Annual Report Certitudine

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63 Dostoievski street, office 22
Balti, Republic of Moldova
tel. +37323127554, +37379999533
Fiscal code: 10116200038344, Registration Nr. 143

Activity Report
2010 – 2015*

AO C.I.S.T.E. “CERTITUDINE”, 63 Dostoievski street, office 22, Balti, Republic of Moldova,

tel. +37323143427,. +37379999533, e-mail: Fiscal code: 1011620008344, Registration Nr. 143,
Account MDL: 2251609115MD, 2251609115MD2 Account USD: 2251609115US, Account EURO: 2251609115EU JSCB “EXIMBANK-Gruppo Veneto Banca”, EXMMMD22427
63 Dostoievski street, office 22
Balti, Republic of Moldova
tel. +37323127554, +37379999533
Fiscal code: 10116200038344, Registration Nr. 143

Legal Name: NGO Center for Assistance and Information of Young Economists “CERTITUDINE”
Date of registration: February 14, 2002
Registration nr. 143
Address: 63 Dostoievski street, office 22, Balti city, Moldova, md-3110
Implemented projects: dsds
Total budget:

From December 2011 through December 2014, our organization is implementing the “HIV Aware! Be
Empowered – Act Positively” Project supported by MTV Staying Alive Foundation, as a follow-up to the
same project implemented in 2011. The aim of the project is to create a network of empowered youth
from the northern part of Moldova who will spread the knowledge about HIV/AIDS thus contributing to
a better awareness about HIV/AIDS which will lead to less HIV infections among youth. Another
component of the project is to distribute free condoms and HIV prevention materials in local bus and
train stations to young migrant workers in order to make them more aware of HIV. By producing and
selling pop-corn through our social enterprise “PopCorn 4 Life” in METRO Cash & Carry stores we will
continue to raise funds to support the operations of the project in the long-term. ($36.000)

From November 2011 to June 2012, we are implementing the project “Through Volunteer Participation
of Youth towards a Sustainable Community” with generous support from the East Europe Foundation
through the “Youth Participation” Program funded by USAID through Eurasia Foundation ($13.673).

From August 2011 to May 2012 when AO C.I.S.T.E. “CERTITUDINE” was selected by Youth Service
America as Regional Partner for Europe in organizing Global Youth Service Day 2012, on April 20-22,
2012, we have coordinated the mobilization of young people through service projects for Global Youth
Service Day in more than 40 locations in 7 different countries. Global Youth Service Day is an annual
campaign that celebrates and mobilizes the millions of children and youth who improve their
communities each day of the year through service and service-learning.
Established by YSA in 1988 in the United States and in 2000 globally, GYSD is the largest service event in
the world and is now celebrated in over 100 countries. On GYSD, children and youth address the world’s
most critical issues in partnership with families, schools, community and faith-based organizations,
businesses, and governments.
On Global Youth Service Day, youth around the world will address pressing issues facing their
communities, such as disasters, illiteracy, poverty, violence, HIV/AIDS, juvenile delinquency, climate

AO C.I.S.T.E. “CERTITUDINE”, 63 Dostoievski street, office 22, Balti, Republic of Moldova,

tel. +37323143427,. +37379999533, e-mail: Fiscal code: 1011620008344, Registration Nr. 143,
Account MDL: 2251609115MD, 2251609115MD2 Account USD: 2251609115US, Account EURO: 2251609115EU JSCB “EXIMBANK-Gruppo Veneto Banca”, EXMMMD22427
63 Dostoievski street, office 22
Balti, Republic of Moldova
tel. +37323127554, +37379999533
Fiscal code: 10116200038344, Registration Nr. 143

change, and more. YSA is joined by an active consortium of more than 200 international partners, which
organize thousands of projects each year. ($5.000 planning grant)

In March – April, 2011 we have piloted the “Community Score Card” assessment tool for NGO’s to
assess the level of involvement of the community in project planning, implementation and evaluation.
The activity was piloted in three villages in the north of Moldova, based on three projects for youth. The
activity was financed by USAID through AED’s Moldovan Civil Society Strengthening Program (MCSSP).
The output of the activity was three reports produced by three facilitators who facilitated three focus
group discussions in three organizations. Activity budget was 28.720 MDL ($2.360)

From March to October, 2011 we were awarded a grant from USAID through AED’s Moldovan Civil
Society Strengthening Program (MCSSP) to implement the “I can – We Can. Rural Youth Empowerment
Project” in 5 villages in the northern part of Moldova with the aim to create 5 functional teams of young
people who would be empowered with knowledge, skills and experience in project planning,
implementation and evaluation. Another major component of the project was to promote social
entrepreneurship and youth civic engagement through volunteering. As a result of the project 100
young people from 5 villages attended a 20 days training course consisting of 4 modules and
implemented a micro-project per village with a 3.000MDL support from our grant source. Total Project
Budget was 110.085 MDL ($9.050)

From December 2010 to December 2011, our organization has implemented the “HIV Aware. Be
Empowered – Act Positively” Project, supported by MTV Staying Alive Foundation, aimed to raise
awareness of young people from 10 villages in the north of Moldova about the threat of HIV, and
empower them with prevention methods. More than 200 youth from 10 villages were involved and
trained during the project. Another component of the project was the dissemination of free condoms
and informational materials in local bus and train stations from Balti city, for young migrant workers
who depart the country looking for a job in Russia. As part of this initiative we have launched in
partnership with METRO Cash & Carry Moldova, PopCorn 4 Life, a social enterprise which produces and
sells pop-corn to raise funds in order to sustain the project in the long-term. The total project budget
was $12.500.

On 10/10/10 we organized in Moldova the „350” ( environmental campaign being one of
almost 8.000 environmental awareness raising and action projects from around the globe aiming to
tackle climate change. We have managed to mobilize more than 50 young volunteers from 3 different
villages to demonstrate their solidarity with the environment through the “Walnut Tree – Ensure a
Healthy and Prosperous Rural Community in Moldova” Project
which resulted in around 300 walnut trees planted, around 2.000 leaflets and brochures distributed

AO C.I.S.T.E. “CERTITUDINE”, 63 Dostoievski street, office 22, Balti, Republic of Moldova,

tel. +37323143427,. +37379999533, e-mail: Fiscal code: 1011620008344, Registration Nr. 143,
Account MDL: 2251609115MD, 2251609115MD2 Account USD: 2251609115US, Account EURO: 2251609115EU JSCB “EXIMBANK-Gruppo Veneto Banca”, EXMMMD22427
63 Dostoievski street, office 22
Balti, Republic of Moldova
tel. +37323127554, +37379999533
Fiscal code: 10116200038344, Registration Nr. 143

about the importance and utility of the walnut tree for rural communities. The project received a small
grant ($1.000) from Global Green Grants Fund ( after winning the on-line voting
competition with 2351 votes ( for the European Region. The project was a
result of our Rural Youth Empowerment Project funded by the Embassy of Norway in Bucharest.

From August 2010 to July 2011, as a follow-up on the Rural Youth Empowerment Project we have
initiated the “Be Empowered – Change Your Community” Project targeting 5 different villages in the
north of Moldova. Through this project we are not only training and empowering young people from
rural areas with skills, knowledge and networking, but we are also supporting them in planning and
implementing their first intervention to change their community with a small grant. The project received
support (€12.390) from the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine under the MATRA KAP Program.
As a result of the project 5 initiative groups from target communities have implemented 5 initiatives: in
Rautel village, they organized an HIV Awareness Raising Campaign; in Pirlita village they organized a
sports competition and bought sports equipment for the local school; in Pelinia village, they cleaned the
local park and a portion of the river, and installed 6 benches and trash bins; in Alexandreni village they
have rehabilitated the water well which served in the past as primary water source for more than 400
people; in Marandeni village, they

From December 2009 to December 2010 we have implemented the Rural Youth Empowerment Project
in 5 different villages in the northern Moldova with the aim to create teams of active young people from
rural areas who would contribute to community development and empower them with skills and
knowledge through training and consulting in “Community Organization Set Up and Running”, “Project
Proposal Development and Project Management” and “Fundraising”. Also, as a result of this project we
are building a regional youth network, which is registered on-line, in order to share experiences, best
practices and interact with each-other so that the ideas circulate and youth become more active citizens
in their communities Also, as part of this project we are empowering
young people with social media and ICT’s skills so that they will be able to use them for development
and interaction purposes. The project is funded under the Small Grants Program of the Norway Embassy
in Bucharest (€5.255)

From January 2010 to June 2010, we have been acting as the Regional Lead Agency for Western Europe
and coordinated/facilitated the implementation of more than 60 projects in about 18 countries involving
more than 30.000 volunteers in service projects together with a group of more than 120 partners. We
have managed to mobilize youth in cleaning activities, planting and garbage collection activities, sports
competitions, collecting food and clothes for young people in need, fundraising campaign for collecting
funds for books for kids in local kindergartens, an awareness raising marathon with people with
disabilities, a "dental health" campaign in Portugal, and a variety of others, which may be found on

AO C.I.S.T.E. “CERTITUDINE”, 63 Dostoievski street, office 22, Balti, Republic of Moldova,

tel. +37323143427,. +37379999533, e-mail: Fiscal code: 1011620008344, Registration Nr. 143,
Account MDL: 2251609115MD, 2251609115MD2 Account USD: 2251609115US, Account EURO: 2251609115EU JSCB “EXIMBANK-Gruppo Veneto Banca”, EXMMMD22427
63 Dostoievski street, office 22
Balti, Republic of Moldova
tel. +37323127554, +37379999533
Fiscal code: 10116200038344, Registration Nr. 143 We were appointed by Youth Service America to serve as the Regional Lead Agency for
Western Europe and received a ($5.000) planning grant.
In 2003 we have organized an awareness raising campaign about the benefits of Information and
Communication Technologies for Youth, with support from Canadian Development Agency and
TakingITGlobal. We managed to mobilize more than 60 young volunteers in this campaign and reach
more than 4500 students from 5 different universities across Moldova through this campaign.

Awards & Recognition

 National Red Ribbon Award nominee for solid contribution towards HIV prevention among
youth from Moldova, awarded by UNAIDS Moldova, Global AIDS Campaign and Y-Peer Moldova
in December 2011.
 2nd Most Active Organization Promoting Volunteering nominated by the Coalition for
Volunteering, during the National Volunteering Festival, December 2010.
 Youth Prize for Civic Engagement awarded by the Ministry of Youth and Sports from Moldova,
November, 2010.
 YouthActionNet fellowship awarded by the International Youth Foundation and Nokia,
November, 2009.
Income Expenditure
Year Local currency (MDL) EURO equivalent USD equivalent Local Currency (MDL) EURO equivalent USD equivalent
15,5 MDL = 1 EUR 11,5 MDL = 1 USD 15,5 MDL = 1 EUR 11,5 MDL = 1 USD

2010 348247,5 22467,6 30282,4 196556,64 11912,52 15851,34

2011 228965,0 14771,9 19910,0 355846,00 22957,81 30943,13
2012 (1 st
semester) 289489,5 18676,7 25173,0 126199,24 8141,89 10973,85
Total 866702,0 55916,2,0 75365,4 678601,88 43012,22 57768,32

AO C.I.S.T.E. “CERTITUDINE”, 63 Dostoievski street, office 22, Balti, Republic of Moldova,

tel. +37323143427,. +37379999533, e-mail: Fiscal code: 1011620008344, Registration Nr. 143,
Account MDL: 2251609115MD, 2251609115MD2 Account USD: 2251609115US, Account EURO: 2251609115EU JSCB “EXIMBANK-Gruppo Veneto Banca”, EXMMMD22427
63 Dostoievski street, office 22
Balti, Republic of Moldova
tel. +37323127554, +37379999533
Fiscal code: 10116200038344, Registration Nr. 143
bugetelor-pe-domeniul-tineret&catid=6:news&Itemid=105 RU, RO, EN
Eugeniu Graur Ina Puga
President and Executive Director Chief Accountant

AO C.I.S.T.E. “CERTITUDINE”, 63 Dostoievski street, office 22, Balti, Republic of Moldova,

tel. +37323143427,. +37379999533, e-mail: Fiscal code: 1011620008344, Registration Nr. 143,
Account MDL: 2251609115MD, 2251609115MD2 Account USD: 2251609115US, Account EURO: 2251609115EU JSCB “EXIMBANK-Gruppo Veneto Banca”, EXMMMD22427

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