Farewell Speech

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

The Headmaster of SMP Riyadlut Tauhid
All the teachers of SMP Riyadlut Tauhid
All Operational Administration staffs SMP Riyadlut Tauhid

All my friends in grade IX and also in grade VIII and VII

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to
come here, to attend a farewell ceremony for the students of SMP Riyadlut Tauhid grade
IX in the academic year 2009–2010.
Secondly, may shalawat and salam be upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has
guided us from the darkness into the brightness.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters…

In this very happy occasion, I stand here to represent all the younger students of SMP
Riyadlut Tauhid to deliver a farewell speech for all my big brothers and sisters in SMP
Riyadlut Tauhid.

My beloved brothers and sisters…

Day by day we have passed any activity in this beloved school together, and now,
Unnoticed that this time we’ll make a parting. I feel it’s so short. I always imagine how
great if we can always assemble to learn in the same alma mater. However, what can we
do??? We can’t deny that when there is a meeting, there is a parting. However, it’ll really
great if a parting is interpreted or understood by parting only our body, but our heart has
been still the one forever.

My brothers and sisters….

I think it’ll really hard to forget when you gave us many motivations, help, contribution, and
experience that really useful. Essentially, a sibling is a person who doesn’t want to hurt
his/her young brothers or sisters, and continually give them useful things for his/her better
future. We hope what you have been given can made us better not only in thinking but
also in attitudes. We realize that we cannot give you reward. We can only give you
gratitude, farewell and pray. I hope you will be able to continue your study... so that
someday you will become successful and useful persons for this country and our society.

My beloved brothers and sisters…

I think that’s all my farewell speech. I am so sorry for all my wrong words. The last, I know
that as long we were together, we must be ever made mistakes, either spoken or attitude.
Because of that, Please, forgive our mistakes… forgive all the bad things that we have
done… and hopefully we can make our attitudes better than before. May God repay your
kindness! May God always bless you all!
Thank you very much.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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