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Test Name:

Class: VII(B)

1)Put the verbs into present simple or present continuous:

It _____ (be) winter and the snow ____ (fall).It usually ____ (snow) in January
here.Betty and James ____ (play)in the garden.They ____ (build) a snowman
and they _____ (throw)snowballs.They _____ (like) the snow very much.Their
mother and father _____ (not/like) it.They always _____ (stay) in the house
when it is cold.Mother usually _____ (watch) TV and father _____ (listen)to the
radio or ___(read) a book.At the moment they _____ (sit) in the living
room.Mother _____ (write) a letter and father _____ (read) a book.

2) Put the verbs into present perfect or past simple:

I _____ (know) Tom for a long time.We always _____ (play) together.Tom
_____ (not/can) read or write because he _____ (never/be) to school.He _____
(have) long brown hair since he was born.He _____ (live) in our house for five
years.My parents _____ (take) care of him while I _____ (be) at school.Tom
____ (not/work),actually he _____ (never/have) a job.This ____ (not/be)
strange because he _____ (be) my dog.

3)Fill in:will or be going to:

I heard on TV that our president _____ (build) a new swimming pool in the
centre.They ____ (start) work in May and the pool _____ probably be finished
by June.The president said “I am sure the people _____ welcome the new
pool.I hope they ____ understand the problems,which ____ be caused in the
centre.The opposition doesn’t like the idea. They _____ organize a protest and
they believe that the people ____ support them.

4)Write sentences using an infinitive of purpose:

a)They want to talk about the competition.That’s why they’re meeting next


b)Cristina went shopping.She wants to buy some new clothes.


c)Most tourists come here,they visit the ancient temples.


d)He wants to read the letter.That’s why he’s putting on his glasses.


5)Write sentences with ‘so or because’:

a)My brother broke his arm,he couldn’t play the tennis.


b)I didn’t use that chalk,it was too short.


c)Tim had eaten ten ice-creams,he didn’t feel very well.


d)I stayed at home,I felt really tired.


6)Fill the sentences with missing words:

nightmare clumsy challenge holiday scenery

penfriend paradise attendant so-called
1)I’m working as a beach _____ to earn some extra money.

2)In fact it was a ______.

3)I tripped over my shoes,you know how _____ I am.

4)The _____ was to raise money for cancer research.

5)Cornwall is a great place for a _____,it can seem like _____.

6)The main attraction of Cornwall is the ______.

7)I’m going to stay for 3 weeks with my _______.

8)There is a big difference between serious surfers and the _____ ‘beach boys’

7)Write :in/ un / im

---mature ---comfortable ---moral ---happy

---possible ---usual ---active ---correct ---ability

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