TAFJ-IBM MQ With WEBLOGIC Using SSL Connectivity

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IB M M Q wi t h

W EBLOGIC u si n g S SL
c o n n e c tivity
IB M M Q w i t h W EBLOGI C u s i n g S SL c o n n e c tivi ty

Amendement History:

Date Amended Name Description
1 20th October 2019 M. Siranjeevi Content Prepared
2 20th October 2019 Ram Content Reviewed

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IB M M Q w i t h W EBLOGI C u s i n g S SL c o n n e c tivi ty

Copyri g h t
Copyright © Temenos Headquarters SA 2009-2019
All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may
be reproduced, transmitted, or made available directly or indirectly to a third party without the express
written agreement of TEMENOS UK Limited. Receipt of this material directly TEMENOS UK Limited
constitutes its express permission to copy. Permission to use or copy this document expressly excludes
modifying it for any purpose, or using it to create a derivative therefrom.

Errat a and Com m e n t s

If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Technology Department

Temenos Headquarters SA
2 Rue de l’Ecole-de-Chimie,
CH - 1205 Geneva,

Tel SB: +41 (0) 22 708 1150

Fax: +41 (0) 22 708 1160

Please include your name, company, address, and telephone and fax numbers, and email
address if applicable. TAFJdev@temenos.com

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Table of Contents
Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 3
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 3
Creation of queues manager and queue................................................................................................5
Queue creation...................................................................................................................... 8
Binding the Queues.............................................................................................................................. 10
Creating Keystore and Truststore......................................................................................................... 12
Setup at Websphere MQ level.............................................................................................................. 14
Setup at Weblogic level........................................................................................................................ 17
Creating a Foreign JMS server............................................................................................................. 19
Creating Connection Factory................................................................................................................ 27

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Creat i o n of qu e u e s ma n a g e r and qu e u e
Queu e man a g e r crea tio n
Start Websphere MQ manager and you will see the home page as given below,

Queue Managers > New > Queue Manager

Name the queue manager as "T24MQ" and then click "Next"

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Click "Next"

"Select type of queue manager startup" as Automatic

Make sure the option "Create listener configured for TCP / IP" is selected and define the
PORT Number as 1414 (If it’s already used you can define another one) and "Next"

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Click "Next"

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Queue manager T24MQ created as below

Check the listener is created and running

Que u e cre a t i o n

Creating of MQClearingQueue

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Click "Finish"

Likewise, we have create MQClearingReplyQueue, T24.BROWSER.QUEUE and


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Once done it like below

Bin d i n g the Que u e s

Creati n g JNDI Cont ext and Conn e c tio n factorie s:
Create a simple file-based JNDI context and configure the JMS objects in that JNDI
namespace. These JNDI objects are used by applications running in WebLogic Application
Server to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager. For this integration, WebLogic and
WebSphere MQ should be on the same machine.

The setting is for file-based JNDI. Create the directory

C:\LocalArea\Dev\TAFJ\appserver\MQ\MQ-JNDI before continuing with the next step.

nder new folder C:\LocalArea\Dev\TAFJ\appserver\MQ\MQ-JNDI create a file
MyAdmin.Config with the following contents:




Open a command prompt as Administrator and set the following CLASSPATH as shown

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MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH="C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ\java"
C:\LocalArea\Dev\TAFJ\appserver\MQ\MQ-JNDI>set classpath=
C:\LocalArea\Dev\TAFJ\appserver\MQ\MQ-JNDI>set path=%MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH%;

Next open a command prompt, cd to C:\JNDI-Directory, create the QueueConnectionFactory

and Queue objects by executing the command:

Files\IBM\MQ\java\bin\JMSAdmin.bat" -cfg MyAdmin.config

def xaqcf(MQConnectionFactory) qmgr(T24MQ)

def q(MQClearingQueue) qmgr(T24MQ) queue(MQClearingQueue)
def q(MQClearingReplyQueue) qmgr(T24MQ) queue(MQClearingReplyQueue)
def q(t24BROWSERQueue) qmgr(T24MQ) queue(T24.BROWSER.QUEUE)
def q(t24BROWSERReplyQueue) qmgr(T24MQ) queue(T24.BROWSER.REPLY.QUEUE)

We should see a message like “Stopping Websphere MQ classes for Java(tm) Message
Service Administration” after we press Enter after the last line “end”.

After Successful, binding of Queues a file with the name .bindings will be created at

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Creat i n g Keys t o r e and Trus t s t o r e

Truststore and Keystore file is used to provide secured transaction between the client and
server. The keytool command used to create the keystore file, which contains the
public/private keys, and then using keystore, create a truststore file that contains only public
keys. Follow the below steps to create Truststore and Keystore file,

 Generate a keystore file

 Verify the newly created keystore file
 Export the certificate
 Import the certificate in to the truststore file
 Verify the newly created trust store file

Step 1 - Gene r a t e a keystor e file

Java Keytool stores the keys and certificates in the keystore file. If you are a "Windows" user,
the keytool command should be executed in the Java bin directory. The following command
should be executed from bin path and in this case, java is present in the path

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -validity 1925 -alias ibmwebspheremqMQT24 -keypass

temenos -storepass temenos -dname "cn=TAFJ, ou=TEMENOS, o=TEMENOS, c=INDIA"
-keystore temntafj.jks

Next we should verify the newly created key store file.

Step 2 – Verifiy the newly crea t e d keysto r e file

Use the following command,

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keytool -list -v -keystore <name>.jks

After executing the above command, you will get the details as specified in the image below.
Make sure to input the password 'temenos' which we given for creating the keystore.

Step 3 – Expor t the cer tifica t e

Either a self signed certificate or a commercial certificate or other certificate authority should
be exported. For exporting verisign certificates, execute the following command,

keytool -export -alias ibmwebspheremqMQT24 -file ingadapter.cer -storepass temenos

-keystore temntafj.jks

After executing the above command, you will be asked for the password, Give the same
password "temenos" and you will get the details as specified in the image below,

Step 4 – Impor t the cer tifica t e in to the trus t s t o r e file

Import the certificate by executing the below command,

keytool -import -noprompt -alias ibmwebspheremqMQT24 -file ingadapter.cer -storepass

temenos -keystore temntafjtrust.jks

After executing the preceding command, you will get the details as specified in the image

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Step 5 – Verify the newly cre a t e d trus t stor e file:

Verify the newly created trust store file by executing the following command,

keytool -list -v -keystore <name>.jks

After executing the preceding command, you will get the details as specified in the image

Se t u p at Web s p h e r e MQ leve l
Right click IBM MQManage SSL certificates

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Enter the password 'temenos', which we used to create keystore and check 'stash password
to a file’

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From personal Certificates, import the keystore (temntafj.jks) from the path where we have

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Now click View/Edit button and check the check box 'set the certificate as default'.

Se t u p at Webl o g i c lev el
Weblogic star t u p script s at setDo m ai n E n v.c m d
set JAVA_PROPERTIES=-Dwls.home=%WLS_HOME% -Dweblogic.home=%WLS_HOME%
- Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=C:\keystore\temntafj.jks
-Dcom.ibm.mq.cfg.useIBMCipherMappings=false -Dcom.ibm.mq.cfg.preferTLS=true


set CLASSPATH=%DOM_HOME%\\com.ibm.mq.jar;%DOM_HOME%\\com.ibm.mqjms.jar;

Copy the jars file from the MQ lib to the created domain server(<<Oracle_home>>
user_projects\domains\base_domain\lib) lib.

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Map the generated generated keystore and trust keystore files in the Keystore tab.
From the left pane in the weblogic home EnvironmentserversAdminserver

Enter the Private Key Alias and respective credentials of the keystore.
From the left pane in the weblogic home EnvironmentserversAdminserver

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Tick the SSL Listen Port Enabled

Indicates whether the server can be reached through the default SSL listen port

Then restart the ssl to take effect

From the left pane in the weblogic home Environmentservers  go to the control tab
Then select the adminserver and select the Restart SSL

Creat i n g a Forei g n JMS serv e r

Create a JMS Module using SystemModule-MQ Services>Messaging>JMS Modules>New

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Click Next

Click finish

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Click on SystemModule-MQ and then click New

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Select “Foreign Server” radio button and click “Next” Foreign Server

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In this page we can see that the target server is selected already. Click Finish.

Open the newly created Foreign JMS server by clicking Services -> Messaging -> JMS
Modules -> SystemModule-T24 -> ForeignServer-MQ

Under the General tab under Configuration, type in following details:

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JNDI Initial Context Factory: com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory

JNDI Connection URL: (This path must contain the .bindings file generated on the MQ
server) file://C:/LocalArea/Dev/TAFJ/appserver/MQ/MQ-JNDI

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Creating Destinations

Click on “Destinations tab” at the top and click “New”

Name: OFSClearingQueue

Local JNDI Name: jms/t24OFSClearingQueue

Remote JNDI Name: MQClearingQue

Note that the Remote JNDI Name must match the name of the queue we created in
WebSphere MQ and click "OK".

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Repeat the same steps for Reply queue with the following naming
Name: OFSClearingReplyQueue
Local JNDI Name: jms/t24OFSClearingReplyQueue
Remote JNDI Name: MQClearingReplyQueue

Likewise, we have create another two queues.

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Creat i n g Con n e c t i o n Fact o ry

After creating Destinations, create a Connection Factory for above queues. Click on (next
tab to Destinations) and Connection Factories

click "New"

Give the naming as shown below

Name: ConnectionFactory

Local JNDI Name: jms/ConnectionFactoryMQ

Remote JNDI Name: MQConnectionFactory

Configuring ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml in TAFJEEE.ear

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Take the TAFJJEE_MDB.jar present in the TAFJJEE_EAR.ear. Under the

TAFJJEE_MDB.jar we need to edit the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml as per the queue
creation done in the foreign JMS server

Add the below section in ejb-jar.xml below the OFSTransactedMDB section

<display-name>Transacted Listener MDB for OFS</display-name>
<description>Used to get connections to JMS for OFS queues</description>
<description>OFS queue</description>

Add the below section in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml below the OFSTransactedMDB section


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<!-- MDB scoped work manager to run more than 16 agents -->

Also add the below in message-destination-descriptor section

<wls:message-destination-name> </wls:message-destination-name>
<wls:destination-jndi-name> </wls:destination-jndi-name>

After the above changes, redeploy TAFJEEE.ear file in Weblogic.

After login into T24.

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