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Prepare a class diagram for given group of classes using multiplicity,

generalization, association concepts. And add at least 5-7 attributes and 3-5
operations for particular class Page, Shape, Point, Line, Arc, Ellipse,
Rectangle, Circle

-Colour : String Page
-Position : float
-Type : String
-Thickness : float
Draw on -Colour : String
-Pentype : int
-Size : int
+Draw() -Thickness : float
0..* 1

Ellipse Circle Rectangle Arc Point Line

-Diameter : int -Radius : int -Height : double -Radius : int -Colour : String -Startpoint : int
+Display() +Display() -Width : double -Startpoint : int +Display() -Endpoint : int
+Rotate() +Rotate() +Display() -Endpoint : int -Type : String
+Rotate() +Display() -Thickness : int
15. Prepare a class diagram for given group of classes using multiplicity,
generalization, association concepts. And add at least 5-7 attributes and 3-5
operations for particular class. City, Airport, Airline, Pilot, Flight, Plane,
Seat, Passenger

City Airline Pilot

-Name : String -Name : String appoints -Id : int
-Country : String -Type : String -Name : String
-State : String -Source_station : String -Qualification : String
1 1..* -Position : String
-Pincode : int -Destination_station : String
-Population : int +Sell+tickets() -Nationality : String
+Add() +Cancel_tickets() flies -Gender : String
+Modify() +Take_payment() -Experience : float
1 +Contact_center_office()
1 1
1..* belongs
0..* has
Seats Passanger
Flight 1
Airport -Seat_no : int -Name : String
1..* : int -Contact_no : int
arrives -Coach : String
-Name : String -Name : String -Address : String
-Airlines : String -Arrivaltime : int -Email_id : String
-Fligths : String 1..* -Departuretime : int 1 1..*
reserves -Age : int
-Routes : String -Source_station : String
-Terminals 1..* -Destination_station : String
1..* +Give_payment()
+Display_Schedule() -Halttime : int
departs +Find_seats()
+luggage_checking() +Landing() +Cancel_ticket()
+Immigration() +Take_off()
has 1

-Plane_no : int
-Name : String
-Model_no : int
-Serial_no : int
-Hourflown : int
16. Categorize the following relationships into generalization, aggregation
or association.
[A] A country has a capital city- Association
[B] A dining philosopher uses a fork- Association
[C] A file is an ordinary file or a directory file- Generalization
[D] Files contains records- Aggregation
[E] A polygon is composed of an ordered set of points- Aggregation
[F] A drawing object is text, a geometrical object, or a group-
[G] A person uses a computer language on a object-Association(Ternary)
[H] Modems and keyboards are input/output devices- Generalization
[I] Classes may have several attributes- Association OR Aggregation
[J] A person plays for a team in a certain year- Association(Ternary)
[K] A route connects two cities- Association
[L] A student takes a course from a professor- Association(Ternary)
17. Prepare a state diagram for an interactive diagram editor for selecting
and dragging objects
18. Prepare a use case diagram and sequence diagram for a computer email

Computer Email System

Login system

Compose mails


view mails

Send mails SMTP Server

User Receive mails

Download mails

POP Server

Manage all accounts

19. Prepare an activity diagram for computing a restaurant bill, there should
be charge for each delivered item. The total amount should be subject to tax
and service charge of 18% for group of six and more. For smaller groups
there should be a blank entry. Any coupons or gift certificates submitted by
the customer should be subtracted

Total items


Persons<6 Add 18%

Calculate total bill

Coupon charges

Subtract coupon charges

Transfer bill to customer

20. Prepare a sequence diagram for issuing a book in the library
management system

User Server


Display registration form()

Reuest for searching book

Display form

Fill search criteria()

Submit form

Print message {Book available} {Verify detail}

Fill details
Request for issue book {Check for book availability}

Modify book & member ststus

Display registration form()

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