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This Master's qualification text is linked to the line of research in Psychosocial and

Educational Processes from the Psychology Master's Program at the College of Federal

University of Goiás Education College (PPGP / UFG). It aims to understand the

psychological factors involved in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle and to analyze the

indicators of the affective relationship between mothers and premature babies admitted

to a neonatal intensive care unit, under Psychoanalysis lenses. The study had the High-

Risk Nursery as a field of investigation, inserted in the Maternity Hospital and the

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (UTIN) of Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Goiás

(HC / UFG). The research is characterized by being descriptive, exploratory, transversal

and of qualitative typology, which uses as instruments of data collection: the semi-

structured interview script, sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and medical

records of the newborn. Fifteen mothers of premature babies who were hospitalized in

the High-Risk Nursery or in the NICU of HC / UFG participated in the research. Data

were collected after the participants signed the Free and Informed Consent Term (TCLE)

and / or the Term of Assent (TA), between February and July 2019. Data analysis was

done through the interlocution of Psychoanalysis (specifically with authors who worked

with the question of the mother-baby relationship, such as Freud, Winnicott, Spitz,

among others), with the field of qualitative research in health, using the Thematic Content

Analysis method. The dissertation is divided in three chapters. The first chapter

discusses fundamental questions for the study, which are related to the dimensions of

prematurity and the mother-baby relationship, such as: the historicity of motherhood and

maternal love, the baby's psychic constitution facing maternal discourse, aspects of the

pregnancy-puerperal cycle and the effects of prematurity on the mother-baby

relationship. In this chapter, the theoretical bases that support the analysis stand out. In
the second chapter, public policies focused on maternal and child health are presented,

examples of possibilities for early intervention in the context of prematurity and the

design of the investigation: path and construction of the research. In the third chapter

there is a description and discussion of the results from the characterization of the

population, including the sociodemographic and clinical data of the mothers and the

clinical data of the premature babies; and from the semi-structured interviews the

significant parts from the mothers' reports are highlighted and analyzed. The dissertation

ends with the carried out research final considerations.

Keywords: Mother-baby relationship; maternity; prematurity; psychoanalysis.

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