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VILLAVIZA ISSUE: WON respondents abused their Right to Assemble and

Topic: Right to Assemble and to Seek Redress of Grievances from be punished pursuant to the rules and regulations of the GSIS
the Government
WON government employees have the Right to Assemble even
FACTS: though they work for the government
 On 27 May 2005, respondent, wearing red shirt together
with some employees, marched to or appeared
 NO
simultaneously at or just outside the office of the
 The CSC found that the acts of respondents in going to
Investigation Unit in a mass demonstration/rally of protest the GSIS-IU office wearing red shirts to witness a public
and support for Messrs. Mario Molina and Albert Velasco hearing do not amount to a concerted activity or mass
 That some of these employees badmouthed the security action proscribed above.
guards and the GSIS management and defiantly raised  As defined in Section 5 of CSC Resolution No. 02-1316
clenched fists led by Atty. Velasco who was barred by which serves to regulate the political rights of those in
Hearing Officer Marvin R. Gatpayat in an Order dated 24 the government service, the concerted activity or mass
May 2005 action proscribed must be coupled with the "intent of
 PGM Garcia then filed the above-mentioned formal charges effecting work stoppage or service disruption in
for Grave Misconduct and/or Conduct Prejudicial to the Best order to realize their demands of force concession."
Interest of the Service against each of the respondents  Wearing similarly colored shirts, attending a public
 On appeal, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) found the hearing at the GSIS-IU office, bringing with them
recording gadgets, clenching their fists, some even
respondents guilty of the lesser offense of Violation of
badmouthing the guards and PGM Garcia, are acts not
Reasonable Office Rules and Regulations and reduced the constitutive of an (i) intent to effect work stoppage or
penalty to reprimand. service disruption and (ii) for the purpose of realizing
 PGM Garcia sought reconsideration but was denied. their demands of force concession.
 PGM Garcia then went to the CA to appeal  Government workers, whatever their ranks, have as
 The CA upheld the CSC stating that the acts committed by much right as any person in the land to voice out
the respondents hardly falls within the definition of a their protests against what they believe to be a
prohibited concert activity or mass action. violation of their rights and interests.
 The petitioners failed to prove that the supposed convert  It would be unfair to hold that by joining the
activity of the respondents resulted in work stoppage and government service, the members thereof have
caused prejudice to the public service renounced or waived this basic liberty. This freedom
can be reasonably regulated only but can never be
 Note: Only about twenty (20) out of more than a hundred
taken away.
employees at the main office, joined the activity sought to be
 This [Right to Assemble] freedom can be reasonably
regulated only but can never be taken away.
 PGM Garcia then submitted a petition to review before the
Supreme Court

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