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OFFSWDxE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE » 6200 North Central Bxpreseway = OTC 2079 Dallas, Teeis 75008 ‘THIS Is A PREPRINT - SUBJECT TO CORRECTION Field Testing of Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand By William R. Cox, TERA, Inc., Lymon C, Reese, U. of Texas at Austin, and Ber: Lae ae Fugro Gulf Inc. R. Grubbs, Copyright 1974 Offshore Technology Conference on behalf of the Anerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, end Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (Society of Mining Engineers, The Metallurgical Society end Society of Petroleum Engineers), American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Anerican Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, Anerican Society of Mechanical ngineers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Marine Technology Society, Society of Exploration Geophysiciste, and Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. ‘This paper was prepared for presentation at the Sixth Annual Offshore Technology Conference to be held in Houston, Tex., May 6-8, 1974. not more than 300 words. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of Tiustrations may not be copied. ‘Such use of an abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgnent of where and by whom the paper is presented, ABSTRACT A series of field tests was made to de- velop criteria for the design of laterally loaded piles in sand under both static and cyclic loads, ‘Two 24-in, diameter piles were instrumented with strain gages for measuring bending mo- ment at points along the piles. The gages were calibrated by applying known moments and read: ing the output of the gages. Hydraulic equip- ment was developed for applying both static and cyclic loads. A calibrated load cell, employ- ing strain gages, was used for measuring later-| al load, and linear-displacement transducers were used for measuring the deflection of the pile at two points above the ground surface. ‘The output from the moment gages, from the load cell, and from the linear-displacement transducers was recorded with a high-speed digital system. A site was selected at Mustang Island, ‘Texas, and two soil borings were taken, The instrumented piles, the reaction piles, and the loading apparatus were installed, and a comprehensive series of field tests was per- formed. This paper describes the field testing of the two piles. FOREWORD ‘A companion paper, "Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand" by Lymon C. Reese, William R. Cox and Francis D. Koop presents the analysis of the test data and the development of design criteria. The tests were sponsored by Shell Development Compan} Esso Production Research Company, Amoco Production Company, Mobil Oil Corporation, and Chevron Oil Company. The program was operated by Shell Development Company. INTRODUCTION Some of the first major offshore di coveries of petroleum reserves were located in areas where the soils consisted primarily of soft clays, Design of laterally loaded piles in these areas was a critical problem for which there was a scarcity of knowledge. For this reason, theoretical investigations were made and a number of field tests were run on piles in| soft to medium clays. Based on these investi- gations, criteria were developed for the d of laterally loaded piles in clays whose consis tency is soft to medium. The tests and criteria] have been discussed by Matlock’. As activities in offshore exploration pushed into areas where thick beds of sand are FIELD TESTING OF LATERA! LY LOADED PILES IN SAND orc encountered, it became increasingly important ‘that knowledge of the behavior of piles under lateral loads be expanded to include behavior in sands. This paper describes field tests for determining the force-deformation character- istics in sand. A companion paper® presents the development of criteria for predicting the force-deformation behavior of sand along a laterally loaded pile, SOIL BORINGS As indicated in Fig. 1, a test site was selected at the Shell Oil Company tank battery on Mustang Island, near Port Aransas, Texas. ‘Two soil borings were made at the test site. Soil samples were taken from one hole by con- tinuously alternating a 2-in. split-spoon sam- pler with a 3-in, piston sampler. Between the samples, the hole was increased in depth 6 to 9 in. by drilling and washing. Samples from the second hole were taken at 5-ft intervals with a 2-in. split-spoon to 15 ft, Below 15 ft, samples were taken at 5-ft intervals with a wire-line sampler®, ‘The wire-line sampler is an open-drive, thin-wall sampler of 2,25 in, outside diameter | Attached to the sampler is @ sliding weight, or jars, of approximately 175 Ibs, having a maxi- mum vertical travel of 10 ft. The sampler with its attached sliding weight is lowered into the hole ona small-diameter wire line until it rests on the bottom. The sliding weight is raised about 5 ft and dropped a sufficient num- ber of times to secure penetration of about 24 inches. The location of the borings in relation to the test piles is shown in Fig. 2, Logs of the two borings are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. It should be noted in the logs that the depth as shown relates to original ground surface, and elevation relates to the bottom of the test pit. In conjunction with disturbed sampling ‘by the split-spoon sampler and wire-line sam- pler, standard penetration tests (Ref 4, p 108) were also run. Results from standard pene- tration tests are expressed as the number of blows, N_, required to advance the sampler 1 ft into the soil,” For cohesive soil samples, unconfined compressive strengths were met sured with a hand penetrometer. These compressive strength values are shown on logs| of the borings. DISCUSSION OF SOIL BORINGS AND LABORATORY TESTS Comparisons of the logs of borings 1- 2, Figs. 3 and 4, indicate that there was a slight variation in the soil profile between t two locations. In the top 40 ft, the sand st: at hole 2 had enough silt particles to be clat fied as a silty fine sand while the soil in hol in the top 40 ft was classified as fine sand, This difference in material is also shown b* plot of the N,-values in Fig. 5. Due to the greater silt Gontent in boring 2, the N.-val ‘at boring 2 from 0 to 40 it are generally low than those at boring 1. By comparing the N,-values that have previously been correlat with the physical properties of sands (Ref 4, p 109) the sand from 0 to 20 ft would be class fied as medium dense, 20 to 40 ft as dense, 50 to 70 ft as dense. Laboratory tests were run on samples from boring 1 that were obtained with the pi: mpler. Soil properties determined from these tests included grain-size distribution, natural densities, and minimum and maxim: densities, Grain-size distribution curves ir Fig. 6 show that the cohesionless material were uniformly graded sands with the pere age of fines passing the number 200 sieve varying from 0 to 15 percent. Curve 3in is representative of curves obtained for sa amples from greater depths. The sand p cles by inspection through a microscope w found to be subangular with a large percent Results of density tests arc Relative densities for bo 1 are plotted alongside the standard penetra test values in Fig. 5, PREPARATION OF TEST SITE Before the test piles were installed + the site, it was necessary to excavate abor 5-1/2 ft of material to reach the water tab Work on the excavation was done on Februa and 3, 1966, In addition, further excavatio was required to remove a 2-1/2 ft layer of just below the water table. The layer of cl ‘was removed and sand filled in to bring thr urface back up to the water table. It is b lieved that the sand fill assumed an in-sitt character similar to clean sands near the face of marine floors. The area excavate approximately 40 ft wide by 60 ft long. TI piles were located inside the pit as shown Fig. 2. 2079 WILLIAM R, COX, LYMONC. ESE, AND BERRY R, GRUBBS Mea EPARATION OF TEST PILES The test piles were 24-in. diameter ‘a-wall thickness of 3/8 inch. The material] A-53 grade-B seamless stecl. The em- nent length was chosen to be 69 ft. Each pile consisted of a 38-ft uninstrumented ion, a 32-ft instrumented section, and a ft uninstrumented section, as shown in Fig. Connecting flanges, 36 x 20x 1-1/2 in., ‘¢ welded to the instrumented section and to 10-£t section, During driving and testing, 10-ft section was bolted to the 32-ft section he flange by seven 1-in, diameter bolts. ‘Just below the flange on the 32-ft sec- » an annular ring was welded inside the pile aich a pressure plate was bolted, A rubber et of 1/8-in. thickness was placed between ving and pressure plate. Strain-gage es were brought through 0-ring packing- screwed into the pressure plate. After installation of strain gages, a 2 in, thick diaphragm was welded 6 in. e the bottom of the 32-ft section. The om diaphragm and top pressure-plate seal vented moisture from entering the 32-ft rumented section, Excess moisture in the 2s could cause damage to the strain gages. ‘Small holes were cut in the pile wall +t below the diaphragm to allow water and air escape from the bottom 38-ft section during iving. ISTALLATION AND WATERPROOFING OF TRAIN GAGES A total of 40 strain gages, 34 active ages and 6 dummy gages, were placed in each sle. The gage spacing is shown in Fig. 8. sammy gages were to be used to complete the ircuits where active gages might become in- erative. The metal foil gages were bonded the pile with a two-part epoxy that maintains nd under dynamic strains. To prevent ab- orption of moisture, the gages were then oated with a synthetic-resin waterproofing ompound. ‘After a check-out of the gages, a second| oat of waterproofing compound, a two-part poxy, was applied. Final waterproofing and aechanical protection was insured by covering se entire gage installation with a 1/8-in. thick neoprene pad bonded to the pile surface with a rubber-to-metal cement. INSTALLATION OF STRAIN-GAGE CABLES Cables were installed inside the piles by clamping them to brackets placed on 1-ft intervals, as shown in Figs. 9a and 9b. The cable had 8 conductor wires covered by shield- ing and a tough neoprene-rubber exterior. Each cable carried output from four strain gages, resulting in a total of five cables along opposite diameters of the piles. A total of 1084 ft of wire was installed in both piles. In order to reach from the pile to the instrument van, each cable extended 40 ft beyond the top pressure plate. | RECORDING EQUIPMENT FOR STRAINGAGE! A 20-channel digital-data-acquisition system was used for recording the output of the| strain gages, deflection gages, and the load cell. This equipment scanned all 20 channels of information and printed the microstrain data on adding machine tape. The time for the sys- tem to balance automatically and print was from 0.4 to 1.5 seconds per channel, depend- ing upon the range change or variation between readings. During lateral-load tests, the sy: tem was clocked at approximately 17 seconds for scanning and recording all 20 channels of data, Resolution of the system was to the nearest microstrain and the quoted accuracy was 0.1 percent. However, when the range of the system had to be changed, i.e., for micro-| strains greater than 999, a multiplier had to be} used which decreased the resolution to 1 mi- crostrain times the multiplier. cigcurrs Strain gages in the pile were wired into conventional Wheatstone-bridge circuits. Dia- metrically opposed strain gages in the piles were wired as adjacent arms of a bridge that was completed with two strain-gage dummies inside the digital-strain indicator. This bridge arrangement has the advantage that measured strains are twice the actual pile strains and temperature effects are compensating. It should be noted that each gage was wired sep- arately so that if one gage became inoperative, one of the six unstrained dummies could be used as a substitute and data could still be ob- tained from that particular location. The linear-displacement transducers for measuring deflection were also used in a bridge arrangement so that their voltage output could be measured as strain, The deflection gages were wired into one arm of an external half-bridge arrangement. MEASUREMENT OF LOAD AND DEFLECTIONS ‘Loads were measured in the calibration ‘and field tests by a universal load cell of 100, 000-Ib capacity, Accuracy of the load cell was quoted by the manufacturer at 0.25 percent of the full-scale range of 4000 microstrain, ‘The accuracy and the manufacturer's calibra- tion constant were checked on a 120, 000-Ib testing machine, Deflections during the field tests were measured at two points above the connecting flange on the unstrained 10-ft section. The gages used were linear-displacement trans- ducers with 6-in, strokes capable of measuring displacements to one micro-inch. For these tests, however, the resolution was reduced to 0,001 inch, CALIBRATION OF TEST PILES In the calibration test the hydraulic ram. was placed between the piles and used to jack the piles apart. The piles were connected at the ends with steel straps in order to create simple beam supports. Loads applied to the piles were monitored by the load cell placed in series with the hydraulic ram. The load cell, hydraulic ram, and strain-gage recording equipment used in the calibration test were the same as those used in the field test. INSTALLATION OF REACTION PILES AND ‘TEST PILES The two test piles were driven with a Delmag- 12 diesel hammer in the excavated pit during the period from February 9 to Feb- ruary 14, 1966. Driving records for both test piles are shown in Fig. 10, After the 38-ft open-ended sections were driven to grade, an auger was used to remove the soil plug to the bottom of the section, The soil plug was re- moved from the 38-ft section in order to prevent contact of the soil plug against the FIELD TESTING OF LATERALLY LOADED PILES IN SAND ore 20 diaphragm in the bottom of the 32-ft section during driving of the combined 32- and 38-£t sections. After installation of the 38-ft anch. section, the 32-ft instrumented section w welded to it and driving continued. During driving of the last 10 ft of pil excessive rotation of the pile occurred. A torque was applied to the flange of the pile = driving was resumed, This torque returne the pile to its original orientation so that #1 diameter on which strain gages were locate ‘would be in line with lateral load DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP As shown in Fig, 8, the load cell an hydraulic ram were placed in series betwee the reaction frame and the pile being teste Loads to the free-head piles were applied the connecting flange between the 10- and sections. The connecting flange was locat 1 ft above the mudline, Micro-switches, » ‘would shut off the hydraulic flow to the ram when activated, were placed on either side + the piles to prevent accidental overloading. Views of the test setup are shown in Fig. 11. PROCEDURE FOR STATIC-LOAD TESTS A series of static loads was applied both pile 1 and pile 2. On pile 1, the static loads were the first loads applied, but on pi, 2 the static-load test followed two series of cyclic loads. As loads were applied to the pile, th’ operator of the hydraulic system monitored applied load as measured by the single-brid load cell ona strain indicator. Ata given load for which strain measurements were t: made, the load was stabilized, then the ou of the load cell was switched from the stro indicator into the digital-data system for cording along with the deflection and strai gage readings. Immediately after taking these rea. with the digital system, the load-cell outp: was switched back to the strain indicator. the measured load had changed due to creer the pile-soil system during the time requi- for the readings, the load was again sta and readings taken again. This repetitior readings due to creep was necessary only few cases. After a set of readings was ta’ 2079____WILLIAM'R, COX. LYMON C. REESE, AND BERRY'R. Grunps __ 463 Joad was increased to the next'load level the process repeated. Strains along the pile and deflection, as Asured by the top gage, were plotted during sng. No further increases in loading were © when the measured strain approached the imum allowable strain for the pile. As 8s were decreased, strain data were taken trious load levels in order to measure the ding moment that was locked into the pile. OCEDURE FOR CYCLIC-LOAD TESTS. ‘The first loads applied in the cyclic-load ts were referred to as ''seasoning loads". .ese were small loads, up to 3,000 Ibs, ap- ed equally in two directions to simulate the adual buildup of wave action prior to a storm. er these loads were applied, loads were in- sased with the ratio of major to minor load wal to 3 for pile 1 and 4 for cyclic tests on e2. As cyclic loads were applied to the piles, 2 operator of the hydraulic system monitored| ae applied load on an oscillograph in order to pply the load at a specific cyclic rate. The ycle time was between 16 and 20 seconds and veraged about 17 seconds. The number of yeles applied to the pile was monitored on an lectric counter wired into the hydraulic sys At a particular load level and after a pecific number of cycles, strain readings rom the load cell, deflection gages, and strain| ges were recorded for loads in both the aajor and minor load directions. © The decision) > proceed to the next load level after a parti- dar number of cycles was based on the de- ection data recorded during testing. If the eflections stabilized, i.e., repeated for uccessive cycles of load, data were recorded n the fifth cycle for which they repeated. The pad was then increased. If the deflection did ot stabilize, the load was increased only if it ppeared that the rate of "walking" through the oil, defined as deflection in major load direc- on minus deflection in minor load direction, ad reached a constant rate for 5 successive cles, After reaching a maximum stress rel in the pile, the load was relaxed back to ro with readings taken at intermediate load vel. On February 26, 1966, a static-load series was run on pile 1 in a virgin condition. This was 16 days after the pile had been driven. Data were taken as loads were applied in 2, 500- 1b increments to 15,000 1b and then in incre- ments of 1,250 1b from 15,000 1b to a maximum of 60,000 1b, Data were also recorded as loads were decreased in increments of 10, 000 Ib back to 0. On March 2, 1966, a series of cyclic loads was applied to pile 1. ‘The major load was 10, 000 Ib and the minor load was 3,330 Ib. The direction of the major load was the same as that of the static loads that were placed on Feb- ruary 26, 1966, Table I shows the cyclic num- bers corresponding to data recordings. On March 3, 1966, a second series of cyclic loads was applied to pile 1, The maxi- mum major load in this series was 60,000 Ib and the ratio of major to minor loads was held at before. The direction of the major load was the same as before. Table I shows mary of the loads and cycle numbers corre! ponding to data recordings. STATIC- AND CYCLIC-LOAD TESTS ON PILE 2 Prior to lateral loading of pile 2, a pull-out test was performed on the pile in its Virgin condition on April 4, 1966, This was 52 days after the pile had been driven, Vertical loads ‘up to 400, 000 Ib were applied to the pile causing the pile to move up about Linch. Results of these tests are not discussed in this paper. It is belleved that the pull-out tests had no sig- nificant effect on subsequent lateral loading. On April 11, 1966, the cyclic-load series was begun on pile 2, Small "seasoning loads", 1,000 to 3, 000 Ib, were applied to the pile but these loads were relaxed back to zero and the pile set overnight in an unloaded condition. On April 12, the cyclic-load test was resumed. A ‘maximum load of 55,000 Ib was applied in the major load direction before reaching the maxi- mum allowable strain in the pile. Loads were then relaxed back to zero and the pile set over- night in an unloaded condition, Again on ‘April 13, another cyclic-load series was run on Neb FIELD TESTING OF LATERALLY LOADED PILES IN SAND orc 20 the pile. Following the relaxation of the: loads back to zero, a static-load test to 60, 000 1b was run in the direction of the minor load. All lateral-load tests performed on pile 2 are listed chronologically in Table Il. SUMMARY OF TEST DATA FOR STATIC- AND CYCLIC-LOAD TESTS Recordings of data were made during the field tests for the loads and cycle numbers as summarized in Tables Ind Il, Only the major load values are listed. Minor loads may be determined by using the appropriate ratio of major to minor loads listed in Tables I and nL For pile 1, an active gage at both 25 and 30 ft was inoperative after pile driving, there- fore the unstrained dummy gages located at 15 ft were used to complete the bridge. Asa result of having only one active gage at these stations their output was only half that of the ‘other gaging stations in the pile where there were two active gages. In pile 2, one active gage at 30 ft was inoperative and an unstrained dummy at 25 ¢& ‘was used to complete the bridge. Likewise, its output was only half that of the remaining gaging stations having two active gages. On recovery of the test piles it was dis covered that the steel clamps that held the cables had cut the cable cover and wires to the gages that were inoperative. The gages were still intact and functional. RECALIBRATION OF TEST PILES The last loads were applied to the piles during the second week of April, 1966, and the piles were removed by jetting and pulling dur- ing the last week of July, 1966, The piles were recalibrated in the same manner as dis- ‘cussed earlier. The only gage calibration co- efficients that showed any deviation from original ones were for gages located at 5, 6, and 7 ft in pile 1, A slight tendency for these Sages to creep under load was noticed during the recalibration tests. A study of the field test data indicated that these gages did not tend to creep during field loading tests. SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION ‘The purpose of the investigation was to determine the behavior of sands in resisting static- and cyclic-lateral loads on piling. Full-scale field tests were made on two 24 diameter instrumented piles. Coupons fri the piles were tested to determine proper of the A-53 steel, The two test piles wer strumented with strain gages. Gages int two piles were then calibrated by applying loads to the piles which were supported ho. zontally as simple beams, These strainm surements in the shop calibration tests and the field loading tests were made with a hig’ ‘speed digital-data-acquisition system, Tw. soil borings were made at the Mustang Isla Texas, test site, Both test piles were driven with a Delmag-12 diesel hammer. The piles werr then subjected to both static- and cyclic- lateral loads supplied by 2 manually opera’ hydraulic ram, During load tests, the apr load, deflections at the top of the pile, an strain readings along the pile were recon by the digital system. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Appreciation is extended to Shell Development Company for granting permi to release information on the tests. REFERENCES 1, Matlock, Hudson, "Correlations for Design of Laterally Loaded Piles in: Clay", Second Annual Offshore Tech ogy Conference, Preprints, Volume P- 577, Houston, Texas, 1970. 2, Reese, Lymon C., William R. Cox, Francis D. Koop, "Analysis of Later Loaded Piles in Sand", Sixth Annual shore Technology Conference, Houstr Texas, 1974, 3, Emrich, W.J., "Performance Study Soil Sampler for Deep-Penetration Ma Borings", Sampling of Soil and Rock, ASTM STP 483, American Society for ‘Testing and Materials, 1971, pp. 30-> 4. Peck, Ralph B., Walter E. Hanson, ax Thomas H. Thornburn, Foundation En- gineering, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, 1953. Table 1- Summary of Static and Cyclic Test Loads for Pile 1 Loads and Cycle Numbers Corresponding to Data Recordings Cycle Numbers Ratio of, Load, Direction Major to Minor Type of Load Kips Major ‘Minor load Static 1, 2, (Feb. 26, 1966) 2.5, 5.0, 5 16.25, 17.5, 60, 50, 40, ots Cyclic ° ° 3 (Mar. 2, 1966) 10 Pry 28, 25; Cyelte (Maz. 3, 1966) ° ° 3 20 5,10, 25 40 5, 10, 25 60 5, 10, 25 ° ° ‘Table 2 - Suumary of Static and Cyclic Test loads for Pile 2 Loads and Cycle Numbers Corresponding to Data Recordings Cycle Numbers Ratlo of Load, Direction Major to Minor ‘Type of Load kipe | Major Minor Load cyclic 1 5,10 1 (apr, 11, 1966] 2 | 0, 5, 10 3 0, 5, 10 Gyelie 1.0 oh 1 (Apr. 12, 1966)] 1 | 0, 5, 10 0, 5, 10 2 | 0,5, 10 0, 5, 10 3 | 0,5, 10 0, 5, 10 5 | 0.5, 10, 25 0, 25, 4 7.5 | 0,5, 11, 15 0,15 10 | 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 0, 20 12,5 | 0, 5, 10, 25, 35 0, 35 15 | 0, 5, 10, 25, 35 0, 35 1.5 | 0; 5, 10, 28, 35 0, 60 50, 60 22,5 | 0,'5, 10, 25, 35, | 0, 60, 75, 100 60, 75, 100 27.5 | 0,'5, 10, 25, 50 9, 50 32.5 | 0, 5, 10, 20, 25, | 0, 20, 50 50 37.5 | 0, 5, 25, 50, 75, | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 100 42.5 | 0, 28, 50, 75, 100 | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 47.5 | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 |’ 52.5 | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 5s, | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 47.8 2 6 ° cyclic ° 4 (Ape. 13, 1966) | 5 50 0, 25, 50 10 50 0, 25, 50 20 50 0, 25, 50 30 50 0, 25; 50 40 50 0, 25, 50, 41.5 50 0, 25, 50 52.5 50 0, 25, 50 55 50, 75, 100 | 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 45 425 30 22.5 20 15 10 5 ° Static ° (Apr. 13, 1966) | 10, 20 Port Aransas, Texas 8 s g = 8 $ 8 8 Fig. | - Location of test site. “(BORING 2 _F cxeamreo foe | AREA Ne lo't sonny) Fig. 2 - Location of borings and piles inside excava- tion. *y auysog Jo Bor - € “81a +g Suysog yo Sor = 4 “Pha TaD a fa = ete eae on aia w poet « 8 =| loves ie seat ee aan = etal a erent kaye pune sour your fe | er “ A a foo too LE i I? ct ie ly ae ‘ i Petes N= € ie > 4 if He 0 a ng 2 | o* ie =H ts ie cA ie now 2pu08e 9 auenow sd | erm nae oe on ‘ 6 | meee t et a ees omar ato z 5 win ons ee RESISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FT 2040 60 80__—*100 5.15 ed ae ie 9 4.85 20 14.85 30 -2485 . = f * 40 = z ~3495 = x= y = = a 501% - 44. es BORING 2.——"~" 60} 0-18 standard Penetration Tests 54.85 20-70 Wireline Penetration este 3 70 eas i 64.85 i ¢ | 4 \ BORING 1. 80 Standeré Panetrtion Tes “74.85 » 90 -84.85 Oo 20 40 60 80 100 RELATIVE DENSITY Fig. 5 - Results of standard and wire-line penetration test and relative density values from piston samples. } } i | j t en cenr Fines GRAIN SIZE CURVES Tor 0065 21 nLuumeTens’ rain ize Im San ee [eats rae ‘SiuT wr cLaY Bering Mo. Depth fe Description ‘Tan fine sand with whell fragments ‘Tan fine sand with shell fragments Light gray fine anne (after WeClet and) Fig. 6 - Grain-size distribution curves from Boring 1, 3 to 15 1/2 ft. PER CENT COMRSER BY WEIGHT sas08 0 0 44 9 W34 87 WI ALISNIO 4a I Mig30 DRIVING RESISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FOOT 2040 60-80 100120140 cm ELEVATION IN FT a 3 OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE 6200 North Central Expressway Dallas, Texas 75206 mists OTC 2080 THIS TS A PREPRINT --- SUBJECT 70 CORRECTION Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand By Lymon C. Reese, U. of Texas at Austin, William R. Cox, TERA, Inc., and Francis D. Koop, Lavrence-Allison & Associates ©Copyright 1974 Offshore Tecmnology Conference on behslf of the Anericen Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (Society of Mining Engineers, The Metallurgical Society ani Society of Petroleum Engineers}, American Association of Petroleun Geologists, Anericen Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechenical Engineers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Narine Technology Society, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. This paper was prepared for presentation at the Sixth Annual Offshore Technology Conference to be held in Houston, Tex., May 6-8, 1974. not more than 300 words. Titustrations way not be copied. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of Such use of an abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper is presented, lAbstract, Data were taken during the lateral loading lof two 24-in. diameter test piles installed at a site where the soils consisted of clean fine sand to silty fine sand. Two types of loading lwere employed, static loading and cyclic loading. The data were analyzed and families of curves lwere developed which showed the soil behavior presented in terms of the soil resistance p as Ja function of pile deflection y. With theoretical studies as a basis, a Inethod was devised for predicting the family of P-y curves based on the properties of sand and pile dimensions. Procedures are suggested for both static loading and cyclic loading. hile there is some basis for the methods from theory, [the behavior of sand around a laterally loaded pile does not yield to a completely rational lanalysiss therefore, a considerable amount of lenpiricism is involved in the recommendations. The procedure was employed for predicting p-y curves at the experimental site and conputed results are compared with experimental results. The agreement is good. [References and ITlustrattons at end of paper. Foreword This paper is a companion to the paper entitled, "Field Testing of Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand," by William R. Cox, Lymon C. Reese and Berry R. Grubbs. The research described in these two papers was made possible because of a fund set up by the following oil companies: Amoco Production Company, Chevron 0i1 Field Re- search, Esso Production Research Company, Mobi] O41 Corporation, and Shell Development Company. Shell Development Company was the operator of the project. Introduction There are a relatively small nunber of papers in the technical literature which give recomendations for predicting the behavior of the soil around the piles subjected to lateral loading. With reaard to sand, such recommenda- tions are made in, two papers, Terzaghi! and Parker and Reese.2 Terzaghi presents no experi- mental evidence for the parameters which he rec- commends; the paper by Parker and Reese is based on lateral load tests of small diameter piles. ‘The method presented below is based on the re- sults of full-scale tests of instrumented piles and should be a useful addition to the literature. The differential equation, Eq. 1, for the problem of the laterally loaded pile is well known and its solution has been discussed by a nunber of authors. 3 ANALYSIS OF LATERALLY LOADED PILES IN SAND ore at ate & er ¥+ey=0 a) far where y= deflection x = length along pile EI = flexural stiffness of pile E, = soil modulus s ‘ Jit should be noted that Eq. 1 does not include la term to account for the effect of axial load If the axial load is sizable, Eq. 1 should be expanded. As indicated in the referenced papers, ap- lpropriate solutions can sometimes be obtained by jthe use of non-dimensional relationships. A re favorable approach is to write the differ ntial equation in difference form and to obtain lutions by use of the diaital computer. In the solution of the differential equa- ltion, appropriate boundary conditions must be lselected at the top of the pile to insure that lthe equations of equilibrium and of compatibility Ire satisfied at the interface between the pile ind_the superstructure. The selection of the wundary conditions is a simple problem in some instances; for example, where the superstructure lis simply a continuation of the pile. However, lin other instances, it may be necessary to iter- pte between solutions for the piles and for the wuperstructure in order to obtain a correct solu- ‘ion. Such iteration may be required because the oi] behavior is usually non1 inear. The thrust of most of the recent research n laterally loaded piles has been at the devel- pment of curves giving the soil resistance p as function of the pile deflection y. A recent 11-known paper by Matlock® presents a proce- lure for the development of p-y curves for soft ‘lays. The concept of the p-y curve was first leveloped by McClelland and Focht.9 While other cedures have been suggested for the design of ‘iles under lateral loading, most designers favor ie use of the p-y curves, because it is the most rational procedure yet suggested, !0 ‘The idea of p-y curves is presented in Fig. Figure la shows a section through a pile at lepth below the ground surface. The behavior of thin stratun of soil at a depth x) below the round surface will be discussed. Flg. Tb shows possible earth pressure distribution around he pile after it has been installed and before the pile has been loaded laterally. The earth essure distribution in Fig. Ib assumes that the ile was perfectly straight prior to driving and iat. there was no bending of ‘the pile during iriving. While neither of these conditions is recisely met in practice, it is believed that in st instances the assumptions can be made with- it serious error. The deflection of the pile through a distance yj. as shown in Fig. 1c, wor lgenerate unbalanced soil pressures against the Pile, perhaps as indicated in the figure. _Int« lgration of the soil pressures around the pile lwould yield an unbalanced force pj per unit of length of the pile. The deflection of the pile could generate la soil resistance parallel to the axis of the pile; however, it is assumed that such soil re sistance would be quite small and it can be ignored in the analysis. As shown in Fig. 1, the deflection of yj fis the distance the pile deflects laterally 0: being subjected to a lateral load. The soil 1 sistance pj is the force per unit length fror soi] against the pile which develops as a re lof the pile deflection. For the solution of the problem of a lat lally Toaded pile, it is desirable to be able predict a set of p-y curves, such as those sh Hin Fig. 2. If such a set of curves can be pr dicted, Eq. 1 can readily be solved to yield ldeflection, pile rotation, bending moment, sh jand soil reaction for any load capable of bei lsustained by the pile. The set of curves shown in Fig. 2 would = [to imply that the behavior of the soil at a pa iticular depth is independent of the soil behav lat all other depths. That assumption, of cours is not strictly true. However, it has been fou lby experiment® that, for the patterns of pile ldeflections which can occur in practice, the s. reaction at a point is dependent essentially on ithe pile deflection at that point and not on pil deflections above and below. Thus, for purposes lof analysis, the soil can be removed and replac by a set of discrete mechanisms with load-defle Ition characteristics of a character such as shy in Fig. 2. Brief Description of Experiments The experiments from which this paper is based gre described in detail in a companion paper.!! Briefly, the experiments entailed th lapplication of known lateral loads in the fiel ito full-sized piles, which were instrumented * ithe measurement of bending moment along the 1 lof the piles. In addition to the measuremen’ Ithe load at the ground line, measurements we Imade of pile-head deflection and pile-head rn. ition. Two types of loading were employed, st jand cyclic. ‘Two piles were driven open-ended at the jsite on Mustang Island near Corpus Christi, 1 |The water table was maintained above the gro! lsurface during loading to simulate condition \which would exist at an offshore location. For each type of loading, a series of 1 lloads were applied, beginning with a load of magnitude. A bending moment curve was obtai. |for each load; thus, the experiments resulter la set of bending moment curves, along with ti lassociated boundary conditions for each typ. floading. orc 2080 Lymon Cc. Rees@> William R. Cox, and Francis 0. Koop 475 Soil. studies were made at the Site involving the use of undisturbed sampling. Laboratory studies were performed. The sand at the test lsite varied from clean fine sand to silty fine sand, both having high relative densities. The jsand particles by inspection throvgh a micro- IScope were found to be subangular with @ large percentage of flaky grains, The angle of inter- nal friction ¢ was determined to pe 39 degrees land the value of the gubmerged unit weight y‘ was [found to be 66 Ibs/ft3. Determination of Soi] Behavior from Experimental [From the sets of experimental bending moment urves described above, values of P and y at Jpoints along the pile can be obtained by solv- fing the following equations: ie. @ p= mn. (3) Ppropriate boundary conditions must be used and jthe equations must be solved numerically. The solution of Eq. 2 for values of y can mally be accomplished with appropriate accur- cy. However, analytical difficulty is encoun- [tered in the solution of Eq. 3. If extremely iccurate moment values are available, the double 1ifferentiation can be performed numerically. 12 he procedure employed for obtaining the sofl re~ lsistance curves in this study involved the prior ssSumption that the soil modulus could be de- cribed as a function of depth by a two-parameter, jonlinear curve. The two parameters were com- uted from the experimental data, allowing the 3011 reaction curve to be computed analytically. he procedure has been described in detail in a yrevious paper. heoretical Basis for Soil Behavior ‘A typical p-y curve is shown in Fig. 3. The urve is plotted in the first quadrant for con- snience. As may be noted in the figure, the initial portion of the curve is essentially a straight line, as defined by the modulus E

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