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Date: ______________________ Name: ______________________________________

Viscosity Races – Lab 1

Viscosity is the resistance of a fluid to a change in shape or movement. It is a property of a fluid that is
difficult to measure.
Flow rate is a good indicator of viscosity.
Flow rate is the time it takes for a fluid to flow from one point to another in a given time.
The distance a fluid travels divided by the time it took to get there will be a rough estimate of the flow

Do some fluids flow faster than other fluids?

Based on the four liquids chosen by your lab group make a prediction on which fluid will flow the
fastest and why. Which fluid will flow the slowest and why. Rank the fluids chosen from 1-4… 1 being
the fastest and “winner” of the race.

I predict …
I predict …

Rank Fluids
1 – fastest flow rate

4 – slowest flow rate


- Masking Tape - Variety of liquids (choose 4)

- Pan - Stop Watch or timer
- Catch Basin - Ruler
- Parchment (wax) paper
1. Line the pan with wax paper, taping it carefully down so it lays flat with no ripples or bumps
2. Create a start and finish line with masking tape on the pan. Measure a distance of 15cm between
the start and finish line.
3. Build a ramp using a standing textbook to hold up the pan. Have a group member in charge of
holding the pan for stability through this lab.
4. Select four different liquids to “race” and measure the same quantity of each liquid in one of the
provided portion cups.
5. Test one liquid at a time to ensure accurate timing and to avoid liquids interfering with one
6. Set one group member up with a timer and when they say go pour the first liquid down the pan
from the start line. When the liquid first reaches the finish line say stop and try to stop the timer
as soon as possible.
7. Record the time in the results table.
8. Repeat these steps for the remaining 3 liquids.
9. If there is time in the lab… repeating this process with a new sheet of parchment paper and the
same four liquids will ensure reliability of your test results.


Trial 1
Fluid Distance Time Rank (1-4)
Trial 2
Fluid Distance Time Rank (1-4)

Use the average time from trials 1 & 2 and place data into a bar graph displaying each liquid
and the time it took that liquid to travel 15cm.

Use graph paper for the final copy of the graph. Be sure the graph has a title, labels for each
axis, use a ruler to organize graph, and colour code or shade the bars in to represent each liquid.


1. How is the flow rate of a fluid related to the viscosity of the fluid?

2. Describe two sources of error that might have affected your results. What could you do to
reduce or eliminate the error?

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