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面板显示科技私人有限公司 State ■New □Revision

Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited
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机密等级/Confidential level:■一般/Normal □秘密/Secret □机密/Confidential □绝密/Top Secret

Temporary electricity utilization
management regulations

经办 审查
Preparation Examination



版权属于面板显示科技私人有限公司所有. 禁止任何未经授权的使用
The copyright belongs to Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited.
Any unauthorized use is prohibited.
Document No.
面板显示科技私人有限公司 State ■New □Revision
Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited
Page 24
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机密等级/Confidential level:■一般/Normal □秘密/Secret □机密/Confidential □绝密/Top Secret

Temporary electricity utilization
management regulations


版权属于面板显示科技私人有限公司所有. 禁止任何未经授权的使用
The copyright belongs to Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited.
Any unauthorized use is prohibited.
Document No.
Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited Revision Ver.01

Document name : Temporary electricity Department CMD Confidential

utilization management regulations Author 马友巧 level

变更履历(History of Document)
版本 制订/修改日期 页次 修订理由及内容 制订/修改者
Revisio Date Page Description Author
Ver.01 2019.05.20 24 New 马友巧

版权属于面板显示科技私人有限公司所有. 禁止任何未经授权的使用
The copyright belongs to Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited.
Any unauthorized use is prohibited.
Document No.
Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited Revision Ver.01

Document name : Temporary electricity Department CMD Confidential

utilization management regulations Author 马友巧 level

目 录 Table of Contents
1. 目的 Purpose:.......................................................................1
2. 范围 Scope:...........................................................................1
3. 参考文件 Reference Document:..........................................1
4. 名词定义 Terms Definition:..................................................1
5. 权责 Authority & Responsibility:.........................................2
6. 流程图 Flow Chart:...............................................................3
7. 内容 Content:........................................................................3
8. 作业表单 Form:...................................................................20
9. 附件 Attachment:..................................................................20

版权属于面板显示科技私人有限公司所有. 禁止任何未经授权的使用
The copyright belongs to Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited.
Any unauthorized use is prohibited.
Document No.
Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited Revision Ver.01

Document name : Temporary electricity Department CMD Confidential

utilization management regulations Author 马友巧 level

1. 目的 Purpose:
In order to ensure the safety of CSOT India project construction, strengthening the safety management in
temporary electricity utilization, avoid personal and all kinds of electrical fire explosion accident getting an
electric shock, do safe electricity utilization, specification, formulates this regulation. These provisions
shall provide CSOT India as attachment contract of project construction contractor, as well as the
subsequent contract, have all the contractor's electricity demand.

2. 范围 Scope:
大于 415V 的低压电力系统。
These provisions shall apply to CSOT India project scope internal construction, the living, office, cleaning,
production, inspection and maintenance job, such as the temporary use of no greater than 415 v low
voltage power system.

3. 参考文件 Reference Document:

无 N/A

4. 名词定义 Terms Definition:

4.1 临时用电:除按标准成套配置的,有插头、连线、插座的专用接线排和接线盘以外的,所有其他用于临
用电线路。Temporary electricity: according to the standard set of configuration, a plug, wire, socket,
except for the special connection and disc as all other used for temporary power cable, wire,
electrical switches, equipment of power supply circuit for the standard configuration of temporary
electricity lines, hereinafter referred to as temporary power lines.
4.2 工程施工临时用电:是指新建、改造、扩建工程中用电负荷较大、使用周期较长、设备种类和数量较多的
临时用电。Temporary electricity engineering construction:refers to the construction, renovation and
expansion project of electricity load is larger, with a long cycle use more temporary electricity
utilization, equipment type and quantity.
4.3 业主:面板显示科技私人有限公司 The owner:Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited。
4.4 动力运营部:电力技术管理部门。 Construction Management. Dept. :Electric power technology
management departments
4.5 环 境 安 全 部 : 电 力 安 全 管 理 部 门 。 Environmental security : Safety management departments of

版权属于面板显示科技私人有限公司所有. 禁止任何未经授权的使用
The copyright belongs to Panel Optodisplay Technology Private Limited.
Any unauthorized use is prohibited.
electric power
4.6 EPC-ESH:总包安全部门。 EPC-ESH:General contractor safety department
4.7 施工用电管理方:各施工总包。 Construction electricity management: the construction contractor
4.8 用电单位:本项目施工用电使用单位。Power units: the project construction unit using electricity.

5. 权责 Authority & Responsibility:

5.1 业主职责:Owner responsibilities:
5.1.1 负责临时用电中心配电室、变压器及 33kV 线路承建。Responsible for the construction of the power
distribution room, transformer and 33kV line of the temporary power center.
5.1.2 负 责 项 目 施 工 用 电 的 安 全 监 督 。 Responsible for safety supervision of project construction
electricity consumption
5.1.3 负责施工用电收费单价审核。Responsible for unit price audit of construction electricity charges
5.1.4 负责向供电公司缴纳电费。Responsible for paying electricity fees to the power company
5.2 动力运营部权责:Power Operation Responsibility
5.2.1 制订临时用电管理规定;Formulation of temporary power management regulations
5.2.2 熟悉作业区域的环境、工作情况,可以处理异常情况;Familiar with the environment and working
conditions of the work area, and can handle abnormal situations
5.2.3 配合环境安全部检查临电设备、设施合规情况,对不合规设备、设施责令整改或清除出场;
Cooperate with the Ministry of the Environment and Safety to check the compliance of power
equipment and facilities, and order rectification or removal of non-compliant equipment and
5.2.4 配合环境安全部核查安全措施落实情况,进行监督检查,发现安全措施不完善时,有权暂停临时用
电作业。Cooperate with the Ministry of Environment and Safety to check the implementation of
safety measures, conduct supervision and inspection, and have the right to suspend temporary
power operations when safety measures are found to be incomplete
5.2.5 监督电管组按月、按时向业主财务缴纳电费 Supervise the electricity management team to pay the
electricity fee to the owner's finance on a monthly and timely basis
5.3 环境安全部权责:Ministry of Environment and Safety
5.3.1 确认作业前安全准备情况,检查作业许可证办理情况,检查作业人员资质; Confirm the safety
preparations before the operation, check the operation permits, and check the qualifications of
the operators
5.3.2 检查临电设备、设施合规情况,对不合规设备、设施责令整改或清除出场;Check the compliance
of the equipment and facilities adjacent to the company, and order rectification or removal of non-
compliant equipment and facilities
5.3.3 对施工现场临时用电安全管理情况进行监督检查,发现违章及时制止,发现不符合项督促作业单位
及 时 整 改 ; Supervise and inspect the temporary power safety management situation at the
construction site, find out violations in time and stop in time, and find out non-compliances and
urge the operating unit to rectify in a timely manner
5.3.4 制定罚则,对违规者实施处罚。Establish penalties and impose penalties on offenders
5.4 EPC-ESH 权责:EPC-ESH rights and responsibilities
5.4.1 代表业主进行所有临电管理相关权责。 Responsible for all rights and responsibilities on behalf of
the owner
5.5 施 工 用 电 管 理 方 ( 施 工 总 包 ) 职 责 : Duties of Construction Power Management Party (General
5.5.1 负责所辖范围临电设备、设施的承建、维护、保养、维修、紧急事故处理和相关管理;Responsible for
the construction, maintenance, maintenance, repairs, emergency treatment and related
management of temporary electrical equipment and facilities under its jurisdiction
5.5.2 负责所辖场区道路,厂房内主通道、消防通道、紧急疏散通道、楼梯间及其他公共区域的临时照明设
施承建和运行维护、维修管理; Responsible for the construction, operation, maintenance, and
maintenance management of temporary lighting facilities in the roads under the jurisdiction of the
site, the main aisles, fire escapes, emergency evacuation aisles, stairwells, and other public
5.5.3 负责在正式电源送电后所承建部分的施工用电设施的拆除和撤场;Responsible for the demolition
and removal of the construction power facilities of the part under construction after the formal
power transmission
5.5.4 负责 所 辖 范围 内施 工用 电管 理措 施的 制定 , 编 制《 施工 用电 申请 表》 ; Responsible for the
formulation of construction power management measures within the scope of its jurisdiction, and
prepare the "Application Form for Construction Power"
5.5.5 负责所辖范围内施工用电的规划、分配。审查用电单位提交的《施工用电申请表》,为其分配电源;
且 不 得 以 任 何 理 由 拒 绝 各 用 电 单 位 提 出 的 合 理 用 电 需 求 ; Responsible for the planning and
distribution of construction power within its jurisdiction. Examine the “Application Form for
Construction Electricity” submitted by the electricity consumption unit and allocate power to it;
and shall not refuse any reasonable electricity demand from each electricity consumption unit for
any reason
5.5.6 负责所辖范围施工用电的抄表、电量核对、电费核算、电费收取,并按时向业主财务缴纳电费;
Responsible for meter reading, electricity verification, electricity bill calculation, electricity fee
collection, and timely payment of electricity fees to the owner's finance
5.5.7 成立电管组,履行施工用电管理的具体职责。 Establish a power management group to perform
specific duties of construction power management
5.6 用电单位职责:Duties of power consumption units
5.6.1 严 格 遵 守 《 临 时 用 电 管 理 规 定 》 。 Strictly abide by the `` Temporary Power Management
Regulations ''
5.6.2 持经审批有效的《临时用电申请表》进行临时用电作业; Holding the approved Temporary Power
Application Form for temporary power use operations
5.6.3 了解作业现场各方面情况,熟知作业过程中的各种危险因素及控制措施,并严格按照《临时用电管
理规定》进行作业;Understand all aspects of the job site, be familiar with the various risk factors
and control measures during the operation, and operate in strict accordance with the "Temporary
Power Management Regulations"
5.6.4 作业过程中如发现情况异常或紧急情况,应紧急断开现场电源,并通知 EPC-ESH、环境安全部、动
力运营部工程师。If abnormal conditions or emergencies are found during the operation, the on-
site power supply should be urgently disconnected, and the engineers of EPC-ESH, Ministry of
Environmental Safety, and Power Operation Department should be notified.
5.6.5 负责各自二级配电箱及以下的施工用电设施(含从一级配电箱引出的电缆、本箱电表等)维护和管
理 。 Responsible for the maintenance and management of the construction electricity facilities
(including the cables from the primary distribution box, the meter in this box, etc.) below their
respective secondary distribution boxes.
5.6.6 按时向相关施工用电管理方缴纳电费。Pay the electricity bill to the relevant construction electricity
management party on time
5.6.7 按施工用电管理方要求,无条件配合实施配电柜移位、电缆线路迁移、停电维修及紧急事故处理 。
According to the requirements of the construction power management party, unconditionally
cooperate with the implementation of the power distribution cabinet relocation, cable line
migration, power outage maintenance and emergency treatment.

6. 流程图 Flow Chart:

无 N/A

7. 内容 Content:
7.1 总则 General
7.1.1 目的:Purpose
发 展 。 Implement national policies and regulations for safe production, ensure the safety of
electricity use at construction sites, prevent electric shock accidents, and promote the
development of construction
7.1.2 系统规定:System requirements
建筑施工现场临时用电工程专用的电源中性点直接接地的 230/415V 三相四线制低压电力系统,
必须符合下列规定: 230 / 415V three-phase four-wire low-voltage power system with a neutral
point directly connected to the neutral point of the power supply for the temporary construction of
the construction site must meet the following requirements 采用三级配电系统;Adopt a three-level power distribution system 采用 TN-S 接零保护系统; Adopt TN-S zero-connection protection system 采用三级漏电保护系统;Adopt three-level leakage protection system 动力、照明分箱配置;Power and lighting sub-box configuration 开关箱一机一闸。Switch box, one machine and one gate
7.2 临时用电管理 Temporary power management
7.2.1 临时用电组织设计 Design of Temporary Power Organization 施工现场临时用电设备在 5 台及以上或设备总容量在 50kW 及以上者,应编制施工用电组织
设 计 ( 或 专 项 方 案 ) 。 Where there are 5 or more temporary power equipments on the
construction site or the total capacity of the equipment is 50kW or more, the construction
power organization design (or special plan) shall be prepared. 施 工 现 场 临 时 用 电 组 织 设 计 应 包 括 下 列 内 容 : The design of the temporary power
organization at the construction site shall include the following
a 现场勘测; site survey;
b 确定电源进线、变电所或配电室、配电装置、用电设备位置及线路走向;Determine the power
supply incoming line, substation or distribution room, power distribution device, power
equipment location and line direction
c 进行负荷计算; Load calculation
d 设计配电系统 Design the power distribution system
i 设计配电线路,选择导线或电缆;Design distribution lines, select wires or cables
ii 设计配电装置, 选择 电气设备; Design power distribution equipment, select electrical
iii 设计接地装置;Design the grounding device
iv 绘制临时用电工程图纸,主要包括用电工程总平面图、配电装置布置图、配电系统接线图、
接 地 装 置 设 计 图 。 Draw drawings of temporary power engineering, mainly including
general plan of power engineering, layout of power distribution equipment, wiring
diagram of power distribution system, and design drawings of grounding equipment
e 设计防雷装置;Design lightning protection
f 确定防护措施;Determine protective measures
g 制定安全用电措施和电气防火措施。Develop safe electricity measures and electrical fire
prevention measures 临时用电工程图纸应单独绘制,临时用电工程应按拉图施工。Temporary power engineering
drawings shall be drawn separately, and temporary power engineering shall be constructed
according to the drawing 临时用电组织设计及变更时,必须履行“编制、审核、批准”程序,由电气工程技术人员组织编
充 有 关 图 纸 资 料 。 When designing and changing the temporary power organization, it is
necessary to implement the "preparation, review, approval" procedure, which is organized
by electrical engineering technicians, and implemented after being reviewed by relevant
departments and approved by the technical person in charge of a legally qualified
enterprise. Relevant drawings and materials should be added when changing the design of
the power organization 临时用电工程必须经编制、审核、批准部门和使用单位共同验收,合格后方可投入使用。
Temporary power projects must be jointly accepted by the preparation, review, and approval
departments and users, and they can be put into use only after passing the test. 施工现场临时用电设备在 5 台以下和设备总容量在 50kW 以下者,应制定安全用电和电气防
火措施。Those with less than 5 temporary electrical equipment and a total capacity of less
than 50kW at the construction site shall develop safe electricity and electrical fire prevention
7.2.2 电工及用电人员 Electrician and electrician 电工必须经过按国家现行标准考核合格后,持证上岗工作:其他用电人员必须通过相关安全
教育培训和技术交底,考核合格后方可上岗工作。Electricians must be certified to work in
accordance with the current national standards: other electricians must pass relevant safety
education and training and technical training, and can only work after passing the
assessment. 安装、巡检、维修或拆除临时用电设备和线路,必须由电工完成,并应有人监护。电工等级应同
工程的难易程度和技术复杂性相适应。The installation, inspection, maintenance or removal of
temporary electrical equipment and lines must be completed by an electrician and under the
supervision of someone. Electrical grade should be commensurate with the difficulty and
technical complexity of the project 各类用电人员应掌握安全用电基本知识和所用设备的性能,并应符合下列规定:All types of
electricity consumers shall have a basic knowledge of safe electricity consumption and the
performance of the equipment used, and shall meet the following requirements
a 使用电气设备前必须按规定穿戴和配备好相应的劳动防护用品,并应检查电气装置和保护设
施,严禁设备带“缺陷”运转;Before using electrical equipment, you must wear and equip
corresponding labor protection equipment according to regulations, and you should check
electrical devices and protective facilities. It is strictly prohibited to operate the equipment
with "defects"
b 保管和维护所用设备,发现问题及时报告解决;Custody and maintenance of the equipment
used, and report problems when they are found
c 暂 时 停 用 设 备 的 开 关 箱 必 须 分 断 电 源 隔 离 开 关 , 并 应 关 门 上 锁 ; The switch box that
temporarily disables the device must be disconnected from the power disconnect switch
and the door should be closed and locked
d 移 动 电 气 设 备 时 , 必 须 经 电 工 切 断 电 源 并 做 妥 善 处 理 后 进 行 。 When moving electrical
equipment, it must be cut off by an electrician and properly handled.
7.2.3 安全技术档案 Safety technology archives 施工现场临时用电必须建立安全技术档案,并应包括下列内容:
a 用电组织设计的全部资料;All information on the design of electricity organization
b 修改用电组织设计的资料:Revise the design information of power organization
c 用电技术交底资料;Dissemination of information using electricity technology
d 用电工程检查验收表;Inspection and acceptance form of electricity engineering;
e 电气设备的试、检验凭单和调试记录; Test and inspection vouchers and commissioning
records of electrical equipment
f 接地电阻、绝缘电阻和漏电保护器漏电动作参数测定记录; Ground resistance, insulation
resistance and leakage protection parameter measurement record
g 定期检(复)查表;Periodic inspection (re) check table
h 电工安装、巡检、维修、拆除工作记录。Electrician installation, inspection, repair, dismantling
work records 安全技术档案应由主管该现场的电气技术人员负责建立与管理。The safety technical files
shall be established and managed by the electrical technicians in charge of the site 临时用电工程应定期检查。定期检查时,应复查接地电阻值和绝缘电阻值。Temporary power
engineering shall be inspected regularly. When checking regularly, the ground resistance
and insulation resistance should be rechecked. 临时用电工程定期检查应按分部、分项工程进行,对安全隐患必须及时处理,并应履行复查验
收 手 续 。 The periodic inspection of temporary power projects shall be carried out in
accordance with divisions and sub-projects. Hidden safety hazards shall be dealt with in a
timely manner, and the procedures of review and acceptance shall be performed.
7.2.4 外电线路及电气设备防护 Protection of external power lines and electrical equipment 在建工程不得在外电架空线路正下方施工、搭设作业棚、建造生活设施或堆放构件、架具、材料
及其他杂物等。Construction in progress shall not be carried out directly under the overhead
power lines of external power plants, erection of operating sheds, construction of living
facilities or stacking of components, racks, materials and other sundries, etc. 起重机作业范围内不得设置外电架空线路及变压器。 External electric overhead lines and
transformers shall not be installed in the crane operation area 在建工程(含脚手架)的周边与外电架空线路的边线之间的最小安全操作距离应符合下表规定 。
The minimum safe operating distance between the perimeter of the construction in progress
(including the scaffolding) and the sidelines of the external electrical overhead line shall
meet the requirements of the following table
外电线路电压等级(kv) <1 1~10 35~110 220 330~500
最小安全操作距离(m) 4 6 8 10 15
注: 上、下脚手架的通道不宜设在有外电线路的一翻。Note: The channel of the upper and
lower scaffolding should not be set in a turn with external power lines. 施工现场的机动车道与外电架空线路交叉时,架空线路的最低点与路面的最小垂直距离应符
合下表规定。When the motorway at the construction site intersects with the overhead line of
external power, the minimum vertical distance between the lowest point of the overhead line
and the road surface shall meet the requirements of the table
外电线路电压等级(kv) <1 1~10 35
最小垂直距离(m) 6.0 7.0 7.0 起重机严禁越过无防护设施的外电架空线路作业。在外电架空线路附近吊装时,起重机的任何
部位或被吊物边缘在最大偏斜时与架空线路边线的最小安全距离应符合下表规定。 It is strictly
forbidden for the crane to work on the overhead electric lines without protection facilities.
When hoisting near the overhead line of the external electric power, the minimum safety
distance between any part of the crane or the edge of the object to be lifted and the side line
of the overhead line should be in accordance with the requirements of the following table
电压(kv) <1 10 35 110 220
沿垂直方向安全距离(m) 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
沿水平方向安全距离(m) 1.5 2.0 3.5 4.0 6.0 施工现场开挖沟槽边缘与外电埋地电缆沟槽边缘之间的距离不得小于 0.5m。The distance
between the edge of the trench at the construction site and the edge of the trench for
external electric buried cables shall not be less than 0.5m 当达不到上述第 2.4.2~2.4.5 条中的规定时,必须采取绝缘隔离防护措施,并悬挂醒目的警告
标 志 。 When the requirements in the above Articles 2.4.2 ~ 2.4.5 are not met, insulation
isolation protection measures must be taken and a noticeable warning sign must be
护应达到 IP30 级。防护设施与外电线路之间的安全距离不应小于下表所列数值。 When
erection of protective facilities, it must be approved by relevant departments, temporary
power outages of the line or other reliable safety technical measures should be adopted,
and it should be monitored by electrical engineering technicians and full-time safety
personnel. The protective facilities should be solid and stable, and the isolation and
protection of external power lines should reach IP30 level. The safety distance between
protective facilities and external electrical lines should not be less than the values listed in
the table below
外电线路电压等级(kV) ≤10 35 110 220
最小安全距离(m) 1.7 2.0 2.5 4.0 当第 2.4.7 条规定的防护措施无法实现时,必须与有关部门协商,采取停电、迁移外电线路或
改变工程位置等措施,未采取上述措施的严禁施工。When the protective measures stipulated
in Article 2.4.7 cannot be achieved, it is necessary to consult with relevant departments to
take measures such as power outages, relocation of external power lines, or changing the
location of the project. Construction without the above measures is strictly prohibited 在外电架空线路附近开挖沟槽时,必须会同有关部门采取加固措施,防止外电架空线路电杆
倾 斜 、 悬 倒 。 When excavating trenches near the overhead lines of external power,
reinforcement measures must be taken with relevant departments to prevent the poles of
the external power lines from tilting and hanging
7.2.5 电气设备防护 Protection of electrical equipment 电气设备现场周围不得存放易燃易爆物、污源和腐蚀介质,否则应予清除或做防护处置,其防
护等级必须与环境条件相适应。Do not store flammable and explosive materials, pollution
sources and corrosive media around the site of electrical equipment; otherwise, they should
be removed or protected, and their protection level must be suitable for the environmental
conditions. 电 气 设 备 设 置 场 所 应 能 避 免 物 体 打 击 和 机 械 损 伤 。 The installation location of electrical
equipment shall be able to avoid object impact and mechanical damage. 变压器防护搭设采用钢管或竹子双层防砸,根据变压器的大小四周距离箱变一米五的距离搭
Transformer protection erection adopts steel pipe or bamboo double-layer anti-smashing.
According to the size of the transformer, a single-row floor anti-smashing frame is installed
at a distance of one meter and five meters from the box. The important equipment such as
transformers and distribution boxes are equipped with lock fences. Set up someone to take
care of inspections 二级配电箱防护 Secondary distribution box protection
a 二级配电箱防护栏可制作成 2400mm(高)x2000mm(宽),四面组装的定型化、工具式防
护栏杆,搭设双层防护棚。The secondary distribution box protective fence can be made into
2400mm (height) x 2000mm (width), a stereotyped, tool-type protective railing assembled
on all sides, and a double-layer protective shed
b 配电箱顶离防护棚顶的距离不少于 500mm,两侧与防护栏杆的垂直距离要保证配电箱门能全
部打开,且不少于 500mm,配电箱前后开门方向与防护栏杆的垂直距离不少于 1000mm
(后方不开门时不少于 500mm)。The distance between the top of the distribution box and
the top of the protective shed is not less than 500mm, and the vertical distance between the
two sides and the protective railing should ensure that all the doors of the distribution box
can be opened, and not less than 500mm. The vertical distance is not less than 1000mm
(not less than 500mm when the door is not opened at the rear).
c 如果配电箱不在塔吊或在建筑物的坠落半径范围内,防护棚可不搭设双层防护,只需用瓦楞
铁搭设防雨棚。If the distribution box is not within the range of the tower crane or the falling
radius of the building, the protective shed may not be provided with double-layer protection,
and only a rainproof shed shall be set up with corrugated iron
d 防护棚刷黄黑漆相间 400mm。金属防护栏杆防护棚应做接零保护。Protective shed is 400mm
yellow and black paint. Metal protective railings and protective sheds should be connected
to zero protection
7.3 接地与防雷 rounding and lightning protection
7.3.1 一般规定 General 在施工现场变压器的供电的 TN-S 接零保护系统中,电气设备的金属外壳必须与保护零线连接。
the TN-S zero-connection protection system for the power supply of the transformer at the
construction site, the metal enclosure of the electrical equipment must be connected to the
protective neutral line. The protective neutral wire should be led from the working ground
wire, the neutral wire on the power supply side of the power distribution room (main
distribution box), or the neutral wire on the power supply side of the total leakage protector. 当施工现场与外电线路共用同一供电系统时,电气设备的接地、接零保护应与原系统保持一致。
采用 TN 系统做保护接零时,工作零线(N 线)必须通过总漏电保护器,保护零线(PE 线)必须由
电源进线零线重复接地处或总漏电保护器电源侧零线处,引出形成局部 TN-S 接零保护系统。
When the construction site and the external power line share the same power supply
system, the grounding and zero-connection protection of electrical equipment shall
be consistent with the original system. Part of the equipment must not be connected
to zero for protection, and other equipment must be protected for grounding.
When the TN system is used for protection connection, the working neutral line (N
line) must pass through the total leakage protector, and the protective neutral line
(PE line) must be repeatedly grounded by the power input neutral line or the neutral
line on the power supply side , Leading to the formation of a local TN-S zero
protection system. 在 TN 接零保护系统中,通过总漏电保护器的工作零线与保护零线之间不得再做电气连接 In
the TN connection to zero protection system, no electrical connection can be made between
the working neutral line and the protective neutral line of the total leakage protector. 在 TN 接零保护系统中,PE 零线应单独敷设。重复接地线必须与零线连接,严禁与 N 线联通。
In the TN zero-connection protection system, the PE neutral wire shall be laid separately.
Repeated ground wire must be connected to the neutral line, and it is strictly prohibited to
connect with the N line 使用一次侧由 50V 以上电压的接零保护系统供电,二次侧为 50v 及以下电压的安全隔离变压
器时,二次侧不得接地,并应将二次线路用绝缘管保护或采用橡皮护套软线。 When the
primary side is powered by a zero-voltage protection system with a voltage of 50V or higher,
and the secondary side is a safety isolation transformer with a voltage of 50v or below, the
secondary side must not be grounded, and the secondary line should be protected by an
insulating tube or rubber Sheathed cord 当采用普通隔离变压器时,其二次侧一端应接地,且变压器正常不带电的外露可导电部分应
与一次回路保护零线相连接。 When a common isolation transformer is used, its secondary
side should be grounded, and the exposed conductive part of the transformer that is
normally uncharged should be connected to the primary circuit protection neutral 以上变压器尚应采取防直接接触带电体的保护措施。The above transformers shall still take
protective measures against direct contact with live bodies 施工现场的临时用电电力系统严禁利用大地做相线或零线。 The temporary power supply
system at the construction site is strictly prohibited from using the earth as a phase or
neutral line 保护必须采用绝缘导线。Protection must use insulated wires 配电装置和电动机械相连接的 PE 线应为截面不小于 2.5mm2 的绝缘多股铜线。手持式电
动工具的 PE 线应为截面不小于 1.5mm2 的绝缘多股铜线。The PE wire connecting the power
distribution device and the electric machinery shall be an insulated multi-strand copper wire
with a cross section of not less than 2.5mm2. The PE wire of the hand-held power tool shall
be an insulated multi-strand copper wire with a cross section of not less than 1.5mm2 PE 线上严禁装设开关或熔断器,严禁通过工作电流且严禁断线。. It is strictly forbidden to
install switches or fuses on the PE line, it is forbidden to pass the working current and it is
forbidden to disconnect 相线、N 线、PE 线的颜色标记必须符合以下规定:相线 L1(A)、L2(B)、L3(C)相序
的绝缘颜色依次为黄、绿、红色;N 线的绝缘颜色为淡蓝色;PE 线的绝缘颜色为绿/黄双色。任
何情况下上述颜色标记严禁混用和互相代用。The color marking of the phase line, N line, and
PE line must comply with the following requirements: Phase line L1 (A), L2 (B), and L3 (C)
phase sequence insulation colors are yellow, green, and red; The insulation color is light
blue; the insulation color of PE wire is green / yellow. Under no circumstances are the above
color markings allowed to be mixed and used interchangeably. 每一接地装置的接地线应采用两根及以上导体,在不同点与接地体做电气连接。不得采用
地可利用自然接地体,但应保证其电气连接和热稳定。The grounding wire of each grounding
device shall use two or more conductors to make electrical connection with the grounding
body at different points. Do not use aluminum conductors for grounding or underground
grounding. The vertical grounding body should be made of angle steel, steel pipe or smooth
round steel. Rebar steel is not allowed. Grounding can use a natural grounding body, but its
electrical connection and thermal stability should be guaranteed TN 系统中的保护零线除必须在配电室或总配电箱处做重复接地外,还必须在配电系统中
间处(如钢筋加工区、,大型设备)和末端处做重复接地。在 TN 系统中,保护零线每一处重
复 接 地 装 置 的 接 地 电 阻 值 不 应 大 于 4 欧 。 In addition to the repeated grounding of the
protection neutral wire in the TN system, it must be repeated in the middle of the power
distribution system (such as steel processing areas, large equipment) and at the end.
Ground. In the TN system, the grounding resistance of the repeated grounding device at
each protective neutral line should not be greater than 4 ohms.
7.3.2 保护接零 Protected zero 在 TN 系统中,下列电气设备不带电的外露可导电部分应做保护接零: In the TN system, the
exposed conductive parts of the following electrical equipment that are not live shall be
protected and connected to zero
a 电机、变压器、电器、照明器具、手持式电动工具的金属外壳。Metal enclosures for motors,
transformers, appliances, lighting appliances, hand-held power tools
b 电气设备传动装置的金属部件;Metal parts of electrical equipment transmissions
c 配电柜与控制柜的金属框架;Metal frame of distribution cabinet and control cabinet
d 配电装置的金属箱体、框架及靠近带电部分的金属围栏和金属门;The metal box, frame of
the power distribution device, and the metal fence and metal door near the live part
e 电力线路的金属保护管、敷线的钢索、起重机的底座和轨道、滑升模板金属操作平台等:Metal
protective tubes for power lines, wire ropes for laying wires, crane bases and rails, sliding
formwork metal operating platforms, etc.
f 安装在电力线路杆(塔)上的开关、电容器等电气装置的金属外壳及支架。Metal enclosures
and brackets for electrical devices such as switches and capacitors installed on power line
poles (towers) 在 TN 系统中,下列电气设备不带电的外露可导电部分,可不做保护接零:In the TN system,
the exposed electrical parts of the following electrical equipment that are not live may be
connected to zero without protection
a 在木质、沥青等不良导电地坪的干燥房间内,交流电压 400V 及以下的电气装置金属外壳(当
维修人员可能同时触及电气设备金属外壳和接地金属物件时除外 );In dry rooms with poor
conductive floors such as wood and asphalt, metal enclosures for electrical devices with an
AC voltage of 400V or lower (except when maintenance personnel may touch the metal
enclosures of electrical equipment and grounded metal objects at the same time)
b 安装在配电柜、控制柜金属框架和配电箱的金属箱体上,且与其可靠电气连接的电气测量仪
表、电流互感器、电器的金属外壳。Electrical measurement instruments, current transformers,
and metal enclosures of electrical appliances installed on the metal box of the power
distribution cabinet, control cabinet metal frame and power distribution box
7.3.3 防雷 Lightning protection 施工现场内的起重机、井字架、龙门架等机械设备,以及钢脚手架和正在施工的在建工程等的
地区年均雷暴日(d) 执行。Cranes, hoists, gantry frames and other mechanical equipment at
the construction site, as well as metal scaffolding and metal structures such as construction
in progress, shall be flashed in lightning protection devices of adjacent buildings, structures
and other facilities When the protection range of the device is out of range, the average
annual thunderstorm day (d) in the area below should be implemented.
地区年平均雷暴日(d) 机械设备高度
≤15 ≥50
>15 , <40 ≥32
≥40,<90 ≥20
≥90 及雷害特别严重地区 ≥12
备可不设防雷装置。When the protection range of the lightning rod (air-termination
device) on the highest mechanical equipment can cover other equipment, and
finally exit the scene, other equipment may not be provided with lightning
protection 机械设备或设施的防雷引下线可利用该设备或设施的金属结构体,但应保证电气连接。 The
lightning protection of mechanical equipment or facilities can use the metal structure of the
equipment or facilities, but the electrical connection should be guaranteed 机械化设备上的避雷针(接闪器)长度应为 1~2m。塔式起重机可不另设避雷针(接闪器) 。
The length of the lightning rod (air-termination device) on the mechanized equipment shall
be 1 ~ 2m. Tower cranes may not be equipped with lightning rods 安装避雷针(接闪器)的机械设备,所有固定的动力、控制、照明、信号及通信线路,宜采用钢
管敷设。 钢管与该 机械设备的 金属结构体应 做电气连接。 Lightning rod (air-termination)
installed mechanical equipment, all fixed power, control, lighting, signal and communication
lines should be laid with steel pipes. The steel pipe and the metal structure of the
mechanical equipment should be electrically connected 施工现场内所有防雷装置的冲击接地电阻值不得大于 30Ω。The impact ground resistance of
all lightning protection devices in the construction site shall not be greater than 30Ω 做防雷接地机械上的电气设备,所连接的 PE 线必须同时做重复接地,同一台机械电气设备的
重复接地和机械的防雷接地可共用同一接地体,但接地电阻应符合重复接地电阻值的要求 。
For lightning protection and grounding of electrical equipment on the machine, the
connected PE wire must be repeatedly grounded at the same time. Repeated grounding of
the same mechanical electrical equipment and mechanical lightning protection grounding
can share the same grounding body, but the grounding resistance should meet the repeated
grounding Requirements for grounding resistance
7.4 配电线路 Distribution lines
7.4.1 电缆线路 Cable lines 电缆中必须包含全部工作芯线和用作保护零线或工作零线的芯线。需要三相四线制配电的电缆
作 N 线;绿/黄双色芯线必须用作 PE 线,严禁混用。The cable must include all working
cores and cores used as protection neutral or working neutral. Cable lines requiring three-
phase four-wire power distribution must use five-core cables. The five-core cable must
include light blue, green / yellow color insulated core wires. The light blue core wire must be
used as the N wire; the green / yellow two-color core wire must be used as the PE wire. 电缆截面的选择应根据其长期连续负荷允许载流量和允许电压偏移确定。The selection of the
cable cross section shall be determined according to its long-term continuous load allowable
ampacity and allowable voltage deviation. 电缆线路应采用埋地或架空敷设,严禁沿地面明设,并应避免机械损伤和介质腐蚀。埋地电缆
路 径 应 设 方 位 标 志 。 The cable lines shall be laid in the ground or overhead. It is strictly
forbidden to lay them along the ground, and mechanical damage and medium corrosion
shall be avoided. Directional signs for buried cable paths 电缆类型应根据敷设方式、环境条件选择。埋地敷设宜选用铠装电缆;当选用无铠装电缆时,
应能防水、防腐。 The type of cable shall be selected according to the laying method and
environmental conditions. For buried laying, armored cables should be used; when
unarmored cables are used, they should be waterproof and anticorrosive 电缆直接埋地敷设的深度不应小于 0.7m,井应在电缆紧邻上、下、左、右侧均匀敷设不小于
50mm 厚的细砂,然后覆盖砖或混凝土板等硬质保护层。 The depth of the cable directly
buried should not be less than 0.7m, and the well should be evenly laid with fine sand no
less than 50mm thick immediately above, below, left and right of the cable, and then
covered with a hard protective layer such as brick or concrete board 埋地电缆在穿越建筑物、构筑物、道路、易受机械损伤、介质腐蚀场所及引出地面从 2.0m 高到
地下 0.2m 处,必须加设防护套管,防护套管内径不应小于电缆外径的 1.5 倍。Buried cables
must be provided with protective sleeves when passing through buildings, structures, roads,
places subject to mechanical damage, media corrosion, and the ground from 2.0m to 0.2m
underground. 1.5 times the outer diameter of the cable 埋地电缆与其附近外电电缆和管沟的平行间距不得小于 2m,交叉间距不得小于 1m。The
parallel distance between the buried cable and its nearby external electrical cables and pipe
trenches shall not be less than 2m, and the crossover distance shall not be less than 1m 埋地电缆的接头应设在地面上的接线盒内,接线盒应能防水、防尘、防机械损伤,并应远离易
燃、易爆、易腐蚀场所。The connector of the buried cable shall be located in the terminal box
on the ground. The terminal box shall be waterproof, dustproof, and protected from
mechanical damage. 架空电缆应沿电杆、支架或墙壁敷设,绑扎线必须采用绝缘线,固定点间距应保证电缆能承受
自重所带来的荷载,但沿墙壁敷设时最大弧垂距地不得小于 2.0m。架空电缆严禁沿脚手架、树
木或其他设施敷设。Overhead cables shall be laid along electric poles, supports or walls.
The binding wires shall be insulated wires. The spacing between fixed points shall ensure
that the cables can bear the load caused by their own weight. However, the maximum arc
vertical distance shall not be less than 2.0 when laying along the wall. m. Overhead cables
are strictly prohibited from being laid along scaffolds, trees or other facilities 在建工程内的电缆线路必须采用电缆埋地引入,严禁穿越脚手架引入。电缆垂直敷设应充
电缆水平 敷设宜沿墙或门口刚性固定,最大弧垂距地不得小于 2.0m。装饰装修工程或其他特
电 火 措 施 。 The cable lines in the construction under construction must be introduced by
buried cables. It is strictly forbidden to introduce the cables through the scaffolding. The
vertical laying of cables should make full use of the shafts, vertical holes, etc. of the
construction in progress, and should be close to the power load center. There should be no
less than one fixed point per floor. The horizontal laying of cables should be rigidly fixed
along the wall or doorway, and the maximum arc vertical distance should not be less than
2.0m. For decoration projects or other special stages, a single construction power plan shall
be formulated in addition. The power cord can be laid along the corners and the ground, but
measures should be taken to prevent mechanical damage and electric fire. 电缆线路必须有短路保护和过载保护保护电器。 Cable lines must be protected against
short circuits and overload protection 电线可选择架空和桥架敷设方式,不得埋地敷设。 Overhead and bridge laying methods
can be selected for electric wires, and they cannot be buried in the ground. 楼层内的电缆、电线必须采用瓷瓶架空;梯通道内的照明用电可以选用预埋 PVC 套管走线
或直接利用水电安装已完管线接线。The cables and wires in the floor must be suspended by
porcelain bottles; the lighting electricity in the ladder passage can be pre-buried PVC
bushings or directly connected to the completed pipeline by using hydropower. 隧道、人防工程、高温、有导电灰尘、比较潮湿或灯具离地面高度低于 2.5 米等场所的照明,
电源电压不应大于 36V;潮湿和易触及带电体场所的照明,电源电压不应大于 24V;特别潮
湿场所、导电良好的地面、锅炉或金属容器内的照明,电源电压不应大于 12V。For tunnels,
civil air defense works, high temperatures, conductive dust, humidity, or lamps with a height
of less than 2.5 meters above the ground, the power supply voltage should not be greater
than 36V; for lighting in humid and accessible places, the power voltage Should be greater
than 24V; the lighting in particularly humid places, well-conductive floors, boilers or metal
containers should not exceed 12V
7.5 配电箱及开关箱 Distribution box and switch box
7.5.1 配电箱及开关箱的设置 Setting of distribution box and switch box 配电系统应设置配电柜或总配电箱、分配电箱、开关箱,实行三级配电。配电系统宜使三相负荷
平衡。220V 或 380V 单相用电设备宜接人 220/380V 三相四线系统;当单相照明线路电流大
于 30A 时, 宜采 用 220 /380~ 三相 四线 制供 电。 The power distribution system shall be
provided with power distribution cabinets or main power distribution boxes, distribution
power boxes and switch boxes, and implement three-level power distribution. The power
distribution system should balance three-phase loads. 220V or 380V single-phase power
equipment should be connected to 220 / 380V three-phase four-wire system; when the
current of single-phase lighting line is greater than 30A, 220/380 ~ three-phase four-wire
system should be used for power supply 总配电箱以下可设若干分配电箱;分配电箱以下可设若干开关箱。总配电箱应设在靠近电源的
30m,开关箱与其控制的固定式用电设备的水平距离不宜超过 3m。The power distribution
system shall be provided with power distribution cabinets or main power distribution boxes,
distribution power boxes and switch boxes, and implement three-level power distribution.
The power distribution system should balance three-phase loads. 220V or 380V single-
phase power equipment should be connected to 220 / 380V three-phase four-wire system;
when the current of single-phase lighting line is greater than 30A, 220/380 ~ three-phase
four-wire system should be used for power supply 每 台 用 电 设 备 必 须 有 各 自 专 用 的 开 关 箱 。 Each electrical equipment must have its own
dedicated switch box 动力配电箱与照明配电箱宜分别设置。当合并设置为同一配电箱时,动力和照明应分路配电;
动力开关 箱与照明 开关 箱必须分 设。 Power distribution box and lighting distribution box
should be installed separately. When combined and set as the same power distribution box,
power and lighting should be split; power switch box and lighting switch box must be
separated 配电箱、开关箱应装设在干燥、通风及常温场所,不得装设在有严重损伤作用的瓦斯、烟气、潮
所。否则,应予清除或做防护处理。The distribution box and switch box shall be installed in a
dry, ventilated and normal temperature place. It shall not be installed in the gas, smoke,
moisture and other harmful media with serious damage, and it shall not be installed in the
foreign solid Places subject to impact, strong vibration, liquid splashing and heat source
baking. Otherwise, it should be removed or protected 配电箱、开关箱周围应有足够 2 人同时工作的空间和通道,不得堆放任何妨碍操作、维修的物
品,不得有灌木、杂草。There should be enough space and aisle around the distribution box
and switch box for two people to work at the same time. No items that hinder operation and
maintenance should be piled up. There should be no bushes or weeds. 配电箱、开关箱应采用冷轧钢板或阻燃绝缘材料制作,钢板厚度应为 1.2~2.0mm,其中开关箱
箱体钢板厚度不得小于 1.2mm,配电箱箱体钢板厚度不得小于 1.5mm,箱体表面应做防腐处
理。 The distribution box and switch box shall be made of cold-rolled steel plate or flame-
retardant insulation material. The thickness of the steel plate shall be 1.2 ~ 2.0mm. The
thickness of the steel plate of the switch box shall not be less than 1.2mm, and the
thickness of the steel plate of the distribution box. Less than 1.5mm, the surface of the
cabinet should be anti-corrosive 配电箱、开关箱应装设端正、牢固。固定式配电箱、开关箱的中心点与地面的垂直距离应为 1.4
0.8-1.6m 。 The distribution box and switch box shall be installed properly and firmly. The
vertical distance between the center point of the fixed distribution box and switch box and
the ground should be 1.4-1.6m. The mobile power distribution box and switch box should
not be installed on a solid and stable support. The vertical distance between the center point
and the ground should be 0.8-1.6m 配电箱、开关箱内的电器(含插座)应先安装在金属或非木质阻燃绝缘电器安装板上,然后方可
整体紧固在配电箱、开关箱箱体内。金属电器安装板与金属箱体应做电气连接。 The electrical
appliances (including sockets) in the distribution box and switch box should be installed on
the metal or non-wood flame-retardant insulation electrical installation board before they can
be fastened in the distribution box and switch box as a whole. Electrical connection between
metal electrical installation plate and metal box 配电箱、开关箱内的电器(含插座)应按其规定位置紧固在电器安装板上,不得歪斜和松动 。
The electrical appliances (including sockets) in the distribution box and switch box shall be
fastened to the electrical installation board according to their prescribed positions, and shall
not be skewed or loose. 配电箱的电器安装板上必须分设 N 线端子板和 PE 线端子板。N 线端子板必须与金属电器
安装板绝缘;PE 线端子板必须与金属电器安装板做电气连接。进出线中的 N 线必须通过 N 线
端 子 板 连 接 The N-wire terminal board and PE wire terminal board must be separately
installed on the electrical installation board of the distribution box. The N-wire terminal board
must be insulated from the metal electrical installation board; the PE wire terminal board
must be electrically connected to the metal electrical installation board. The N wires in the
incoming and outgoing wires must be connected through the N wire terminal board 配电箱、开关箱内的连接线必须采用铜芯绝缘导线。导线绝缘的颜色标志应按规范要求配
电部分。The connection wires in the distribution box and switch box must be copper core
insulated wires. The color insulation of the wire insulation shall be arranged and arranged
neatly in accordance with the requirements of the code; the wire branch joints shall not be
crimped with bolts, shall be welded and wrapped with insulation, and there shall be no
exposed live parts 配电箱、开关箱的金属箱体、金属电器安装板以及电器正常不带电的金属底座、外壳等必须
通过 PE 线端子板与 PE 线做电气连接,金属箱门与金属箱体必须做电气连接,The metal box
of the distribution box, switch box, metal electrical installation board, and metal bases and
housings that are normally uncharged must be electrically connected to the PE wire through
the PE wire terminal board. The metal box door and the metal box must be electrically
connected. Make electrical connections 配电箱、开关箱的箱体尺寸应与箱内电器的数量和尺寸相适应。The box size of the
distribution box and switch box should be suitable for the number and size of the electrical
appliances in the box 配电箱、开关箱中导线的进线口和出线口应设在箱体的下底面。The inlets and outlets of
the conductors in the distribution box and switch box should be located on the bottom
surface of the box 配电箱、开关箱的进、出线口应配置固定线卡,进出线应加绝缘护套井成束卡固在箱体上 ,
The inlets and outlets of power distribution boxes and switch boxes shall be equipped with
fixed line cards, and the inlet and outlet lines shall be fixed to the box with bundles of
insulation jackets and shall not be in direct contact with the box. The incoming and outgoing
wires of the mobile power distribution box and switch box should be insulated with rubber
sheathed cables, without joints. 户外使用的配电箱、开关箱外形结构应能防雨、防尘。 The external structure of the
distribution box and switch box for outdoor use shall be rainproof and dustproof 所有箱体内均贴电路系统图,箱体均要上锁,箱体右下角标明电箱名称、责任人、电话、编号,
左边居中粘贴单位 LOGO 贴,右边居中位置粘贴闪电标志。Circuit diagrams are posted in all
cabinets. The cabinets must be locked. The lower right corner of the cabinet is marked with
the name of the electrical box, the person responsible, the telephone number, and the
number. 室外安装的一级配电箱(配电总箱),必须设置混凝土基础、防雨顶棚和牢固的防碰撞围
栏。并悬挂警示标志。The primary distribution box (distribution main box) installed outdoors
must be provided with a concrete foundation, a rainproof ceiling and a solid anti-collision
fence. And hang warning signs
7.5.2 电器装置的选择 Selection of electrical equipment 配电箱、开关箱内的电器必须可靠、完好,严禁使用破损、不合格的电器。The electrical
appliances in the distribution box and switch box must be reliable and intact. It is strictly
prohibited to use damaged or unqualified electrical appliances. 总配电箱的电器应具备电源隔离,正常接通与分断电路,以及短路、过载、漏电保护功能。The
electrical appliances of the main distribution box shall have power isolation, normal
connection and disconnection circuits, and short circuit, overload, and leakage protection
functions 总配电箱应装设电压表、总电流表、电度表及其他需要的仪表。专用电能计量仪表的装设应符合
严禁断开电路。The main distribution box shall be equipped with voltmeters, total ammeters,
watt-hour meters and other required instruments. The installation of special electric energy
measuring instruments should meet the requirements of the local power supply and
management department. When a current transformer is installed, its secondary circuit must
have a connection point with the protective neutral. Never disconnect the circuit 开关箱中的隔离开关只可直接控制照明电路和容量不大于 3.0kW 的动力电路,但不应频繁操
作。容量大于 3.0kW 的动力电路应采用断路器控制,操作频繁时还应附设接触器或其他启动
控制装置。The isolation switch in the switch box can only directly control the lighting circuit
and the power circuit with a capacity not greater than 3.0kW, but it should not be operated
frequently. Power circuits with a capacity greater than 3.0kW should be controlled by circuit
breakers, and contactors or other starting control devices should be attached when the
operation is frequent. 开关箱中各种开关电器的额定值和动作整定值应与其控制用电设备的额定值和特性相适应 。
The rating and action setting values of various switching appliances in the switch box shall
be compatible with the ratings and characteristics of the electrical equipment they control 漏电保护器应装设在总配电箱、开关箱靠近负荷的一侧,且不得用于启动电气设备的操作 。
The leakage protector shall be installed on the side of the main distribution box and switch
box near the load, and shall not be used to start the operation of electrical equipment 漏电保护器的选择应符合现行国家标准《剩余电流动作保护器的一般要求》GB 6829 和《漏电
保护器安装和运行的要求》GB13955 的规定。The selection of earth leakage protectors shall
comply with the provisions of the current national standards "General requirements for
residual current operated protectors" GB 6829 and "Requirements for installation and
operation of earth leakage protectors" GB13955 开关箱中漏电保护器的额定漏电动作电流不应大于 30mA,额定漏电动作开时间不应大于
于 15mA , 额 定 漏 电 动 作 时 间 不 应 大 于 0.1S 。 The rated leakage action current of the
leakage protector in the switch box shall not be greater than 30mA, and the rated leakage
action on time shall not be greater than 0.1s.Leakage protectors used in wet or corrosive
medium places should be splash-proof products. The rated leakage operating current
should not be greater than 15mA, and the rated leakage operating time should not be
greater than 0.1S. 总配电箱中漏电保护器的额定漏电动作电流应大于 30mA,额定漏电动作时间应大于 0.1s,
但其额定漏电动作电流与额定漏电动作时间的乘积不应大于 30mAs。The rated leakage
operating current of the leakage protector in the total distribution box shall be greater than
30mA, and the rated leakage operating time shall be greater than 0.1s, but the product of
the rated leakage operating current and the rated leakage operating time shall not be
greater than 30mAs 总配电箱和开关箱中漏电保护器的极数和线数必须与其负荷侧负荷的相
数和线数一致。 配电箱、开关箱中的漏电保护器宜选用无辅助电源型(电磁式)产品,或选用辅助电源故障
(电子式)产品时,应同时设置缺相保护。Leakage protectors in distribution boxes and switch
boxes should be selected without auxiliary power supply (electromagnetic) products, or with
auxiliary power supply (electronic) products that can be automatically disconnected when
the auxiliary power supply fails. When selecting auxiliary power type (electronic) products
that cannot be automatically disconnected when the auxiliary power source fails, phase loss
protection should be set at the same time 漏电保护器应按产品说明书安装、使用:对搁置已久重新使用或连续使用的漏电保护器应
逐月检测其特性,发现问题应及时修理或更换。The leakage protector shall be installed and
used according to the product manual: For a leakage protector that has been used for a
long time or is continuously used, its characteristics shall be tested month by month, and
problems shall be repaired or replaced in time. 配电箱、开关箱的电源进线端严禁采用插头和插座做活动连接。 It is strictly forbidden to
use plugs and sockets for active connection at the power input end of power distribution
boxes and switch boxes.
7.5.3 使用与维护 Use and maintenance 配电箱、开关箱应有名称、用途、分路标记及系统接线图。Distribution boxes and switch boxes
shall have names, uses, shunt marks and system wiring diagrams 配电箱、开关箱箱门应配锁,并应由专人负责。 The doors of the distribution box and switch
box shall be equipped with locks and shall be responsible 配电箱、开关箱应定期检查、维修。检查,维修人员必须是专业电工。检查、维修时必须按规定
穿、戴绝缘鞋、手套,必须使用电工绝缘工具,并应做检查、维修工作记录。The power
distribution box and switch box shall be regularly inspected and repaired. Inspection and
maintenance personnel must be professional electricians. When inspecting and repairing,
you must wear and wear insulating shoes and gloves in accordance with regulations. You
must use electrician's insulating tools, and you must make inspection and maintenance work
records. 对配电箱、开关箱进行定期维修、检查时,必须将其前一级相应的电源隔离开关分闸断电,并
悬 挂 “ 禁 止 合 闸 、 有 人 工 作 ” 停 电 标 志 牌 , 严 禁 带 电 作 业 。 When performing regular
maintenance and inspection on power distribution boxes and switch boxes, the
corresponding power isolation switch at the previous level must be switched off and
powered off, and a "No Closing, Someone Working" blackout sign shall be hung, and live
work is strictly prohibited 配 电 箱 、 开 关 箱 必 须 按 照 下 列 顺 序 操 作 : The distribution box and switch box must be
operated in the following order
a 送 电 操 作 顺 序 为 : 总 配 电 箱 一 分 配 电 箱 - 开 关 箱 ; The power transmission operation
sequence is: total distribution box, distribution box-switch box
b 停电操作顺序为:开关箱一分配电箱一总配电箱。The power failure operation sequence is:
switch box, distribution box, general distribution box
c 出现电气故障的紧急情况可除外。Except for emergencies with electrical faults 施工现场停止作业一时以上时,应将动力开关箱断电上锁。 When the construction site is
stopped for more than one hour, the power switch box should be powered off and locked 配电箱、开关箱内不得放置任伺杂物,井应保持整洁。 No miscellaneous objects shall be
placed in the distribution box and switch box, and the well shall be kept tidy 配 电 箱 、 开 关 箱 内 不 得 随 意 挂 接 其 他 用 电 设 备 。 No other electrical equipment can be
arbitrarily connected in the distribution box and switch box 配电箱、开关箱内的电器配置和接线严禁随意改动。视负载额定容量,正确选择熔体,使熔断
体代替,严禁用多股熔丝代替一根较大的熔丝; The electrical configuration and wiring of
distribution boxes and switch boxes are strictly prohibited. Depending on the rated capacity
of the load, the correct fuse is selected so that the fuse can reliably and effectively function
as a short-circuit protection and disconnection point. The melt should be qualified lead alloy
fuse. When replacing the fuse's fuse, it is strictly forbidden to replace it with a melt that does
not meet the original specifications, it is strictly prohibited to use iron wires, aluminum wires
and other non-dedicated melts that do not meet the original specifications, and it is strictly
prohibited to use multiple strands of fuses to replace a larger fuse. wire 漏电保护器每天使用前应启动漏电试验按钮试跳一次,试跳不正常时严禁继续使用。The
earth leakage protector should start the earth leakage test button to make a test jump every
day before use. If the test jump is abnormal, it is forbidden to continue to use it. 配电箱、开关箱的进线和出线严禁承受外力属尖锐断口、强腐蚀介质和易燃易爆物接触 。
The incoming and outgoing wires of the power distribution box and switch box are strictly
forbidden to withstand external forces, such as sharp fractures, strong corrosive media, and
contact with flammable and explosive materials. 在使用施工用电设施过程中如果发现任何问题和缺陷,责任方应立即采取措施加以修复。
问题或缺陷的原因被发现并得到必要的修复;If any problems and defects are found during
the use of construction electricity facilities, the responsible party shall immediately take
measures to repair them. If the problems and deficiencies found are significant to personnel
safety, the construction power should be cut off immediately and stopped until the cause of
the problem or deficiencies is found and necessary repairs are made.
7.6 电动建筑机械和手持式电动工具 Electric construction machinery and hand-held power tools
7.6.1 一般规定 General 施工现场中电动建筑机械和手持式电动工具的选购用、检查和维修应遵守下列规定: 7The
purchase, inspection and maintenance of electric construction machinery and hand-held
power tools at the construction site shall comply with the following regulations
a 选购的电动建筑机械、手持式电动工具及其用电安全装置符合相应的国家现行有关强制性标
星光电电力科 进行 汇报; The optional electric construction machinery, hand-held electric
tools and their electrical safety devices comply with the relevant national compulsory
standards and have product certifications and instruction manuals; when the construction
unit enters the site, it is performed by the electric management Check and report to
Huaxing Optoelectronics Power Division
b 建立和执行专人专机负责制,并定期检查和维修保养; Establish and implement a special
person-in-charge system, and perform regular inspections and maintenance
c 运行时产生振动的设备的金属基座、外壳与 PE 线的连接点不少于 2 处;The connection
points of the metal base, casing and PE line of the device that generates vibration during
operation are not less than 2
d 漏 电 保 护 符 合 相 关 规 范 之 规 定 ; Leakage protection meets the requirements of relevant
e 按使用说明书使用、检查、维修 Use, check and repair according to the instruction manual 塔式起重机、外用电梯、滑升模板的金属操作平台及需要设置避雷装置的物料提升机,除应连
接 PE 线外,还应做重复接地。设备的金属结构构件之间应保证电气连接。 Tower cranes,
external elevators, metal operating platforms for sliding formwork and material hoists that
need to be equipped with lightning protection devices, in addition to the PE line, repeat
grounding. Electrical connection between metal structural components of the equipment 电动建筑机械和手持式电动工具的负荷线应按其负荷选用无接头的橡皮护套铜芯软电缆,其
性能应符合现行国家标准<额定电压 450V 及以下橡皮绝缘电缆》GB 5013 中第 1 部分(一般要
求)和第 4 部分(软线和软电缆)的要求。电缆芯线数应根据负荷及其控制电器的相数和线数确定:
电器时,选用五芯电缆;单相二线时,选用三芯电缆。The load line of electric construction
machinery and hand-held electric tools shall be selected with a connector without a rubber
sheathed copper core flexible cable according to its load, and its performance shall comply
with the current national standard <Rubber insulated cables with a rated voltage of 450V
and below> GB 5013 Requirements for Part 1 (General Requirements) and Part 4 (Flexible
Cords and Cables). The number of cable cores should be determined according to the load
and the number of phases and lines of the control electrical appliances: when three-phase
four-wire, five-core cable is used; when three-phase three-wire, four-core cable is used;
Five-core cable is used for phase electrical appliances; three-core cable is used for single-
phase two-wire 每一台电动建筑机械或手持式电动工具的开关箱内,除应装设过载、短路、漏电保护电器外,
器 。 In the switch box of each electric construction machine or hand-held electric tool, in
addition to overload, short circuit, leakage protection appliances, isolation switches or circuit
breakers with visible breaking points, Control device. The control appliances in the forward
and reverse operation control device shall use automatic control appliances such as
contactors and relays, and shall not use manual two-way transfer switches as control
7.6.2 起重机械 Lifting machinery 塔式起重机的电气设备应符合现行国家标准{塔式起重机安全规程》GB 5144 中的要求。The
electrical equipment of tower cranes shall meet the requirements of the current national
standard {Safety Regulations for Tower Cranes "GB 5144 塔式起重机应做重复接地和防雷接地。轨道式塔式起重机接地装置的设置应符合下列要求:
The tower crane shall be repeatedly grounded and lightning-proof grounded. The installation
of the grounding device of the track tower crane shall meet the following requirements
a 轨道两端各设一组接地装置;Set of grounding devices at each end of the track
b 轨道的接头处作电气连接,两条轨道端部做环形电气连接; The rail joints are electrically
connected, and the ends of the two rails are electrically connected in a ring.
c 较长轨道每隔不大于 30m 设一组接地装置。 Set up a set of grounding devices for longer
rails every 30m or less 塔式起重机与外电线路的安全距离应符合规范要求。 The safe distance between the tower
crane and the external power line shall meet the requirements of the code 轨道式塔式起重机的电缆不得拖地行走。The cable of the track tower crane shall not be
towed 需要夜间工作的塔式起重机,应设置正对工作面的投光灯。Tower cranes that need to work at
night shall be provided with floodlights facing the working surface 塔身高于 30m 的塔式起重机,应在塔顶和臂架端部设红色信号灯。 For tower cranes with a
tower height higher than 30m, red signal lights shall be provided at the top of the tower and
at the end of the boom. 外用电梯梯笼内、外均应安装紧急停止开关。Emergency stop switch shall be installed inside
and outside the elevator cage 外用电梯和物料提升机的上、下极限位置应设置限位开关。Limit switches should be set at the
upper and lower limit positions of external elevators and material hoists 外用电梯和物料提升机在每日工作前必须对行程开关、限位开关、紧急停止开关、驱动机构和制
动器等进行空载检查,正常后方可使用。检查时必须有防坠落措施。 External elevators and
material hoists must perform no-load inspection on the limit switches, limit switches,
emergency stop switches, driving mechanisms and brakes before daily work. They can only
be used after normal operation. Must have fall prevention measures during inspection
7.6.3 桩工机械 Piling machinery 潜水式钻孔机电机的密封性能应符合现行国家标准 GB 4208 中的 IP68 级的规定。The sealing
performance of the motor of the submersible drilling machine shall meet the requirements of
IP68 in the current national standard GB 4208 潜水电机的负荷线应采用防水橡皮护套铜芯软电缆,长度不应小于 1.5m,且不得承受外力 。
The load line of the submersible motor shall be a waterproof rubber sheathed copper-core
flexible cable, the length shall not be less than 1.5m, and it shall not withstand external
forces 潜水式钻孔机开关箱中的漏电保护器必须符合规范对潮湿场所选用漏电保护器的要求。 The
earth leakage protector in the switch box of the submersible drilling machine must meet the
requirements for the selection of earth leakage protectors in wet places.
7.6.4 夯土机械 Ram compaction machinery 夯土机械开关箱中的漏电保护器必须符合规范对潮湿场所选用漏电保护器的要求。 The earth
leakage protector in the switch box of rammed earth machinery must meet the requirements
for the selection of earth leakage protectors in wet places. 夯土机械 PE 线的连接点不得少于 2 处。The connection point of PE line of rammed earth
machinery shall not be less than 2 夯 土 机 械 的 负 荷 线 应 采 用 耐 候 型 橡 皮 护 套 铜 芯 软 电 缆 。 The load line of rammed earth
machinery shall be weather-resistant rubber sheathed copper-core flexible cable 使用夯土机械必须按规定穿戴绝缘用品,使用过程应有专人调整电缆,电缆长度不应大于
50m 。 电 缆 严 禁 缠 绕 、 扭 结 和 被 夯 土 机 械 跨 越 。 When using rammed earth machinery,
insulation equipment must be worn in accordance with regulations, and someone should
adjust the cable during use. The cable length should not be greater than 50m. Cables must
not be twisted, kinked, or spanned by rammed earth 多台夯土机械并列工作时,其间距不得小于 5m.串列工作时,其间距不得小于 10m。 When
multiple rammed earth machines are working side by side, the distance between them
should not be less than 5m. When working in series, the distance should not be less than
10m 夯土机械的操作扶手必须绝缘。Handrails for ramming machinery must be insulated
7.6.5 焊接机械 Welding machinery 电焊机械应放置在防雨、干燥和通风良好的地方。焊接现场不得有易燃、易爆物品。Welding
machinery shall be placed in a place protected from rain, dryness and ventilation. There
must be no flammable or explosive materials at the welding site 交流弧焊机变压器的一次侧电源线长度不应大于 5m,其电源进线处必须设置防护罩。发电机
式直流电焊机的换向器应经常检查和维护,应消除可能产生的异常电火花。 The length of the
primary power line of the AC arc welding machine transformer should not be greater than
5m, and a protective cover must be provided at the power line. The commutator of generator
type DC electric welding machine should be inspected and maintained frequently, and
abnormal electric sparks that may be generated should be eliminated. 电焊机械开关箱中的漏电保护器必须符合规范要求。交流电焊机械应配装防二次侧触电保护器。
The leakage protector in the electric welding mechanical switch box must meet the
requirements of the specification. AC welding machines should be equipped with protection
against electric shock on the secondary side 电焊机械的二次线应采用防水橡皮护套铜芯软电缆,电缆长度不应大于 30m,不得采用金属
构件或结构钢筋代替二次线的地线。The secondary wire of electric welding machinery shall
be a waterproof rubber-sheathed copper-core flexible cable. The cable length shall not be
greater than 30m. Metal members or structural steel bars shall not be used to replace the
ground wire of the secondary wire. 使用电焊机械焊接时必须穿戴防护用品。严禁露天冒雨从事电焊作业。 Protective equipment
must be worn when welding using electric welding machinery. It is strictly prohibited to
engage in welding operations in the open air and rain
7.6.6 手持式电动工具 Hand-held power tools 空气湿度小于 75%的一般场所可选用 I 类或Ⅱ类手持式电动工具,其金属外壳与 PE 线的连接
点不得少于 2 点;除塑料外壳工具外,相关开关箱中漏电保护器的额定漏电动作电流不应大
于 15mA,额定漏电动作时间不应大于 0.1s,其负荷线插头应具备专用的保护触头。所用插座
和插头在结构上应保持一致,避免导电触头和保护触头混用。 Class I or II hand-held power
tools can be used in general places where the air humidity is less than 75%. The connection
point between the metal shell and the PE wire must not be less than 2 points. Except for
plastic shell tools, leakage protection in related switch boxes The rated leakage operating
current of the device shall not be greater than 15mA, and the rated leakage operating time
shall not be greater than 0.1s. The load line plug shall have a dedicated protective contact.
The sockets and plugs used should be consistent in structure to avoid mixing conductive
contacts and protective contacts 在潮湿场所或金属构架上操作时,必须选用Ⅱ类或由安全隔离变压器供电的Ⅲ类手持式电动
工具。其开关箱和控制箱应设置在作业场所外面。在潮湿场所或金属构架上严禁使用 I 类手持
式电动工具。When operating in a wet place or on a metal frame, a Class II or Class III hand-
held power tool powered by a safety isolation transformer must be selected. The switch box
and control box should be placed outside the work site. Do not use Class I hand-held power
tools in wet locations or on metal structures 狭窄场所必须选用由安全隔离变压器供电的Ⅲ类手持式电动工具,其开关箱和安全隔离变压
器均应设置在狭窄场所外面,并连接 PE 线。漏电保护器的选择应符合使用于潮湿或有腐蚀介
质场所漏电保护器的要求。操作过程中,应有人在外面监护。Class III hand-held power tools
powered by safety isolation transformers must be selected in narrow places. The switch box
and safety isolation transformer should be installed outside the narrow place and connected
with PE wires. The selection of the earth leakage protector should meet the requirements for
earth leakage protectors used in humid or corrosive medium locations. Someone should be
monitored outside during operation 手持式电动工具的负荷线应采用耐气候型的橡皮护套铜芯软电缆,并不得有接头。The load
line of the hand-held power tool shall be a weather-resistant rubber-sheathed copper-core
flexible cable, and there shall be no joints 手持式电动工具的外壳、手柄、插头、开关,负荷线等必须完好无损,使用前必须做绝缘检查和
shell, handle, plug, switch, load line, etc. of the hand-held power tool must be intact. Before
use, insulation inspection and no-load inspection must be performed. Use only after the
insulation is qualified and the no-load operation is normal. Insulation resistance should not
be less than the value specified in the table below
绝缘电阻(MΩ) Insulation resistance (MΩ)
Measurement site
带电零件与外壳之间 Ⅱ 类 Class
Ⅰ 类 Class I Ⅲ 类 Class III
Between live parts and II
case 2 7 1 使用手持式电动工具时,必须按规定穿、戴绝缘防护日用品。When using a hand-held power
tool, you must wear and wear insulated protective daily necessities according to regulations
7.6.7 其他电动建筑机械 Other Electric Construction Machinery 混凝土搅拌机、插入式振动器、平板振动器、地面抹光机、水磨石机、钢筋加工机械、木工机械、
盾构机械设备的漏电保护应符合规范要求。The leakage protection of concrete mixers, plug-in
vibrators, plate vibrators, floor trowels, terrazzo machines, steel processing machinery,
woodworking machinery, and shield machinery and equipment shall meet the requirements
of the specification 混凝土搅拌机、插入式振动器、平板振动器、地面抹光机、水磨石机、钢筋加工机械、木工机械、
外力。盾构机械的负荷线必须固定牢固,距地高度不得小于 2.5m。 Load lines of concrete
mixers, plug-in vibrators, flat vibrators, floor trowels, terrazzo machines, steel processing
machines, woodworking machines, and shield machinery must be weather-resistant rubber-
sheathed copper-core flexible cables There must be no breaks or joints.The load line of the
water pump must use a waterproof rubber sheathed copper core soft cable. It is strictly
forbidden to have any damage and joints, and must not bear any external force. The load
line of the shield machine must be firmly fixed, and the height from the ground must not be
less than 2.5m. 对混凝土搅拌机、钢筋加工机械、木工机桩、盾构机械等设备进行清理、检查、维修时,必须首
先将其开关箱分闸断电,呈现可见电源分断点,并关门上锁。When cleaning, inspecting, and
maintaining equipment such as concrete mixers, reinforcing steel processing machinery,
woodworking machine piles, and shield machinery, the switch box of the switchgear must
first be powered off, the visible breakpoint of the power source should be displayed, and the
door closed and locked
7.7 照明 Lighting
7.7.1 一般规定 General 在坑、洞、井内作业、夜间施工或厂房、道路、仓库、办公室、食堂、宿舍、料具堆放场及自然采光
差等场所,应设一般照明、局部照明或混合照明。在一个工作场所内,不得只设局部照明 。
General lighting, local lighting or mixed lighting shall be provided in places such as pits,
caves, well operations, night construction or powerhouses, roads, warehouses, offices,
canteens, dormitories, storage yards for materials and poor natural lighting. No local lighting
in a workplace
After a power outage, operators must evacuate the construction site in a timely
manner and must install emergency lighting with their own power supply. 现场照明应采用高光效,长寿命的照明光源。对需大面积照明的场所,应采用高压汞灯、高压
钠灯或混光用的卤钨灯等。The on-site lighting shall use a high-efficiency, long-life lighting
source. For places requiring large-area lighting, high-pressure mercury lamps, high-
pressure sodium lamps, or tungsten halogen lamps for mixed light should be used. 照 明 器 的 选 择 必 须 按 下 列 环 境 条 件 确 定 : The choice of luminaire must be determined
according to the following environmental conditions
a 正常湿度一般场所,选用开启式照明器;Normal place with normal humidity, use open type
b 潮湿或特别潮湿场所,选用密闭型防水照明器或配有防水灯头的开启式照明器;In wet or
extremely humid places, use a sealed waterproof luminaire or an open-type luminaire with
a waterproof lamp cap
c 含有大量尘埃但无爆炸和火灾危险的场所,选用防尘型照明器; Places containing a large
amount of dust but without the risk of explosion and fire, use dust-proof luminaires
d 有爆炸和火灾危险的场所,按危险场所等级选用防爆型照明器;For places where there is
danger of explosion and fire, use explosion-proof luminaires according to the level of the
dangerous place.
e 存在较强振动的场所,选用防振型照明器;For places with strong vibration, use vibration-
proof luminaires
f 有酸碱等强腐蚀介质场所,选用耐酸碱型照明器。Places with strong corrosive media such
as acid and alkali 照明器具和器材的质量应符合国家现行有关强制性标准的规定,不得使用绝缘老化或破损的
器具和器材。The quality of lighting appliances and equipment shall comply with the relevant
national compulsory standards, and appliances and equipment with aged or damaged
insulation shall not be used 无自然采光的地下大空间施工场所,应编制单项照明用电方案。For underground large-space
construction sites without natural lighting, a single lighting power plan shall be prepared
7.7.2 照明供电 Lighting Power 一般场所宜选用额定电压为 220V 的照明器。Illuminators with a rated voltage of 220V should
be used in general places 下列特殊场所应使用安全特低电压照明器:Safety extra-low voltage luminaires shall be used
in the following special places
a 隧道、人防工程、高温、有导电灰尘,比较潮湿或灯具离地面高度低于 2.5m 等场所的照明,电
源电压不应大干 36V;a For tunnels, civil air defense works, high temperatures, conductive
dust, humid places, or places where the height of the luminaire is less than 2.5m above the
ground, the power supply voltage should not exceed 36V.
b 潮 湿 和 易 触 及 带 电 体 场 所 的 照 明 , 电 源 电 压 不 得 大 于 24V ; For lighting in humid and
accessible places, the power supply voltage must not be greater than 24V
c 特别潮湿场所、导电良好的地面照明,电源电压不得大于 12V In extremely humid places and
well-conductive ground lighting, the power supply voltage must not be greater than 12V 使用行灯应符合下列要求:The use of running lights shall meet the following requirements
a 电源电压不大于 36V;Power supply voltage is not greater than 36V
b 灯体与手柄应坚固、绝缘良好并耐热耐潮湿;The lamp body and handle should be strong,
well insulated and heat and moisture resistant
c 灯头与灯体结合牢固,灯头无开关;The lamp head is firmly connected with the lamp body,
and the lamp head has no switch
d 灯泡外部有金属保护网;Metal protection net on the outside of the lamp
e 金属网、反光罩、悬吊挂钩固定在灯具的绝缘部位上。Metal mesh, reflector, suspension hook
is fixed on the insulation part of the lamp 照明变压器必须使用双绕组型安全隔离变压器,严禁使用自耦变压器。Double-winding safety
isolation transformers must be used for lighting transformers. Autotransformers are strictly
prohibited. 照明系统宜使三相负荷平衡,每一单相回路上,灯具和插座数量不超过 25 个,负荷电流不超
过 15A 。 The lighting system should balance three-phase loads. On each single-
phase circuit, the number of lamps and sockets should not exceed 25, and the load current
should not exceed 15A. 携带式变压器的一次侧电源线应采用橡皮护套或塑料护套铜芯软电缆,中间不得有接头,长
度不宜超过 3m,其中绿/黄双色线只可作 PE 线使用。The primary-side power cords of
portable transformers shall be rubber-sheathed or plastic-sheathed copper-core flexible
cables, with no connectors in the middle, and the length of which shall not exceed 3m. The
green / yellow two-color wires can only be used as PE wires 工 作 零 线 截 面 应 按 下 列 规 定 选 择 : The working zero line section shall be selected in
accordance with the following provisions
a 单相二线及二相二线线路中,零线截面与相线截面相同; In the single-phase two-wire and
two-phase two-wire lines, the zero line cross section is the same as the phase line
b 三相四线制线路中,当照明器为白炽灯时,零线截面不小于相线截面的 50%;当照明器为气
体放电灯时,零线截面按最大负载相的电流选择;In a three-phase four-wire system, when
the illuminator is an incandescent lamp, the neutral line cross section is not less than 50%
of the phase line cross section; when the illuminator is a gas discharge lamp, the neutral
line cross section is selected according to the current of the maximum load phase.
c 在逐相切断的三相照明电路中,零线截面与最大负载相相线截面相同。 In a three-phase
lighting circuit cut off phase by phase, the cross section of the zero line is the same as the
cross section of the phase line of the maximum load
7.7.3 照明装置 Lighting 照明灯具的金属外壳必须与 PE 线相连接,照明开关箱内必须装设隔离开关、短路与过载保护
电器和漏电保护器。The metal shell of the lighting fixture must be connected to the PE wire,
and the switchgear must be equipped with isolation switches, short-circuit and overload
protection appliances and leakage protectors 室外 220V 灯具距地面不得低于 3m,室内 220V 灯具距地面不得低于 2.5m。普通灯具与易燃
物距离不宜小于 300mm;聚光灯、碘钨灯等高热灯具与易燃物距离不宜小于 500mm,且不得
直接照射易燃物:达不到规定安全距离时,应采取隔热措施。Outdoor 220V lamps shall not
be lower than 3m from the ground, and indoor 220V lamps shall not be lower than 2.5m
from the ground. The distance between ordinary lamps and flammable materials should not
be less than 300mm; the distance between high-heat lamps such as spotlights, iodine
tungsten lamps and flammable materials should not be less than 500mm, and direct
exposure to flammable materials is not allowed: when the prescribed safety distance is not
reached, heat insulation measures should be taken 路灯的每个灯具应单独装设熔断器保护。灯头线应做防水弯。Each luminaire of a street lamp
shall be individually protected by a fuse. The lamp head line should be waterproof bent 荧光灯管应采用管座固定或用吊链悬挂。荧光灯的镇流器不得安装在易燃的结构物上。
Fluorescent lamp tubes shall be fixed by pipe sockets or suspended by hanging chains.
Ballasts for fluorescent lamps must not be installed on flammable structures 碘钨灯及钠、铊、铟等金属卤化物灯具的安装高度宜在 3m 以上,灯线应固定在接线柱上,不
得靠近灯具表面。 The installation height of iodine tungsten lamps and metal halide lamps
such as sodium, thallium, indium, etc. should be above 3m. 投光灯的底座应安装牢固,应按需要的光轴方向将枢轴拧紧固定。 The base of the flood light
shall be firmly installed, and the pivot shall be tightened and fixed in the direction of the
required optical axis 螺口灯头及其接线应符合下列要求:The screw cap and its wiring shall meet the following
a 灯头的绝缘外壳无损伤、无漏电; No damage to the insulating case of the lamp cap, no
b 相线接在与中心触头相连的一端,零线接在与螺纹口相连的一端。Phase b is connected to
the end connected to the center contact, and zero line is connected to the end connected to
the screw port 灯具内的接线必须牢固,灯具外的接线必须做可靠的防水绝缘包扎。The wiring inside the
luminaire must be firm, and the wiring outside the luminaire must be reliably waterproofed
and wrapped 灯具的相线必须经开关控制,不得将相线直接引入灯具。The phase wire of the lamp must be
controlled by a switch, and the phase wire must not be directly introduced into the lamp 对夜间影响飞机或车辆通行的在建工程及机械设备,必须设置醒目的红色信号灯,其电源
应设在施工现场总电源开关的前侧,并应设置外电线路停止供电时的应急自备电源。 For
construction-in-progress and mechanical equipment that affects the passage of aircraft or
vehicles at night, eye-catching red signal lights must be provided. The power source should
be located on the front side of the main power switch at the construction site, and
emergency self-driving when external power lines stop power Backup power
7.8 临电使用申请 Application for temporary electricity
7.8.1 施工现场内的临时用电,如不超过 220V,2000W 容量,由用电作业部门负责人实施风险分析,落
实安全措施,联系相关临电设备管理方,直接由附近检修插座取电。如超过 2000W 容量或 380V 电
临电设施施工。Temporary power consumption at the construction site, if it does not exceed 220V,
2000W capacity, the person in charge of the power operation department shall perform a risk
analysis, implement safety measures, contact the relevant electrical equipment management
party, and obtain power directly from the nearby maintenance outlet. If it exceeds 2000W
capacity or 380V voltage, you need to fill in the "Temporary Power Application Form" to apply to
the construction power management party, and the construction of the temporary power facilities
can be implemented only after the construction power management party has approved it.
7.8.2 施工用电管理方依据《临时用电管理规定》,严格检查用电单位的设备、设施后签署《临时用电申请
表》(如发现现场设备不符合用电安全规定,可直接拒签)。The construction power management
party shall strictly check the equipment and facilities of the power consumption unit and sign the
"Temporary Power Application Form" in accordance with the "Temporary Power Management
Regulations" (if it is found that the on-site equipment does not meet the power safety regulations,
it may directly refuse the visa )
7.8.3 用电单位现场负责人应结合作业活动内容和现场环境,对作业内容、作业环境、作业人员资质、用电
设备、供电线路等方面进行风险辨识,制定相应的安全措施。 The person in charge of the on-site
unit of the power consumption unit shall, based on the content of the operation activities and the
on-site environment, carry out risk identification on the content of the operation, the operating
environment, the qualifications of the operating personnel, the power equipment, and the power
supply line, and formulate corresponding safety measures.
7.8.4 用电单位现场负责人应对作业人员进行安全教育和安全技术交底,告知作业中存在的风险、现场环
境和作业安全要求,以及作业中可能遇到意外时的处理和救护方法。 The person in charge of the
on-site unit of the power unit shall provide safety education and safety technical information to
the operators, and inform them of the risks in the operation, the site environment and safety
requirements of the operation, and the handling and rescue methods when the accident may be
encountered during the operation.
7.8.5 用电单位现场负责人应对作业人员的资格和身体状况进行检查。对患有职业禁忌症(如色盲、癫痫
病、精神疾病等)、饮酒、患病等不适于临时用电作业的人员,不得进行临时用电作业。 The person
in charge of the power unit shall check the qualifications and physical conditions of the operators.
Personnel with occupational contraindications (such as color blindness, epilepsy, mental illness,
etc.), drinking, illness, etc., are not suitable for temporary power work.
7.8.6 用电单位作业人员正确辨识和使用相应的劳动保护用品。Operators of power units correctly identify
and use corresponding labor protection supplies
7.8.7 用电单位安装、巡检、维修或拆除临时用电线路的作业,应由具备相应资质和能力的电工进行,并
应有安全员监护。 The installation, inspection, maintenance or removal of temporary power lines
by the power consuming unit shall be performed by electricians with corresponding qualifications
and capabilities, and shall be monitored by safety officers
7.8.8 用电单位将临电设施施工完成后,报请施工用电管理方验收。The power unit will report to the
construction power management party for acceptance after the construction of the temporary
power facilities is completed
7.8.9 经施工用电管理方验收合格后,用电单位在指定电源点接电投运。 After the construction electricity
management party has passed the inspection and acceptance, the electricity consumption unit
shall be connected to the designated power point for commissioning
7.9 施工用电设施的配置方案 Configuration Scheme for Construction Electricity Facilities
7.9.1 本项目场内施工用电主体工程由各施工用电管理方(即施工总包)负责承建,包含变压器电表、变
电专项方案》,也将作为合同附件提供给其后所有有用电需求的施工包商。 The main works of
construction electricity in this project are undertaken by the construction electricity management
party (i.e, the general contractor), including transformer meters, cables from transformers to the
first-level power distribution box, and all the construction power Electric facilities. Site roads, main
passages in the plant, fire exits, emergency evacuation passages, stairwells, and temporary
lighting facilities in other public areas will also be constructed by each construction contractor.
After each construction contractor enters the site, submit the "indian Special Plan" in the area
under its jurisdiction to the Electricity Section and implement it after approval. The approved
"indian Special Plan" prepared by each construction contractor will also be provided as an annex
to the contract to all subsequent construction contractors with useful electricity needs.
7.9.2 二级配电箱及以下的施工用电设施(含从一级配电箱引出的电缆)、施工作业区域及其专用通道的
施工照明,由各用电方自理。Construction electrical facilities for secondary distribution boxes and
below (including cables leading from the primary distribution box), construction work area and
special lighting for construction, shall be provided by each power consumer
7.9.3 业主(含管理公司、监理)办公、生活区域临电设施,由 A 总包负责承建和管理。Owner (including
management company, supervision) office and living area temporary electricity facilities, A
contractor is responsible for construction and management
7.9.4 各包商办公、生活区域临电设施,由各临建承建方负责承建和管理。 The temporary electricity
facilities in the office and living areas of each contractor shall be constructed and managed by
each temporary construction contractor.
7.10 进场管理 Entry Management
7.10.1 施工用电管理方(即施工总包)进驻现场后:After the construction electricity management
party (ie the construction general contractor) enters the site 编制“施工用电专项方案”、绘制施工图和制定施工进度计划; Prepare “Special
Scheme for Electricity for Construction”, draw up construction drawings and develop
construction schedules 勘察现场,确保配电柜和电缆敷设在安全的位置,并确保电缆在使用期间不受到来自于人
掩埋、隔离或其它的保护措施;Investigate the site, ensure that the distribution cabinet and
cables are laid in a safe location, and ensure that the cables are not subject to potential
hazards from people, vehicles, transportation equipment and water during use; determine
the cables based on the assessment of potential hazards Whether burial, isolation or other
protective measures are needed 对施工用电设备和材料(包括配电柜、配电箱、照明箱、电缆、电线杆、灯具等)进行初步检
查、验收,重点检查:Initial inspection and acceptance of construction electrical equipment
and materials (including distribution cabinets, distribution boxes, lighting boxes, cables,
utility poles, lamps, etc.)
a 所 有 施 工 用 电 设 备 , 设 施 和 线 路 是 否 按 供 电 电 压 正 确 选 用 ; Whether all construction
electrical equipment, facilities and lines are properly selected according to the supply
b 所 有 电 气 元 器 件 和 材 料 是 否 满 足 相 关 的 国 家 规 范 和 标 准 要 求 ; Whether all electrical
components and materials meet relevant national codes and standards
c 签 发 “ 电 气 设 备 检 查 合 格 证 ” , 并 粘 贴 在 验 收 合 格 的 施 工 用 电 设 备 上 ; Issue “Electrical
Equipment Inspection Qualification Certificate” and paste it on the qualified construction
electrical equipment 进行施工用电设施的施工;Construction of electrical facilities for construction 在 施 工 用 电 设 施 的 施 工 和 调 试 完 成 后 , 进 行 检 查 和 验 收 , 并 投 入 使 用 ; After the
construction and commissioning of the construction electricity facilities are completed, the
inspection and acceptance are carried out and put into use 制定电费核收细则及电费处置方案,交施工总包项目经理审核、业主批准;Formulate
detailed rules for electricity fee collection and electricity fee disposal plan, and submit them
to the general manager of construction project for review and approval 各栋建筑的各楼层主体完成后,根据施工需要,把相关配电箱移位;After the main body
of each floor of each building is completed, the relevant distribution box will be moved
according to the construction needs 各分包商用电及收费情形定期由专人于安全性协议组织会议公布及说明,协商处理各方因
业主进行仲裁。Each sub-contracted commercial power and charging situation is regularly
announced and explained by a special person in a security agreement organization
meeting, and negotiates and handles conflicts and disputes arising from the construction of
power consumption; if the negotiation fails, the construction general contractor project
manager comes forward Mediation; if mediation fails, the owner will arbitrate
7.10.2 用电单位(即各分包商)进驻现场后:After the power unit (ie, each subcontractor) enters the
site 根据施工需要提交“施工用电计划”,并填写“施工用电申请表”;Submit the "Construction
Electricity Plan" and fill in the "Application Form for Electricity for Construction" 在审批前,用电单位要负责确保配电柜及电缆敷设在安全的位置,并确保电缆在使用期间
缆是否需要采取掩埋、隔离或其它的保护措施;Prior to approval, the power consuming unit
shall be responsible for ensuring that the distribution cabinet and cables are laid in a safe
location and that the cables are not subject to potential dangers from personnel, vehicles,
transportation equipment and water during use. Based on an assessment of the potential
hazards at the location, determine whether the cable needs to be buried, isolated, or
otherwise protected 在审批前,EPC-ESH 需对主要施工用电设备和材料(包括配电箱、电缆和电线杆等)进
行初步检查、验收,重点检查: Prior to approval, EPC-ESH needs to carry out preliminary
inspection and acceptance of major construction electrical equipment and materials
(including distribution boxes, cables and utility poles, etc.), with a focus on inspection
a 所 有 施 工 用 电 设 备 , 设 施 和 线 路 是 否 按 供 电 电 压 正 确 选 用 ; Whether all construction
electrical equipment, facilities and lines are properly selected according to the supply
b 所 有 电 气 元 器 件 及 材 料 是 否 满 足 相 关 的 国 家 规 范 和 标 准 要 求 ; Whether all electrical
components and materials meet relevant national codes and standards
c 签 发 " 电 气 设 备 检 查 合 格 证 " , 并 粘 贴 在 验 收 合 格 的 施 工 用 电 设 备 上 ; Issue "Electrical
Equipment Inspection Qualification Certificate" and affix it to the qualified electrical
equipment for construction 经 审 核 批 准 后 , 进 行 施 工 用 电 设 施 的 施 工 ; Construction of power facilities for
construction shall be conducted after approval 在施工用电设施的施工和调试完成后,向 EPC-ESH 递交: Submit to EPC-ESH after the
construction and commissioning of the construction electricity facilities are completed
a 施工用电设备调试记录表 Commissioning record of electrical equipment for construction
b 施 工 用 电 工 程 检 查 验 收 表 Inspection and acceptance form for construction electricity
engineering EPC-ESH 对工程和设备进行检查和验收,重点检查施工用电设施是否严格遵守电气施工
使用。EPC-ESH inspects and accepts engineering and equipment, and focuses on checking
whether the construction electricity facilities strictly comply with the electrical construction
and installation specifications. After passing the acceptance, sign the above forms; and
report to the owner's engineer for approval; construction power facilities can be put into use 对工程有影响时,无偿、无条件地配合对配电箱进行移位;When the project is affected,
the distribution box will be relocated free of charge and unconditionally 所有表格的原件留用电方暂存,并将 1 份复印件交 EPC-ESH 保存;The originals of all
forms shall be temporarily stored by the electric party, and one copy shall be sent to EPC-
ESH for storage.
7.10.3 施工图纸:Construction drawings 施工图纸内容包括 Construction drawings include
a 总平面图 General plan
b 接地极施工图 Ground electrode construction drawing
c 配电柜基础图 Basic diagram of distribution cabinet
d 配电装置布置图 Power distribution device layout
e 系统接线图 System wiring diagram
f 电器装置选型清单 Electrical equipment selection list
g 电缆选型清单 Cable selection list
h 电器装置安装图 Electrical installation diagram
i 电缆敷设图 Cable drawing
j 安全防护装置图 Safety protection device diagram 施工图纸交 EPC-ESH 文档处存档。The construction drawing is filed in the EPC-ESH file
7.11 施工用电设施的管理和维护 Management and maintenance of construction electricity facilities
7.11.1 基本管理原则 Basic management principles 施工用电变压器及施工总包实施的施工用电设施由施工总包负责维护和管理;正式送电后 ,
construction power transformer and the construction power facilities implemented by the
construction general contractor are maintained and managed by the construction general
contractor; after the formal power transmission, the construction power equipment except
the construction power transformer is removed, and all construction power is recovered
Facilities and equipment to clear the site 由用电方实施的施工用电设施,由所有者用电方负责维护和管理;正式送电后,负责拆除
和收回所有施工用电设施和设备,清理现场。The construction power facilities implemented
by the power consumer shall be maintained and managed by the owner power consumer;
after the power is formally transmitted, all construction power facilities and equipment are
demolished and recovered, and the site is cleaned 所有用电方必须遵守国家规范——《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》JGJ46-2005;以及
印 度 相 关 部 门 颁 发 的 所 有 相 关 法 规 。 All power consumers must abide by the national
code-"Technical Specifications for Temporary Power Safety at Construction Sites" JGJ46-
2005; and all relevant regulations issued by relevant Indian departments 用电方必须无条件接受动力运营部、环境安全部、EPC-ESH 对其用电设备、用电设施、节约
用电及安全用电等方面的检查和监督。The electricity consumer must accept the inspection
and supervision of the power operation department, environment safety department, and
EPC-ESH on its electricity equipment, electricity facilities, energy saving and safe electricity.
7.11.2 责任制 Accountability 为了对施工用电设施进行有效管理,明确各级管理人员责任如下: In order to effectively
manage construction power facilities, the responsibilities of management personnel at all
levels are as follows:
a 管理方 Management
项目经理:工程总负责,重大问题决策 Project manager: Chief engineering officer, decision-
making on major issues
安全经理:安全总负责 Safety Manager: Chief Safety Officer
EPC-ESH 电 气 经 理 : 电 气 主 管 , 常 规 管 理 EPC-ESH Electrical Manager: Electrical
Supervisor, General Management
b 用电方 electricity
项 目 经 理 — — 所 属 施 工 用 电 设 施 总 负 责 Project Manager-General Responsibility of
Construction Electricity Facilities
安全经理——所属施工用电设施安全总负责 Safety Manager-General Responsible for Safety
of Construction Electricity Facilities
责任电工(或工程师)——所属施工用电设施具体责任人,执行人 Responsible electrician
(or engineer)-specific responsible person and executor of construction power facilities
7.12 停电管理 Power Outage Management

提前 4 小时通知对方,以便在规定时间内安排停电事宜。During the power supply period, if the

general contractor or the power user needs a power outage due to planning or construction

(such as power restriction, first-level power panel shift, etc.), the other party must be

notified 4 hours in advance to arrange the power outage within the specified time
7.13 紧急事故处理 Emergency Handling
7.13.1 二、三级配电箱跳闸——用电方责任电工处理,作事故原因分析和记录,及时向 EPC-ESH 汇报;
Trip to the secondary and tertiary distribution boxes-the electrician responsible for the electrician
will handle the accident cause analysis and record, and report to EPC-ESH
7.13.2 一、二级配电箱跳闸——总包责任电工处理,作事故原因分析和记录,及时向 EPC-ESH 电气经
理汇报;Trip of the first and second distribution boxes-the responsible electrician of the general
contractor handles the accident cause analysis and records, and reports to the EPC-ESH
electrical manager in a timely manner
7.13.3 变压器故障——立即向 EPC-ESH 电气经理汇报,在查明故障原因,研究、确定处理方案后,实
施紧急处理;同时 EPC-ESH 电气经理在第一时间向施工总包项目经理及业主动力运营部汇报;
Transformer failure-report immediately to the EPC-ESH electrical manager. After identifying the
cause of the failure, research and determine the treatment plan, implement the emergency
treatment; meanwhile, the EPC-ESH electrical manager will report to the construction contractor
project manager and Owner Power Operations Report
7.13.4 施工用电设施遭到人为破坏(包括超负荷用电烧毁开关) ——总包单位及用电方责任电工应及
时向 EPC-ESH 电气经理汇报,EPC-ESH 电气经理立即向施工总包项目经理汇报,在研究、确定处
理方案后,实施紧急处理(修复);同时 EPC-ESH 电气经理在第一时间向施工总包安全经理和业
主通报,并依据“罚款细则”对相关肇事方进行罚款。Man-made damage to construction electricity
facilities (including overloaded burnout switches)-the responsible electrician of the general
contractor and the electricity consumer shall promptly report to the EPC-ESH electrical manager,
and the EPC-ESH electrical manager shall immediately report to the construction general
manager The project manager reported that after the study and determination of the treatment
plan, the emergency treatment (repair) was implemented; at the same time, the EPC-ESH
electrical manager notified the construction contractor safety manager and the owner as soon as
possible, and according to the "fine fines" to the relevant perpetrators Impose a fine
7.14 施工用电安全技术档案管理措施 Management Measures of Construction Safety Technology Files
7.14.1 施工用电安全技术档案,包括下列内容:Safety technical files for construction electricity use,
including the following 施工用电施工组织设计的全部资料;All data for construction organization design 修改施工用电组织设计的全部资料;Modify all the data of the power organization design
for construction 施工用电技术交底资料;Information on construction technology 施工图、竣工图 Construction drawings, as-built drawings 施工用电计划;Construction electricity plan 施工用电申请表;Application Form for Construction Electricity 施工用电设施安装申请;Application for Installation of Construction Electricity Facilities 施 工 用 电 设 备 调 试 记 录 表 ; Record of commissioning of electrical equipment for
construction 施工用电工程检查验收表;Inspection and acceptance form for construction electricity
engineering 电气设备检查合格证;Certificate of inspection for electrical equipment 施工用电设备定期检(复)查表——施工单位每月进行一次;Periodic inspection (re-)
check of construction electrical equipment-construction unit shall conduct monthly
inspection 电工安装、巡检、维修、拆除工作记录;Electrician installation, inspection, repair, and
dismantling work records 全部技术档案由施工总包文档负责建立与管理。 All technical files are established and
managed by the construction general contract document
7.15 安全用电与罚则 Safe electricity use and penalties
7.15.1 施工单位必须确保严格遵守《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》JGJ46-2005。主管人员不得纵容
任何形式的违规行为。业主、EPC-ESH 有权将纵容、支持或教唆施工人员采取破坏行为、违章行为、
驱 逐 出 工 地 。 The construction unit must ensure strict compliance with the "Technical
Specifications for Temporary Electricity Safety at Construction Sites" JGJ46-2005. Supervisors
must not condone any form of violation. The owner and EPC-ESH have the right to expel the
construction unit and related personnel who condone, support or instigate the construction
personnel to take destructive actions, illegal acts, unsafe behaviors, construction in an unsafe
environment, endanger others or use unsafe equipment for construction Construction site
7.15.2 对于违反《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》的施工人员和单位,业主、EPC-ESH 将依据“罚款
细则”实施处罚。并着重说明如下:For construction personnel and units that violate the "Technical
Specifications for Temporary Electricity Safety at Construction Sites", the owner and EPC-ESH
will implement penalties in accordance with the "fine fines". And highlights the following 施工用电设施受到损坏(包括超负荷用电造成的破坏),将追究肇事单位责任,除照价赔
比例分担维修费用。Damage to construction power facilities (including damage caused by
overloaded power consumption) will be investigated for the responsibility of the units
responsible for the damages and penalties will be imposed in addition to compensation for
related losses. For the loss caused by an unidentifiable accident, each power consumer will
share the maintenance costs according to the proportion of power consumption 对于偷电的施工单位,一经发现,必须赔偿被盗电方损失:由被盗电方核算出被盗电量,
开出罚款单,交由 EPC 审核;EPC 在经调查、取证并核实罚款额度后给予批准(签字);罚
款单被批准后,偷电的施工单位应立即向被盗电方支付罚款。同时,EPC 还需对其实施处罚。
各用电方必须加强自身管理,杜绝偷电行为。For construction units that steal electricity, once
found, they must compensate the stolen electricity party for losses: the stolen electricity
party calculates the stolen electricity, issues a fine, and submits it to EPC for review; EPC is
investigating, obtaining evidence, and verifying Approval (signature) is given after the
amount of the fine; after the fine is approved, the construction unit that steals electricity shall
immediately pay the fine to the stolen electricity party. At the same time, EPC also needs to
impose penalties. All power consumers must strengthen their own management to prevent
theft of electricity
7.16 电费管理 Electricity Charge Management
7.16.1 临时用电电费单价按照 20 卢比/度计算。Unit price of temporary electricity tariff is calculated at
Rs 20 / kWh
7.16.2 业主按供电公司收费电量向施工总包收取电费。The owner collects electricity charges from the
construction contractor according to the amount of electricity charged by the power supply
7.16.3 施工总包负责自身及其下游用电方抄表、电量分摊、电费计算、电费收取,向下游用电方收取的
电费单价不得超过 20 卢比/度。禁止各施工总包向其下游用电方收取施工用电管理费。The general
contractor is responsible for meter reading, power allocation, electricity calculation, and electricity
fee collection for its own and its downstream electricity consumers. The unit price of electricity
fees collected from downstream electricity consumers shall not exceed Rs 20 / kWh. It is
forbidden for each construction contractor to collect construction power management fees from
its downstream power consumers
7.16.4 场区道路,厂房内主通道、消防通道、紧急疏散通道、楼梯间及其他公共区域的临时照明电费由
各相关用电单位按各自用电量比例分摊。Temporary lighting electricity charges for the roads in the
field, the main passages in the plant, fire escapes, emergency evacuation passages, stairwells
and other public areas shall be apportioned by the relevant power consumption units according to
their respective power consumption proportions
7.16.5 供电公司与施工总包电表的表差及施工总包与其下游用电方电表的表差,由各用电单位按各自
用电量比例分摊。The meter difference between the power supply company and the construction
general contract meter, and the meter difference between the construction contract and the
downstream electricity meter, shall be apportioned by each power consumption unit according to
their respective power consumption proportion
7.16.6 抄表日期暂定为每月最后一天。The date of meter reading is tentatively set to the last day of
each month
7.16.7 各施工总包须在每月 5 日前将上月的电费交付业主财务部(缴费方式由业主财务部确定),业
司电费发票复印件,原件由业主留存。Each construction contract must deliver the electricity cost
of the previous month to the owner's finance department (the payment method is determined by
the owner's finance department) before the 5th of each month. The owner's finance department
will pay the electricity fee to the power supply company uniformly within the date specified by the
power supply company; The Finance Department provides a copy of the power company's
electricity invoice to each construction contractor, and the original is retained by the owner
7.16.8 逾期未交电费者,先从其“申领押金”中扣除,不足部分再从其工程款中扣除;业主在认为必要
时可予以断电;待结清电费后再恢复供电。Those who have not paid their electricity bills after the
due date shall be deducted from their “request for deposits”, and the shortfall shall be deducted
from their project funds; the owners may cut off the electricity when they consider it necessary;
7.16.9 由于“非常规”原因(包括因超负荷导致环网柜及以上供电公司管辖开关跳闸,或其他违章用电
量比例分担“罚款”(即作为当月电费计算的公摊值)。Due to “unconventional” reasons (including
tripping of switches under the jurisdiction of ring network cabinets and above power supply
companies due to overload, or other illegal use of electricity), the relevant government
department (power supply bureau) issued a ticket, and the construction contractor first Go to the
designated place of the relevant government department to advance the fine; after the owner
investigates and obtains the evidence, the responsible unit will repay the "fine" to the construction
contractor. If the responsible party cannot be verified, each power consumer will share the "fine"
according to the proportion of power consumption (that is, the shared value calculated as the
monthly electricity bill)
7.16.10 对于电费有争议时,先缴纳电费,待业主协调并作出决议后,对已缴纳的有争议的电费多退少
补。When there is a dispute on the electricity bill, pay the electricity bill first, and after the owner
coordinates and makes a decision, the disputed electricity bill that has been paid will be refunded
or repaid.

8. 作业表单 Form:

Form Name Form No. Storage Life Owner

临时用电申请表 1年 电力空调部

9. 附件 Attachment:
无 N/A

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