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Dr. Maria D.

Pastrana National
School: Grade Level: 8
High School (Grades 7 to 12)
Teacher: Hiro Bacolod Learning Area: English
Teaching Date: February 10, 2020 Quarter: 4th Quarter



A. COGNITIVE Analyze the story entitled “Tale of Chunhyang”

Participate in differentiated activities in line with the story, “The Tale of

B. PSYCHOMOTOR Chunhyang by Shin Jae-Hyo”;

Express appreciation for Korean literature and the values it represents.

II. CONTENT (Subject Matter)



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner's Materials pages English 8, Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook Pages

B. Other Learning Resources

Powerpoint presentation, Video presentation,
Preparatory Activities
Good Morning Class!
1. Drill
Arrange your chair and pick the
things that you see on the floor and
under your table, put it in the

Do we have absent today?

None, Sir!
All right then, let’s start with our new

2. Review Class, what have you observed in the


(the teacher will show a picture)

Sir, Koreans eat, sit, and sleep on the
floor and they have heated floor

What about this picture? Sir, they have Kimchi. They also eat
nutritious silk worms and there are lots
of street foods too.

Do they believe in luck? Yes, sir.

What was the name of their board It is called Yunnori.

How about their religion? Sir, majority of Koreans are Buddhists.

Very good! That is correct!

Now, would you want to visit Korea? Yes, Sir!

3. Introduction Have you ever been in love? To what

extent can you show your love to (the students will answer the
someone? questions)

I asked you this question because it is

related to our next topic which is a

4. Motivation Class, I will you a picture and tell me

what comes to your mind upon
seeing this picture?

(the teacher will show the picture of Sir, it is the flag of South Korea which
Korean flag to the students) is located in the Asia. It is also the
place where Kdrama and Kpop

That’s right! Are you a fan of Kdrama Yes, Sir! We always watch kdrama in
or Kpop? television and laptop that we can
download in the internet.

Well, this has something to do with our

topic for today and also we are
going to know more about Korean
literatures, values and practices.

Are you ready class?

Yes, we are!

Now, let’s proceed to our lesson for

Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of the Before, we proceed to our lesson for UNLOCKING OF DIFFICULTIES

Lesson / Activity today; let us first unlock the difficult
words that we encounter in the story  CANGUE
“The tale of Chunhyang” by: Shin  AMHAENGOSA
Jae-Hyo.  YANGBAN
Then, of course, we are to know who
the author is, for us to fully understand AUTHOR
the story.  SHIN JAE-HYO

Okay class, let’s start by unlocking the

difficult words present in the story.

(The teacher will present pictures and

definitions of Korean words)

Find the word that match with the

meaning in Set A. Write your answer
on the space provided before each


1. They travel around the country and
disguise as beggars. They inquired a. CANGUE
everywhere after the needs of the
people in order to assess the quality
of local district. b. AMHAENGOSA

2. They are officially sanctioned
Korean female entertainers or
sometimes prostitutes. Kisaeng are c. YANGBAN
artists who work to entertain others,
such as yangbans and kings.

3. This is a heavy wooden yoke borne
on the shoulders and enclosing the d. KISAENG
neck and arms, formerly used in
China for punishing petty criminals.

4. Part of the traditional ruling class or ANSWER:
nobles of dynastic Korea during the
Joseon Dynasty. 1. B
2. D
3. A
Very Good! 4. C

Is everything clear and understood?

Now, let’s proceed to the author of

the story. Yes, Sir!

(the teacher will post the picture and

about the author)

Shin Jae-Hyo신재효

1. He was born in 1812 in

Gochang, Jeolla-Do.

2. He is a theoretician and
adapter of pansori in the late
Joseon Dynasty.

3. Pansori is a Korean genre of

musical storytelling
performed by a singer and a

4. He organized and recorded

the six stories of pansori:
Chunhyangga, Simcheongga,
Jeokbyeokga, Heungbuga,
Sugungga, and

5. He opened his home to

relatives, kisaengs, singers,
and other entertainers, with as
many as 50 people living in his
house at once.

6. He played the geomungo

and gayageum in all styles of
Korean music from classical
music to popular music of the

7. He mentored female disciples

such as Jin Chae-Seon (the
first female master singer of
pansori), opening the way of
pansori to women.

8. Shin died in 1884 due to a

Now, you already know about the
author. Is that all clear class? Yes, Sir!
Now that we have successfully
2. Discussion / Analysis unlocked the difficult words in the
story as well as in getting to know
more about the author, let us (The students will read the questions)
proceed to our story.

“Here are the guide questions that we

will be dealing with later 1. What is the video all about?
2. How did Chunhyang and Yi
Mongryong meet?
3. What hindered Chunhyang’s
mother to accept the
proposal of Yi Mongryong
which is to marry her
daughter? How was it
4. What caused Yi Mongryong
and Chunhyang to be
5. What did Yi Mongryong and
Chunhyang gave to each
other before they part ways?
Now, are you ready to listen and
watch the story, class? Yes, Sir!

(The students will watch the video of

The Tale of Chunhyang.)

Class, what is the video all about?

“The tale of Chunhyang talks about
the loyalty of Chunhyang to her
husband Yi Mongryong even though
they are apart from each other.”
How did Chunhyang and Yi
Mongryong meet?” Sir, Yi Mongryong spotted Chunhyang
sitting on the swing and suddenly he
fell in love with her.
They meet when Yi Mongryong called
her servant, Pangja, and asked him to
show a place where he might see
wild flowers. In “Ojak-kyo” or Magpie
Bridge he sighted a young maiden
swinging beneath one tree.

What hindered Chunhyang’s mother The fact that Yi Mongryong is a

to accept the proposal of Yi Yangban and Chunhyang is a
Mongryong which is to marry her Kisaeng, does not permit them to
daughter? How was it resolved?” have an exclusive wedding.

It is resolved by having a secret

marriage and writing a pledge not to
desert Chunhyang so that they will be

What caused Yi Mongryong and Yi Mongryong’s father was called by

Chunhyang to be separated? the king to the capital and he has to
accompany him.

Yi Mongryong and Chunhyang

separated when Yi Mongryong
recalled to the capitol to
accompany his father and he needs
to study hard to be like his father. The
young couple forced to say tearful
goodbye at Magpie Bridge.

What did Yi Mongryong and Yi Mongryong and Chunhyang gave

Chunhyang gave to each other a ring to each other as a sign of their
before they part ways? loyalty with each other.

Chunhyang give Yi Mongryong a ring.

Saying that “this is my token of love
for you, keep it up until we meet
again. Go in peace, but do not
forget me.

Why did Yi Mongryong wish to be Sir, to inquire everywhere the needs

appointed as Amhaengosa or to of the people in order to assess the
disguise a beggar? quality of local districts administration.

Yi Mongryong choose to be
appointed as Amhaengosa or
disguise as a beggar and not to be a
magistrate or governor, so that he
can assess the quality of the service
of the local districts administration.

Did Yi Mongryong and Chunhyang They lived happily ever after despite
lived happily ever after? the challenges that come to their
relationship, because of Chunhyang
loyalty to Yi Mongryong.
Chunhyang and Yi Mongryong go to
Seoul and Chunhyang was officially
presented to the parents of Yi
Mongryong, and they accepted as
her proper daughter-in-law.
Chunhyang bore 3 sons and 2
daughters and they lived happily
ever after.

Very well, class!”

“I can see that you really understand
our story.”

3. Abstraction/ For the boys, if you are Yi Mongryong

Generalization could you come back for

(the students will answer the question

For the girls, if you are on the shoe of
Chunhyang could wait for Yi
Mongryong to come back?

Fill out the table below base on the Name of Personality Actions
characters’ background information. the Traits which
Write their personality traits and the character Support
actions which support that traits. Traits
4. Application / Closure
Name of the Personalit Actions Chunyang Loyal She
character y Traits which Brave waited for
Support Yi
Traits Mongrong
Chunhyang Yi Obedient He was
Mongrong Smart obedient
Yi Mongryong to his


Write the letter of the correct answer

in the space provided before the

1. What is the title of the story?

A. The Tale of
B. The Tail of Chunhyang
C. The Trail of Chunhyang

2. Who is the author of the story?

A. Hyo Shin Jae
B. Shin Jae Hyo
C. Jae Hyo Shin

3. It is a Korean genre of musical

A. Cangue
B. Kisaeng
C. Pansori

4. Korean female entertainers

are called _______.
A. Kisaeng
B. Yangban
C. Amhaengosa
C. Evaluation
5. Traditional ruling class or
nobles of dynastic Korea
during the Joseon Dynasty.
A. Amhaengosa
B. Yangban
C. Cangue

6. A person who travels around

the country and disguises as
beggar to assess the quality of
local district.
A. Cangue
B. Amhaengosa
C. Yunnori

7. What is the most dominant

theme of the story?
A. Loyalty
B. Faith
C. Culture

8. Yi Mongryong sacrificed his

time to be with his wife to fulfill
his duty as a son and servant
of the king. What
attitude/values did he
A. Loyalty
B. Patience
C. Sense of responsibility
9. Chunhyang chose death
instead of accepting the offer
of the new magistrate. What
attitude/values did she
A. Loyalty
B. Patience
C. Sense of responsibility

10. Yi Mongryong and

Chunhyang waited for the
right time to be together.
What attitude/values did they
A. Loyalty
B. Patience
C. Sense of responsibility

D. Assignment “Well, going back to our topic earlier.

Chunhyang and Yi Mongryong
experienced pain due to
circumstances that had happened to
them. However, their love for each
other persisted and even brought
them a happy ending.”

“Out of that situation, we can say

that “Pain is always affiliated to Love”
”. Do you agree, class?

MAKE AN ESSAY: Write it in ½

crosswise 2 paragraphs will do with
the title “Pain is always affiliated to
Love? Yes, sir!
Clear, class?

Alright, that’s all for now see you on

our next meeting.
Goodbye Sir!
Goodbye Class!



Prepared by: Checked: Noted:

Hiro Bacolod Mrs. Mary Rose Destajo ELMER C. RAVINA

Teacher Cooperating Teacher Principal II

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