Peasant Buffalo and Tiger

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Dr. Maria D.

Pastrana National
School: Grade Level: Grade 8
High School (Grades 7 to 12)
Teacher: Hiro Bacolod Learning Area: English

Teaching Date: February 24, 2020 Quarter: 4th Quarter



Analyze the plot of the story through class discussion.

Create meaningful sentences using the learned words.

B. PSYCHOMOTOR Create a two verse poem based on the theme of the story.

C. AFFECTIVE Value the importance of wisdom through oral recitation by answering the
teachers’ question.
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter)
“Peasant, the Buffalo and the Tiger”
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner's Materials pages Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook Pages

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill Classroom Management
What is our topic last meeting?
Sir, it’s all about Vietnam culture,
2. Review customs and traditions.

What can you say about the Yes, Sir! Vietnam has a similar tradition
custom and traditions of Vietnam here in the Philippines in terms of
are their custom and traditions Marriage, Funeral Ceremony, and
have similarities to our custom and Festivals.
traditions here in the Philippines?

Ok, Very Good!

How’s your day?

3. Introduction Fine sir.
That’s great!
Can we start to our discussion?
Yes sir.
Do you think every individual has
their own secret? Yes sir. I believe that every individual
4. Motivation has their own secret.
Please stand if you have a secret.
Why do you have secrets? People have their own secrets because
of their own personal reason.
Ok thank you!
Let’s find out if secrets or secret has
something to do in our topic for
today. Okay? Yes, Sir.
B. Developmental Activities
Before we start our discussion let’s
1. Presentation of the first unlock the difficult words.
Lesson / Activity
Choose the correct synonym for
the underlined word.

_____1.He and his water buffalo Answers

had plowed the rice field the 1. break
whole morning and stopped for a 2. performance
3. strive
while to have something to eat.
4. alert
______2. While the buffalo grazed 5. paw
and the peasant is enjoying his 6. weak
meal. 7. roar
______3. I noticed the quite curious 8. jumped
spectacle of your toil. 9. ignite
10. intelligence
______4. How is it possible that that
Man, a small and upright being
who neither has great strength,
sharp vision or a keen sense of smell
manages to lead you and make
you work for him?
_____5. Your horns are sharp
enough to cut him and your
hooves are mighty enough to
trample him.
______6. The only weapon he
carries is a flimsy bamboo stick,
______7. I have heard your
stomach rumble.
______8. He quickly leaped away
from the flames and dashed into
the jungle.
______9. As the air filled with smell
of the tiger's singed fur and as the
fire burned through the ropes.
______10. I never keep my wisdom
in a box.

I have here the video of the story.

Our discussion for today will be
2. Discussion / Analysis called 4P’s or Play, Pause, pose
and Predict. I’m going to play the
video, I’ll pause it for some parts
then I’ll be posing questions. Lastly,
you’re going to predict some
situations for what will happens
next. Clear?
Yes, Sir clear.

(The students will watch the video)

Who are the characters in the
Sir, the peasant, the buffalo, and the
Can you describe each character?
Sir, the buffalo used to have a sharp
front teeth. He is very industrious animal.
The tiger used to be pure golden beast.
The peasant is the man of pasture or
responsible for taking care of the
buffalo and other animals.
Very Good!
Do you think the tiger has a bad
influence to the buffalo? Why?
Yes sir, because he tries to poison the
mind of the buffalo that he said he is a
slave to the peasant.
Do you think the buffalo will follow
the order of the tiger?
No sir.
Let’s find out.
What is the power of the peasant
that he can rule the buffalo?
Wisdom sir.
Very good.
Do you think that the tiger will get
the secret of the peasant? Why?
No sir, because the peasant is clever to
be fooled by the tiger. He thought of a
way to play with the tiger.
What did the peasant do?
The peasant said he will go to get his
wisdom from his house but it’s a way to
trick the tiger. The peasant burned the
tiger alive.

In what way the peasants trick the The peasant tied the leg of the tiger in
tiger? the palm tree.

What did the tiger do if the The tiger planned to jump on the
peasant returns? peasants when he untie the tiger and
eat his water buffalo and take the
magic box of wisdom.

How bad for you is the tiger?

He is very selfish and lazy.

What happened to the buffalo The buffalo lost all his front teeth after
who laughed so hard while hitting hitting his mouth to the rock.
his mouth to the rock?

What did the tiger realized after he The tiger realized that his strength could
burned alive? never defeat man who has wisdom he
knew he could never have.

The ending of the story is in favor of The story ends with the buffalo and the
whom? peasant.

Very Good! Class!

Who are the characters of the

3. Abstraction/ story? Sir, The peasant, the buffalo and the
Generalization tiger.

Where did the story happen? It happened in the field.

If you have the wisdom to rule a Sir, I will use it for good, being positive,
community or the animals, how will responsible and considerate ruler.
you use it?

If you were the tiger, will you do the No sir, because I believe that we
same thing as he showed bad shouldn’t take advantages for the sake
motifs for the peasant and the of our needs.
buffalo, Why?

What do you think is the moral The moral lesson is we should always be
lesson of the story? good to our fellow humans. We should
be wise in decision making.
Group Activity
4. Application / Closure You will be divided into four groups.
You are about to create a poem
containing two stanzas with
regards to the theme of the story.
You’re going to present your output
in front of the class.
Identification Answers:
1. The buffalo was ruled by whom. 1. The peasant
C. Evaluation 2. He was described as the bad 2. The tiger
character in the story who 3. Wisdom
dreamed to rule all the animals 4. The buffalo
with his power. 5. The peasant
3. What is the secret of the
4. Who is the hardworking animal in
the story?
5. He is responsible for taking care
of the animals.
On a ½ crosswise, create 2-3
sentence reflection about what
you have learned from the story.
D. Assignment


Prepared by: Checked: Noted:

Hiro Bacolod Mr. Dominic P. Almirez Mrs. Maricel A. Ella

Practice Teacher Co-operating Teacher Chairperson-English

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