Salvatore Anello's Statement To CBS News

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It is difficult to walk by a large group of people barraging me with so

many questions and walk by as if I am ignoring them. On the advice of

many, I have had to do just that and I want to apologize to all of you for
being, what may seem rude. I make these statements today in a small
part to correct that. I am still being advised to be quiet, but in light of
recent events I feel I need to say something to all of you.

First of all, I need to express my deepest gratitude to all of the kind

people who have stopped me in public places, or as I walk down a street
both in Puerto Rico and back at home. People who have embraced me
and prayed for me and my family. They have really been a crucial source
for all of us to draw strength from and it has been a blessing.

I have also received letters from around the world with prayers and
biblical passages in a wonderful effort to support us. Some letters have
been from people with tragic stories of their own sharing their
sympathies. One woman told me the tragic story of how she and her
husband lost their baby girl when her husband's practice golf ball
ricocheted off of a tree. Another older gentleman told the story of how he
and his recently deceased wife lost their youngest baby 25 years ago
when they placed her in the grocery portion of a shopping cart and the
toddler leaned over and fell out. Both letters expressed how horrible it
would have been if they had to face prosecution after these unthinkable
accidents, but I really only think of Chloe. They probably understand
that. I wish all of them well.

As for that horrible day, I can only tell you what I experienced. I was
focused on Chloe the whole time I was with her. As walked with her I also
saw that the ship deck was surrounded by a wall of glass. In my
experience, any elevated public place I've been with that much glass has
always been a protective barrier. Whether it’s the hockey rink at Notre
Dame where the glass not only provides a barrier between the fans and a
hockey puck but also provides a barrier between their two rinks for
which fans can lean in and view the Olympic rink below. Or the 15-story
building I work in where the glass is firmly affixed preventing accidents
like this. From my point of view, at the moment the accident happened, it
was as if this wall of protective glass disappeared. I was in complete
disbelief. It was a nightmare of the likes I could never have imagined
before. I wasn't drinking and I wasn't dangling her out of a window. I just
wanted to knock on the glass with her as we did together so many times
before. I was just so horribly wrong about our surroundings. I was
placed in charge of keeping my beautiful granddaughter safe and I failed.
It will always be a constant nightmare every day and every night for the
rest of my life.

I took a plea deal today to try to help end part of this nightmare for
my family, if possible. The support they continue to give me has been
beyond overwhelming and I can't tell you how grateful I am for them.

Going forward, justice for Chloe must include attention being given to
provide the safety measures so very needed on Freedom of the Sea. We
need to make sure nothing like this will ever happen to another precious
baby, or anyone else for that matter, ever again. There are clear safety
measures that the cruise line has demonstrated they know are necessary
by implementing them on other ships but have neglected on this one.

I love you and miss you, Chloe, beyond measure.

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