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When we are in sync we are in our
true nature
Moral Character
We are in the “real us” as planned
when our songs were first conceive
Synching means we are in our
Prof. Arniel Mantiza Iway, Ph.D.
distinctive mark - the unique us

Taoist Philosophy: character is

self created
This distinctive “Watch your thoughts, they become
mark or uniqueness your words; watch your words, they
become your actions; watch your
is called – actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become
CHARACTER your character; watch your
character, it becomes your destiny.”
― Lao Tzu

Character is 1. Middle English - character
2. Old French - caractere : personality,
destiny. temperament, disposition
3. Greek kharaktēr:
— Heraclitus • a stamping tool
• distinctive mark
• Feature
• trait

• The Hebrews in the book of Genesis
use the word tselem “image”

•Which means "shape,

resemblance, figure" and

• The word demuth "Likeness" which

means physical resemblance of God

Genesis 1:26-27

• the particular combination of
things about a person or place,
esp. things you cannot see, that
make that person or place
different from others
• is the mental and moral qualities
distinctive to an individual

Character has two major parts:

performance character and moral character.
• Performance is the outcome (the
grade, the honor or award, the
• Performance character consists of
those qualities needed to pursue our
personal best—whether the
outcome is realized or not.

Moral Character: Moral character is more important
Doing the Right Thing
than performance character
• Moral character consists of the virtues
needed for ethical behavior, positive What most
counts is not
relationships, and responsible
merely to live,
• Moral character honors the interests
of others, so that we do not violate but to live right.
moral values as we pursue our – Socrates
performance goals.

Moral character is more important

than performance character

Good character is not formed

in a week or a month. It is
created little by little, day by
day. Protracted and patient
effort is needed to develop
good character.
– Heraclitus Video game studying

Performance Moral/Ethical
On good character: Character Character
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, • Commitment to
• Respect
whatever is right, whatever is pure, improvement • Responsibility to others
whatever is lovely, whatever is • Goal setting
• Love (Compassion)
admirable, if anything is excellent or
• Work ethic
praiseworthy, fix your thoughts on • Humility
• Determination
such things. • Integrity
– St. Paul, Philippians 4:8 • Self-confidence
• Justice
• Initiative
• Moral courage
• Creativity


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