Proposal - Music Video

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What form of production do you intend on producing? (short film, music video, stop
motion animation, documentary)

I will be producing a music video for this unit since it will allow me to try things I
wouldn’t normally.

Based on the performances in your previous units, what areas do you need to
improve on this time round?

I believe that I need to improve on my editing and camera work and producing a
music video will allow me to do this as it will require me to do some fast pace editing,
cutting clips to the beat of the song and also use a range of camera angles.

Why have you chosen this production? What visual based skills do you feel it will help
you to develop?

I have chosen this production because I will be able to improve my editing skills and
learn new techniques that will help me with future productions. Also, using a wider
range of camera angles and shots will be beneficial when filming future productions.

Will you be working individually or as part of a 2 person team? Why have you chosen

Individually as I think I need to learn these skills on my own in order to improve.

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