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Book used: Textbook of Medical Physiology (10th edition) 2000, by Guyton and Hall
The textbook, “Human Physiology & Mechanisms of disease” by Guyton and Hall (red or purple
cover), is a condensed version of the above book.


1 Introduction 74, 75
Mechanism of hormone action
Hormone receptor types; G-protein coupled receptors; signaling
2 Overview of metabolism 2 (p.19), 70
Major events of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins (p.798-799),
Metabolism in specific states (energy abundance, stress, starvation) 68 (p.781-787)
69 (p. 794-796)
3 Pancreatic hormones 78
Insulin: mechanism of action; actions of insulin on specific tissues;
control of insulin secretion
4 Pancreatic hormones (cont’d) 78
Glucagon: mechanism of action; actions of glucagons on specific
tissues. Effects of somatostatin, Overview of Diabetes mellitus
(Type I and Type II)
5 Growth hormone 75
Metabolic effects; insulin-like anti-insulin-like and anabolic effects;
effects on bone tissue; role of IGFs and thyroid hormone; regulation
of GH secretion; abnormalities of GH secretion
6 Thyroid hormones 76
Biosynthesis, metabolism of TH; physiological actions (nervous 69 (p.796)
system, bone); regulation of TH secretion; abnormalities of TH
7 Adrenocortical hormones 77
General overview of steroid biosynthesis; importance of adrenal
8 Adrenocortical hormones (cont’d) 77
Functions of mineralocorticoids (sodium and potassium ions);
mechanism of action of aldosterone; regulation of aldosterone
9 Adrenocortical hormones (cont’d) 77
Functions of glucocorticoids mechanism of action of cortisol; 67 (p.780)
regulation of cortisol secretion ACTH secretion, stress response

10 Overall regulation of blood glucose 68

Integrated response to changes in blood glucose levels (minute –to- 68 (p.781-787)
minute and long-term regulation of blood glucose), including role
of adrenal medullary hormones
11 Calcium and phosphate balance 79
Bone as reservoirs of calcium and phosphate; evolution of
parathyroid glands; physiological actions of PTH on specific
tissues; regulation of PTH secretion; disorders involving PTH
12 Calcitropic hormones 79
synthesis of vitamin D3; actions of vitamin D3 and physiological
actions, disorders involving vitamin D3
13 Calcitropic hormones (cont’d) 79
Synthesis and physiological actions of calcitonin
14 Calcitropic hormones (cont’d) 79
Integrated actions of calcitropic hormones

Dr. L.M McClusky

April 2002

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