Finite Element Modeling Analysis and Lif

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Finite Element Modeling,

Analysis, and Life Prediction

Osama Hasan
Research Assistant
of Photovoltaic Modules
A Photovoltaic (PV) module consists of layers of different materials constrained together
A. F. M. Arif through an encapsulant polymer. During its lamination and operation, it experiences me-
Professor chanical and thermal loads due to seasonal and daily temperature variations, which
Mem. ASME cause breakage of interconnects owing to fatigue. This is due to the fact that there is a
e-mail: coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch because of the presence of unlike mate-
rials within the laminate. Therefore, thermomechanical stresses are induced in the mod-
M. U. Siddiqui ule. The lifetime of today’s PV module is expected to be 25 yr and this period
Lecturer-B corresponds to the guarantee of the manufacturer. Its high reliability will help it to reach
e-mail: grid parity. But, the problem is that it is not convenient to wait and assess its durability.
In this work, material of each component of PV module is characterized and finite-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, element (FE) structural analysis is performed to find the initial condition of the compo-
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, nents of the module after manufacture. It was found that the copper interconnects
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia undergo plastic deformation just after the lamination process. A thermal model was
numerically developed and sequentially coupled to the structural model. By using the me-
teorological data of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, average life of PV module was estimated to
be 26.5 yr. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4026037]

Keywords: PV module, life prediction, low cycle fatigue, finite element, viscoelasticity

1 Introduction Upon cooling, each material tends to contract but all of them are
restricted to one another due to adhesion of the encapsulant. The
The demand for electricity, in the near future, is predicted to
differences in the CTE of all components induce thermomechani-
increase due to the global population growth and industrialization.
cal stresses within them. Hence, a PV module is prestressed before
Studies show that the world’s net electricity generation was
its service. During operation, it experiences temperature cycles of
expected to rise from 20,261 terawatt-hours in 2008 to 24,400
day and night due to which each component is further stressed
terawatt-hours (an increase of 20.4%) in 2015 and 33,300
within the laminate, which may lead to failure.
terawatt-hours (an increase of 64.4%) in 2030 [1]. Currently, a
Failure is defined as the change in properties of a structure,
large share of electricity is produced by conventional energy
machine or machine part that makes it inept to perform its
resources for both domestic and industrial sector. But it is well
intended functions. The occurrence of such failure is through
known that their usage is the prime cause of environmental pollu-
physical means which are known as failure modes [4]. In the case
tion. For example, the emissions of carbon dioxide and mercury
of PV modules, failure may be stated as when the module is not
are expected to increase by 35% and 8%, respectively, by the year
capable of producing power as per its specification due to degra-
2020 due to the expected increase in electricity generation [2].
dation caused by failure modes. While operating at the field, a PV
Furthermore, these resources are on their way to depletion
module is subjected to various loading conditions. A number of
because of their excessive usage. As a solution to the problem,
failures have been reported during the course of its operation.
renewable energy resources should pave their way toward elec-
Wohlgemuth et al. [5] have gathered commercial PV module
tricity production. The most common of all renewable resources is
returns under warranty of BP Solar/Solarex from 1994 to 2005.
the production of electricity through solar light. Light is converted
Each product was examined and the cause of failure was found
into electricity through a PV process. The use of PV systems for
which is summarized by Fig. 2. It is seen that corrosion and cell/
electricity generation started in the seventies of the 20th century
interconnect breakage have the highest part in failure. Wohlge-
and is currently growing rapidly worldwide. The PV industry is
muth and Cunningham [6] have concluded that cell breakage dur-
growing even in times of economic crisis. The global solar elec-
ing operation is due to predamaged cells during soldering. Wiese
tricity market is currently more than $10 billion/year and the
et al. [7,8] have attributed interconnect breakage to fatigue as a
industry is rising at a rate of greater than 30% per annum [3].
result of thermocycling. Such failures deteriorate PV module
Nowadays, research and development of PV technology focus on
performance, ultimately affecting its life.
increasing its efficiency and reliability.
The lifetime of today’s PV module is expected to be 25 yr with
As shown in Fig. 1, a PV module consists of layers of different
20% reduction in its power output over this period, and this is usu-
materials (glass, interconnects, cells, and back sheet) that are
ally guarantee of the manufacturer. In accordance with such
bound together through an encapsulant polymer. This single lami-
requirements, the module must withstand mechanical loads reli-
nate of various materials is formed by the lamination process, in
ably. Its high reliability will help it to reach grid parity. Qualifica-
which the encapsulant is placed between each layer and melted at
tion standards, such as ASTM E1171-09 [9], are good to identify
its curing temperature. Polymer chains are cross-linked after
the initial design flaws or infant mortality but cannot validate a
curing and the whole laminate is cooled to room temperature.
25 yr life of a PV module [10]. Irrespective of the operating condi-
tions, the standards constitute a fixed temperature cycle, and thus
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the
JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING. Manuscript received December 20, 2012;
are not appropriate for life prediction.
final manuscript received November 3, 2013; published online December 19, 2013. Literature shows some recent efforts in modeling and studying
Assoc. Editor: Santiago Silvestre. the structural behavior of PV module through FE Analysis. Chen

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Copyright V

C 2014 by ASME MAY 2014, Vol. 136 / 021022-1

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Fig. 1 Cross-section of a PV module

Fig. 2 Failure modes of PV modules [5]

et al. in Ref. [11] developed a 2D shell model of a single cell with

aluminum back surface field (BSF), copper and solder to deter-
mine solder induced damage. All materials were modeled as tem-
perature independent elastic perfectly plastic. In Refs. [7,12], the
prestress in the cell during assembly is studied by temperature de-
pendent modeling of copper, silver (busbar), and aluminum BSF
as bilinear and silicon as linear elastic. Eitner et al. [13] have
modeled a 3D nine cell string with 2D plane stress back contacts
for the string. Every material is modeled as linear elastic. Dietrich
et al. [14] have assessed thermomechanical behavior of a three Fig. 3 Flow chart of the modeling process
cell interconnected string using a 3D FE model and have included
the effect of metallization paste used in soldering using sub-
modeling procedure. Gonzalez et al. [15] have modeled a back
contact PV module using 3D elements by idealizing copper as a
layer in between silicon and the encapsulant. All components are
modeled as temperature independent linear elastic except copper
which is taken as perfectly plastic. Again, Eitner et al. [16] have
performed FE simulations for a 60 cell module (3D model without
interconnects) during thermal cycling after validating their model
with the experiment they have performed in Ref. [17]. They have
used temperature dependent properties for silicon and modeled it
as an orthotropic material. They also have performed direct mem-
ory access (DMA) and relaxation tests on ethylene-vinyl acetate
(EVA) to develop a viscoelastic model in Ref. [18]. In Refs.
[19,20], Siddiqui and Arif developed a PV model using 2D shell
elements by defining layers of different materials within. Intercon-
nects were not modeled and all panel materials were assumed to
be temperature independent linear elastic. The model was used to
determine the effect of changing operating conditions on the
stressing of PV module.
The main focus of this work is to develop a numerical life pre-
dicting model for PV modules capable of incorporating environ-
mental conditions during its operation. For this purpose, first, a
structural FE model was developed in which EVA encapsulant Fig. 4 Structure of silicon crystal
and silicon cells were modeled as viscoelastic and orthotropic,
respectively. The lamination procedure was simulated and it was
found that the copper interconnects showed plastic deformation
during cooling after curing of the encapsulant. This led to low- (operating under the environment of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) was
cycle fatigue as the cause of interconnect breakage. Next, a ther- estimated by using the thermal-structural coupled model. The
mal model was numerically developed and sequentially coupled results of the simulation were used within the Basquin–Coffin–
to the structural model to include the effect of operating environ- Manson model to predict PV module life. The whole modeling
ment over PV modules. Finally, average life of a PV module procedure has been summarized by Fig. 3.

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Table 1 Elastic constants for the compliance of silicon [22]

Compliance (S) s11 s12 s44

 10 Pa 7.68 2.14 12.6

Fig. 5 The Maxwell–Weichart or the generalized Maxwell model

Fig. 6 Isothermal relaxation curves for EVA obtained by
2 Basic Thermomechanical Principles experiments performed by Eitner et al. [18]
For the three dimensional temperature distribution, a thermal length of a body at a temperature change of 1 K. The coefficient
model was utilized as described by Siddiqui and Arif [19]. The depends on the strength of the interatomic bonds. Materials with
energy equation or the governing equation of heat transfer for strong bonds have a lower CTE, i.e., their expansion or contrac-
each layer is given below: tion due to temperature change is lesser than those materials
having a higher CTE.
@Ti ðx; y; zÞ The encapsulant material used in PV modules is a polymer. In
qi Cpi ¼ r:ðqi Þ þ Qi ; i ¼ 1; 2; :::; n (1)
@t polymers there are strong covalent bonds along the chain mole-
cules, while the secondary bonds between the chains are weak.
where i represents the number of layers. This leads to relatively large coefficient of expansion. The CTE of
In Ref. [21], the classical linear elasticity theory has been dis- polymers is temperature dependent and it changes its behavior sig-
cussed. Total strain is given as the sum of elastic strain and ther- nificantly above the glass transition temperature. The glass transi-
mal strain. These strains are the result of mechanical loading and tion is the reversible transition in polymer materials from a hard
thermal expansion due to temperature change. and relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber-like state. The
CTE is defined by Eq. (7), where LO is the original length of the
feg ¼ feel þ eth g (2) heated specimen.

Here, feg ¼ fex ey ez cxy cyz cxz gT is the total strain vector, feel g LF  LO 1 DL
is the elastic strain vector, and feth g is the thermal strain vector. In aðTO; TÞ ¼ ¼ : (7)
a three dimensional case, thermal strain vector can be given as

feth g ¼ fax ay az 0 0 0gT  ðT  Tref Þ (3)

3 Finite Element Modeling
where ai is the linear CTE in ith direction (i ¼ x, y, z), T is the cur- 3.1 Material Modeling
rent temperature, and Tref is the initial temperature. From Hooke’s
law, elastic strain is given as 3.1.1 Silicon. The atoms of silicon are arranged in a diamond
structure. This arises from two face-centered cubic lattices as
feel g ¼ ½Sfrg (4) shown in Fig. 4. It is seen that each silicon atom is linked with
four other atoms via covalent bond. The constellation of atoms
and bonds of silicon are different in different directions therefore,
where ½S is the compliance matrix given in Eq. (8) for an iso- silicon exhibits anisotropy. The silicon lattice also exhibits cubic
tropic material and frg ¼ frx ry rz rxy ryz rxz gT is the stress symmetry so mutually perpendicular directions and planes within
vector. the lattice are equivalent. In case of anisotropy, the compliance
r ¼ ½Dðfegfeth gÞ (5) tensor has 81 constants in Eq. (4). If the material properties of sili-
con wafers are described in a fixed arbitrary direction, the cubic
r ¼ ½Dðfegfax ay az 0 0 0gT :ðT  Tref ÞÞ (6) symmetry of silicon lattice may be exploited to give compliance
in matrix form as shown in Eq. (8). The experimentally deter-
mined values of elastic constants of the compliance of silicon ori-
The material properties matrix ½D is the inverse of compliance ented in the h100i directions is given in the literature [22] and
matrix. Equation (6) gives the constitutive relation for thermome- shown in Table 1. An orthotropic material has two or three planes
chanical induced stresses. of symmetry, thus compliance of silicon may be described by
When temperature is increased in a material, the amplitude of Eq. (9), which will enable us to determine the Young’s modulus
vibration of the atoms increases with respect to their equilibrium (E), shear modulus (G), and Poisson’s ratio (). Lyon et al. [23]
position and leads to larger interatomic distances. This results in and Roberts [24] have performed experiments on silicon to deter-
an increase in geometric dimensions of a material under subject. mine the temperature dependent CTE, which is incorporated in
The thermal expansion coefficient describes the relative change in the model.

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering MAY 2014, Vol. 136 / 021022-3

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Table 2 Viscoelastic properties for EVA

C1 48.44 /6 0.0136822 /13 0.0015563 /20 0.0005415

C2 172.55 K s6 15.7945 s13 109 s20 1016
Tr 253 K /7 0.0105574 /14 0.0023002 /21 0.0005575
Eo 1.3 GPa s7 235.0052 s14 1010 s21 1017
/1 0.5467175 /8 0.0037958 /15 0.0008377 /22 0.0003087
s1 0.0001219 s8 10333.19 s15 1011 s22 1018
/2 0.2222377 /9 0.002486 /16 0.0013597 /23 0.000177
s2 0.0007823 s9 99967.33 s16 1012 s23 1019
/3 0.0992664 /10 0.0010978 /17 0.0013157 /24 1.122  1005
s3 0.0063471 s10 1000001 s17 1013 s24 1020
/4 0.0590673 /11 0.0021774 /18 0.00076 /25 1.536  1008
s4 0.075255 s11 107 s18 1014 s25 1021
/5 0.0265249 /12 0.0010461 /19 0.0011088 /26 6.337  1006
s5 1.261626 s12 108 s19 1015 s26 1022

Table 3 Bilinear elastic-plastic model for Copper [8]

Temperature Young’s Yield stress Tangent

(  C) modulus (GPa) (MPa) modulus (MPa)
Fig. 7 Prony series fit of the master curve in Ref. [18] 40 91.5 116.2 1000
25 85.7 95.1 1000
2 3 125 82 62.6 1000
s11 s12 s12 0 0 0 225 79.2 30 1000
6 s12 s11 s12 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 s12 s12 s11 0 0 0 7
½S ¼ 6
6 0
7 (8)
6 0 0 s44 0 0 77 ðt
4 0 deðsÞ
0 0 0 s44 0 5 rðtÞ ¼ Rðt  sÞ ds (10)
0 ds
0 0 0 0 0 s44

2 3 where Rðt  sÞ is the shear relaxation modulus and is the function

1=Ex xy =Ex xz =Ex 0 0 0 of the difference between the current time (t) and the past
6 7 time (s). Equation (10) can be approximated by using the
6 yx 1=Ey yz =Ey 0 0 0 7
6 7 Maxwell–Weichert model [25] of n spring and dashpot elements
6 7 connected in parallel including a single spring element as shown
6 zx =Ez zy =Ez 1=Ez 0 0 0 7
½S ¼ 6
7 in Fig. 5. Equation (11) gives the relaxation modulus (R(t)) of the
6 0 0 0 1=Gxy 0 0 7 Maxwell–Weichert model, which is the form of Prony series.
6 7
6 0 0 0 0 1=Gyz 0 7
4 5
0 0 0 0 0 1=Gxz RðtÞ ¼ G1 þ Gi e i (11)
The constituents of Eq. (11) are determined from a relaxation
3.1.2 EVA. The encapsulant widely used in PV industry is experiment, as performed in Ref. [18] to get the time and tempera-
EVA copolymer. EVA binds the layers of a PV module due to its ture dependency. This experiment is repeated for a number of
adhesive nature. At first the layers are kept on top of one another temperatures which gives multiple curves as provided in Fig. 6
with an EVA sheet in between each layer. Then, EVA is cured by [18]. To incorporate both dependencies of EVA, the principle of
first heating the laminate to 150  C for almost 12 min and then time-temperature-superposition (TTS) is taken into account. With
cooling to room temperature. EVA is regarded as a viscoelastic the help of relaxation experiment at different temperatures, a sin-
material. Viscoelastic materials are such that exhibit the behavior gle curve may be formed by shifting others over the time scale.
of both elastic and viscous materials. It is a property of viscous This process is done through a shift function. In TTS, it is
materials to strain linearly with time when load is applied. In con- assumed that at a higher temperature, relaxation occurs faster.
trast to this, elastic materials strain on the spot when stressed and This assumption is called as “Thermo-rheologically simple” [26].
return to their original state once the load is removed. A hysteresis So the shift function basically scales time to get the pseudo time
can be observed in the stress–strain curve of such material as (s). If AðTðtÞÞ is a shift function, then
energy is lost while returning to its initial state. Hence, stress
relaxation is observed when a viscoelastic material is kept under AðTðtÞÞ ¼ s=t
constant strain. The time taken for the molecular rearrangements log½AðTðtÞÞ ¼ logðsÞ  logðtÞ
in a viscoelastic material, after being stressed occur on a time-
scale comparable to that of the experiment performed on it. There- logðsÞ ¼ logðtÞ þ log½AðTðtÞÞ (12)
fore, the relation between stress and strains cannot be just
described by material constants as it is in the case of purely elastic As depicted by Eq. (12), logarithm of shift function represents the
or viscous materials [25]. Further, varying temperature causes horizontal shifting of the relaxation curves. The William–Landel–
change in the relaxation modulus hence, the behavior of visco- Ferry (WLF) shift function is widely used and is given below
elastic materials is characterized by both time and temperature.
For most polymers, the viscoelastic properties are dominant in
shear [16]. The constitutive equation for a viscoelastic material in C1 ðT  Tr Þ
log AðTðsÞÞ ¼ (13)
simple shear is given below: C2 þ T  Tr

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Table 4 Material properties of module components. T. dep. stands for temperature dependent, BISO stands for bilinear isotropic.

Density Elastic modulus Poisson’s Specific Thermal

Component q (kg/m3) E (GPa) ratio V CTE a (106 1/K) heat C (J/kg K) conductivity k (W/m K)

Silicon 2329 Stiffness matrix T. dep. 677 130

Backsheet 2520 3.5 0.29 50.4 1010 0.36
Glass 2500 73 0.23 8 913 0.937
EVA 960 Viscoelastic model 270 2090 0.311
Copper 8890 BISO T. dep. 386 401

By substituting Eqs. (14) and (15) in Eq. (11), we get

" #
X n
RðtÞ ¼ Go /1 þ /i e i (16)

/1 ¼

A value of n (number of spring-dashpot elements) is chosen with

guess values for /i and si. Residuals are calculated and brought to
minimum by a number of iterations. Now, to find the instantane-
ous shear modulus (Go), first /1 must be evaluated by below
equation [26].
X n
/1 ¼ 1  /i (17)

By substituting Eq. (17) in Eq. (16) for each data point of the mas-
ter curve, the value of instantaneous shear modulus (Go) can be
calculated. For a proper curve fit, this value will be almost same
for each data point otherwise an average may be taken. The in-
stantaneous shear modulus can then be used to calculate the in-
stantaneous Young’s modulus for EVA (to be used in FE
package) by below equation:

Eo ¼ 2Go ð1 þ tÞ (18)

Poisson’s ratio ðtÞ for EVA was taken as 0.4. All viscoelastic ma-
terial properties for EVA are mentioned in Table 2.

3.1.3 Copper. Dietrich et al. [14] concluded that copper inter-

connects undergo plastic strain when cooled from lamination tem-
perature. Wiese et al. [8] conducted experiments on copper
ribbons used for interconnections between cells. The experiments
helped them to provide the yield stress and Young’s modulus of
copper. First, they performed tensile tests on Zwick which gave
the stress–strain curve at room temperature. When DMA was car-
ried out, it was found that the Young’s modulus of copper gave a
significant change with temperature. Using the results, the values
were extrapolated to give a bilinear model of copper for FE analy-
Fig. 8 Dimensions of the shell model sis within the temperature range required. Table 3 gives the sum-
mary of the bilinear model used. CTE of copper is also dependent
on temperature and its dependence is provided in the literature
where Tr is the reference temperature at which the shifted curves [28].
are obtained and C1 and C2 are material constants. It should be
noted that all temperatures must be in Kelvin. The final shifted 3.1.4 Glass and Tedlar. Float glass is commonly used in PV
curves used in this paper were developed by Eitner et al. [18] modules due to its durability and high transmittance. Glass was
which is given in Fig. 7. To implement the Maxwell–Weichart modeled as a purely elastic material with its E ¼ 73 GPa and
model in FE packages, one must fit a master curve through the t ¼ 0.23. The CTE of glass is almost constant within the operating
shifted curves which is given by Eq. (11). Most FE packages inter- range and is taken as 8  106 1/K.
pret relaxation modulus in terms of relative modulus (/i ) [27], Usually, the solar module manufacturers use a polyvinyl-
where fluoride (PVF)/polyethylene-terephthalate (PET)/PVF three-layer
composite as the backsheet which combine the best qualities of
Gi both materials. PET layer improves the electrical insulation. PVF
/i ¼ (14)
Go is characterized by low water absorption, good weather resistance
Xn and resistance to acids and alkalis. Tensile tests were performed
G o ¼ G1 þ Gi (15) by Eitner et al. [18] in order to determine the mechanical proper-
i¼1 ties at different temperatures and it found that the Young’s

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Fig. 9 Layered configuration of areas along transverse direction

Fig. 10 Interconnection approximation in shell model

Table 5 Thickness of layers within the PV laminate

Layer Thickness (lm)

Glass 4000
Cell 200
Encapsulant 1200
Backsheet 350
Interconnector 129

Table 6 Mesh convergence with respect to maximum von-

Mises stress in all layers

Max. von-Mises stress (MPa)

No. of elements Glass cover Backsheet Cell Interconnects

8,394 6.41 41.2 212 160

16,356 9.31 41.2 219 162 Fig. 11 FE mesh
32,627 9.23 41.1 217 162
59,162 9.24 41.2 218 162
83,351 9.24 41.2 218 162
3.2 Geometric Modeling. The layers of a PV module are
very thin as compared to their lengths. Therefore, solving a 3D
problem of such nature over the whole module would take time in
modulus (E) did not show significant changes with the change in days which is inappropriate. To resolve this issue, shell modeling
temperature thus the its value was taken as 3.5 GPa with Poisson’s was a perfect option as it idealizes the problem to 2D. Shell ele-
ratio (t) equal to 0.29. CTE is constant and equal to 50.4  106 ments in ANSYS have the ability to solve problems from thin to
1/K. moderately thick structures [27]. The multilayer definition ability
Table 4 gives the summary of all the material properties used in shell helped to provide dimensions and material properties
for the components of PV module in the FE model. along the thickness of the laminate. It evaluates the results in one

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Table 7 Fatigue parameters for copper [30] interconnects, within the cell gaps, have a curved slanted profile
as shown in Fig. 9. To approximate such profile along the thick-
Fatigue parameter Value ness, the cell gap region is further divided into 14 sections. These
sections are defined to constitute a layer of copper, which is posi-
r0f 345.08 MPa tioned in adjacent layers in such a way that it produced almost the
e0f 0.3 same profile. This is done by varying the thickness of encapsulant
b 0.05 layers within these sections as depicted in Fig. 9. The thickness of
c 0.6
each layer within the PV laminate is mentioned in Table 5.

3.3 Meshing. As shown in Fig. 10, the FE mesh consists of

plane and interpolates them along the thickness. Thus, stresses four node shell elements. SHELL131 was used for thermal analy-
and strains can be viewed in each layer. sis and its counterpart SHELL181 was used to solve the structural
Figure 8 shows the overall module area (0.546 m  1.181 m) problem. Mesh convergence test was performed with respect to
along with its dimensions. The area of a single cell is maximum von-Mises stress within each component of the PV
125 mm  125 mm. The gap between two cells is 2 mm and module. The converged mesh had 83,351 elements as shown in
20 mm from the edge of the module. The space between two strips Table 6. It is evident that the same geometry and mesh was used
of interconnection is 77 mm. It is seen that the whole module area to couple thermal model with structural model (Fig. 11).
has been constructed by smaller sections (separated by lines) and
are merely of four types:
4 Life Prediction Model
(i) areas representing the cell region
(ii) areas representing the interconnect region along the cells Low-cycle fatigue is when loads are of such magnitude that less
(iii) areas representing the interconnect region within the cell than about 10,000 cycles are required to produce failure. In such a
gap and case, deformation is principally plastic [4]. Certain life predicting
(iv) rest of the module area models have been developed in order to evaluate life (time to fail-
ure) which make use of strain in the case of low-cycle fatigue.
Different layered configuration, along the thickness of the mod- Strain based models are widely used at present. Among them, the
ule, is defined for each section. Some of them are shown in Fig. 9. Basquin–Coffin–Manson relationship is a renowned model to find
The section type (iii) modeling consists of interconnects. The out fatigue life as given below:

Fig. 12 Cell gap displacements measured for validation

Fig. 13 Validation of 2D model with 3D model using maximum von-Mises stress

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering MAY 2014, Vol. 136 / 021022-7

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Fig. 14 von-Mises stress (left) and von-Mises plastic strain (right) at room temperature after
the lamination process at the interconnect region between two adjacent cells (shaded region A)

ticity is involved. To deal with intermediate fatigue problems hav-

ing the effect of both elastic and plastic deformation, Eq. (21) was
added onto Eq. (20) by dividing by the Young’s modulus of elas-
ticity ðEÞ to give Eq. (19).

¼ e0f ð2Nf Þc (20)
¼ r0f ð2Nf Þb (21)

where Dep =2 is the plastic strain amplitude and Dr=2 is the stress
amplitude. For the case of PV module, fatigue properties of cop-
per were taken from Ref. [30], given in Table 7.
In this work, life of PV module was predicted operating under
the atmospheric conditions of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. From the
Fig. 15 Max von-Mises stress and first principal stress through
the thickness of the module at lowest temperature on Day 4 irradiance and ambient temperature data for one year, four repre-
sentative days were chosen to represent varying condition of irra-
diance throughout the year. The chosen days had the following
De r0f
¼ ð2Nf Þb þ e0f ð2Nf Þc (19) • Day 1: first day was chosen out of January which represented
2 E low irradiance and low temperature.
• Day 2: the second one was out of July representing hot
where De=2 is the total strain amplitude, r0f is the fatigue strength
weather and smooth irradiance/not cloudy.
coefficient, e0f is the fatigue ductility coefficient, E is the Young’s
• Day 3: the third one was from October and was partially
modulus of elasticity, Nf is number of cycles to crack initiation, b
clouded with average ambient temperatures.
is the fatigue strength exponent, and c is the fatigue ductility
• Day 4: the fourth one was chosen from December and had an
exponent. The total strain amplitude (De=2) is actually the half of
extremely overcast sky with low temperatures.
the strain range within the loading cycle. For evaluating parame-
ters required for life estimation, there are certain testing methods The maximum and minimum principle strains for each of the
discussed in Ref. [29]. Equation (19) is actually the combination four days were evaluated from FE simulation. Then time (number
of the Coffin–Manson relationship and Basquin’s equation given of loading cycles) to crack initiation of copper interconnects was
by Eqs. (20) and (21), respectively. Coffin–Manson model was calculated through Eq. (19) under the assumption that the PV
proposed independently by Coffin and Manson in 1954. This module continues to function under the same load cycle of the
model accounts for such low-cycle fatigue conditions where plas- day.

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Fig. 16 First principal stress contours of (a): glass at region A, (b): backsheet at region A, (c):
cells at region B, and (d) encapsulant at region A at lowest temperature on Day 4

5 Loads and Boundary Conditions

S Gb þ A i Gd
5.1 Lamination Process. For the first part of analysis (lami- ¼M Rbeam Ksa;b
Sref Gref
nation process), the module is constraint at one corner to allow    
free deformation. This will help to study the pure dependence of ð1  Ai ÞGd 1 þ cos b 3 b
þM Ksa;d 1 þ f sin
materials on one another. The stress-free temperature is taken as Gref 2 2
the lamination temperature (150  C) because at that temperature G 1  cos b
every component of the module is independent to one another þM qKsa;g (22)
Gref 2
thus allowing a stress-free expansion. The room temperature is
assumed to be 21  C, which is the final temperature after cooling.
where S is the absorbed solar radiation, G is the horizontal plane
Steady state simulation is performed.
solar radiation, Rbeam is the ratio of beam radiation on tilted plane
5.2 Sequentially Coupled Analysis to that on horizontal plane, q is the ground reflectivity, b is the tilt
angle of PV module, Ai is the anisotropy index, and M is the air
5.2.1 Thermal Model. For the second part of analysis, thermal mass modifier. The subscripts b, d, g, and ref are for the beam, dif-
boundary conditions and loads are applied first. The Hay–Davies– fuse, ground reflected, and reference solar radiations, respectively.
Reindl–Klutcher (HDKR) model is used to evaluate the absorbed Some of the absorbed radiation is converted into electricity,
radiation from irradiance and optical parameters. Equation (22) while the rest is converted into heat. The internal heat generation
represents the HDKR model [19,31]. (Q) in Eq. (1) can then be given by Eq. (23) [19].

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering MAY 2014, Vol. 136 / 021022-9

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Fig. 17 First principal stress contours of (a): interconnect region over the cells at region A and
(b): interconnect region between two adjacent cells at region B at lowest temperature on Day 4

interconnected. The laminate was left at room temperature for

ð1  gpv Þ  S  Apanel 24 h. Then the module was heated to 85  C and then cooled to
Q¼ (23) 40  C.
The drawback of the shell model is that the displacements can-
not be viewed for each layer along the thickness, instead nodal
where gpv is the electrical efficiency of the cells, Apanel is the front displacements are evaluated which are in a single plane. To over-
area of PV module, and Vpvcell is the volume of cells. come this issue, a separate 3-cell 3D model was developed and
Constant convection was applied with heat loss coefficients of the experiment was performed virtually. The cell gap displace-
15.4 W/m2 K and 2.8 W/m2 K to the top and bottom surfaces of ment was calculated (Fig. 12) and compared with the experimen-
the module. The boundary condition applied to Eq. (1) for the top tal results performed in Ref. [17]. It is actually the difference of
and bottom layers of the module is given by Eq. (24). the average displacement of the nodes on the center of the edge
 n:q ¼ hðTamb  Ts Þ (24)
along the thickness between the two adjacent cells. Next, von-
Mises stress through the thickness was compared for both the
where n is the surface normal, Tamb is the ambient temperature, models. It was seen that results varied at first for both of them,
and Ts is the surface temperature. and was considered to be the effect of boundary condition. To
5.2.2 Structural Model. For the structural part, all the four remove this effect over the solution of the problem, the boundaries
edges of the module were fixed in all directions to approximate of glass, encapsulant, and backsheet were moved further from the
the presence of mounted frame. The reference temperature was cells causing an increase in the size of the specimen. This process
the same as in lamination process. Thermal loads were applied helped in better convergence of result with maximum error in the
from the solution of the coupled thermal model at each hour and cell region of about 6% as shown in Fig. 13.
steady state solution was performed.
7 Results and Discussion
6 Model Validation 7.1 Lamination Process. Lamination in PV modules is basi-
To validate the structural modeling; the results of the cell gap cally done to cure the encapsulant so that it holds the whole struc-
displacement experiment done in Ref. [17] were used in which a ture to form a single unit. Encapsulant (EVA) sheets are placed in
three cell laminate was formed by cooling from the curing temper- between each layer and then are kept at 150  C under vacuum for
ature of EVA (150  C) to room temperature. The cells were not about 12 min. Then the structure is cooled down to room

021022-10 / Vol. 136, MAY 2014 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 18 Stress variation on module along (a) longitudinal path AB and (b) transverse path CD
at lowest temperature on Day 4

Table 8 Maximum and minimum principal stress and stress

amplitude at a point on the interconnect for all four representa-
tive days

Max principal Min principal Stress amplitude

Day i stress rmax (MPa) stress rmin (MPa) Dr=2 (MPa)

1 104 27 38.5
2 99.8 16.6 41.6
3 102 6.8 47.6
4 105 59.2 22.9

Fig. 19 Transient change in von-Mises stress and first princi- 7.2 Stress Analysis on the Basis of Worst Day Conditions.
pal stress for Day 3 on copper interconnect. A represents the Out of the four days simulated, it was found that stresses are the
time of max. stress, min. temperature and B represents the time highest during December. This month constitutes the lowest tem-
of min. stress, max. temperature. peratures of the whole year which makes the PV module to oper-
ate farthest from its stress-free state. As the edges of the module
are fixed to simulate the presence of frame, the nature of stresses
is tensile over the whole laminate and hence, the third principal
temperature. Cooling causes the encapsulant to solidify and stress is almost zero. Figure 15 shows the variation of maximum
adhere to all components. This process was simulated and the von-Mises stress through the thickness of the laminate on worst
module was cooled to 21  C. At this temperature, von-Mises stress day condition at lowest temperature. It is seen that the maximum
is almost constant over the whole interconnector strip and is about von-Mises stress and the maximum first principal stress are almost
95.8 MPa. They undergo plastic deformation just after the curing equal. Thus, the overall nature of stresses on all the components is
process and this phenomenon has also been discussed in Ref. [14]. almost tensile. Glass and the interconnects have almost the same
From the experiments performed in Ref. [7], it is found that the first principal stress (around 103 MPa) which is highest amongst
yield stress of copper is around 94 MPa at room temperature. The all. The high stress in glass is due to fixed boundary condition
contours for von-Mises stress and von-Mises plastic strain in the applied at its edges. Whereas, cells have a lower stress of 60 MPa
interconnects between two adjacent cells are given in Fig. 14 at as they are not directly constrained and their thermomechanical
21  C. It should be noted that the shaded 3D view of the region movements are aided due to the compliancy of the encapsulant
for which the contours are displayed are merely for understand- material. The interconnects, on the other hand, are directly bound
ing. The results displayed are from the solution of the 2D shell to cells causing them to yield. Lowest stress can be seen in the
model. encapsulant as it is the least stiff material as compared to others.

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering MAY 2014, Vol. 136 / 021022-11

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Table 9 Maximum and minimum total strain, number of cycles to crack initiation, life, and respective weights for the four represen-
tative days

Day i Max total strain, emax Min total strain, emin Cycles, Nf Weight, Wday i Life, Lday_i (yr)

1 0.025931 0.019471 10,563 10,563 28.94

2 0.024076 0.017513 9685 9685 26.53
3 0.024237 0.017319 7366 7366 20.18
4 0.026252 0.01993 11,937 11,937 32.71

Figure 16 shows the first principal stress contours of all the sections. Thus, it can be said that the temperature range of a day
components of the laminate. Highest stress on glass can be seen has a direct impact on the life of a PV module. To assign weights,
along the interconnect region and is around 112 MPa. It is because total of average ambient temperatures (Ttotal) was calculated
of less encapsulant material present at that portion along the thick- according to below equation:
ness. The segment of glass which is void of cells and intercon-
nects beneath it has the least stress of 99.4 MPa. The majority area Xn
Tmax i þ Tmin i
of glass is over the cells and has an intermediate value of stress Ttotal ¼ (25)
around 106 MPa. There is no significant variation of stresses in i¼1
backsheet but is less than that of glass (about 33 MPa) for having
a lesser value Young’s modulus of elasticity. The corners of the where Tmax i is the maximum ambient temperature of day i, Tmin i
cells have the highest stress value of 63.4 MPa. This can be attrib- is the minimum ambient temperature of day i and n is the total
uted to the lack of material present at the location due to rounded number of days in a year. Weight for each representative day is
corners. Stress of 60 MPa covers the major region of cells and is simply estimated by dividing the average temperature of the day
higher than the portions representing the interconnect areas. The by Ttotal. The average life (Lavg) can then be given by Eq. (26) and
reason being that the effect of high CTE of glass as compared to is calculated to be 26.63 yr.
cells is barred by the presence of the interconnect material in
between. In the case of interconnects (shown in Fig. 17), it can be X4
Wday i  Lday i
seen that the maximum stress is on the corner of the connection Lavg ¼ (26)
between adjacent cells and is 106 MPa as the contraction of cop-
per is restricted by silicon. Rest of the portion of interconnects has
almost a constant stress of 103 MPa. where Wday i is the weight of the ith representative day, Lday i is
Figure 18 gives the stress variation along the longitudinal and the life of the ith representative day, and Wtotal is the sum of the
transverse paths neglecting the backsheet and glass cover. Path weights of four representative days. The weights for the four days
AB displays maximum stresses is over the interconnect regions are given in Table 9.
between adjoining cells. Lowest stress suggests the area of the
encapsulant material which is the same in path CD. It is also seen
8 Conclusions
that the stresses in cells are 13 MPa higher in the transverse direc-
tion than in the longitudinal direction, with almost the same prin- Within the presented work, FE analysis was used to determine
cipal and von-Mises stress. Stresses in interconnects in both the behavior of the components of PV module under operating
direction are the same around 103 MPa. conditions. A comprehensive structural model was formed and
Figure 19 shows the relation of von-Mises and first principle which was coupled to a thermal model. Starting from the lamina-
stress with time and temperature for Day 3. Location A represents tion procedure and then by using meteorological data, the follow-
maximum stress at minimum temperature whereas location B rep- ing conclusions have been drawn out of this work.
resents minimum stress at maximum temperature. Thus, by seeing • The high failure percentage of copper interconnects, given in
the figure, it can be said that the temperature change of 10  C the literature, is justified through its yielding during cooling
causes a stress change of 85 MPa. after the lamination process. The plastic deformation makes it
Table 8 shows the difference of the stress amplitudes for all the a subject of low-cycle fatigue.
four days at a point over the interconnect region. As already • Glass exhibits a dominating behavior due to its large thick-
mentioned that the maximum stress is during Day 4 but later in ness. As the contraction of glass was fixed, all the compo-
Table 9, it will be seen that the conditions of Day 4 also give max- nents of PV module had induced tensile stress within them.
imum life for PV module. The reason is attributed to its least Glass also bears the maximum stress amongst all of the com-
stress amplitude which can be seen according to Eq. (21). Thus, ponents as it bears most of the area of constraint, which was
life or time to crack initiation is majorly affected by stress ampli- made to provide frame effect.
tude rather than its magnitude. • Silicon cells operate within a safe temperature range as the
stresses induced in it are way below their yield stress; unless
7.3 Life Prediction. The maximum and minimum total strain they are precracked due to their manufacturing and soldering
is given in Table 9. From them, their respective strain amplitudes procedure.
(half of the difference between maximum and minimum strain) is • Average life of a PV module has been estimated through its
evaluated. By using the material properties of copper in Table 7 dominant mode of failure which is the breakage of copper
and Eq. (19), the number of cycles is calculated for the four days interconnects and is found out to be 26.63 yr. It is quite close
and the number of years to crack initiation was determined. to the 25-yr warranty given my most of the PV module
Now, to get the average life of a PV module operating in Jed- manufacturers.
dah, weights were assigned to each representative day according • The numerical procedure developed is inclusive of operating
to their impact over the whole year. It was seen that at the maxi- conditions and has the ability to predict proper behavior and
mum and minimum temperature of the day, the total strain was life under operation with reasonable accuracy. It can be used
vice-versa of temperature. It is because the zero strain temperature as a tool to anticipate the effects of design changes in the
of the simulation was set to 150  C as mentioned in the previous form of stress distribution and life.

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Acknowledgment feel g ¼ elastic strain vector
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of King fethg ¼ thermal strain vector
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals through the Center for gpv ¼ electrical efficiency of PV module
Clean Water and Clean Energy at KFUPM (DSR project # R6-  xy ¼ Poisson’s ratio in xy-plane
DMN-08) and MIT. q¼ density (kg/m3)
q¼ reflectivity of the ground
frg ¼ stress vector (Pa)
Nomenclature rmax ¼ maximum principal stress (Pa)
rmin ¼ minimum principal stress (Pa)
Ai ¼ anisotropy index rx ¼ stress in x-direction (Pa)
Apanel ¼ front area of the PV module (m2) rxy ¼ shear stress in xy-plane (Pa)
AðTðtÞÞ ¼ WLF shift function r0f ¼ fatigue strength coefficient (Pa)
b¼ fatigue strength exponent si ith ¼ term for pseudo time (s)
c¼ fatigue ductility exponent /i ¼ relative modulus of ith spring-damper in Maxwell’s
Cp ¼ specific heat capacity (J/kg K) model
C1 ; C2 ¼ calibration constants for WLF shift function
(C2 is in K) References
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