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SECTION A. LISTENING (40pts: 2pts/each)

Part 1. You will hear an interview with someone who runs a company called The Perfume Shop, which sells
perfume in a group of shops in the UK. For questions 1 – 5, choose the best answer A, B, or C.
1. Which of these statements summarizes Jo’s sales philosophy?
A. People care about what they buy. B. Names don’t sell products .C. People are more important than products.
2. Jo says that one of the Fish principles concerns
A. thinking of enjoyment activities for staff. B. deciding to be enthusiastic about your job.
C. persuading customers to buy.
3. Which of the following is true about perfume, according to Jo?
A. It has special connections for some people. B. People often aren’t given the right advice about it.
C. Many people find it hard to decide which one they like best.
4. What problem did the girl in the shopping centre have?
A. She hadn’t been able to find the perfume she wanted. B. She had used all of a certain perfume that she had.
C. She thought she wouldn’t be able to buy a certain perfume.
5. Jo says that the man who came into one of The Perfume Shop’s stores
A. became a regular customer. B. wanted a perfume that was no longer available.
C. was amazed when she sent him a bottle of her own perfume.
Part 2: You will listen to an interview. For questions 6 – 10, decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
You will have some time to look at the questions before starting.
6. Jenny's guest works for an e-mail company.
7. David suggests not writing your e-mail address on a piece of paper.
8. David says it's better not to mix work and personal e-mail accounts.
9. Jenny claims not everyone can simply open a new e-mail account.
10. David advises people not to write e-mails in blue.
Part 3: Listen to a lecture. For questions 11–20, complete the notes with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
Novel: 11 …………………
Protagonists: Mary Lennox; Colin Craven
Time period: Early in 12 …………………
Plot: Mary →UK – meets Colin who thinks he’ll never be able to 13 ………………….
They become friends.
Point of view: “Omniscient” – narrator knows all about characters’ feelings, opinions and 14…………………
Audience: Good for children – story simple to follow
Symbols (physical items that represent 15 …………………):
the robin redbreast 16 …………………
the portrait of Mistress Craven
Motifs (patterns in the story):
the Garden of Eden
secrecy – metaphorical and literal transition from 17 …………………
Themes: Connections between
18 ………………… and outlook 19 …………… and well-being individuals and the need for 20 …………
PRONUNCIATION1.A. nothing B. purpose C. welcome D. compare
2 a measure b pleasure c television d comparison
STRESS: 3 A. company B. comfortable C. together D. business
4 A. computer B. museum C. important D. visitor
5 A. Important B. Cigarette C. Protection D. Informal
Vocabularyand grammar:
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best completes each sentence
1 Without----------------, natural resources will be used up within a hundred years
A reservation B maitenance C conservation D protection
2 We spent nearly three hours waiting outside the station, then out_____________
A. came the star B. be the star coming C. did the star come D. the star came
3 I am afraid we haven’t got a spare bed. Can you ___________without the mattress on the floor?
A. make by B. make do C. make over D. make the team
4 There is an interesting bookwhich can -------------many children’s imagination A take B capture C hold D form
5 “Please speak up a bit more, Jason. You’re hardly loud enough to be heard from the back”, the teacher said.
A. visible B. audible C. edible D. Eligible
6 We hire our bicycle_____ .A. by hours B. by the hour C. by an hour D. for hours
7.“ Don’t you support the proposal to build a new airport?” – “ __________________”
A. No, I like it B. No, not really C. No, I don’t think you are right D. Yes, I am against it.
8 He is a man……………… A. whom I am knowing trustworthy B. who I know is trustworthy
C. whom I know that he is trustworthy D. who I know him to be trustworthy
9 The teacher asked a difficult question , but finally Ted _____________a good answer.
A. came up with B. made way for C. put up with D. kept pace with
10 I don’t think that this year’s Thai Nguyen Specialized High school entrance exam will be more difficult than those in
the past few years,__________________? A. will it B. won’t it C. do I D. will I
11 Three quarters of the day --------------in idleness A was spent B were spentC wasgoing D were taking
12 She din’t find learning English easy, it was --------------that she improved her English
A only studying very hrad B only by stydying very hard C only tudying hard D only sudying harder later
13 Residents were warned not to be extravagant with water, ------------------the low rainfall this year
A in view of B with the help of C regardless of D irrespective of
14 There was a good ---------on TV lastnight about polar bear A drama B series C soft opera D documetary
15 The teacher recommended -------------the book but I don’t have enough money -------------it
A buy/ tobuy B buying/ to buy C buying/ for buying D buy/ tobuy
16 Ever since she changed schools,she’s been ------A much more happier B so much happier C so happier D more happier
17 The type of plant and animal life living in and around a pond depends on the soil of the pond, .............., and the pond’s
location. A. what the quality of the water is B. how is the water quality
C. the quality of water D. what is the water quality
18----------------,they young woman was visibly very happy after the bird of her child
A despite tired B through tired C tired although she was D She was tired
19 Don’t ----------to conclusions; we don’t yet know all the relevant facts A run B jump C rush D hurry
20 ___, the people who come to this club are in their twenties. A. By and large B. To a degree C. Virtually D. Altogether
21_____________ illegally on Vietnam’s continental shelf on May 1 has been seen as one of its most provocative steps in
a gradual campaign of asserting its sovereignty in the South China Sea
A. That China has stationed the HD-981 oil rig B. That China stationed the HD-981 oil rig
C. China stationed the HD-981 oil rig C. what China stationed the HD-981 oil rig
22 It is amatter of life and death. As a consequence, we will give it a serious -----------
A review B thoughts C opinions D consideration
23.It was a very long day but we _______ arrived in time for tea.(a) eventfully (b) unusually (c) dully (d) eventually
24 You may think that this is a _______ job for someone who is applying for a marketing post.
(a) peculiar (b) stranger (c) usual (d) typical
25 Although she would have preferred to carry on working, my mum ________ her career in order to have
children. A. devoted B. repealed C. sacrificed D. abolished
26 I’ve never seen anyone so _____ to their job as Philip is. A. eager B. keen C. dedicated D. interested
27 Why do you have such a _____ with model railways? A. desire B. fascination C. love D. preference
28.You have a good feeling about yourself and____ when you volunteer.A. others B. other C. the other D. the others
29.Please ___ and see us some time. You‘re always welcome. A. come to B. come about C. come around D. come away.
30.Prices of flats ____ from a few thousand to millions of dollars.A. vary B. change C. differ D. fluctuate
31.The general public____ a large number of computers now, because prices are beginning to decrease.
A. must buy B. must be buying C. must have bought D. must bought
32.I have to assure myself that I____ the best possible decision.
A. have leapt B. have made C. have done D. have reached
33.Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one ______ the most.
A. that influences farmers B. farmers that is influences C. why farmers influence it D. it influences farmers
34.People usually can get sufficient ______ of the calcium their bodies need from the food they consume.
A. variety B. source C. amount D. number
35.Going on this diet has really ________ me good. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic!
A. made B. taken C. done D. had
36.I think those bright pants will __________ your new shoes. A. suit B. fit C. effect D. match
37.The police imposed a $200 __________ on the man for not wearing a helmet when riding his motorbike.
A. charge B. fine C. income D. money
38.Just a moment... I've got the answer on the ____ of my tongue.A. top B. tap C. tip D. back
39.All eligible applicants may apply for the vacant position_____ their gender, religion, ethnic group or country of origin.
A. without regards B. regards C. regarding D. regardless of
40.They live on a busy road ………….. a lot of noise from traffic.
A. There must have B. It must have been C. There must be D. It must be
41 No matter how angry he was, he would never …… violence.A. refuse B. resort C. resist D. resolve
42.“Can you wait while I run into the library?” “ OK, ...… hurry.”
A. even though B. when C. as long as D. unless
43.Nowadays, most students use______________ calculators in their studies and examinations.
A. electrical B. electronic C. electrified D. electric
44.Whole villages were____ by the earthquake.A. wiped out B. taken out C. broken out D. thrown out
45.The accident_____________ was the mistake of the driver.
A. to cause many people die B. which causes many people to die
C. causing many people to die D. caused great human loss
46.The cook made ___ that some people were not served. A. too little B. so little food C. so few food D. so much food
47.The sign said that unauthorized persons were prohibited ___A. entering B. to enter C. from entering D. not to enter
48.Mr. Smith is a (n) ___ person. If he says he will do something, you know that he will do.
A. dependent B. independent C. depending D. dependable
49.I can't quite ___ out what the sign says. A. make B. get C. read D. carry
50.Because of the Aleuts' constant exposure to cold weather, they have long recognized ___
A. and body needs to be fat B. body needs the C. how fat the body needs D. the body's needs for fat
51.Children are now coming under the influence of emotions ___ than their parents did.
A. far earlier B. farther early C. more far early D. further early
52.It was not until recently ___ how truthful he was.
A. did we realize B. that we realized C. which we realized D. when we realized
54. He was so mean that he couldn’t bear to ………. the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal.
A. pay off B. part with C. give in D. let out
55. A huge crowd ............. in the pouring rain to cheer the president.
A. turned out B. held up C. saw off D. dropped in
56. We hadn’t ............... for such heavy traffic, and we were delayed.
A. expected B. bargained C. calculated D. supposed
57. Beyond all ……………., it was Alice who gave away our secrets
A. fail B. conclusion C. dispute D. contradiction
58. The book says that the revolution was ………….off by the assassination of the state governor.
A. launched B. cropped C. triggered D. prompted.
59. She resigned …………. No one forced her to do so.
A. for her own sake B. of her own accord C. with a will D. on purpose
60 You shouldn’t criticized him in front of the class. It was extremely ___________ of you.
A. sensible B. insensitive C. insensible D. sensitive
II.Reading comprehension: A The Mysterious Isle
In the early morning of 23 January, 2009, the most powerful storm for a decade hit western France. With wind speeds
in (1)------------of 120 miles per hour, it flattened forests, (2) -----------down power lines and caused massive destruction
to buildings and roads. But it also left behind an extraordinary creation. Seven miles out to sea at the (3)--------where the
Atlantic Ocean meets the estuary of the River Gironde, a small island had (4)---------out of water. Locals soon gave it
the name The Mysterious Isle. What was so remarkable, (5)---------its sudden apparition, was the fact that the island (6)
__----------intact in what is often quite a hostile sea environment. It could well become a permanent feature.
Scientists (7)-------- realised that the island's appearance (8)------------a unique opportunity to study the creation and
development of a new ecosystem. Within months, it had been colonised by seabirds, insects and vegetation.
Unfortunately, however, they were not alone in (9)----------the island attractive. It became increasingly difficult to (10)
----------the site from human visitors. In its first year, day trippers came in powered dinghies, a parachute club used it as
a landing strip, a rave party was even held there one night.
1.A. surplus B. advance C. excess D. put
2.A. fetched B. brought C. carried D. sent
3.A. scene B. mark C. stage D. point
4.A. risen B. growth C. lifted D. surfaced
5.A. in spite of B. instead of C. apart from D. on account of
6.A. prolonged B. remained C. resided D. preserved
7A. quickly B. briskly C. hastily D. speedily
8.A. delivered B. awarded C. proposed D. offered
9.A. regarding B. finding C. seeking D. deciding
10.A. prevent B. preserve C. protect D. prohibit
B Quite different from storm surges are the giant sea waves called tsunamis, which derive their name from the Japanese
expression for “high water in a harbor.” These waves are also referred to by the general public as tidal waves, although
they have relatively little to do with tides. Scientists often referred to them as seismic sea waves, far more appropriate in
that they do result from undersea seismic activity.
Tsunamis are caused when the sea bottom suddenly moves, during an underwater earthquake or volcano for example,
and the water above the moving earth is suddenly displaced. This sudden shift of water sets off a series of waves. These
waves can travel great distances at speeds close to 700 kilometers per hour. In the open ocean, tsunamis have little
noticeable amplitude, often no more than one or two meters. It is when they hit the shallow waters near the coast that they
increase in height, possibly up to 40 meters.
Tsunamis often occur in the Pacific because the Pacific is an area of heavy seismic activity. Two areas of the Pacific
well accustomed to the threat of tsunamis are Japan and Hawaii. Because the seismic activity that causes tsunamis in
Japan often occurs on the ocean bottom quite close to the islands, the tsunamis that hit Japan often come with little
warning and can, therefore, prove disastrous. Most of the tsunamis that hit the Hawaiian Islands, however, originate
thousands of miles away near the coast of Alaska, so these tsunamis have a much greater distance to travel and the
inhabitants of Hawaii generally have time for warning of their imminent arrival.
Tsunamis are certainly not limited to Japan and Hawaii. In 1755, Europe experienced a calamitous tsunami, when
movement along the fault lines near the Azores caused a massive tsunami to sweep onto the Portuguese coast and flood
the heavily populated area around Lisbon. The greatest tsunami on record occurred on the other side of the world in 1883
when the Krakatoa volcano underwent a massive explosion, sending waves more than 30 meters high onto nearby
Indonesian islands; the tsunami from this volcano actually traveled around the world and was witnessed as far away as the
English Channel.
1 The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses
A. tides B. tidal waves C. storm surges D. underwater earthquakes
2 According to the passage, all of the following are true about tidal waves EXCEPT that
A. they are caused by sudden changes in high and low tides B. they refer to the same phenomenon as seismic sea waves
C. this terminology is not used by the scientific community D. they are the same as tsunamis
3 The word “displaced” is closest in meaning to A. located B. filtered C. moved D. not pleased
4 It can be inferred from the passage that tsunamis
A. are often identified by ships on the ocean B. generally reach heights greater than 40 meters
C. cause severe damage in the middle of the ocean D. are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean
5 In line 10, water that is “shallow” is NOT A. coastal B. clear C. deep D. tidal
6 A main difference between tsunamis in Japan and in Hawaii is that tsunamis in Japan are more likely to
A. arrive without warning B. come from greater distances C. be less of a problem D. originate in Alaska
7 The possessive “their” refers to -----
A. these tsunamis B. the Hawaiian Islands C. the inhabitants of Hawaii D. thousands of miles
8 A “calamitous” tsunami, is one that is------ A. extremely calm B. expected C. at fault D. disastrous
9From the expression “on record” in line 22, it can be inferred that the tsunami that accompanied the Krakatoa volcano
A. might not be the greatest tsunami ever B. was not as strong as the tsunami in Lisbon
C. occurred before efficient records were kept D. was filmed as it was happening
10 The passage suggests that the tsunami resulting from the Krakatoa volcano
A. resulted in little damage B. caused volcanic explosions in the English Channel
C. was far more destructive close to the source than far away D. was unobserved outside of the Indonesian islands
C Trees in troubles key ben duoi
What is causing the decline of the world’s giant forests?
A. Big trees are incredibly important ecologically. For a start, they sustain countless other species. They provide
shelter for many animals, and their trunks and branches can become gardens, hung with green ferns, orchids and
bromeliads, coated with mosses and draped with vines. With their tall canopies basking in the sun, they capture vast
amounts of energy. This allows them to produce crops of fruit, flowers and foliage that sustain much of the animal life in
the forest.
B. Only a small number of tree species have the genetic capacity to grow really big. The mightiest are native to
North American, but big trees grow all over the globe, from the tropics to the boreal forests of the high latitudes. To
achieve giant stature, a tree needs three things: the right place to establish its seedling, good growing conditions and lots
of time with low adult mortality. Disrupt any of these, and you can lose your biggest trees.
C. In some parts of the world, populations of big trees are dwindling because their seedlings cannot survive or grow.
In southern India, for instance, an aggressive non-native shrub, Lantana camara, is invading the floor of many forests.
Lantana grows so thickly that young trees often fail to take roof. With no young trees to replace them, it is only a matter of
time before most of the big trees disappear. Across much of northern Australia, gamba grass from Africa is overturning
native savannah woodlands. The grass grows up to four metres tall and burns fiercely, creating super-hot fires that cause
catastrophic tree mortality.
D. Without the right growing conditions trees cannot get really big, and there is some evidence to suggest tree
growth could slow in a warmer world, particularly in environments that are already warm. Having worked for decades at
La Selva Biological Station in Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, David and Deborah Clark and colleagues have
shown that tree growth there declines markedly in warmer years. “During the day, their photosynthesis shuts down when
it gets too warm, and at night they consume more energy because their metabolic rate increases, much as a reptile’s would
when it gets warmer,” explains David Clark. With less energy produced in warmer years and more being consumed just to
survive, there is even less energy available for growth.
E. The Clark’s hypothesis is correct, means tropical forests would shrink over time. The largest, oldest trees would
progressively die off and tend not to be replaced. According to the Clarks, this might trigger a destabilization of the
climate; as older trees die, forests would release some of their stored carbon into the atmosphere, prompting a vicious
cycle of further warming, forest shrinkage and carbon emissions.
F. Big trees face threats from elsewhere. The most serious is increasingly mortality, especially of mature trees.
Across much of the planet, forests of slow-growing ancient trees have been cleared for human use. In western North
America, most have been replaced by monocultures of fast-growing conifers. Siberia’s forests are being logged at an
incredible rate. Logging in tropical forests is selective but the timber cutters usually prioritize the biggest and oldest trees.
In the Amazon, my colleagues and I found the mortality rate for the biggest trees had tripled in small patches of rainforest
surrounded by pasture land. This happens for two reasons. First, as they grow taller, big trees become ticker and less
flexible; when winds blow across the surrounding cleared land, there is nothing to stop their acceleration. When they hit
the trees, the impact can snap them in half. Second, rainforests fragments dry out when surrounded by dry, hot pastures
and resulting drought can have devastating consequences: one-four year study has shown that death rates will double for
smaller trees but will increase 4.5 times for bigger trees.
G. Particular enemies to large trees are insects and disease. Across vast areas of western North America, increasingly mild
winters are causing massive outbreaks of bark beetle. These tiny creatures can kill entire forests as they tunnel their way
through the inside of trees. In both North America and Europe, fungus-causing diseases such as Dutch elm disease have
killed off millions of stately trees that once gave beauty to forests and cities. As a result of human activity, such enemies
reach even the remotest corners of the world, threatening to make the ancient giants a thing of the past.
A. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
List of headings
i. How deforestation harms isolated trees ii How other plants can cause harm
Iii Which big trees support the most diverse species iv Impact of big tree loss on the wider environment
v.Measures to prevent further decline in big tree populations.
vi.How wildlife benefits from big trees vii.Risk from pests and infection
viii. Ways in which industry uses big tree products ix.How higher temperatures slow the rate of tree growth
X Factors that enable trees to grow to significant heights.
1. Paragraph A ...........................2. Paragraph B ........................... 3 Paragraph C.....................4. Paragraph D..............
5. Paragraph E ........................ .6. Paragraph F.......................... 7.Paragraph G................ .....
B. Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer
6 The biggest trees in the world can be found in ..................................................
7 Some trees in northern Australia die because of .................................................. made worse by gamba grass.
8 The Clarks believe that the release of ......................................... from dead trees could lead to the death of more trees.
9.Strong .................................................. are capable of damaging tall trees in the Amazon.
10.In western Northern America, a species of ................................................. has destroyed many trees.
III. Mistake correction:
1 Employees who haven't seen the new regulations often ask for unnecessary questions; instead they should ask for a copy
of the regulations and read them.
2 Not until I was on my way to the airport that I realized I had left my passport at home.
3.Drug addiction has resulted of many destroyed careers and expulsions from school or college.
4 It announced today that an enquiry would be held into the collapse of a high-rise apartment block in Kuala Lumpur last
week. 5 We educate our children (A) as well as we can, because (B) an (C) educational population is the key (D) to future.
6 (A) It is becoming (B) extremely difficult to grow enough (C) to feed the worlds rapidly (D) increased population.
7.Once upon a time I would have asked for a company's brochure or informations pack , but nowadays most
companies advertise on their own website.
8.A galaxy, where it may (A) include billions (B) of stars, is held (C) together (D) by gravitational attraction.
9 Most of the guests turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise
10. I' m learning German that I will be able to speak it when I go to Austria next summer.
11 Nancy said that she went to the supermarket before coming home.
12.The athlete, together with his coach and several relatives, are traveling to the Olympic Games
13 The little boy isn't allowed to see this kind of films because he isn’t enough young to see it.
14.Suzy had better change her study" if she hopes to admit to a good university.
15 Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.
16 If Monique had not attended the conference, she never would meet her old friend Dan, whom she had not seen in
years. 17 Some people think that the desire to wear sunglasses are more a need to impress than to protect the eyes.
18 After the police had tried unsuccessfully to determine to who the car belonged, they towed it into the station
Line 1 Plastics are among the most ubiquitous materials in our economy, our lives, and our environment. They are
also among the most pervasive and persistent pollution on Earth.
In recent years, stark images of beaches, waterways and wildlife filling with plastic have spurred demands
Line 2 on action to address plastic pollution. These calls are coupled with grown concern that plastic and its toxic
additives pose serious risks to human health at every stages of the plastic lifecycle. Far more attention has been
Line 3 paid to the impacts of this same lifecycle on the Earth’s climate. This is a dangerous oversight.
From catastrophic wildfires in California to searing heat waves and record drought in India, the scale and
Line 4 growing severe of the climate crisis are undeniable. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns
that humanity must limit warming below 1.5C or face far greater and potential irreversible climate chaos.
Line Achieving this, we must cut global emissions 45% in 2030 and reach zero net emissions by 2050.

IV.Word formation:
Organizing a holiday can be a very (1. CHALLENGE) __________ task. Some people find the experience as
(2. STRESS)__________ as the daily demands of work and family (3. COMMIT) __________. If you are in this
situation, you may find that taking an escorted holiday is the ideal solution.
Escorted holidays offer a great balance between sightseeing, entertainment and leisure time, with the added advantage
that you have the services of a professional tour manager, who (4. COMPANY) __________ you through the trip, acting
as your personal guide. From the first day to the last, tour managers make your holiday experience even more (5.
MEMORY) __________ because of the (6. VALUE)__________ information and helpful suggestions they provide.
Your tour manager will give you many (7. SIGHT) __________ into the place you are visiting, including useful
information on the (8. DISTINCT) __________characteristics of the place, such as regional food and local entertainment.
If you book one of the escorted holiday (9. PACK) __________that we offer, you can be sure that you will have a
(10. TRUE) __________authentic travel experience.
B Some recent research into (1) ______________ (CONVERSE) between men and women has produced results which
will surprise few women. Men are always interrupting women when they talk. One (2) _____________ (RESEARCH)
feels that men regard female talk as a kind of conversational (3) ______________ (HOUSE). They expect women to play
a (4) ______________ (SUPPORT) role. So a man interrupts in a display of dominance or control. Men also have a much
more (5) ______________ (PLEASANT) listening style. Whereas a woman uses gestures or say: "mm", a man will say
such thing as "right" or "okay" thus settle the stage for an (6) ______________ (INTERRUPT). Conversation of this kind,
then, hardly has (7) ______________ (MEAN) communication. Male talk is often (8) _____________ (ARGUE) while
women are more tentative, asking more questions and tending to build up their replies on what the other person had said.
The research would indicate that women are better (9) ______________ (LISTEN) than men. Yet, listening secretly to
conversation between groups of women, one has the (10) ______________ (IMPRESS) of several simultaneous
monologues into which no man would be able to get a chance to speak.
1. George gave the child a _____________of sweets. ( HAND)
2. Our class team has won five ________________football match. ( SUCCEED)
3. Thousands of patients' lives have been made ____________better by the application of cloning genes. ( MEASURE)
4 This margarine is full of _____________ - just look at the label! ( ADD)
5. That one kiss had left her ________________ with excitement.( BREATH)
6. Mr. Brown has a great many ______qualities. ADMIRE
7. Deaths caused by reckless driving are ______. AVOID
8. Most tinned fruits contain ______amounts of sugar. EXCESS
9. Trung's sense of humor______ him from other students. DISTINCT
10. The scenery was really ______ beautiful. BREATH
11. ______as it may seem, mammoths were alive only five thousand years ago. CREDIBLE
V. Fill the blanks with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs ( remember there are more than needed)
Break up – call in – cut back – give out – fall through – turn out – make up- turn in – give out
– run across – take to – catch on – – break down
1. It.........that we were not exempted from the English test as we had expected.
2 On the way to work Jane.........……………her old boss whom she had never wished to meet again.
3 I think you should………… early tonight. You look very tired.
4 I couldn't.........…………the news Jack told me about his settlement in Africa.
5 The school………….. for the holidays at the end of July.
6. My plans for starting a restaurant..........……….for lack of capital.
7 The student is slow to --------------, but gradually they began to understand
8 If you want to stay healthy, you should ------------smoking
9 We --------------a specialist when he grew worse 10 The name of the winner were -------------on the radion
VI. Fill the blanks with correct prepositions
1 You can't miss him. That haircut makes him stand ______in a crowd.
2 I am really thirsty. I could do ________a drink. 3 My mum told me …… for coming home late from school.
4 She looks _____ _______on people who haven’t been to college.
5 Don’t worry. The pain should wear ……………… fairly soon.
6 Unless the group turned ____________ soon we will have to cancel the concert
7 James came_______________ quite a large sum of money when his parents were killed in the plane crash into
8 You will back me _______________at the meeting, won’t you, Bill?”
9 He lost his job ________________ no fault of his own through
10.The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage________the other car.
11.The public are very concerned__________the increasing crime rates in the city.
12.We were lucky to be able to finish the project ahead___________schedule.
13.A The buildings in this city are typical _______Western architectural styles.
14.Contrary_______my expectation, they didn’t feel uneasy________the result of the match.
15.Michael is absorbed________his work and didn’t notice me coming.
16.He hasn’t been cheerful_________the death of his close friend.(151)
17.She nearly lost her own life ________ attempting to save the child from drowning.
18 He came ………………….a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
19.The team were eager to make………………. the loss of the previous match.
41.He came ………………….a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
4The team were eager to make………………. the loss of the previous match. Upfor
VII Sence rewriting
1 I went to Italy with the intention of learning Italian ( that) ............................................
2 You must show your student card as you enter the library / Students are …………………………………………
3 If her father hadn’t died suddenly,she could have gone on her study at colledge ( it was her father’s)
4 They constantly encouraged her, which made her job easier / If It ...... …………………………………………………
5 Hardly had we started our walk when it started to pour with rain ( moment) .....................................................................
6. We don’t expect that the missing climbers have survived. (HOLD)
7 I really don't know what you're talking about. (FAINTEST)
8.You must accept the fact that she has left you. (TERMS)
9. Using public transport saves energy as well as reduce pollution / Not only.....................
10. I doubt whether it will stop raining till afternoon./ It is ……
11 The bus was too crowded for him to put his case down. Room/ There
12. Find out more about working conditions before you contact the manager. (Until)
13.The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trespassing on this land./ Anyone found...........................
17. The inhabitants were far worse-off twenty years ago than they are now. / The inhabitants are nowhere _____
18.If you don't know the art market, there's a risk you will spend a lot of money on rubbish.
--> If you don't know the art market, you are in……………………
19.Whatever the methods used to obtain the result, drugs were definitely not involved. -There was no question ______
20.Those terrapins which survive their first year may live to be twenty./ -Should ___________
VIII Use the prompts to write full sentences
1 Learn/ heart /all / words/ not help /much/ if /you / not read /lot /because/ you /easy/ forget /what /you / learn.
2 Janet / tell/ Mary / put / lot / clothes / she / not / hurt / herself / when / she / fall
4.I / wear / thick glasses / because / I / not take / proper care / eyesight / when / young.
6 Pickpocket / look / round / see / nobody / watch / before / put / his hand / woman’s handbag
7 Frank’s delight / decorations of the house / make / us / all happy
8 The/ clear / teacher / explain / lesson / fast / we / understand
9.It /not / Thanks giving dinner /without/ mashed potatoes
10 Basketball/ invent/ 1891/ physical education instructor/ Springfield/ name/ James Naismith
11. Because/ terrible weather/ winter/ physical education students/ indoors/ rather/ outdoors
12. not like/ idea/ boring/ repetitive exercise/ prefer/ excitement/ challenge/ game
13. Naismith/ figure out/ team sport/ can play/ indoors/ involve/ lot/ running
14. new game/ not allow/ tackling/ physical contact/ American-style football
------------------ THE END------------------
B/ In the 21st century food will (1)______ more than just you feed you. A new range of products appearing on shelves in
shops and supermarkets (2) ______ designed to give you specific health benefits. The demands of modern life make these
foods very attractive. Not only (3)---------- they provide proven ways to improve health, but they are also very attractive as
a quick and convenient way of making sure we enjoy a healthy diet.
In some countries it is already possible to buy crisps that make you feel (4) ______ depressed, chewing gum that
increases your brain power and tea that helps you (5) ______ over the tiredness (6)------------with long-distance air travel.
In the future, experts promise biscuits that will keep you healthy, and hot chocolate drink to give you strong bones.
Despite the fact that these “functional” foods cannot replace a balanced diet and regular exercise, they can help the body
perform at (7) ______ best a lot of the time. At (8) ______, these foods are more expensive than other foods, but that is
due to the ingredients they (9) ___of and the way they are made. All the foods contain probiotics (70) ______ increase the
number of “good” bacteria in your stomach, helping to keep your digestive system healthy.
C For millions of people, the Internet has opened (1) ---------- a new whole world. From their personal computers they
are ordering books, (2) -------- greeting cards and finding out about literally anything on Earth. For studentsit is invaluable
for homework, for (3) ------------ it makes planning and booking astonishingly easy, while for many others it is a great way
of keeping in (4) --------- with family and friends or, indeed, making new friends.
It is, in (5)------------, a wonderful resource for obtaining information, getting things done and communicating with
others. And yet it is also creating one of the (6) _____growing social problems of our time: Internet (7)________. A recent
study involving Internet users from all over the world found that 50 percent of them claimed to be addicted, spending an
(8) ---------- of over 60 hours per week on-line. Some of these reported routinely logging (9) ------- as soon as they arrived
home from work, university or school, often remaining on-line (10) --------- the smallest hours. “Sometimes I am feeling
absolutely exhausted, dying to go to bed” said one respondent, “but then I think to (11)............. I’ll just try one more page,
it might be really good. And then I think the same about the next page. And the next. And so on.” The study showed no
(12) the rate of addiction between men and women and revealed that many heavy users simply lost (13) ----------
of time. In extreme cases, they began to neglect themselves, their families and their friends, apparently preferring the
company of their computer to (14) ........... of the other people. They were found to be more (15) -------- to bedepressed
than moderate users
D It is now generally recognized that stress is a (1)…............of heart disease, and contributes to man
(2)………..illnesses. Stress is increased by (3)----------- such as worry, overwork and lack of exercise or relaxation. For it
is just as important from a psychological point of (4)… relax as it is to take physical exercise. Relaxing does not
necessarily mean just lazing (5)--------- and doing nothing. Above all, there should be some --------- (6) from the
tensions of everyday life, and this may mean getting out of the house and forgetting about (7)---------- domestic and
professional worries. Some people can do this most easily (8)------------ sport, though others may (9 )…… …….such
activities just as seriously as anything (10)…… …….in life and build (11)……..their stress levels accordingly.
Professional sportsmen and women suffer high levels of stress. Because some environmental factors such as noise, light or
(12)……….colour may affect stress levels, it is generally advisable to have a (13)……….of scene if you wish to wind
down after trying day. The benefits of a weekend away, (14)……… mention an annual holiday, are considerable, and
although there are some individuals who thrive on stress, and (15)……to need its stimulus, for most of us over-working or
over-involvement in domestic problems (16)………to a feeling of exhaustion, and can (17)………on severe depression.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use one of the words given and plus
a preposition. (Most of the prepositions will be used more than once)
air order average purpose debt random first sight
short good stock heart moment myself the house once work
Example: We flew to Paris.→We went to Paris by air
1. Come here immediately! →Come here_________________________________!
2. My name’s Patrick, but most people call me Pat. →My name’s Patrick. Pat ___________________
3. Most people in this country work forty hours a week.
→________________________people in this country work forty hours a week.
4. He left Russia in 1992 and will never go back there./ He left Russia __________________________in 1992
5. We’ll have to use the stairs. The lift’s not working./ We’ll have to use the stairs. The lift’s ______________
6. Mr Blake comes back from his holiday next week. →Mr Blake is on holiday__________________
7. He owes the bank £5,000. → He is £5,000_______________________________
8. I memorized the poem. → I learnt the poem__________________________
9. It was no accident. He did it deliberately. →It was no accident. He did it _____________________
10. He hasn’t had a job for over two years. → He’s been _____________________for over two years
11. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. →It was love_______________________________
12. No one helped me with the homework. →I did the homework__________________________
13. The goods you want won’t come in until next week./ The goods you want are _____________at the moment.
14. ‘You don’t have to pay for the drinks -they’re free tonight’, said the hotel manager.
‘The drinks are ___ _____tonight’, said the hotel manager
15. When you play bingo, the numbers are not called out in any particular order.
When you play bingo, the numbers are called out ______ __

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