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S THAT WHAT YOU MEAN ? 50 COMMON MISTAKES AND HOW TO CORRECT THEM PAUL HANCOCK il , | om — filititt Reger al nn 02 apn Ee ete a Ee Sleeper thee Cuceameelems, Introduction UnitOne Practice A Practice B Unit Two Practice A Practice B Unit Three Practice A Practice Unit Four Practice A Practice B UnitFive Practice A Practice B Answers UnitOne Practice A Practice UaitTWo Practice A Practice B Unit Three Practice A Practice B Unit Foor Practice A Practice B UnicFive Practice A CONTENTS S8e ase sae teu eye 1 7 a 9 INTRODUCTION ‘othe Student Bverybody mates mistakes when they lear a language and cveryboy ante conrect het as such as posible, Thisis ‘ical fou donot understand ny somethings wrong. fs That Whar You Mea? wl lp you to understand why a mistake is ‘wrong and help yout correct Thin isthe best ay fo we each nit of this book 1. Locka the pltres and explanations and correct the risks 2, Looks the answer in dhe ack ofthe book to check that your 4, Dore fist practic exercise A Lark gain atthe pictres and explanation if you arena sure the practice sentences lteright or wrong. Corret the sentences which re wrong, 4 heck your answers to exercie An the back of the book. 5, Dothe practice exerciteB. Look atthe pictures and explanations again if yoo are not sure what to ert. 6. Check youranewer. ‘Tothe Teacher “This book canbe ued in « General English clas or an extra sramimarclas, wth students weno are at Intermediate level Tower Intermediate student will beable to we the book but ay need more hep from yo. Ie is ery easy tose pd wil help allstudenta to ce why some of the common mistakes they make fre wrong, snd give them practice aero cretion whichis both llective and enjoyable, Each wnt deal with variety of crore, covering tena, ocr grammatical points (eats), ‘confused word and prepositions, There an answer bey athe back ofthe bok. How to use each un fF the book 1. Puc the students in pais or groups. Aakthem to ook atthe pictures and explanations and correct the mistake, 2, When they have finished, check se corrections a class Ak thestudents explain again why the at sentence was ron 5. Ask them tod te fis practic exercise Ain pairs or groups, ‘You could teachor check any vocabulary which your cas -might aot now. You ea go rnd and hepany students ‘who are having problems by refering chem tthe relevant picture and explanation. 4. Check he answers ara eae ad make ore hat they “understand why each sentence was ight or wrong, ad why the mistake are fay. 5 Ask them tod the gpl exercise in pairs or groups. Aga, you could teach or check voeabulary fnecenary bere they ‘othe exercise, and help any stadents eh ar having problems. This execae col alo be done for homework oF Ina ater lesion orrevsion, 6. Check the answers in clas ‘The pictures and explanations are useful oer back tof stents make any ofthese mistakes in later classes in hei homework yo use with the infinitive, it means that the actions something dificalt and you have ory very har because you. ‘might not beable doi eg. "Try to wal’ (your leisisjured) “Try talesp (there's loco nite in the house Tey ceneeseneene bots people are dos you tk abou the pac “The ticket inspector came into the ‘My landlady ina very go0d cooker,” fovrtickets.! compartment and A teacher teaches, and writer writes, ut ater is not the person whe cocks. A cooker ia machine which cooks justas a dshwaaher 2 machine which wales dishes, hat mesa fain ad ok eran mite “My landlady ina ver the verb ana aon, vs ae wu cooks, ou, Here you ned diferent preposition with meto mean As ell as dim, there are some other verbs Like shout ary mogh. naif o dangerous steation ike is, and pot, which havea diferent meaning wth different ean aly ough to op someting bad hap. prepistons. you usr ther with at means you do the io mean hfiea time which was arranged previously ction nan angry and unliendly way, eg: 'Thnow I made mistake, but you don’ have to shout at me? “Nick couldn't reach the hammer, 20 he | “Philipps wrually goes to work with her car asked Bab tothrow it hie? someone does these ations ina friendly, bell way, you you went somewhere sit your ea, it would be the same as ‘we derent preposition. ong with another pers fit would aecompany yo “Phitippa uawally goes to work you prefer tsit inside you ear when you'r aveling, wea diferent preposition, Also, you uxt use ay, without deroe mete UNITONE oimwetewroe mera Taner mene fe 1. When Jat ean he was lsked ou of he bse, eed to koek 16, Stiedora’like washing up she ples oe the coker 17. “ster Joun has 2 Manisa 22, “Karen was so angry with Keith haste hw ber tenis aches thm, 2A Sue'cars beng repaired so he's going tocome wth he bite eee BOS two B Complete th following et sing aio the words or phrases 0 ‘hese practned in tsi SLwish you would be taller. ing to stare hing (3) but he manager came over you wish someone welded at coo be womething, it must 1 time to ‘be something tha itis pesilfor them co change Tan ke Yo A the manager wae throw ee fg: ‘Tish you woul peak more slowly swish you en Wiciexomeshing that its impossible to change. person's [fyoustop asleep it means that you step what yu are ding face or eight, you sre ming an espossbl wish; therebre se ‘narder toseep, st tense (here the Simple Pas) 4g." When Twas walking home, I stopped to bay a newpaper (atop walking to buy a newspaper. “Lam very boring inthis class Bian CHAM NEW STREET ‘yack hs My mother spilt coffee on my dress 10 that had to wear a different one. you getoutofone train and getinto another oe, you have ‘you uses tat without a comma before, ella you {otalk about more than ane train. Also, you dont use de he eason sy you do something, eg. ‘closed the curtain so tat lend seep Kanes that you waned theaecond thing happen “My uncle Tom died. pacumonia.” ‘You dic fom things which come fiom outside,

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