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Earthquake-Induced Landslides

Earthquake shaking can cause landsliding on many scales. An earthquake can

cause a slope to become unstable by the inertial loading it imposes or by causing
a loss of strength in the slope materials.
Landslides Occur
1. Removal of support at the base of a slope which may due to erosion at the
toe of a aslope by rivers or ocean waves. That is why landslides may occur
even on a hot summer or rainy day.
2. Ground (pore water) pressure during sudden changes in the water level of
the bodies of water adjacent to a slope also acts to destabilize it.
3. Intense rainfall. Landslides are triggered due to the weakening of the slope
material by water saturation.
4. Human interventions. Man contributes to the instability of slopes through
quarrying/mining, and unabated logging and kaingin which lead to the loss of
deeply rooting tress and soil cohesiveness.
5. Earthquakes. slopes are prone to widespread failure during earthquakes
because of the sudden shaking of hilly and mountainous areas

Types of landslides
 Topples –occur suddenly when a massive part of very steep slopes break loose
and rotate forward.
 Rock falls- involve chunks of detached rock that fall freely for some distance
or bouce and roll down the steep slope.
 Slides – involve large blocks of bedrock that break free and slide down along
a planar or curved surface
 Lateral spreads- Lateral spreads are distinctive because they usually occur on
very gentle slopes or flat terrain.
 Flows –involve downslope motion of fine grained clay,silt,and fine sand made
mobile by water saturation. These flows include mudflows and earthflows and
are common during the rainy season.
 Complex slides- are combinations of two or more types of movement.

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