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Primary: Good morning Mr. X

Notice no signs of consciousness, proceed to:

 Call for help

 Ensure patient is flat on bed. Remove pillows and drop the head of bed
 Check for pulse. The best site for this is the carotid pulse.
 Start compression

ALL are inside the room

Primary: Good morning guys, This is Patient X, 80 y/o he was admitted 2 days ago for heart palpitation
and anxiety he was doing well but he had sudden onset of confusion, bradycardia, and hypotension.
When I came in to give his medication, and found him unresponsive.

Secondary: Called Code blue, proceed to:

 Bringing the e-cart and other emergency equipment on the site of code
 Manage airway AIRWAY IN

Doctor: Let’s give him Epinephrine 1 mg IV push

Third: enters, proceed to:

 Turn on the AED/defibrillator

 Begins documentation, retrieves ordered medications

Fourth: enters, proceed to administering epinephrine

Doctor: Check the Vital signs, Let me know if defibrillator is in?

Fourth: Good Pulse, good comprehension, good breath sound, no epigastric sound, yes

Doctor: Lets get ready in 2 minutes, please = DEFIBRILLATE 200 joules

Doctor Orders: Get ready, Stand back, CLEAR,

ALL: *stands back* CLEAR

Primary: Continue RESPI

Secondary: Manage CPR

Doctor: Resume CPR and RESPI, another 2 minutes round, please

Fourth: Administers Vasopressin 40 unit IV push

Doctor: Get ready for another shock, = DEFIBRILLATE 300 joules


ALL: *standsback* CLEAR

Doctor: check for pulse:

Primary: Pulse is good, breathing is present

Doctor: Continue to monitor pt’s vital signs

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