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* that theyhave good and substantial

defense in that "there ws no contractual
- The Ford truck of Petitioner Roberto
relationship between the parties,
Tan ting driven by Bautista(other
whether express or implied"
petitioner) were involved in a traffic
accident along Epifanio de los Santos.

WHETHER OR NOT the respondents

have an obligation to pay their
- The Helper of Borromeo's delivery
employee’s widow death benefits.
panel truck sustained injuriies which
resulted in his instant death

The obligation of Borromeo to pay the

widow of its employee compensation
- Borromeo had to pay Delgaod's widow
and funeral expenses arose from law –
the sum of PHP 4,444 compensation and
Sec. 23 of the Workmen’s Compensation
funeral expenses (under Workmen's
Act. The same law also provides that it
Compensation Act)
shall be optional with such injured
employee either to claim compensation
from his employer or sue another person
- Borromeo file in the MTC in for damages; “and in case compensation
Madanlayung Rizal to recover from the is claimed and allowed in accordance
petitioners the compensation and funeral with this Act, the employer who paid
expenses because he believed that the such compensation or was found liable
vehicular acident was caused by to pay the same, shall succeed the
petitioners negligence injured employee to the right of
recovering from such person what
he paid”.

- During the hearing the petitioner did

not appear and the MTC rendered in There is no need to establish any
judgement in favor of Borromeo contractual relationship between
Delgado and the petitioners because in
this case there is none. The cause of
- Petitioners moved to set aside the action of the respondent corporation is
decision but was denied one which does not spring from a
creditor-debtor relationship. It arises
by virtue of its subrogation to the
right of Quintin Delgado to sue the
guilty party. Such subrogation is
- Petitioners then file a petition for relief sanctioned by the Workmen's
in the Court of First Instance of Rizal Compensation Law aforesaid.

* claiming excusable negligence for the PELAYO V. LAURON

failure of petitioners counsel to appear
in the MTC
-Arturo Pelayo, a physician filed a No. The Court held that the rendering of
complaint against Marelo Lauron and medical assistance is one of the
Juana Abellana. obligations to which spouses are bound
by mutual support, expressly determined
by law and readily demanded. Therefore,
-On the night of the October 13, 1906, there was no obligation on the part of
Dr. Pelayo was called to render medical the in-laws but rather on the part of the
assistance to the defendants daughter in husband who is not a party.
law who was about to give birth.

Thus, decision affirmed.

- It was deemed that the operation was
difficult for child birth, but regardless Dr.
Pelayo proceeded with the job of No. According to Article
operating on th subjeect and also 1089 of the Old Civil Code (now 1157),
removed the afterbirth. obligations are created by law, by
contracts, by quasi-contracts, by illicit
acts and omissions or by those which
-Unfortunately, the daughter-in-law died any kind of fault or negligence occurs.
as a consequence of said childbirth. Thus, Obligations arising from law are not
the defendant refuses to pay. The presumed. Those expressly determined
defendants argue that their in the Code or in special law, etc., are the
daughter-in-law lived with her husband only demandable ones.
independently and in a separate house
without any relation, that her stay there
was accidental and due to fortuitous The rendering of medical assistance
event. in case of illness is comprised among
the mutual obligations to which the
spouses are bound by way of
The just andequitable value of services mutual support as provided by the
rendered by him was P500.00 which law or the Code. Consequently, the
thedefendants refused to pay without obligation to pay the plaintiff for the
alleging any good reason. With this, medical assistance rendered to the
theplaintiff prayed that the judgment be defendant’s daughter-in-law must
entered in his favor as against be couched on the husband.
thedefendants for the sum of P500.00
and costs. RTC absolved the
defendant.CA affirmed the RTC ruling In the case at bar, the obligation of
the husband to furnish his wife in the
indispensable services of a physician at
ISSUE: Whether or not the such critical moments is especially
defendants should be held liable for established by the law and the
the fees demanded by the plaintiff compliance therewith is unavoidable.
upon rendering medical assistance
to the defendants’ daughter-in-law.

August 27, 1902, Don Vicente Perez filed

a complaint with the Court of First
Instance of Laguna, asking for the rate
of compensation for the services he
rendered being an English interpreter
between the defendant and the military
authorities at Tabacalera Company.
Ruled in his favor for such sum. The
complaint also asked that the defendant
be condemned to the payment of
damages in the sum of $3,200, gold,
together with the costs of suit. Petitioner
also asked that Eugenio Pomar be
condemned to pay damages.

According to the complaint it was alleged

that Eugenio Pomar, as general agent of
the Compañia General de Tabacos,
verbally requested the plaintiff last
December, 8, 1901, to act as interpreter
until May 31, 1902.
Perez services were ready whenever whether Perez was at the disposal of
needed. Because of that he abandoned Pomar for 6 months. No contract was
his own soap company business, Pomar filed or any other innominate contract,
assured him that Tabacalera Company but there was tacit and mutual consent
always generously repaid services. The as to the rendition of services.
defendant even gave him flattering
promises of employment with the
company, but Perez refused. his only Pomar accepted the service, and Perez
proof as to the same was Mr. Pomar’s rendered it expecting that the benefit
word as a gentleman. would be reciprocal. An obligation arises
from this scenario. There was an
innominate contract facio ut des. No
To answer the complaint, Pomar denied salary was fixed for the services, so the
everything. Instead, he said that Perez court must determine its value, to be
borrowed money from him for his determined by the custom and frequent
business, and that he delivered 36 use of the place in which such services
arrobas of oil worth $106, and three were rendered. The court ruled to Perez.
packages of resin for use in coloring his Pomar should pay 200 Mexican pesos,
soap. Respondent only accompanied him less 50 pesos as to the costs of the suit.
in his trips because he wanted to extend
his business relations, and Pomar
occasionally accompanied him because MARITIME COMPANY OF THE
of friendship, and especially because of PHILIPPINES V. REPARATIONS
the free transportation given him.
Because of that Perez acted as
interpreter in the conferences by his own
free will, without Pomar requesting him,
so no legal relation between him and the
company existed.


Whether or not the respondent is

oblige to pay the continued service
rendered by the petitioner.


Yes, because from the testimonies at

trial, it appears that Perez indeed
rendered services as interpreter of
English. He obtained passes and
accompanied Pomar in his journeys in
Laguna. But, it doesn’t appear on record
G.R. No. 156437 ISSUE: WON NHA can be compelled
to sell the lots under market value?
March 1, 2004
vs. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH and No, because the contract has not been
The Church despite knowledge that its
intended contract of sale with the NHA
FACTS: had not been perfected proceeded to
introduce improvements on the land. On
On June 13, 1986, Respondent Grace the other hand, NHA knowingly granted
Baptist Church wrote a letter to NHA the Church temporary use of the subject
manifesting properties
intent to purchase Lot 4 and 17 of the G and did not prevent the Church from ma
eneral Mariano Alvarez Resettlement king improvements thereon. Thus the
Project in Cavite. The latter granted Church and NHA, who both acted in bad
request hence respondent entered into faith, shall be treated as if they were
possession of the lots and introduced both in good faith. In this connection Art
improvements thereon. 448provides: “
On February 22, 1991, NHA passed are
solution approving the sale of the subject The owner of the land in which
lots to respondent Church for 700 per anything has been built, sown or planted
square meter, a total of P430,500. in good faith, shall have the right to
Respondents were duly informed. appropriate as his own the works,
On April 8, 1991, respondent church sowing or planting, after payment of the
tendered a check amounting to P55,350 indemnity provided for in articles 546
contending that this was the agreed and 548, or to oblige the one who built
price. NHA avers stating that the price or planted to pay the price of the land,
now (1991) is different from before and the one who sowed, the proper rent.
(1986).The trial court rendered a However, the builder or planter cannot
decision in favour of NHA stating that be obliged to buy the land and if its value
there was no contract of sale, ordering to is considerably more than that of the
return the said lots to NHA and to pay building or trees. In such case, he shall
NHA rent of 200 pesos from the time it t pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the
ook possession of the lot. land does
Respondent Church appealed to the CA not choose to appropriate the building o
which affirms the r trees after proper indemnity. The
decision of RTC regarding “no contract parties shall agree, on case
of sale” but modifying it by ordering NHA of disagreement, court shall fix.
to execute the sale of the said lots to
Church for 700
per square, with 6% interest per annum
from March1991. Petitioner NHA filed a
motion for reconsideration which was d
enied. Hence this petition for review on
settlements (compromise agreement)
for them with the Deudors of Civil Case
Q-135. This civil case involved 50
quinones of land where the 20 quinones
was part of. He did so on the defendants’
promise that they will convey to him
3000sq m of the given land.

-Mar 16, 1963- The compromise

agreement between the Duedors and the
defendants was approved but the
defendants refused to convey to Cruz the
3000sq m of land that he now occupies.
Cruz filed a petition against defendants

-Defendants filed motion to dismiss


oThey do not owe Cruz for the cost of

the improvements he made because that
transaction was between him and the
Deudors. (reimbursement)

oThey do not need to convey to him

3000sq m of land based on their
“alleged” agreement because it is
unenforceable under the Statute of
Frauds which covers the sale of real
property or of an interest therein.
(statute of frauds)
oThe plaintiff’s action to compel such
conveyance if it were true already
Nature: Defendant-appellees appeal to prescribed because the contract started
dismiss plaintiff’s complaint to recover in 1952 but he filed for acquisition only in
expenses on the improvements from the 1963. It is stated in the law that he may
appellee’s land and compel them to only file action within 10 years. Thus his
convey to him the 3,000 sq m of land. action already prescribed. (statute of

-Cruz commented that:

oThey should reimburse him for the
-Plaintiff Cruz made permanent improvements because they benefitted
improvements on the 20 quinones land from it and it would be unjust
claimed by the Deudors. These enrichment on their part not to do so
amounted to Php30,400 and he also given he fulfilled his part. He bases it on
incurred expenses of Php7,781.74 Art2142 NCC that “certain lawful
voluntary and unilateral acts give rise to
-1952- Defendants JM Tuason and
quasi-contracts so that no one shall be
Araneta availed Cruz’s services to be
unjustly enriched or benefitted at the
their intermediary to make amicable
expense of another.” He furthers that Held
while there was no written agreement
between him and the defendants, it was
an agreement nonetheless thus is a form The Statute of Frauds does not apply to
of quasi-contract and extra contractual this case because though there is no
obligations arise from it. evidence of the agreement between Cruz
and the defendants, the contract is not
oAs to the 3000sq m of land, the Statute
considered as “a sale of real property or
of Frauds does not apply because it
any interest therein” where there was no
applies only to executory contracts but
transaction that occurred.
not where the contract has already been
partly executed. Thus performance of
the contract takes it out of this statute.
oThe period for filing action has not
prescribed because under the terms of Cruz misinterpreted Art2124. This
their agreement, he shall own the land provision states that a quasi-contract
as of the date of signing the agreement cannot emerge against one of the parties
but the title to the 3000sq m land shall if the subject matter is already covered
be delivered within 10 years after this by another contract with another party.
signing. Now as long as this 10-year In this case, the defendants were correct
period had not elapsed yet, he shall not that Cruz should have filed the motion
have any right to compel the defendants against the Deudors on the
to execute or deliver the document reimbursements and they in turn would
because they had no obligation to do so. seek relief from the defendant
After this 10-year period elapsed can he companies for these. Because this land
only file action. Thus when the 10-year was already subject to the contract
period ended on Mar 16, 1963, the between Cruz and the Deudors as to the
period of prescription began only on Mar improvements, it cannot be subjected to
17, 1963. a quasi-contract between Cruz and the
defendant companies where these
oSince the contract was not in writing, companies had a prior contract with the
he had 6 years before his cause of action Deudors on the land as well.

Does the statute of frauds bar his
cause of action? From the very language of this provision,
it is obvious that a presumed
Can the defendants be compelled quasi-contract cannot emerge as against
to convey the 3000sq m of land and one party when the subject mater
to reimburse him for the thereof is already covered by an existing
developments there based on the contract with another party. Predicated
obligation arising from the on the principle that no one should be
quasi-contract with Cruz? allowed to unjustly enrich himself at the
expense of another, Article 2124 creates
the legal fiction of a quasi-contract
precisely because of the absence of any
actual agreement between the parties National Commercial Bank of Saudi
concerned. Corollarily, if the one who Arabia (NCBSA) filed a case against
claims having enriched somebody has respondent Philippine Banking
done so pursuant to a contract with a Corporation (PBC) to recover the
third party, his cause of action should be duplicate payment of the proceeds of a
against the latter, who in turn may, if letter of credit issued by NCBSA in view
there is any ground therefor, seek relief of the fact that both the head office and
against the party benefited. It is Makati branch of PBC collected the
essential that the act by which the proceeds.
defendant is benefited must have been
voluntary and unilateral on the part of
the plaintiff. As one distinguished civilian The Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati
puts it, "The act is voluntary. because ruled in favor of NCBSA. PBC filed a
the actor in quasi-contracts is not bound Motion for Reconsideration. The motion,
by any pre-existing obligation to act. It is however, did not contain a notice of
unilateral, because it arises from the sole hearing. PBC tried to cure the defect by
will of the actor who is not previously subsequently filing a Motion to Set
bound by any reciprocal or bilateral “Motion for Reconsideration” for Hearing
agreement. The reason why the law nine days after the period for filing the
creates a juridical relations and imposes Notice of Appeal had expired which was
certain obligation is to prevent a vigorously opposed by NCBSA.
situation where a person is able to
benefit or take advantage of such lawful,
voluntary and unilateral acts at the NCBSA called for the strict application of
expense of said actor." In the case at bar, the Philippines‘ rules of procedure to
since appellant has a clearer and more prevent any more delay in the disposition
direct recourse against the Deudors with of the case, which has been pending for
whom he had entered into an agreement more than seventeen years. On the other
regarding the improvements and hand, PBC invokes a just and fair
expenditures made by him on the land of determination of the case.
appellees. It Cannot be said, in the sense
contemplated in Article 2142, that
appellees have been enriched at the ISSUE:
expense of appellant

Whether or not the unrippled

doctrine that a motion filed without
NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK OF the requisite notice of hearing may
SAUDI ARABIA v. COURT OF be cured by subsequently filing a
APPEALS and PHILIPPINE motion to set “the motion” for


The requirement of notice under

Sections 4 and 5, Rule 15 in connection
with Section 2, Rule 37 of the Revised Facts: Respondent filed a complaint for
Rules of Court is mandatory. The sum of money against petitioner.
absence of a notice of hearing is fatal Respondent claimed that petitioner
and, in cases of motions to reconsider a approached her inside the PNO and
decision, the running of the period to offered to loan her the amount of
appeal is not tolled by their filing or P540,000.00 of which the loan
pendency. In the case at bar, it is not agreement was not reduced in writing
disputed that PBC‘s Motion for and there was no stipulation as to the
Reconsideration of the August 24, 1993 payment of interest for the loan.
decision of the trial court did not contain Respondent issued a check worth
the requisite notice of hearing. P500,000.00 to petitioner as partial
payment of the loan. She then issued
another check in the amount of
The motion for reconsideration, however, P200,000.00 to petitioner as payment of
being fatally defective for lack of notice the remaining balance of the loan of
of hearing, cannot be cured by a belated which the excess amount of P160,000.00
filing of a notice of hearing. More so in would be applied as interest for the loan.
the case at bar where the Motion to Set Not satisfied with the amount applied as
the “Motion for Reconsideration” was interest, petitioner pestered her to pay
filed after the expiration of the period for additional interest and threatened to
filing an appeal. block or disapprove her transactions with
the PNO if she would not comply with his
demand. Thus, she paid additional
PBC‘s appeal for justice and fairness amounts in cash and checks as interests
does not lie, however, there being for the loan. She asked petitioner for
nothing on record to show that it has receipt for the payments but was told
been a victim of injustice or unfairness. that it was not necessary as there was
On the contrary, as found by the Court of mutual trust and confidence between
Appeals in its original decision, PBC had them. According to her computation, the
the opportunity to participate in the trial total amount she paid to petitioner for
and present its defense and had actually the loan and interest accumulated to
made full use of the remedies under our P1,200,000.00.
rules of procedure. More importantly,
there was no oppressive exercise of
judicial authority that would call for the The RTC rendered a Decision holding
annulment of the trial court‘s resolutions. that respondent made an overpayment
of her loan obligation to petitioner and
that the latter should refund the excess
amount to the former. It ratiocinated
that respondent’s obligation was only to
G.R. No. 173227. January 20, 2009 pay the loaned amount of P540,000.00,
Sebastian Siga-an, petitioner, vs. and that the alleged interests due should
Alicia Villanueva, respondent. not be included in the computation of
respondent’s total monetary debt
because there was no agreement
between them regarding payment of
interest. It concluded that since
respondent made an excess payment to
petitioner in the amount of P660,000.00 loan pays interest when there has been
through mistake, petitioner should no stipulation therefor, the provisions of
return the said amount to respondent the Civil Code concerning solutio indebiti
pursuant to the principle of solutio shall be applied. Article 2154 of the
indebiti. Also, petitioner should pay Civil Code explains the principle of
moral damages for the sleepless nights solutio indebiti. Said provision provides
and wounded feelings experienced by that if something is received when there
respondent. Further, petitioner should is no right to demand it, and it was
pay exemplary damages by way of unduly delivered through mistake, the
example or correction for the public good, obligation to return it arises. In such a
plus attorney’s fees and costs of suit. case, a creditor-debtor relationship is
created under a quasi-contract whereby
the payor becomes the creditor who then
Issue: (1) Whether or not interest was has the right to demand the return of
due to petitioner; and (2) whether the payment made by mistake, and the
principle of solutio indebiti applies to the person who has no right to receive such
case at bar. payment becomes obligated to return
the same. The quasi-contract of solutio
indebiti harks back to the ancient
Ruling: (1) No. Compensatory interest is principle that no one shall enrich himself
not chargeable in the instant case unjustly at the expense of another. The
because it was not duly proven that principle of solutio indebiti applies where
respondent defaulted in paying the loan (1) a payment is made when there exists
and no interest was due on the loan no binding relation between the payor,
because there was no written agreement who has no duty to pay, and the person
as regards payment of interest. Article who received the payment; and (2) the
1956 of the Civil Code, which refers to payment is made through mistake, and
monetary interest, specifically mandates not through liberality or some other
that no interest shall be due unless it has cause. We have held that the principle
been expressly stipulated in writing. As of solutio indebiti applies in case of
can be gleaned from the foregoing erroneous payment of undue interest.
provision, payment of monetary interest
is allowed only if: (1) there was an
express stipulation for the payment of Article 2232 of the Civil Code states that
interest; and (2) the agreement for the in a quasi-contract, such as solutio
payment of interest was reduced in indebiti, exemplary damages may be
writing. The concurrence of the two imposed if the defendant acted in an
conditions is required for the payment of oppressive manner. Petitioner acted
monetary interest. Thus, we have held oppressively when he pestered
that collection of interest without any respondent to pay interest and
stipulation therefor in writing is threatened to block her transactions with
prohibited by law. the PNO if she would not pay interest.
This forced respondent to pay interest
despite lack of agreement thereto.
(2) Petitioner cannot be compelled to Thus, the award of exemplary damages
return the alleged excess amount paid is appropriate so as to deter petitioner
by respondent as interest. Under Article and other lenders from committing
1960 of the Civil Code, if the borrower of similar and other serious wrongdoings.

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