Comparative Paragraph How To Exemplars and Rubric Foran PDF

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English 10

Short Stories
Literary Analysis Comparative Paragraph

Your task is to write a literary analysis comparative paragraph. To do so you will need to decide which
literary aspect you will compare in which two short stories. Make sure the topic you choose can be
adequately discussed in one paragraph (and does not need an entire comparative essay to argue). Due to
length restrictions, it is best to focus on something that is similar (compare), rather than something that is
different (contrast).

Remember, the literary aspect is used to bring meaning to theme. Therefore, you must be able to clearly
state the theme/s of each story before you can adequately choose an aspect to compare.

Write a topic sentence that includes both texts, both authors and one aspect (use of epiphany, symbol,
flashback, etc) which brings meaning to theme in both texts. Here are a few examples:

• In “Story Title” by Author and “Story Title” by Author, irony is used to show the innate cruelty of
• In “Story Title” by Author and “Story Title” by Author, tone is used to indicate the authority of one
character over another character in a rigid class system.
• In “Story Title” by Author and “Story Title” by Author, symbolism is employed to show the values of a
traditional culture.

Generally speaking, in order to prove our topic sentence true we make three points of comparison, and for
each point, we use concrete evidence from each text to support the analysis.

Looking at the rubric you’ll notice that “Organisation and Development” is worth twice the marks of the
other categories. That is because comparative analysis calls for tight adherence to organisational form.
Be sure you have reviewed the two organisational methods, Block and Alternating, and that you choose
the method that is most logical and effective for arguing your point.

Be sure to mindfully use comparative transition words to aid your argument. See examples for ideas.

Compare: Contrast:

as but on the other hand

similarly in spite of though
at the same time even so otherwise
like conversely regardless
as well as despite whereas
likewise however although
in comparison nevertheless nonetheless
both unlike on the contrary
furthermore rather instead
in the same way in contrast

Refer to the attached exemplars to assist you.

Be sure to check the specific requirements of the rubric.

Foran 2010
Student Exemplar of a Literary Analysis Comparative Paragraph
Written in a Test Situation The writing prompt
focuses specifically on
one literary aspect.
Writing Prompt: In a one paragraph response discuss the use of epiphany in two of the short
stories studied this semester. Clearly indicate the organizational method of comparison that you The student clearly
identifies which method
will employ. of comparison will be
Organizational Method of Comparison: Block
The topic sentence
introduces titles and
In the short stories “The Persian Carpet” by Hanan Al-Shaykh and “A Handful of Dates” by Tayeb authors of both stories
as well as clearly
arguing how the literary
Saleh, epiphany is employed to illustrate the protagonist’s moment of disillusionment towards a family aspect (epiphany) is
used to illustrate theme
member. In the beginning of “The Persian Carpet,” the protagonist loves and greatly admires her (disillusionment with a
family member) in both
mother. Overwhelmed with love and emotion, she spontaneously runs into her mother’s arms as soon
The writer has used
as she sees her, despite her apprehension that she would be too shy to do so. However, the protagonist, the block method to
compare the texts. She
seeing the “stolen” carpet in her mother’s new home, experiences an acute moment of disillusionment, discusses one story in
full before moving on to
discuss the second
suddenly realizing a malevolent side of her mother whom she had moments before loved so much. story in full. For each
story, she makes three
The protagonist abruptly comes to understand that her mother had not only stolen the Persian carpet six points of comparison
(supported with
concrete evidence) to
months before she gained her divorce, but more significantly, blamed the blind labourer, Ilya for her support the topic
sentence (her
argument). Can you
actions, seemingly taking little care in thereby ruining his life. Such disillusionment marks a turning find her three points of
comparison? Are they
point in the relationship between the girl and her mother. When the protagonist spots the stolen carpet the same for each

in her mother’s house, her love for her mother suddenly turns into hatred and she wants to push away Note that at all times,
the analysis is
connected back to the
her mother’s arms that encircle her. Similarly, in the beginning of “A Handful of Dates,” the topic sentence. All
analysis is proving the
protagonist loves his grandfather dearly. He sees his grandfather as a role-model and wishes to be like topic sentence to be

him. He is grateful for his good favor and seeks to please him in every endeavor. However, like the Because it is a test and
the student doesn’t
protagonist in “A Persian Carpet”, the protagonist in “A Handful of Dates” experiences an acute have access to the text
for quotes, all textual
evidence is
moment of disillusionment when he discovers the malicious, hypocritical side of his supposedly paraphrased, yet still
specific, indicating solid
understanding of both
religious, admirable grandfather as he exploits a neighbor for a fifty pound debt, ruthlessly robbing texts.

him of the date harvest necessary to provide for himself and his family. Comparable to “The Persian
Notice transition words:
“Similarly”, “like” and
Carpet” such disillusionment marks a turning point in the relationship between the protagonist and the “comparable to”. These
help the reader follow
the points of
family member. The boy wants to immediately separate himself from the grandfather that he had comparison within the
previously loved and admired so much. The boy runs away from his grandfather and deliberately

vomits the dates that he had given him to eat, wanting to be rid of any connection to him, and The concluding
sentence ties the details
ultimately his corruption. Thus, the epiphany at the end of Hanan Al-Shaykh’s short story “The and analysis back to the
topic sentence. It again
refers to both authors
Persian Carpet” and Tayeb Saleh’s “A Handful of Dates” highlights the young protagonist’s and both stories.

disillusionment towards an older family member which forever alters their relationship. Lisa Foran 2010
Student Exemplar of a Literary Analysis Comparative Paragraph
Written in a Test Situation
The writing prompt
Writing Prompt: In a one paragraph response discuss the use of epiphany in two of the short focuses specifically on
one literary aspect.
stories studied this semester. Clearly indicate the organizational method of comparison that you
will employ. The student clearly
identifies which method
of comparison will be
Organisational Method of Comparison: Alternating employed.

The topic sentence

In the short stories “The Persian Carpet” by Hanan Al-Shaykh and “A Handful of Dates” by introduces titles and
authors of both stories
as well as clearly
Tayeb Saleh, epiphany is employed to illustrate the protagonist’s moment of disillusionment arguing how the literary
aspect (epiphany) is
towards a family member. In the beginning of both stories, the protagonist loves and greatly used to illustrate theme
(disillusionment with a
family member) in both
admires the family member. In “The Persian Carpet,” the protagonist, overwhelmed with love and stories.

emotion, spontaneously runs into her mother’s arms as soon as she sees her, despite the child’s The writer has used
the alternating method
to compare the texts.
apprehension that she would be too shy to do this. In “A Handful of Dates,” the protagonist sees She makes three points
of comparison in order
his grandfather as a role-model and wishes to be like him. He is grateful for his good favor and to prove her topic
sentence, and for each
point, uses concrete
seeks to please him in every endeavor. However, each protagonist eventually experiences a evidence from each
story to support her
point. Can you find her
moment of disillusionment, suddenly realizing the malevolent side of the family member that they three points of
had previously loved and admired so much. The protagonist in “The Persian Carpet” abruptly Note that at all times,
the analysis is
comes to understand that her mother had not only stolen the Persian carpet six months before she connected back to the
topic sentence. All
analysis is proving the
gained her divorce, but more significantly blamed the blind labourer, Ilya for her actions, topic sentence to be

seemingly taking little care in thereby ruining his life. Similarly, the protagonist in “A Handful of Because it is a test and
the student doesn’t
have access to the text
Dates” discovers the malicious, hypocritical side of his supposedly religious, admirable for quotes, all textual
evidence is
grandfather when he exploits a neighbor for a fifty pound debt, ruthlessly robbing him of the date paraphrased, yet still
specific, indicating solid
understanding of both
harvest necessary to provide for himself and his family. Furthermore, such disillusionment in both texts.

stories mark a turning point in the relationship between the protagonist and the family member. Notice transition words:
“furthermore” and “in
When the protagonist in “The Persian Carpet” spots the stolen carpet in her mother’s house, her comparison”. These
help the reader follow
love for her mother suddenly turns into hatred and she wants to push away her mother’s arms that the points of
comparison within the
encircle her. In comparison, the protagonist in “A Handful of Dates” deliberately vomits the dates

that his grandfather had given him to eat, wanting to be rid of any connection to him, and
The concluding
sentence ties the details
ultimately his corruption. Thus, the epiphany at the end of Hanan Al-Shaykh’s short story “The and analysis back to the
topic sentence. It again
Persian Carpet” and Tayeb Saleh’s “A Handful of Dates” highlights the young protagonist’s refers to both authors
and both stories.

disillusionment towards an older family member which forever alters their relationship.

Lisa Foran 2010

Literary Analysis Comparative Paragraph
A Close Examination of the Exemplars

Literary Aspect: Epiphany

Theme: Disillusionment towards an older family member

Texts to Compare:

A. “The Persian Carpet”

B. “A Handful of Dates”

Points of Comparison:

1. Protagonist’s feelings at the beginning of the story

2. The epiphany
3. How the protagonist reacts after the epiphany

Points of Comparison A. “The Persian Carpet” B. “A Handful of Dates”

Protagonist loves and greatly Protagonist loves his

1. Protagonist’s feelings admires her mother. She grandfather dearly; he sees
at the beginning of the openly expresses love by him as a role model (wants to
story running to her mother to hug be like him) and always tries
her. to please him.

When the protagonist sees The protagonist watches his

2. The epiphany the “stolen” carpet in her grandfather exploit his
mother’s new house (shared neighbor by taking his share
by her mother’s new of the harvest because of a
husband) she realizes her debt of fifty pounds. The
mother’s malevolence (for protagonist discovers the
stealing the carpet and malicious, hypocritical side
blaming a kind blind man, of his grandfather as he
which ultimately ruins his witnesses the extortion,
life). knowing, as the grandfather
does, that the landowner will
have to go into further debt
to feed his family.
This changes the daughter’s The boy wants to separate
3. How the protagonist feelings for her mother. The himself from his grandfather
reacts after the daughter wants to push her so he runs away and vomits
epiphany mother away when her the delicious dates his
mother hugs her. grandfather had just given
Topic Sentence:
In the short stories, “The Persian Carpet” by Hanan Al-Shaykh and “A Handful of Dates” by Tayeb
Saleh, epiphany is employed to illustrate the protagonist’s moment of disillusionment towards a family

Block Method: Grouped by Text

A “The Persian Carpet”

1 Protagonist’s feelings at the beginning of the story

A “The Persian Carpet”

2 The epiphany

A “The Persian Carpet”

3 How the protagonist reacts after the epiphany

B “A Handful of Dates”
1 Protagonist’s feelings at the beginning of the story

B “A Handful of Dates”
2 The epiphany

B “A Handful of Dates”
3 How the protagonist reacts after the epiphany

Alternating Method: Grouped by Points of Comparison

A “The Persian Carpet”

1 Protagonist’s feelings at the beginning of the story

B “A Handful of Dates”
1 Protagonist’s feelings at the beginning of the story

A “The Persian Carpet”

2 The epiphany

B “A Handful of Dates”
2 The epiphany

A “The Persian Carpet”

3 How the protagonist reacts after the epiphany

B “A Handful of Dates”
3 How the protagonist reacts after the epiphany

Concluding Sentence:
Thus, the epiphany at the end of Hanan Al-Shaykh’s short story “The Persian Carpet” and Tayeb Saleh’s
“A Handful of Dates” highlights the young protagonist’s disillusionment towards an older family
member which forever alters their relationship.
Literary Comparative Analysis Paragraph
Planning Sheet

Literary Aspect: ________________________________________________

Theme: _______________________________________________________

Texts to Compare:
A. ________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________

Points of Comparison:
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________

A. “_____________________” B. “____________________”

Points of Comparison Concrete Evidence: Concrete Evidence:




Method of Comparison (Block or Integrated): ___________________________________________

Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________


Concluding Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________


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