QSP 04b

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ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-5 Version No: 1.

0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010

Document Title: Vendor Application for registration

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor application for registration

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-5 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor Application for registration

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to submission of application form for vendor registration.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details
Starting 1 Aug 2010, the process of vendor registration has been made on-line in addition to the manual
process outlined here. The formal documentation for the on-line process is under finalization by ED/VDG
and ED/QA-Mech, the same shall be merged into this document. During the interim period instructions
issued by the nominated officers shall be binding.

4.1 Provision of application forms and other documents

Vendors seeking registration for any of the items shall collect Vendor approval guidelines & application
form (rec-ref(1)), latest version of all the relevant specifications, STRs and drawings from concerned Dte
of RDSO on after payment of requisite charges as specified directive ref (10) in this document (this is
applicable even where vendors are in possession of developmental/educational orders from Railway
Board/ Zonal Railways).
The latest drawings and specifications shall be provided by vendor approving authority. Sufficient number
of latest drawings and specification shall be provided to the vendor approving authority by controlling
authority, to avoid delays.

4.2 Validity of application form

The validity of application form from the date of purchase shall be six months. If the firm does not apply
within 6 months of the purchase of the application form, the firm will have to purchase the new registration
form afresh.

4.3 Mandatory Declarations by Vendors

The following declarations shall be submitted by the applicants. These declarations shall be a part of the
vendor registration application form.

4.3.1 Declaration for infringement of IPR by vendors

All the specifications issued by RDSO shall include a requirement of undertaking to be signed by Vendors
on “INFRINGEMENT OF PATENT RIGHTS”. The undertaking can be as under

Indian Railways shall not be responsible for infringement of patent rights arising due to similarity in design,
manufacturing process, use of similar components in the design & development of this item and any other factor not
mentioned herein which may cause such a dispute. The entire responsibility to settle any such disputes/matters lies
with the manufacturer/ supplier.

Details / design/documents given by them are not infringing any IPR and they are responsible in absolute and full
measure instead of railways for any such violations. Data, specifications and other IP as generated out of interaction
with railways shall not be unilaterally used without the consent of RDSO and right of Railways / RDSO on such IP is
acceptable to them.

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Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-5 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor Application for registration

4.3.2 Declaration of confidentiality of submitted documents by vendors

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
While submitting a new proposal/design, vendors must classify their documents confidentiality
declaration, such as

This document and its contents are the property of M/s XYZ(Name of the vendor) or its subsidiaries. This document
contains confidential proprietary information. The reproduction, distribution, utilization or the communication of this
document or any part thereof, without express authorization is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the
payment of damages. Indian Railways/RDSO is granted right to use, copy and distribute this document for the use of
inspection, operation, maintenance and repair etc.

4.4 Prerequisite for application

All applicants shall posses the following pre-requisites

4.4.1 ISO9001 Certification

Vendor should possess valid ISO 9001 certificate for his works address, covering the items for which he
seeks registration with RDSO. For permanent way items this is a ‘preferable’ requirement; for all other
items it is a mandatory requirement.
Items which are being developed exclusively for Railway purposes may be outside the scope of ISO:
9001 certification during the developmental stage. However, the vendor should be certified to ISO: 9001
and the concerned item included in the scope of this certification before vendor approval is granted.
Further, it shall be ensured that the certifying body which issues the ISO: 9001 certificate is accredited by
an accreditation body that is a part of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) under the Multilateral
Recognition Arrangement (MLA). The list of all such accreditation bodies is available at the IAF website
at: http://www.iaf.nu.
Any doubts regarding the veracity of certifying body or accreditation body shall be referred to ISO Cell.

4.4.2 Digital Signatures

The vendor should possess valid digital signature and submit the following details:
a. Name of the Certifying Authority
b. ID of the holder of Digital Certificate
c. Date of issue of Digital Certificate
d. Validity of Digital Certificate
It is mandatory for all the vendors to obtain digital signature certificate and get registered with IREPS at

4.5 Acknowledgement of Receipt

The vendor shall be given an acknowledgement of receipt of the application.

4.6 Incomplete Applications

Applications found incomplete shall be returned/not accepted.

4.7 Online systems for vendor registration application and processing

Directorates may also setup appropriate systems for on-line registration of vendors as per the directives
contained here and related documents.

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.
Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name
1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-5 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor Application for registration

2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing

3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

Rec-Ref SNo Document Document Name
1. QO-F-7.1-1 Vendor registration form

As required by the directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained charge of Directorate Staff
in this document. Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 4 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-6 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor application processing

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor application processing

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-6 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor application processing

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to scrutiny of submitted applications at RDSO.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details

4.1 Ensuring safekeeping of documents with IPR’s

After receipt of complete application forms for vendor registration, concerned personnel of the directorate
shall mark/stamp these documents as “Confidential Document, Access Restricted”( for internal circulation
in RDSO) or “Confidential Document, Access Restricted , Issued for Official Use” ( in case the same is
required for field units for inspection/maintenance/repair/operation) .

Hard copies of these documents can be kept in separate confidential files by the respective Director/Joint
Director. Later on if directorate feels it necessary, these documents can be scanned and their softcopies
can be kept under the safe custody of concerned Director/Joint Director with password protection.

4.2 Technical Screening & clarifications

Application once received in duplicate shall be scrutinized in detail Application should also be checked-up
for adequacy in respect of the information sought. Any information considered unsatisfactory should be
pinpointed. A technical screening should also be done at this stage to establish whether on the basis of
information supplied regarding infrastructure & manufacturing practices, QAP etc., firm can be considered
for a visit for assessment of its capability. Any clarification to be sought from the firm should be pinpointed
at this juncture and communicated to the firm in writing.

4.3 Acceptance of application

If the firm’s application is accepted for further processing after scrutiny, the firm will be intimated about the

4.4 Rejection of Application

If on the other hand, firm’s application has been rejected for further processing, firm will be intimated
accordingly. While communicating the rejection, the firm shall be informed about the deficiencies. Once
the rejection of application is communicated, the case can be reviewed for consideration of approval with
the permission of Directorate Head, if the firm reports complete compliance within six months from the
date of making communication for rejection. If the firm fails to report complete compliance within the
above-mentioned period, it shall be asked to apply afresh to RDSO.

4.5 Visit to firm’s premises

After the acceptance of application, nominated RDSO official(s) shall visit the firm’s premises for STR
verification and capability assessment.
Visit of manufacturing works by an officer is mandatory for cases of fresh registration of vendors.

4.6 Capability Assessment Report

Once the official is nominated for capability assessment, the application form & relevant documents shall
be given to the nominated official. The duly completed inspection and capability assessment report on the
standard format shall be submitted to the Directorate head with recommendations.

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Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-6 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor application processing

4.7 Test samples and charges

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
The nominated officer for capability assessment, after verifying STR and other items satisfactorily, should
pick up test samples ( or prototype, where applicable) where testing at RDSO is required. The samples
should be accompanied by Demand Draft in favour of Executive Director (Finance), RDSO, Lucknow,
towards payment of testing charges by the firm.
See associate directive for schedule of charges under ref (10)

4.8 Management of test samples

Each directorate shall lay down its procedure for management of test samples.

4.9 Non conforming results or inadequate information

If during scrutiny by nominated official, the information is not adequate and/or the test results are not
conforming to the specifications, the vendor shall be informed accordingly. If some more information is
required, the same may be collected and case processed further.

4.10 Approval by Directorate Head

In case the information is in line with the requirements and test results are satisfactory, the case shall be
put up to Directorate Head along with the scrutiny sheet for his approval.
Fresh registration shall be given in Part-II only. Depending on the nature of item, Part-II status may be
given after ensuring:
• Minimum Infrastructure and adherence to QAP
• Satisfactory test of product prototype or initial or extended field trials, (Such details should be
provided in the specification of the item.)
Incase a developmental order is required prior to inclusion in part-II one of the consignees may be
advised for necessary action.

4.11 Duration of fresh registration

Fresh registration shall normally be given for a maximum period of 2 years, ending on the last day of the
24th month..

4.12 Approved copy of QAP

While communicating the fresh registration to the vendor, the approved copy of QAP (Quality Assurance
Plan) shall be sent to the vendor for implementation, duly stamped as ‘approved’. The QAP shall be for
the products for which the firm is approved.

4.13 Review / upgradation of QAP

The QAP shall be approved by the officer nominated for capability assessment. This will be subject to
review/ upgradation by RDSO in the light of fresh data & experience.

4.14 Status of vendor on RDSO website

The status of vendor registration shall be displayed on RDSO Website and periodically updated by the
concerned directorate.

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.
Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name
1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-6 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor application processing

7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status

8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

As required by the directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained charge of Directorate Staff
in this document. Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 4 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-7 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor relaxation of registration requirements

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor relaxation of registration requirements

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-7 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor relaxation of registration requirements

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to relaxation of vendor registration requirements for special
categories of vendors like
• Those registered by other railway PU’s
• OEM’s.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details

4.1 Relaxation for vendors approved with Railway Production Units

Based on the experience of RDSO, it is found necessary to provide for a simpler procedure of registration
in respect of vendor approval of items transferred from the purview of Production Units (PUs) to RDSO. A
vendor approved by a PU for an item transferred from the purview of the PU concerned to RDSO, may be
exempted from the above procedure for registration, subject to the condition that the approval category of
the vendor and the date of approval shall be remain same as that listed at the PU concerned on the date
of appearance in the RDSO vendor directory.

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.
Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name
1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

As required by the directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-7 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor relaxation of registration requirements

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed

directives contained charge of Directorate Staff

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
in this document. Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-8 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor registration EOI

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor registration EOI

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-8 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor registration EOI

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific for calling of expression of interests (EOI)
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details

4.1 Conditions of calling EOI

The following are specific conditions when an EOI shall be called.

4.1.1 Less than 3 vendors for a given item

Regular ‘Expression of Interest’ should be published in newspapers (preferably on three monthly basis)
for all approved items having less than three vendors. All developmental items shall also be listed in
these EOI.
For urgent developmental items, separate EOI’s shall be called when required.

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.
Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name
1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

As required by the directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained charge of Directorate Staff
in this document. Directorate

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-8 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor registration EOI

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed

Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-9 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor list

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor list

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-9 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor list

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific maintenance and updation of approved vendor lists.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details
Directorate shall maintain lists of approved vendors wherever applicable as per the following directives

4.1 Specification of vendor list

The vendor list issued by RDSO is an important product of RDSO. Each directorate shall create a
specification governing all attributes required for publishing of these lists in hardcopy and softcopy
It is suggested that a common specification should be used by all directorates for such publication.

4.2 Identification and versioning

All vendor lists shall be suitably identified preferably following the template for maintenance of records of
All amendments should bear version numbers for identification and traceability.
The uniform adoption of coding system for QMS documents and records is suggested.

4.3 Publication of list

Concerned Directorate shall publish the approved vendors list every six months, in the month of January
& July.

4.3.1 Validity
This vendor list shall be a controlled record, to be issued as per distribution list to be decided by each
Directorate. The list shall be valid for six months from the date of issue.

4.4 Changes during intervening period

Changes in the intervening period shall be advised to the copy holders of the vendor list through
amendments to the vendor list to be issued at the end of every month. However, fresh
approval/upgradation/downgradation/delisting are to be advised to vendors & copy holders immediately.

4.5 Display of vendor status on the website

The status of vendor upgradation shall be displayed on RDSO Website and periodically updated by the
concerned directorate.

4.6 Deletion of item listed on the vendor list

Any change in the list of items the vendor list shall be done after due consultation with the DG.

4.7 Change of specification of items on vendor list

Any change in the specification of items the vendor list shall be done after due consultation with the DG.

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-9 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor list

All vendors on the approved vendor list registered for the item for which the specifications are to be
changed shall be provided copies of new documents free of charge. (See also related document od

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
schedule of charges.)

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.
Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name
1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

As required by the directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, maintenance MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All
of this document Cell directorates
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained in charge of Directorate Staff
this document. Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All
deviation from directive. Directorate officer of Cell directorates
directorate through
Approval for processing Officer of Head of Directorate DG All
changes in specification respective Directorate Staff directorates
and deletion of items directorate through
from the vendor list intranet.

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-10 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor list

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor sample type testing

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-10 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor list

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to type testing of samples for fresh registration and renewals.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details
Type testing of samples (during fresh registrations and renewals)

4.1 Sample lot

At the time of fresh registration, the firm shall be asked to manufacture a sample lot as per the
specification. In case of renewal of registration, the sample can be picked up from the lot under

4.2 Testing charges

Testing charges shall be levied as per the schedule of charges given in ref(10).

4.3 Failure in type test

If the sample fails in type test, the test value of the result for parameters, which have been found non-
conforming to the specifications, shall be intimated to the vendor. However, it should be ensured that the
vendor has already deposited the testing charges as applicable.

4.4 Request for retesting

If the vendor desires to further offer the sample for re-testing, he may do so only after taking adequate
corrective action to improve the product especially for the parameters which were found nonconforming.
The vendor shall inform in writing the technical corrective steps taken by him, to RDSO.

4.5 Retesting
Having been satisfied with the steps taken by the vendor, the vendor shall be asked to offer samples for
re-testing. Firm should submit internal test result prior to visit of the inspecting officer to their premises.
The RDSO official will pick up sample and seal the samples from a lot already in the store or
manufactured in his presence as per requirement of RDSO for retesting. The sample shall be re-tested
for all the parameters again as per the specifications. Testing charges for re-test shall be payable by the
firm in advance.

4.6 Failure in retest

In fresh registration cases, if there is no improvement & the samples are found non-conforming for the
second time, the case shall be rejected & the vendor shall be informed accordingly.
In case of renewal, a show cause notice shall be issued to the firm for delisting. The firm may be
downgraded/ delisted by the Dte Head, after taking into account the availability of vendors &
manufacturing capacity for the item.
However, in exceptional cases, if there is sufficient justification to give a third chance, based on technical
competence/reputation of the firm, etc., a third chance may be granted by the Dte. Head.

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-10 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor list

Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name

1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

As required by the directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained charge of Directorate Staff
in this document. Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-11 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in approved status

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor changes in approved status

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 5
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-11 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in approved status

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to changes of vendor approved status i.e upgradation / down
gradation, de-listing and re-listing etc.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details
4.1 Upgradation of fresh vendors from part II to part I

4.1.1 Prerequisites
The vendors who are in Part II shall be upgraded to Part-I list only after compliance of all the following
conditions –
a) The vendor has applied in writing to RDSO for upgradation from Part-II to Part-I.
b) The vendor should have supplied minimum specified quantity of material as specified by the
concerned Design/QA directorate, as a Part-II vendor, and which shall have
i) To be in service for a minimum period of one year. Or
ii) 15 months from the date of issue of last inspection certificate.
c) Each Directorate must specify minimum quantity for each item in their directorate procedures for
upgradation of the firm from Part-II to Part-I. For certain critical & safety items where it is not possible
to evaluate the performance, unless it is monitored upto next overhaul/sufficient period, the
directorate head shall prepare the exception list specifying the period for such items and include it in
the directorate procedures.
d) The vendor should possess a valid ISO 9001 certificate for his works address, covering the items for
which he is registered with RDSO. This is a mandatory requirement for all vendors.
e) The registration of the firm is valid.
f) Service Performance - The performance of the firm should be satisfactory. The performance criteria
for each item shall be decided by the Directorate head taking into account the criteria laid down by
the concerned design directorate.
g) In exceptional circumstances, where waiver of laid down conditions for upgradation of the firm are
required, the same will require prior approval of DG/RDSO.

4.2 Downgradation of vendor from part I to part II and delisting of vendor

4.2.1 Prerequisites
The vendors can be downgraded from Part-I to Part II list or de-listed from Part-I or Part-II list directly or
via lower status in case of one or more of the below mentioned conditions considering the seriousness &
nature of deficiencies and its effects on quality of products.
a) Complaints regarding poor performance reported by Railways directly or through Railway Board.
b) Frequent non-conformities observed during regular purchase inspection done by RDSO or any other
c) Major non-compliance of the approved QAP.

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Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 5
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-11 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in approved status

d) Deficiencies/non-functioning of major machinery & plants affecting the quality.

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
e) Withdrawal of ISO-9001Certification of the firm by certifying agency.
f) Premature withdrawal of support/collaboration by the collaborator.
g) During a course of time, if the specification is amended and the vendor is not upgrading the additional
requirements within a specified time frame.
h) Major deficiencies found during quality audit /process audit and their non-compliance.
i) Any other situation leading to adverse effect on the quality of production.
j) The entire factory or part of it is reported closed/shut down/lock out.
k) Information provided in the application is found to be incorrect.
l) The vendor is black listed/or business dealing is banned by Govt. of India or its offices on
communication by Railway Board. In such cases, no show cause notice to the firm is required.
m) Non conformities of sample picked up from consignee end.
n) Any other criterion adopted by the Directorate.

4.2.2 Notice and time bound reply

Down-gradation/Delisting shall be considered after serving a notice on the firm seeking time bound reply
and considering the response of the firm to the notice.

4.2.3 Duration of downgradation

The downgradation shall be for a period of minimum one year.

4.2.4 Communicating downgradation

Down-gradation/delisting shall be communicated in writing to the vendor. All concerned as per distribution
of the vendor list, shall also be advised immediately. The certifying body who had issued the ISO: 9001
certification shall also be informed in writing through ISO Cell regarding downgradation/delisting of the
The report should be sent to ISO Cell on the form under rec-ref(1).

4.2.5 Deferment of renewal process

The renewal of the vendor, if falls due during the period of downgradation, the renewal application shall
be pended till the final decision regarding down-gradation.

4.2.6 Inspection of orders in process

Inspection of material against purchase orders placed before the deletion of firm’s name from the
approved list of vendors, may be carried out in normal course as per extant policy/norms.

4.2.7 Outright delisting

The vendors can, however, be delisted directly from Pt.-I without recourse to Part-II, if sufficient reasons
are noticed. Also, the new vendors who are still in Part-II as a result of fresh approval can also be delisted
if sufficient reasons exist.

4.3 Reinstatement of status of vendor (penalized under para 4.2)

4.3.1 Upgradation (reinstatement) from Part-II to Part-I:

a) Penal action against the defaulting vendor shall be considered for review only after the vendor
applies for the same.
b) Revival shall be considered only after a period of one year.
c) Verification if considered necessary by directorate head may be done by any means such as by doing
quality audit, random testing of product, detailed investigation of failure cases, feed back of
consignee, if any, etc.

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 5
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-11 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in approved status

4.3.2 Re-instatement after delisting:

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
a) Once the firm is delisted as a penal action, the firm shall be considered only when it applies afresh
and the case shall be considered as for fresh approval.
b) The vendor can apply afresh at any time after delisting but he can be approved only after one year
from the date of delisting. However, in case of downgradation/delisting of vendor only on account of
not acquiring ISO-9001 certification, the firm’s status can be restored immediately after acquiring ISO-
9001 certificate provided all other conditions are fulfilled. In such cases, the vendor shall be
considered for restoration of status only when ISO-9001 certificate is acquired within one year from
the date of downgradation /delisting.

4.3.3 Binding decision of Head of Directorate

The decision of Directorate Head regarding restoration of vendor in Part-I/Part-II after delisting shall be

4.3.4 Case of delisted vendor

In case any vendor is delisted, it shall be required to go through the entire procedure of registration for the
item in question including submission of all required information, irrespective of the procedure through
which it was registered.

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.
Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name
1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

Rec-Ref SNo Document Document Name
1. QO-F-7.1-3 Information of downgradation, delisting of approved vendor

As required by directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained charge of Directorate Staff
in this document. Directorate

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 4 of 5
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-11 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in approved status

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed

Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet
Change of vendor Officer of Head of Directorate DG All directorates
status. respective Directorate Staff through
directorate intranet.

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 5 of 5
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-12 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in vendor entity

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor changes in vendor entity

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-12 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in vendor entity

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to changes of vendor entity.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details
Changes in the vendor entity shall be dealt with as follows.

4.1 Inclusion of additional item

4.1.1 Approval for similar product

If the firm is already approved for a particular product and desires to supply some additional products, it
shall be considered as a fresh registration case and the same procedure will be applicable as for fresh
registration. However, if the firm desires to apply for approval of their firm for “similar product” requiring
same QAP and machinery and plant, capability cum capacity assessment of the firm can be waived off by
Directorate head. Sr.ED/ED will have to ascertain that the firm has enough capacity to manufacture this
item based on past record and no additional facilities in question would be required for manufacture of the
item in question.

4.1.2 Vendors on other approved lists of Indian Railways

In case the Railway Board advises to add new items to the list of items for which vendor approval is to be
dealt by RDSO and if approved vendors of such new added items are already existing on
Railways/Production Units’ approved list, then these approved vendors by Railways/Production Units can
be taken in Part-I, subject to compliance to technical scrutiny by RDSO on the basis of compliance of
STRs, Specifications, drawings, sample tests, QAP of vendors who have supplied minimum specified
quantity with satisfactory performance.

4.2 Change in name of the vendor

4.2.1 Request by vendor

On receipt of request from the vendor for change of name, which is already on the approved vendor list,
the same shall be affected after verification of the firm’s premises by the nominated RDSO official.

4.2.2 Scrutiny by RDSO

If the RDSO official is satisfied based on scrutiny of documents like memorandum of article of
association, list of tools, plants and machinery, undertaking by the new firm for liability of old firm,
resolution by Board of Directors, Partnership deed etc., he will recommend for change of name of the firm
and put up Dte Head for approval

4.2.3 Name change due to bifurcation of work premises

If change of name is done as a result of bifurcation of existing works premises, in addition to checking of
documents as given above, reassessment will also be carried out by RDSO official before effecting the
change of name of firm.

4.2.4 Communication of name change

The vendor shall be informed in writing that the change of name has been noted by RDSO. The changed
name shall be advised to all copy holders of the vendor list.

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-12 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in vendor entity

4.3 Change in works address of the vendor

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
4.3.1 Prerequisite
On receipt of request for the vendor for change of address, the nominated RDSO official shall verify that,
a) The office establishment has been shifted totally.
b) The Machinery & Plants have been shifted totally.
c) The testing and laboratory facilities have been shifted totally.
d) The approved QAP can be implemented as it is or more effectively in the new premises.
e) Factory license, ISO 9001 certificate and SSI/NSIC certificate (if applicable) are available for new
f) The name of the firm is same
g) The samples manufactured by the firm at the new premises have been tested by RDSO, as in
reassessment cases, for items where purchase inspection is not being done by RDSO.

4.3.2 Communication of change

After scrutiny of the report, the acceptance in the change of address shall be communicated to the
vendor, with the approval of the Directorate Head. The validity of the registration in such case shall not
get affected. The status of approval (Part I /Part II) shall remain the same.

4.4 Partial shifting of works

The procedure laid down in paras 17.1 & 17.2 shall also be applicable in case of partial shifting of works,
i.e. in case a part of the operations are shifted from the old location to a new location.

4.5 Additional works setup by approved vendor

4.5.1 Prerequisite
Vendor shall inform RDSO in writing regarding setting up additional works for manufacturing the approved
item(s) (in the same or other location) with out affecting the works, which was already approved. In such
cases, the nominated RDSO official shall verify that:
h) The Machinery & Plants are similar to the works already approved. However, the vendor may use
some of the facilities of the original works, as required. It should be clearly brought out in the QAP
i) Which operations are being performed in the original works and which operations are being
performed in the new works?
j) The testing and laboratory facilities are similar to the works already approved.
k) The approved QAP can be implemented as it is or more effectively in the additional works.
l) Factory license, ISO 9001 certificate and SSI/NSIC certificate (if applicable) are available for the
additional works.
m) The name of the firm is same.
n) The samples manufactured by the firm at the additional works have been tested by RDSO, as in
reassessment cases, for items where purchase inspection is not being done by RDSO.

4.5.2 Communication of change

After scrutiny of the report, the approval of additional works shall be communicated to the vendor, with the
approval of the Directorate head. The validity of the registration in such case shall not get affected. The
status of approval (Part I/Part II) of the new works shall be same as that of the original works and
subsequently, the status of both works shall be one and the same.

5.0 Referenced Documents

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-12 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor changes in vendor entity

Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name

1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

As required by directorate documentation. None

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained charge of Directorate Staff
in this document. Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 4 of 4
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-13 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor renewal

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor renewal

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-13 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor renewal

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to renewal of vendor registration.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details
Renewal of vendor registration shall be handled as follows:

4.1 Validity of registration

The name of vendor shall continue in the approved vendor list till such time there is no change in Bill of
Material, Plant & Machinery, QAP etc. or for a period as specified below:
Registration Duration of Validity
Fresh registration Valid for a period of two years.
Renewed registration (2 and subsequent) Valid for a period of three years.

Each concerned directorate should create a procedure for handling registration and renewal.

4.2 Responsibility of vendor

During the validity period the vendor will immediately bring into the notice of RDSO the full technical
details of any changes about Bill of Material, plant & machinery and Quality Assurance Plan for which the
responsibility lies with the approved vendor. In case the approved vendor fails to comply with the above
provision, his name may be deleted/temporarily withdrawn from the approved vendor list. In case of
temporarily withdrawal of approval, the case shall be taken up for renewal of registration.

4.3 Deterioration of performance

At any time during the period of approval of the vendor, depending upon adverse feedback from user
Railway(s)/PUs or deterioration in FRCPY/MTBF of the equipment, and any other compelling reason
which comes to light, the concerned unit officer may re-evaluate the performance including QAP,
Manufacturing facilities and Bill of Material for further continuance/ withdrawal of the approval. In case
any discrepancy is observed, the case shall be taken up for renewal of registration.

4.4 Assesment Charges for renewal of registration

No charges shall be levied / collected from the vendors as assement / application charges, for renewal of

4.5 Form for Renewal of Registration

Renewal of registration as mentioned above shall be proposed in rec-ref(1) and approved by the Unit
officer and the concerned Directorate Head.

5.0 Referenced Documents


6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin

The list of related documents for multi-sourcing of items / equipment are given below.

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-13 Version No: 1.0 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor renewal

Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name

1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

7.0 Associated Records

Rec-Ref SNo Document Document Name
1. QO-F-7.1-1 Renewal of registration

Others as required by directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell through
document intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives contained charge of Directorate Staff
in this document. Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO All directorates
deviation from Directorate officer of Cell through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/01

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 3 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-14 Version No: 1.1 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor registration schedule of charges

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
Manaknagar, Lucknow – 226011

Vendor registration schedule of charges

1.0 Amendment History:

S. No. Amendment Date Version Reasons for Amendment
1. 01/09/2010 1.0 First issue under the upgradation of documentation for
Approval accorded by DG/RDSO on NP-2 of MR/ISO-
9001/App/Vendor-Interface on 01/09/2010
2. 14/09/2010 1.1 Correction in table under para 4.0. approved by DG on NP-4 of
MR/ISO-9001/App/Vendor-Interface on14/09/2010

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/14

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 1 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-14 Version No: 1.1 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor registration schedule of charges

2.0 Purpose

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
This document contains directives for vendor approval/vendor registration (multi-sourcing) of items
allotted to RDSO by Railway Board.
This document contains directives specific to charges to be levied on vendors for during the process of
registration / renewal / testing.
A set of related documents create the full set of directives for vendor registration process at RDSO.
These are listed under para 5.0.

3.0 Scope of Application

This directive is applicable to all units covered by the quality management system of RDSO without any

4.0 Details
The following table lists the charges for different activities for the process of vendor scrutiny / approval /
renewal etc.
S. Description of Charges Amount When to be levied Remarks
1 Vendor registration fee Rs. 15000/- At the time of A lumpsum shall be levied
submission of the as vendor registration fees.
vendor registration This shall cover registration,
forms by the STR’s and assessment
applicant. charges.
2 Sample testing charges As applicable by The amount should The first three vendors for a
for testing of samples at respective be realized before given item shall be
RDSO during the process directorate. the testing of exempted from payment of
of approval of vendors for samples. sample testing charges.
RDSO vendor list.
The testing charges shall be
refunded to the first three
approved vendors on
inclusion into the vendor
3 Sample testing charges All testing shall Not to be levied All approved vendors are
for testing of samples at be done free of exempted from paying
RDSO for approved cost for first testing charges for tests at
vendors in case of samples. RDSO in case of renewal of
renewal of registration. Incase of failure registration.
in test see
instruction under
s.no. 4 of this
4 Sample testing charges As applicable by The amount should
for re-testing of samples respective be realized before
at RDSO during renewal directorate the re-testing of
in case of failure of first samples.
5 Sample testing charges All testing shall Not to be levied All approved vendors are
for testing of samples at be done free of exempted from paying
RDSO for approved cost for samples. testing charges for tests at
vendors in case of RDSO in case of
upgradation of upgradation of specification.

ARE/ISO Cell MR/ISO Cell Printed: 2010/09/14

Prepared By: Issued By: Page 2 of 3
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-14 Version No: 1.1 Date Effective: 01/09/2010
Document Title: Vendor registration schedule of charges

5 Testing of samples at As applicable at The vendor shall

laboratories identified by the concerned make the payment

Copy controlled only when viewed on the RDSO ISO Cell Website. Local/printed copies permitted, but are uncontrolled. Check controlled copies before use.
RDSO. laboratory directly to the
6 Cost of one specification Rs. 2000/- Before issue of
7 Cost of drawing(s) of one Rs 500/- Before issue of All drawing(s) of a particular
item drawing(s) item shall be provided in
this cost. Incase an item
has more than one drawing,
the charges shall remain

5.0 Referenced Documents

Ref. SNo. Document Number Document Name
1. QO-D-7.1-5 Vendor application for registration
2. QO-D-7.1-6 Vendor application processing
3. QO-D-7.1-7 Vendor relaxation for registration requirements
4. QO-D-7.1-8 Vendor registration EOI
5. QO-D-7.1-9 Vendor list
6. QO-D-7.1-10 Vendor sample type testing
7. QO-D-7.1-11 Vendor changes in approved status
8. QO-D-7.1-12 Vendor changes in vendor entity
9. QO-D-7.1-13 Vendor renewal
10. QO-D-7.1-14 Vendor registration schedule of charges

6.0 Referenced Documents of External Origin


7.0 Associated Records

As required by directorate documentation.

8.0 Responsibility and Authority

Activity Responsible Approver Supporting Consulted Informed
Creation, MR/ISO Cell DG Staff of ISO RDSO All directorates
maintenance of this Cell Finance through
document Directorate intranet
Compliance of Director In- Head of Directorate
directives charge of Directorate Staff
contained in this Directorate
Requirement of Head of DG Respective MR/ISO Cell All directorates
deviation from Directorate officer of through
directive. directorate intranet

9.0 Abbreviations

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