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Natal Chart Report

06.07.1990 17:20
GMT +01:00 hrs
Kragujevac, Serbia

Report Date : 18 Ocak 2020

PlanetLongitude House
Sun 14 CANCER 20' 16" 7
Moon 28 SAGITTARIUS 49' 34" 1
Mercury 19 CANCER 05' 02" 7
Venus 13 GEMINI 51' 55" 6
Mars 25 ARIES 57' 21" 4
Jupiter 20 CANCER 34' 18" 7
Saturn 22 CAPRICORN 36' 47" R 1
Uranus 07 CAPRICORN 18' 52" R 1
Neptune 13 CAPRICORN 09' 29" R 1
Pluto 15 SCORPIO 04' 19" R 11
Chiron 18 CANCER 16' 51" 7
Lilith 27 SCORPIO 19' 22" 11
True Node 07 AQUARIUS 21' 46" R 2
P. of Fortune 02 GEMINI 22' 15" 6
Vertex 00 LEO 47' 49" 8
Ascendant 17 SAGITTARIUS 52' 56"
House 2 24 CAPRICORN 16' 45"
House 3 06 PISCES 06' 16"
House 4 11 ARIES 51' 34"
House 5 08 TAURUS 30' 57"
House 6 29 TAURUS 22' 15"
House 7 17 GEMINI 52' 56"
House 8 24 CANCER 16' 45"
House 9 06 VIRGO 06' 16"
MC (Midheaven) 11 LIBRA 51' 34"
House 11 08 SCORPIO 30' 57"
House 12 29 SCORPIO 22' 15"
Sun Conjunction Mercury 4.75
Sun Conjunction Jupiter 6.23
Sun Opposition Uranus 7.02
Sun Opposition Neptune 1.18
Sun Trine Pluto 0.73
Sun Conjunction Chiron 3.94
Sun Quincunx Ascendant 3.54
Sun Square House 2 2.48
Moon Trine Mars 2.87
Moon Quincunx Vertex 1.97
Mercury Conjunction Sun 4.75
Mercury Conjunction Jupiter 1.49
Mercury Opposition Saturn 3.53
Mercury Opposition Neptune 5.93
Mercury Trine Pluto 4.01
Mercury Conjunction Chiron 0.80
Mercury Quincunx Ascendant 1.20
Venus Quincunx Neptune 0.71
Venus Quincunx Pluto 1.21
Venus Opposition Ascendant 4.02
Venus Trine House 2 2.01
Mars Trine Moon 2.87
Mars Square Jupiter 5.38
Mars Square Saturn 3.34
Mars Quincunx Lilith 1.37
Jupiter Conjunction Sun 6.23
Jupiter Conjunction Mercury 1.49
Jupiter Square Mars 5.38
Jupiter Opposition Saturn 2.04
Jupiter Trine Pluto 5.50
Jupiter Conjunction Chiron 2.29
Jupiter Quincunx Ascendant 2.69
Saturn Opposition Mercury 3.53
Saturn Square Mars 3.34
Saturn Opposition Jupiter 2.04
Saturn Opposition Chiron 4.33
Uranus Opposition Sun 7.02
Uranus Conjunction Neptune 5.84
Uranus Square House 2 4.54
Neptune Opposition Sun 1.18
Neptune Opposition Mercury 5.93
Neptune Quincunx Venus 0.71
Neptune Conjunction Uranus 5.84
Neptune Sextile Pluto 1.91
Neptune Opposition Chiron 5.12
Neptune Square House 2 1.30
Pluto Trine Sun 0.73
Pluto Trine Mercury 4.01
Pluto Quincunx Venus 1.21
Pluto Trine Jupiter 5.50
Pluto Sextile Neptune 1.91
Pluto Trine Chiron 3.21
Chiron Conjunction Sun 3.94
Chiron Conjunction Mercury 0.80
Chiron Conjunction Jupiter 2.29
Chiron Opposition Saturn 4.33
Chiron Opposition Neptune 5.12
Chiron Trine Pluto 3.21
Chiron Quincunx Ascendant 0.40
Lilith Quincunx Mars 1.37
P. of Fortune Sextile Vertex 1.57
Vertex Quincunx Moon 1.97
Vertex Sextile P. of Fortune 1.57
Ascendant Quincunx Sun 3.54
Ascendant Quincunx Mercury 1.20
Ascendant Opposition Venus 4.02
Ascendant Quincunx Jupiter 2.69
Ascendant Quincunx Chiron 0.40
House 2 Square Sun 2.48
House 2 Trine Venus 2.01
House 2 Square Uranus 4.54
House 2 Square Neptune 1.30
People with Sagittarius rising tend to be idealistic, aspiring, enthusiastic, religious or agnostic, interested in
far away places and cultures or ideas, physically active, risk-taking, outgoing, breezy, extroverted,
philosophical, perhaps dogmatic, prejudiced, superficial, looking for greener pastures, and on-the-go.
Sagittarius, the Centaur, is half-human, half-animal and this is perhaps the way you are. You have great
aspirations, yet may have a most unruly desire nature. You can shoot for the stars or wallow with the
animals. There is love of animals, the outdoors, sports, gambling, adventure, and travel. You may lack
concentration. You probably have many acquaintances, but few friends. You tend to have casual contacts
rather than in-depth relationships. You have a great restlessness and a love to be on the move. You may
always be looking for greener pastures, never stopping or slowing down to see where you really are and
what's around you. You tend to be talkative and direct and to the point. You may be lacking in tact and
diplomacy due to your frankness. Ideas are very important to you. You generally like working with the big
picture and dislike all the little details. You may promise much and deliver less. You can rise to the heights
or sink to the depths. Which will you choose? Spiritual lesson to learn: Restraint, of all that is given away
(and stop procrastinating). Jupiter rules Sagittarius so Jupiter will be important in your chart.


Sun in Cancer
Cancerians have a strange way of moving through life in a sideways manner, never approaching life
head-on, but always from the side. They generally do not tackle anything straight away, but always from
the flank. Emotionally, they are up one minute and down the next. These mood swings are sometimes
difficult for others to understand and deal with.

Cancerians are tenacious, sympathetic, industrious, sociable, thrifty and protective. They can also be
argumentative, sensitive, emotional, martyr-like, intuitive, psychic, and patriotic.

Cancerians respond to life through their emotions rather than through their minds. They tend to absorb the
emotional vibrations of wherever they're at, so it is important to always be in positive environments.
Because they live in their feelings, they unconsciously seek sympathy and attention and affection from
others. They have a strong need to feel secure. Home and family bring the highest sense of security.
Because of all this, they want to be first with those they love or they are very unhappy. Cancerians must
learn to release their loved ones to live their own lives.

Cancerians are well-known for changing — their minds, their moods, anything. Since they usually possess a
slower moving life force, they are usually less active than others. In order to be active, they must first
motivate their mind. In general, they dislike exercise. As a consequence, they may become out of shape
and gain weight in later years.

Cancerians most often have excellent memories. This causes them to reminisce about the past and how
things were done then. They are generally pack rats, saving everything, especially if it has some
sentimental value. This gives a sense of security.

Cancerians are home loving, fond of family life and domestic tranquillity, enjoyers of travel and adventure,
quietly tenacious and hard working for the welfare of the family. No matter how far they may roam, they
always want a home to come back to. They may not be in it very much, but they still want a secure home
Cancerians are conservative, but unfortunately, they are born worriers. Their tendency to keep all their
problems to themselves is the reason some of them suffer from ulcers. They have this sense that something
is about ready to sneak up on them and "get" them. Watch a Cancer walk and see if they aren't walking a
bit sideways, looking ahead of them and behind them at the same time. Stabilizing the emotions is
important work for any Cancer person.

Moon in Sagittarius
You are independent, outspoken, open, generous, enthusiastic, idealistic, inspired, and optimistic and these
qualities attract many friends and acquaintances. You seem to thrive on travel, sociability, fellowship, and
expressing your opinions to whomever will listen. In addition, you are adventurous, playful, freedom-loving,
and always ready for a good time. You rarely allow difficulties to keep you down, for no matter how bleak
the past or present, you always expect a better, brighter future. In fact, you are uncomfortable with your
own or other people's problems and emotional pain. You often try to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice
to those who are hurting, but unwittingly you avoid or ignore the emotions involved. Friendship means a
great deal to you, perhaps even more than love or romance. For you to be happy, your mate must be your
best friend and encourage your aspirations and ideals. You also need a great deal of emotional freedom and
mobility. On the negative side, you may be rather intolerant, closed-minded, dogmatic, arrogant,
non-objective, risk-taking, or possess a holier-than-thou attitude.

Mercury in Cancer
Your mind is connected with your memories, feelings, and emotions from the past. You tend to hold on to
the memories of things because they give you security. You are highly interested in inner, subjective, and
personal issues, and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition, personal experiences, and prejudices
rather than reason or logic. Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to
you. You are a sensitive listener and deeply interested in a person's feelings and inner life. In addition to
psychology, you are probably drawn to education, art, poetry, music, or mythology. You are shy and
somewhat reticent about speaking in public, but you will open yourself up and share your thoughts in small,
intimate, little family-type circles of people you know and trust. You perhaps enjoy keeping a diary or
chronicle of your thoughts and feelings regarding your day-to-day happenings. Your mind retains and
absorbs knowledge easily. You are intuitive, psychic, and sympathetic, yet may become depressed over
your own problems and the problems of the world. You may have difficulty in getting to the root of the
problem because you so easily become involved emotionally with the people instead of the problem. You
may have difficulty in making decisions or you may simply change your mind constantly. Mental focus and
control must be developed.

Venus in Gemini
In matters of love and romance, a person's sense of humor, intellect, and communication skills attract you
more than their physical appearance. You desire a partner who is mentally stimulating, curious, one who
can challenge your mind, and keeps you from getting bored. Relationships where talking, sharing ideas,
going places, and learning new things together are highly preferred and needed. You need a lot of social
stimulation and can be a bit of a flirt. Jealous and possessive partners turn you off. You are charming,
friendly, and enjoy meeting new people. You can be fickle in matters of love and may have a tendency to
desire more than one love interest at a time. You enjoy the fun and excitement of love, yet may fear its
obligations. Your feelings can be well expressed through speaking, through writing or poetry, or perhaps
through art where you get a chance to work with your hands. Your emotions are ruled by your mind and you
may prefer intellectualizing your feelings. If Venus if poorly aspected, your breathing may be shallow and
there may be poor oxygenation of the blood.

Mars in Aries
You are aggressive, pioneering, adventurous, and always on the outlook to start new projects. You hate
restraint and don't like to be told to do something or how to do it. You want to lead, not follow. At times you
can be headstrong, impulsive, and impatient. Waiting is not something that appeals to you. You go after
what you want with great zeal and you do not take "no" for an answer. You love competition and anything
that allows you to test or prove yourself. Cooperation is not your strong suit and you can be very self-willed,
self-absorbed, and selfish at times. The "me-first" attitude is strong in you. You are self-reliant and hate
depending or relying on others. You need to be your own person and do things your way, even if it might
not be the best way. Your best talent is in getting things off the ground quickly. If initial success does not
come quickly, you may get tired of that project and move to the next. Sustaining is not your strong side.
Long term efforts are not as appealing to you as quick, short term affairs that you can finish with quickly so
you can start something else. Energy and enthusiasm are your strong side. Self-control is important for you
to learn so you don't burn out. Physical activity and keeping in shape appeals to you. You may be prone to
accidents due to haste. You need to learn to stick to a project until it is finished before rushing off on a new
endeavor. You must learn to control your temper and impulsiveness.

Jupiter in Cancer
You are loving, peaceful, friendly, sociable, sympathetic and probably very patriotic. You have a most vivid
imagination and have many Utopian dreams. There is probably interest in mystical things. You have good
financial judgment, especially in real estate, with the ability to accumulate money and possessions,
especially after mid-life. Much help is received from the parents. You may have weight problems, especially
later in life because you do enjoy the delicacies of the dinner table. Your full potential may not be reached
until middle or later life. There may be a tendency towards stinginess, holding on too long to memories and
possessions. You may be a pack-rat. Maudlin sentimentality and over-emotionalism may also be problems
for you.

Saturn in Capricorn
You are ambitious, self-controlled and you have organizing ability. You can be a disciplined, patient, hard
worker who eventually receives the deserved rewards. There is a tendency to take life very seriously and
duty and responsibility are very important to you. You understand that time and suffering serve a purpose
and that happiness is not the final goal of existence. You may find it difficult to divide your energies
between work and play. You have the ability to translate abstract concepts into concrete terms. You may
experience feelings of loneliness and inadequacy and that could be one reason why you tend to work so
long and hard. On the negative side, prestige and social standing may be extremely important to you and
you will be tempted to do whatever you have to in order to acquire them. Selfishness and a great love and
desire for power can also be present.

Sun in 7th house

You want a partner that you can be proud of. In some way your sense of pride is involved in the choosing of
a marriage partner. There may be a wish to gain social prestige and to marry someone who can be admired
and respected or someone who is higher on the social ladder. Your partner must be one who encourages
you to be your real self and one who wants you to fully develop your powers of inspiration, creativity and
will. Your partner may be in a position of authority and this may help give you more confidence in yourself
or more security within the framework of the relationship. You may be challenged to display a greater
degree of confidence and to exercise authority more effectively and with greater magnanimity. You must
seek a relationship where both people are equal. A partnership in which one is "superior" and the other
"inferior" is not likely to be successful. That "always me-first" attitude is not conducive to a rewarding
partnership. A need to feel part of a family is present. With this position marriage and partnerships are likely
to assume a paramount and key role in your life. There may be a tendency to look for a "father figure" and,
as you may be inclined to surrender the initiative to your partner, you are rather more likely to react than
act first yourself, so that your partner may assume a dominant role. If your natal Sun is badly aspected,
then the partners you attract may be egotistical, domineering, vain and ostentatious. If your natal Sun is
well aspected, then partners are likely to be proud, firm-minded, self-confident, ambitious, honorable, frank
and generous. Selfish pride and too much desire to have your own way may be the greatest challenges in
your relationships.

Moon in 1st house

Moodiness and changeability are keywords for you. These emotions can bring on much indecisiveness,
uncertainty, and insecurity. Being self-conscious about your appearance can also bring about mood swings.
You are sensitive and perhaps worry too much over what people might think or say about you. Forget about
pleasing everyone (it can't be done) and instead focus on doing your best. Develop self-confidence and the
courage to be different and don't let it get to you. You can be very sensitive to your environment so do not
go to places that might bring up ill feelings or bad memories in you. Your sub-conscious is probably very
strong and sometimes quite unmanageable. Be less sensitive to the real or imagined slights of the people
around you. Stay positive. You can be quite restless and impulsive. Your mother perhaps affected you
greatly as you were growing up. Some of your strengths and many of your weaknesses are probably due to
this. Her influence is and may continue to be strong, both for good or ill. Concerning vocation: the emphasis
is upon your individuality and doing your own thing. Try to find something that allows you to express your
own uniqueness within your work. Find something that you can really put your heart and soul into. Without
that deep emotional connection you will simply go through the motions and be unhappy in and with your

Your relationships tend to gravitate towards people who are intelligent, thought-provoking, witty and
Mercury in 7th house
learned. You desire your spouse or business partner to be sharp, curious, clever and alert. You need to
communicate and exchange ideas and information with your partner. Promotion of ideas to and from others
appeals to you and you are always up for a good debate, discussion or argument.

You may spend much time thinking about your relationship or relationships in general. Marriage may be
quite often on your mind. You desire a marriage or business partner that provides you with mental
satisfaction and challenge. A partner who challenges you mentally and one who helps you function on more
of an intellectual level is what you are looking for and need. Their value is enhanced if they help you better
adapt and more effectively communicate with others. The person who gives you a lively flow of ideas, ideas
that challenge and test your own mental processes, one who brings out your best mentally, stimulates you
in a way that others may not understand. Yet that is what you seek in a partner.

Your partner may be quick-witted, fluent, volatile, restless, high-strung as well as outspoken,
argumentative, wordy and critical. Nervousness or mental imbalance may be present. Your partner may
possibly be connected with education, writing, traveling, sales, language interpretation or clerical,
secretarial, typing or computer work.

In order to achieve the most positive results from any partnership you should learn to control your
argumentativeness and your desire to criticize.

Venus in 6th house

You are diplomatic, well liked by employees and/or fellow workers and you have a desire to bring about
better working conditions for them so that working will be enjoyable. This is a fairly good position for health
unless you abuse your body through self-indulgence and rich, sweet food. An excess of sugar and starches
should be avoided. You can be the mediator when differences of opinion occur on the job or in the office.
You can bring peace and understanding.

Mars in 4th house

There is an early striving for independence and a desire for security and a home of your own. There may be
tension or antagonism in your family environment. Perhaps you are too demanding of those closest to you.
You must overcome your hidden antagonisms and quarrelsomeness. Your strong emotions must be toned
down and controlled. Go out and do some yard work to work off the excess energy.

Jupiter in 7th house

Benefit, opportunities and wealth may come about as a result of marriage or partnerships in general. You
seek a partner that can expand your visions, open up opportunities for expansion and help you grow. Your
partner can strengthen your faith and deepen your religious or philosophical attitudes and ideas. You may
feel that you need a partner to help you develop your moral outlook and social conscience. Your partner,
who may be a member of one of the professions, may be more affluent than you. If Jupiter is badly aspected
in your natal chart, then your partner may be somewhat opinionated, lazy, self-indulgent, extravagant and
self-willed, sometimes untrustworthy, immoral, shameless and wasteful. You are able to bring out the
generous and good-natured impulses of others, but in order to get the best results from the marriage
partnership you may need to control any extravagant tendencies and prevent false pride from unduly
affecting the smooth course of your relationships.

Saturn in 1st house

You are probably reserved, quiet, and serious. People may take you for quite a cold person. You are
responsible, hard-working and duty comes first on your list of priorities. Self-controlled and disciplined are
how others see you. You may have experienced a rather austere or difficult early childhood. Perhaps there
was illness that kept you on the sidelines. Feelings of inferiority, insecurity, or unworthiness may push you
to great ambitions and accomplishments. Perhaps you feel unloved or that you are not worthy of love.
These feelings may have been activated in your early, formative years. Pessimism and depression may
come upon you because everything looks like such a struggle for you. Keep your chin up and realize that no
hard work is ever wasted and that rewards will come to you later in life if you buckle down now and toe the
line. Survival issues may come into play.

Uranus in 1st house

You are strong-willed, independent, original, perhaps a bit eccentric, freedom-loving, and intuitive. You have
an exciting and stimulating personality which tends to draw people to you. You may be willful, high-strung,
nervous, and anxious. You may experience feelings of unrest and loneliness, perhaps because of the
uniqueness you feel. Seeking new and unusual ways of expressing traditional ideas appeals to you. Listen to
your intuition because it is probably very strong, or could be developed to a high degree. You can become a
leader who will pioneer new paths for others to follow. You may be ahead of your time. You may not pay as
much attention as you should to your physical state and appearance because of the myriad of thoughts that
occupy your mind.

Neptune in 1st house

You tend to be artistic, idealistic, dreamy, procrastinating, psychic, and very (hyper)sensitive to your
environment. Getting lost in your own imagination can sometimes make you moody, frustrated, unstable or
impractical. You may be a sucker for the sob stories of those who feel down and out. You may enjoy playing
the role of savior, or of martyr. The day-to-day pressures of the world can drive you away and into your own
little world. Be sure you do not get lost in it. You still have to live and function on this earth plane. Your
physical body may be susceptible to all sorts of real or imagined ailments. You are like a sponge and can
soak up the influences of the environments you are in. So be careful what you surround yourself with.
Watch any medicine you take because a little probably goes a long way for you. Perhaps the secret for you
is to lose your ego so that you will find yourself.

Pluto in 11th house

Loyalty of friends is important to you. Some friends may try to be quite controlling of you or you may be
quite controlling of them. Intensity of friendships really appeals to you. Your friends may find you rather
charismatic. They perhaps see you as the rebel or the reformer or idealist. Friends will come and go as the
need for your own growth changes. This is all part of the cosmic process. What ceases to grow, dies. This
includes friendships and all relationships you may have with different groups of people. Groups and
organizations can play major roles in your regeneration or transformation. Your dedication to high ideals can
be used for the benefit of all mankind, if you apply yourself. You have leadership ability and the will to fight
for "causes" that are beneficial to others.

Sun blending with Mercury

You have a tendency at times to see things from your perspective only. Occasionally you have trouble being
objective because you can be pretty self-absorbed. You love to talk about yourself, your ideas and your
views, but you aren't all that interested in listening to others do the same thing. You enjoy a clear mind,
with a quick wit, and you have a love for learning and involving yourself in new experiences. You need
constant mental stimulation and activity or you get bored. You have the ability to communicate your ideas
to others and to win them over to your viewpoint, but you must watch a tendency to tune out what other
people are saying. This happens because your mind is busily thinking about what you are going to say next
and you pay no attention to them. You are rather high-strung and you may have the habit of biting your
nails, cracking your knuckles or some other fidgety habit. Get yourself a hobby that requires the use of your
hands so you won't be so anxious and annoying to others with your little idiosyncrasies. And work a little on
being less self-centered.

Sun blending with Jupiter

You have an abundant amount of optimism, self-confidence and cheerful generosity. Your good will, kind
nature and friendliness make you popular with almost everyone. You have grand plans and ideas about
everything and you believe that you are just the right person to head things up. You have the desire to
succeed in life in a big way. You expect the best and usually get it, either through the thoughtful acts of
others or because of your own hard work. This aspect brings much good luck, financial reward, enthusiasm
and self-pride. The only real danger here is that you may tend to be somewhat over-indulgent, wasteful or
extravagant. There is also danger of false pride and a rather inflated ego, though not in a mean sense. You
are perhaps a bit of a spend-thrift, not much concerning yourself as to whether or not you should stick to
some sort of budget. There is a yearning to know your true inner self and discover what the plan is for your
life. You love travel and will probably have the opportunity to do so, perhaps because of your career. This is
the aspect of the guardian angel. No matter how close the calls, you are somehow saved, if need be, in the
very last moment. Spiritual forces watch over you and protect you from harm. Your kindness and generosity
in past lives have brought this reward to you here and now, with all the attendant favors. Use them wisely.

Sun discordant to Uranus

You are independent, liberal, eccentric, unorthodox and rebellious. This aspect brings pride, selfishness,
alienation from others, erratic temperament and lack of self-control and self-discipline. You tend to get
involved with too many things which scatters your energies. You jump from one thing to another so quickly
that you either never get really good at anything or you never finish anything. People can't count on you
because you are erratic and don't follow through on your promises. You are impulsive, restless, nervous and
undisciplined. You are subject to accidents because of your rashness, impatience and carelessness. Your life
is unstable and full of sudden changes in order to promote soul growth. You may have interest in
electronics, astrology, motorcycles or the occult, but don't have the necessary persistence to stick with any
of them. You want your freedom at all costs and you crave excitement, adventure, risk and discovery. You
have an outrageous nature whereby you simply do things just for the sake of shocking others, perhaps to
shake them out of their antiquated attitudes. You want to change and reform everything, even if you don't
have a better plan with which to replace the existing situation or condition. People think you are odd and
perhaps from another planet. But this bothers you little. In fact, you get a kick out of it. You need to develop
an awareness of the needs of others. You have a tendency to think of your own desires first. You should
learn to listen to the ideas of others with an open mind before making any decisions. You are easily bored
and need excitement in your life. It is for this reason that you love a good challenge. Your intellectual
development may be far ahead of your emotional development. You believe that you are right and the
world is wrong. You must learn to control your impulsive behavior.

Sun discordant to Neptune

You have the tendency to dream as a substitute for getting any real work done. You like to procrastinate
and put off difficult jobs for as long as possible, hoping they will simply go away. You have a vivid
imagination which can get you into trouble because half the stuff you worry about and fret over do not ever
happen. You have a need to express yourself creatively through some sort of art form or music, drama or
photography, but you may lack the necessary drive, energy, ambition and desire to follow through on your
plans. You are attracted to the metaphysical and the occult but there is danger waiting for you if you get
involved with negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, séances, hypnotism or mediums.

You lack willpower and you too easily succumb to temptation. Drugs or alcohol may tempt you and
seemingly offer you a way out of your troubles, but if you give in, they will cause you nothing but sorrow.
You suffer from delusions of grandeur and you are not very practical. You need to get your head out of the
clouds and come back to reality. You are very sympathetic and compassionate and will go out of your way
to help someone. But you lack discrimination and are a sucker for any kind of sob story, hence you are often
taken advantage of by others. This leaves you depressed and disillusioned. You must remember, though,
that no one can hurt you, use you or take advantage of you unless you allow it. You need to develop more
backbone and learn how to say "NO".

You may experience personal loss of focus and not know what you should be doing with your life. You are
overly emotional, romantic or sentimental. Materialism may blind you to spiritual realities. You are
extremely sensitive and need to watch which situations and people you surround yourself with. You have a
heightened sensitivity to medicine also, so you need to watch your dosages of any prescribed drugs.

Because you are gentle and peace-loving, you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your
way in the world. Your fantasy life brings self-deception or deception by others. You need to become aware
that you may have to stand up for your spiritual convictions and principles, even though it may involve
conflict. You are easily hurt by what others say about you and many times you take the easy way out by
being non-controversial. You need to learn not to idealize others, but to accept them and appreciate them
as they are and not as you wish them to be. There may be danger from hidden or secret enemies who have
come to you to even the score for wrong-doings in previous lives. Be careful of whom you choose as

Sun harmonizing with Pluto

You are very confident and have great faith and trust in your own abilities. You believe that you can survive
anything that life throws your way. You expect to conquer any obstacle, problem or bad habit that you may
have. Your willpower is very strong and you have the necessary self-control and self-discipline to go with it
that practically guarantees success in life. You have tremendous inner resources, strength and stamina. You
use all these potent talents to help reform the things around you that need changing. You stand up for your
rights as well as for the rights of others. You have leadership qualities and executive skills. People look to
you to show them the way. You are very intense and pursue your goals with complete dedication and
singleness of purpose, almost to the point of compulsion or fanaticism. You find it difficult to respect people
who are weak-willed or those who avoid confronting their lives and problems head-on. You feel in charge of
your own destiny and you believe that is the way it should be. You have the intuitive perception to see right
through things and get to the heart of the matter. You recognize your need to dissolve negative attitudes
and thought patterns and you go about this in the same way that you go about everything else — with
intensity, focus and concentration. You are a winner and people instinctively feel this when around you.

Moon harmonizing with Mars

You have a lot of energy and vitality and this aspect adds to your good health and emotional well-being. You
are assertive and you face your difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. You do not brood about
your problems, you simply go ahead and try to eliminate them by working through them. You do not have
much sympathy for others who will cry about their troubles and not try to do something about them. You
have learned to use your emotions and desires along positive and constructive lines. You do not get ill very
often and when you do you have excellent recuperative powers. You have a lot of enthusiasm and spark
and people like being around you because you give them energy. You are resourceful and courageous and
willing to take calculated risks. The opposite sex finds you attractive and fun-loving.

Mercury blending with Jupiter

You like to look at and plan things from the larger viewpoint. You are not as good at working with detail as
you are in seeing the big picture. Your ideas are always on a grand scale and you do not like to get bogged
down in trivialities. Because of your great optimism you may promise more than you can deliver. You have
the tendency to exaggerate whatever it is you are talking about, including yourself and perhaps your own
abilities. There are times when you just plain talk too much or say the same things over and over, figuring
maybe you weren't understood or heard the first time you said them. You have the tendency to check and
re-check things over and over even though you know they were fine the first time, like setting the alarm
clock or checking to see if you locked the front door. At times you can be impractical because of the scale of
your visions. Travel is especially interesting to you as it gives you a chance to be exposed to and soak up
new knowledge. You are always ready to let other people know what your opinions and viewpoints are, even
though they haven't asked. Philosophical speculation and theorizing about abstract concepts are fun for
you. You're always ready to play Devil's advocate even if you happen to agree with your opponent's point of
view. You just like a good discussion, argument or debate. You enjoy mental sparring matches. You are
interested in the broad view, in universal principles and systems, in seeing connecting relationships and
patterns, and in seeing the whole picture rather than the component parts. You have great respect and
thirst for knowledge and education is very important to you, whether it is the formal kind or the informal
kind that continues long past college days. You love to teach and to pass on your knowledge and
experiences to others. As a teacher you learn as much from your students as they learn from you because
you are always questioning and wondering about this and that. Writing and speaking are also two avenues
that you may pursue and it wouldn't be surprising if you had some sort of connection to broadcasting,
publishing or advertising. You are a natural salesperson and people tend to trust you and believe what you
tell them. You are perhaps better at dreaming up schemes than in implementing them. You are just as
happy if someone else does the actual work after you have thought up what needs doing. You have a direct,
open, frank and honorable mental attitude and you do not go around intentionally trying to deceive people.
Your optimism and faith in the future help you succeed in all your activities. At times you can display a
certain stubbornness of mind and thought. You like variety and want to be as accomplished as possible in as
many areas as you can be. Just be careful that you do not end up the Jack-of-all-trades and the master of
none, unless, of course, that is really what you want for yourself.
Mercury discordant to Saturn
Your mind is scientific, serious, deep and capable of great concentration. You are a relatively slow thinker,
but you are very thorough. You enjoy studying or thinking in solitude and you rarely offer an opinion on any
matter until you have thoroughly considered it. You are subject to periodic bouts of depression and
melancholy and are cautious and reserved by nature. Conservatism is your natural mode of operation. You
are something of a skeptic and may be narrow-minded and closed to new ideas, especially if you have no
concrete proof or scientific evidence as to their validity and correctness. You have an aptitude for research
or doing mental work which requires precise, organized thinking, attention to detail, and a methodical
approach. Socially, you tend to be reserved, serious, uncommunicative and uncomfortable with light,
frivolous conversation. Anything that doesn't accomplish something practical and productive is considered
more or less a waste of time and energy. People who listen to you talk know that you speak with the
confidence of authority. You have wonderful organizing ability and executive capacity. You are practical and
deliberate and you have difficulty expressing your affection for others. You have a tendency toward tooth

Mental cruelty is possible. You tend to have fears and worries that are unreasonable. Instead of planning
you focus on worry. You are distrustful or fearful of anything you cannot understand with your rational mind.
You should develop more awareness so that you do not interpret what others say to you in a negative
manner. You may have difficulties in verbally communicating what you mean to say to others, so that
misunderstandings occur on both sides. You are such a conservative in your thinking that you prefer to stay
with ideas that work for you rather than adopting new ones. It would at times, though, be to your advantage
and listen to new concepts and to try them occasionally. Be careful that you do not get into the habit of
rationalizing everything such that any means to an end is acceptable as long as you believe it. You have a
tendency to go to extremes with details. Some of the details are not important. There is a tendency to strain
on the nervous system through stress or overwork.

Mercury discordant to Neptune

You tend to be very imaginative and very visionary, but it is hard for you to put your thoughts and ideas into
practical, everyday terms. You may occasionally be accused of cloudy thinking and of letting your
imagination run wild. Having visions and wonderful ideas is great, but if you can't implement them in the
real world, then much of their use and effectiveness is lost. You need to learn how to discipline your mind so
that something real can come of your brilliant inspirations.

When problems become too much for you, you re-create the situation in your mind with the ending you
prefer, until you become convinced the new ending is reality. You may have a tendency to run away from
the world and its problems. Finding supposed shelter in drugs or alcohol only compounds any problems you
have in the first place. Although it may be uncomfortable or even painful, you must learn to face your
problems head-on as they will not go away if you ignore them.

At times you are very absent-minded and forgetful and there have been a number of others who have
thought of you as an air-head. You are not stupid, it's just that your focus and concentration is on another
plane. Of course, we do have to live down here on earth, so it would be wise for you to be off in the clouds
only when the situation is appropriate. Communication with others may be difficult at times because you
are not always clear on what it is that you want to say. Either that, or you describe things in such terms that
no one understands what you're saying. Use your ability for artistic expression to communicate your
thoughts. Much of your inability to communicate with others is because you are not concentrating. There
are times, too, when you perhaps purposely try to mystify or deceive others. You have great difficulty in
paying attention and concentrating on anything for very long, except of course, your daydreams.
You may have the tendency to believe in everything you hear or to be just the opposite and believe nothing
unless you see hard and fast proof. You do not see the world around you accurately, hence you are prone to
faulty conclusions. Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or
musical abilities. You perceive things that others do not grasp and understand and you have an amazing
ability to read people and situations without being told anything about them. You have a love of mystery
and are attracted to metaphysics or occult science, but you need to stay away from negative psychic
practices such as Ouija boards, séances, hypnotism and mediums. There is a need for you to learn to
discriminate truth from fiction and reality from fantasy. You are accused of being a liar at times and it is
hard to tell whether you know the difference between truth and falsehood or that you are simply trying to
be deceitful on purpose. Some clear thinking on your part could prevent others from getting the feeling that
you are intentionally misleading them. You must learn to discipline and focus your mind if you wish to use
all your creative talents. You are not particularly good at formal book-learning because you tend to absorb
knowledge in an indirect way. It is easier for you to pick up things by having someone tell, describe or show
something to you instead of your trying to read about it and understand what you've read. You may have
literary talent as you are excellent in describing anything imaginatively. You are a great story-teller. Be
careful of the people and environments with which you associate as you are very sensitive to vibrations and
tend to soak up the atmosphere that surrounds you.

Mercury harmonizing with Pluto

Your mind is deep and penetrating and you are interested in anything secret, mysterious, or hidden,
including the deeper aspects of the human psyche. You have an aptitude for research, private investigation,
detective work, psychology and anything having to do with death or life after death. You are drawn to occult
or esoteric studies and want to get to the truth. You prefer depth of knowledge rather than breadth of
knowledge. You do not disclose your intentions easily, although you want to know what everyone else is up
to or planning. You prefer to work behind the scenes as that way there are less people to disturb you and
there are also less people that know what you're really doing. You may have healing ability with your hands
and perhaps could be an excellent masseuse or physical therapist. You probably have mechanical ability
and you enjoy taking things apart to see how they work. You are always up for a good mystery and ferreting
out information is like a game for you. You have a fine ability to communicate your knowledge to others.
You analyze all situations with logic and intuition. Your mind is geared toward reform and transformation.
You have self-discipline, self-confidence and intellectual abilities which gain you recognition from your
peers. You are always interested in why people act the way they do and say the things they say. You have
the knack for being able to study any subject in depth. Very little escapes your notice and you have the
ability to quickly and accurately size up people and situations for what they really are.

Mars discordant to Jupiter

You tend to put your desires ahead of other's needs. This leads to selfishness, an egotistical attitude that
others do not like, and a withdrawal from wanting to help others because of the inconvenience, expense,
etc. Yet you are fully capable of using your great energy and determination to help all those around you
who ask for your help. You are also able to become so devoted to something or someone that you give up
all personal desires and passions. You have to decide which path you are going to follow. You are ambitious,
enterprising, self-confident and you have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. But, you can come across
at times as being too forceful or aggressive in your desire to succeed in life. You are constantly looking for
new opportunities, new experiences and new knowledge. Travel, either physical or mental, can be an
avenue for you in this quest. You love taking risks if you think this will help you come out ahead, either
financially or otherwise. But you should be careful as you are prone to bad judgment, bad luck and
overdoing your speculative activities. Stay away from gambling because if you happen to "catch the bug", it
could ruin you. You have the tendency to overextend yourself, promise more than you can deliver and at
times you exaggerate the truth for effect or for personal gain. You do so because of an overly optimistic or
overly confident assessment of your own capacities and abilities. No matter how much you accomplish, you
never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more or that you should be doing more,
so you set your sights on yet another goal. Perhaps you need to search for yourself within. Get in the habit
of planning ahead so that you do not rush yourself and thus put yourself at greater risk of an accident
through carelessness and hurry. Forethought will also help you to be more considerate of others, as you are
apt to be thoughtless, without meaning to cause pain. You enjoy competition and challenge. You like the
chase more than the conquest. Life at times is a big game for you. You will find that you will get along far
better with others if you learn to work in cooperative harmony rather than in competition. Although you
have potential athletic ability, which would be a constructive use of your energy and competitive nature, it
is wondered whether or not you possess the necessary self-discipline in order to be truly great or
successful. You have an abundance of physical energy and are generally very optimistic. There is danger of
dissipating yourself through extravagance or self-indulgence. Self-control is required. There may be trouble
through legal matters. Practice balancing your enthusiasm and your aggressiveness in how you deal with
others. Guard against working too fast as this sometimes makes your work sloppy or half-finished. Part of
the reason for working too fast is your restlessness, which creates a need to be on the move a lot.

Mars discordant to Saturn

Energetic drives collide with conservatism and caution. This aspect in its worst expression tends to make
you cruel, cold and unfeeling. You keep anger and resentment within you and you do not forget nor forgive
a wrong. Revenge is on your mind and you want to pay back those people who have gotten in your way,
either in reality or simply just in your mind. But this aspect can also give a very determined and ambitious
nature. It can make a person persevere, endure, struggle and work hard, in spite of difficulties and
discouragement. In its usual influence it tends to make you run hot and cold or it continually puts
roadblocks and obstacles in your way to test you and see what you are made of. It is not a pleasant aspect,
yet it can give you the drive and determination to succeed in spite of all the setbacks and frustrations. It
can be a real character-builder if you can stand the pressure. By concentrating on a single, clearly defined
goal, you can accomplish much, but you often feel that the journey is quite difficult and that you must
struggle on alone with all the responsibility and obligation on your shoulders. Now you know how Atlas must
have felt carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. You are capable of great self-control, great
self-denial and great self-discipline. You can be very rough on yourself by expecting far too much out of
yourself. You are sometimes held back by your own fear and the uncertainty of your own abilities.
Self-confidence sometimes wanes as the work goes on without noticeable progress. You meet great
resistance at times when you try to take the initiative or when you try to be assertive. An inferiority
complex may emerge out of accumulated difficulties. This leads to anger and frustration and if you do not
have some positive way of releasing this stress, you will quite nearly explode. Of course the people whom
you take all this out on are those you are closest to. This creates a great deal of friction and animosity. For
this reason you many times work better in solitude. This aspect tends to cause delays, frustrations,
disruptions and obstacles to all that you try to do. It certainly will test your patience. You need to determine
what your responsibilities are and when you can safely pursue your own desires while still meeting and
living up to the duties you are committed to. If you follow your own desires, then you will be looked upon as
irresponsible and selfish. And if you never allow yourself to pursue your own desires, then you may tear
yourself apart. The trick is to find the right balance between these areas. Part of the problem lies in that you
often feel frustrated, because you assume you have no choice in doing anything you enjoy. This causes the
anger to build up, making you sarcastic, bitter and resentful. Make a list of your true responsibilities and
fulfill them. Then, make a list of what you would like to do for fun and relaxation. By compromising, you can
release your overactive sense of responsibility. You are a skilled worker because of your organizing ability
and your attentiveness to detail. You take pride in your work and you simply want to do a good job. I will
add to this that the challenge with this aspect is to see the beauty and goodness in the world that surrounds
you. Because of all your troubles you tend to see life as cruel and hateful, with everyone pitted against
everyone else. Life seems incredibly hard with this perspective. What you must try to do is to see the good
within the world's disharmony. You need love and support yet these may be lacking. To get love you first
have to give love and it is not particularly easy for you to open your emotions to others. You have been hurt
in the past and you do not like emotional pain. So it takes you a while to open up to people. Because of your
nature, then, you appear serious, cold and aloof to others. They have no idea of what is going on inside you.
As alluded to earlier, you tend to hold in your anger. If you do not learn to release your frustrations, this
anger can and will erupt uncontrollably. You need to remember that bottling anger up inside you is one of
the primary causes of gall and kidney stones. Other thoughts — learn to control your passionate desires
because unruly desires can get you in a lot of trouble if left unchecked. Also, there will be times when you
may not follow through on projects that you have initiated because you lack a sense of sustained purpose.
There can also be a certain callousness with this aspect such that you may become selfish and unwilling to
go out of your way for others unless there is some gain in it for you.

Uranus blending with Neptune

You may experience spiritual mysticism, strong intuitive awareness and/or scientific abilities with this
aspect. Great powers of intuition, imagination and psychicism may be present or perhaps easily developed.
You are attracted to the unusual, the hidden, the universal, the occult and the esoteric.

Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the benefit of
humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you.
Astrology Master
18 Ocak 2020
This astrology report was prepared by Astrology Master professional astrology program.
Copyright 2020 - Sistemkod. All Rights Reserved.

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