilitates better retention of information
over time among children
9. Television enables the children to adjust their
knowledge to fit into new environment
10. Television enables the children to group thoughts
and behaviors into a higher order system
11. Television enables the children to resolve the
conflict and reach equilibrium of thoughts
12. Television enables the children to gain the benefit
of observational learning
13. Television enables the children to actively construc t
their thinking
14. Television enables the children to develop a
constructivist approach
15. Television enables the children to perceive and
express emotions accurately and adaptively
16. Television enables the children to understand the
factor analytical approach to intelligence
17. Television enables the children to achieve better
language development
18. Television enables the children to achieve sound
emotional development
19. Television enables the children to develop self-
20. Television enables the children to achieve the goal

of moral development
21. Television enables the children to cultivate healthy
human relations
22. Television enables the children to achieve the goal
of better health and well being
23. Television enables the children to think in novel
ways and provide unique solutions to their
24. Television enables the children to engage in
brainstorming which produces constructive ideas
25. Television portrays gender equity and influences on
gender development
26. Television enables the children to overcome gender
stereotyping and discrimination
27. Television enables the children to achieve better
socio-emotional development
28. Television enables the children to emulate good
role models
29. Television enables the children to develop healthy
attitudes and lifestyles
30. Television enables the children to become socially
active and useful
31. Television enables the children to develop sense of
32. Television enables the children to become
adventurous persons in life
33. Television enables the children to develop
competitive spirit and personality
34. Television enables the children to gain self-
35. Television enables the children to enrich their


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