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CMS Student Survey 2019-2020


Information about the CMS Student Survey

As part of the district’s Title IX requirements, CMS is seeking to obtain students’ perspective on the
climate of our schools. To that end, CMS is administering a short online survey of students in grades 5-
13. The survey is open from February 10-28, 2020. The survey asks for feedback on school climate,
safety, behavior, harassment, and bullying. CMS will use the results to inform our work and ensure our
schools are safe, welcoming environments for all students.

The CMS student survey is completely voluntary. Administering the survey is required of CMS as part of
Title IX, but an individual student’s participation is not required.

The survey is anonymous. Students must use their CMS ID to log in to the survey so that we know that
the student logging in is in an eligible grade (5-13) and which school the student attends (for reporting
purposes). Knowing the student’s grade also allows for younger students to see different questions than
their older peers. CMS does not know who responded and who did not, or what any individual student’s
responses were. That is, we have no way to connect a student to their responses.

Even if students do decide to participate in the survey, they are free to skip any questions that they do
not want to answer. The facilitation script that is provided for teachers to read to students states that
students can skip questions.

New Questions in 2018-2019

In 2018-2019, three questions were added to the survey on gender identity and sexual orientation.
While these are sensitive topics, they are important issues that affect many of our students. According
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 2% of young people identify as
transgender. Transgender students are at greater risk for substance use, violence victimization, and
mental health disorders. Similarly, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ)
youth are at greater risk for social stigma, harassment, violence, and negative health outcomes

These questions were added to the survey this year so that the district can better support students.
While there is no way for us to know exactly which students are facing the identity issues, asking these
questions will at least give us a sense of how many students are gender non-conforming or LGBTQ and
the number of students present at each school. Knowing this information will allow CMS to be able to
deploy staff and services most effectively and ensure that all students feel safe in their schools. Without
asking these questions on this survey, we would not be able to obtain this information.

Which students are asked these questions?

All students in grades 5-13 were asked about their gender identity, but only students in grades 6-13
were asked whether they identify as transgender and about their sexual orientation. There is a “not
sure” answer option for these questions if students do not understand the terms or do not want to
choose another answer. Again, students do not have to answer these questions if they do not want to.
Based on feedback we have received so far this year, we plan to include “I prefer not to answer” as a
response option next year.

Are others asking these questions?

Other K-12 school districts have asked similar questions in their student surveys (For example, Austin
Independent School District; Dane County, Wisconsin). The Youth Risk Behavior Survey, administered to
middle and high school students by the CDC every other year, asks students about their sexual
orientation. A random sample of CMS students participate in the YRBS during each administration (4,421
students in 2017).

What questions are asked on the CMS student survey?


For the following questions please indicate whether you Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly
1. Boys and girls are treated equally well at this school. All
2. Adults at this school treat all students respectfully. All
3. At this school makes sure there is at least one adult who knows me well and All
shows interest in my education and future.
4. Students at this school are teased or picked on because of their race or ethnicity. All
5. Students at this school are teased or picked on because of their cultural All
background or religion.
6. Students at this school are teased or picked on because of their physical or mental All
7. My teachers care about me. All
8. I feel like I belong. All
9. I feel like I am a part of this school. All
10. I feel safe at this school. All
11. I feel safe going to and from school. All
12. I sometimes stay home because I don’t feel safe at this school. All
13. Students at this school are often bullied. All
14. I know how to report incidents of bullying or harassment at this school, whether All
incidents are experienced by me or someone that I know.
15. I have witnessed or observed harassment or bullying between students at this All
16. Students often spread mean rumors or lies about others at this school on Social All
Media (e.g., Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Facebook etc.).
17. I have experienced bullying at my school*. All
18. I have experienced sexual harassment at this school*. Grades 6-13
19. At this school, there is a teacher or some other adult who students can go to if All
they need help because of bullying or harassment.
20. Students at this school are teased or picked on because of their sexual orientation All
or gender identity.
21. At this school, there is a teacher or some other adult who students can go to if Grades 9-13
they need help because of sexual assault or dating violence.
22. I’m certain I can figure out how to do the most difficult class work*. All
23. I can do almost anything if I don’t give up*. All
24. Even if the work is hard, I can learn it*. All
25. My teacher(s) provide instructional materials (e.g. textbooks, handouts) and All
examples that reflect my cultural background*.
26. My teacher(s) are interested in my culture*. All
27. My teacher(s) use real life examples to help explain things*. All
28. School rules are applied equally to all students*. All
29. Teacher(s) at this school help explain things*. All
30. My teachers ask student’s to express their feelings, ideas, and experiences*. All
31. My teachers take students’ thoughts and ideas into account when making All
32. How do you describe your gender  Male All
identity? (check one) **  Female
 Non-binary
 Gender fluid
 Not sure
33. Do you identify as transgender?**  Yes Grades 6-13
 No
 Not Sure
34. Which of the following best describes  Straight/Heterosexual Grades 6-13
your sexual orientation?**  Gay or Lesbian
 Bisexual
 Pansexual
 Asexual
 Questioning my sexual
 Other
 Not sure
*New in 2018-2019 **New in 2019-2020

References and more information

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