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ORIX METRO LEASING AND FINANCE and cut into the Pathfinder's lane thereby

CORPORATION vs MANGALINAO blocking its way. As a result, the Pathfinder hit

the Fuso's left door and left body. The impact
KEYWORDS: Death of Parents and sister  caused both vehicles to stop in the middle of
the expressway
DOCTRINE: Emergency Rule: [O]ne who
suddenly finds himself in a place of danger, In the meantime, the Mangalinao spouses, the
and is required to act without time to consider driver Edurese, and the helper were declared
the best means that may be adopted to avoid dead on the spot while 6-month old Marriane
the impending danger, is not guilty of and the housemaid were declared dead on
negligence, if he fails to adopt what arrival at a nearby hospital. The occupants of
subsequently and upon reflection may appear the trucks escaped serious injuries and death.
to have been a better method, unless the As their letters to the registered owners of the
emergency in which he finds himself is trucks demanding compensation for the
brought about by his own accident were ignored, the minor (4) children
negligence. of the Mangalinao spouses, Dennis, Mylene,
Melanie and Marikris, through their legal
FACTS: guardian consequently filed a Complaint for
- A multiple-vehicle collision in North Luzon damages based on quasi-delict.
Expressway (NLEX) resulting in the death of
all the passengers in one vehicle, including the They impleaded the drivers Loreto and
parents and a sibling of the surviving Antonio, as well as the registered owners of
orphaned minor heirs, compelled the latter to the Fuso and the Isuzu trucks, namely Orix and
file an action for damages against the Sonny, respectively.
registered owners and drivers of the two 10-
The children imputed recklessness,
wheeler trucks that collided with their
negligence, and imprudence on the truck
parents' Nissan Pathfinder.
drivers for the deaths of their sister and
parents; while they hold Sonny and Orix
Three vehicles were traversing the two lane
equally liable for failing to exercise the
northbound NLEX It was raining that night.
diligence of a good father of a family in the
selection and supervision of their respective
Edurese (driver) was driving a Pathfinder. His
drivers. The children demanded payment of
Isabela-bound passengers were the owners of
more than P10.5 million representing
said vehicle. He was with the spouses, the
damages and attorney's fees.
helper, house maid and children.
Orix in its Motion to Dismiss interposed that it
Before them on the outer lane was a
is not the actual owner of the Fuso truck.
Pampanga-bound Fuso 10-wheeler truck
(Fuso), driven by Loreto. Orix reiterated that the children had no cause
of action against it because it already sold the
 The Fuso was then already moving
Fuso truck to MMO Trucking owned by
in an erratic and swerving motion.
Manuel. Orix filed a Third Party Complaint
Following behind the Pathfinder was another against Manuel, a.k.a. Manuel Tan
10-wheeler truck, an Isuzu Cargo (Isuzu)
They claimed that Sonny had exercised the
driven by Antonio, who was then with helper
expected diligence required of an employer;
that Antonio had been all along driving with
Just when the Pathfinder was already cruising care; and, that with the abrupt and unexpected
along the NLEX's fast lane and about to collision of the vehicles before him and their
overtake the Fuso, the Fuso swerved to the left precarious proximity, he had no way of
preventing his truck from hitting the without time to consider the best
Pathfinder. means that may be adopted to avoid
the impending danger, is not guilty of
TC decision: Finding Sonny, Antonio, Loreto negligence, if he fails to adopt what
and Orix liable for damages. It likewise ruled subsequently and upon reflection may
in favor of Orix anent its third party complaint, appear to have been a better method,
the latter having sufficiently proven that unless the emergency in which he
Manuel of MMO Trucking is the real owner of finds himself is brought about by his
the Fuso. own negligence.
However, CA also ruled that Orix, as the
registered owner of the Fuso, is considered in Considering the wet and slippery condition of
the eyes of the law and of third persons the road that night, Antonio should have been
responsible for the deaths of the passengers of prudent to reduce his speed and increase his
the Pathfinder, regardless of the lack of an distance from the Pathfinder.
employer-employee relationship between it Had he done so, it would be improbable for
and the driver, Loreto. him to have hit the vehicle in front of him or
if he really could not avoid hitting it, prevent
ISSUES: such extensive wreck to the vehicle in front.
With the glaring evidence, he obviously failed
1. WON the proximate cause of the death of the
to exercise proper care in his driving.
victims is Loreto's gross negligence. Antonio
should have been accorded the benefit of the
(2) Orix as the operator on record of the Fuso
'emergency rule' wherein he was immediately
truck is liable to the heirs of the victims of the
confronted with a sudden danger and had no
time to think of how to avoid it.
2. WON Orix as the registered owner of the Orix cannot point fingers at the alleged real
Fuso is liable. owner to exculpate itself from vicarious
liability under Article 2180 of the Civil Code.
Regardless of whoever Orix claims to be the
RULING: actual owner of the Fuso by reason of a
The smashed front of the Isuzu strongly contract of sale, it is nevertheless primarily
indicates the strong impact of the ramming of liable for the damages or injury the truck
the rear of the Pathfinder that pinned its registered under it have caused. It has already
passengers. Furthermore, Antonio admitted been explained:
that despite stepping on the brakes, the Isuzu Were a registered owner allowed to
still suddenly smashed into the rear of the evade responsibility by proving who the
Pathfinder causing extensive damage to it, as supposed transferee or owner is, it
well as hitting the right side of the Fuso. These would be easy for him, by collusion with
militate against Antonio's claim that he was others or otherwise, to escape said
driving at a safe speed, that he had slowed responsibility and transfer the same to
down, and that he was three cars away. an indefinite person, or to one who
possesses no property with which to
Clearly, the Isuzu was not within the safe respond financially for the damage or
stopping distance to avoid the Pathfinder in injury done.
case of emergency. Thus, the 'Emergency Rule'
invoked by petitioners will not apply. Such A victim of recklessness on the public
principle states: highways is usually without means to discover
- One who suddenly finds himself in a or identify the person actually causing the
place of danger, and is required to act
injury or damage. He has no means other than
by a recourse to the registration in the Motor
Vehicles Office to determine who is the owner.

The protection that the law aims to extend to

him would become illusory were the
registered owner given the opportunity to
escape liability by disproving his ownership.
Besides, the registered owners have a right to
be indemnified by the real or actual owner of
the amount that they may be required to pay
as damage for the injury caused to the plaintiff,
which Orix rightfully acknowledged by filing a
third-party complaint against the owner of the
Fuso, Manuel.

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