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Shadbala Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Ucha Bala
19.37 19.07 44.26 7.74 19.93 42.59 30.07
Saptavargaja Bala
90.00 121.88 112.50 129.38 101.25 101.25 54.39
Ojayugmarasymasa Bala
15.00 15.00 0 15.00 0 30.00 15.00
Kendra Bala
15.00 30.00 60.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 60.00
Drekkana Bala
0 0 0 0 0 0 15.00
Total Sthana Bala
139.37 185.95 216.76 167.12 151.18 203.84 174.46
Total Dig Bala
42.20 10.43 24.57 42.57 14.43 14.75 27.24
Nathonnatha Bala
46.04 13.96 60.00 13.96 46.04 13.96 46.04
Paksha Bala
105.28 52.64 7.36 7.36 52.64 7.36 52.64
Thribhaga Bala
60.00 0 0 0 0 60.00 0
Abda Bala
0 15.00 0 0 0 0 0
Masa Bala
0 0 0 0 30.00 0 0
Vara Bala
0 0 0 0 0 0 45.00
Hora Bala
0 0 0 0 0 60.00 0
Ayana Bala
29.32 83.08 48.16 31.24 59.42 34.53 51.35
Yuddha Bala
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Kala Bala
240.64 164.68 115.52 52.56 188.10 175.85 195.03
Total Cheshta Bala
0 0 18.49 14.11 34.14 4.59 52.53
Total Naisargika Bala
51.43 60.00 25.70 42.85 17.14 34.28 8.57
Total Drik Bala
-22.64 -19.52 -17.70 -23.06 -3.73 -21.32 4.29
Total Shadbala
451.00 401.54 383.34 296.15 401.26 411.99 462.12

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Shadbala Summary Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Total Shadbala
451.00 401.54 383.34 296.15 401.26 411.99 462.12
Total Shadbala in Rupas
7.52 6.69 6.39 4.94 6.69 6.87 7.70
Minimum Requirement
6.00 5.00 7.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 5.00
Shadbala Ratio
1.25 1.34 0.91 0.90 1.34 1.06 1.54
Relative Rank
4 2 6 7 3 5 1

Ishta Phala / Kashta Phala Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Ishta Phala 11.94 26.85 28.61 10.45 26.08 13.98 39.74

Kashta Phala 46.25 30.13 25.56 48.97 32.19 31.06 14.95

Bhava Aspect Strength Chart ( Bhava Drikbala ) in Shashtiamsas

Nature of Mercury is determined by association.

Aspecting Planet Aspected Bhava Madhya Planet (Drishya Bhava)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Benefic Aspects ( Subhadrishti )

10.42 6.67 2.92 . . . 0.83 5.40 10.42 5.85 3.31 14.17

23.15 8.15 . . . 6.85 28.71 38.15 16.29 27.41 53.15 38.15

10.29 6.54 2.79 . . . 0.97 5.68 10.29 5.57 3.86 14.04

37.87 22.87 7.87 . . . 7.13 29.26 37.87 15.74 28.52 52.87
30.00 30.00

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Subha bala

81.73 74.23 13.58 . . 6.85 37.64 78.49 74.87 84.57 88.84 119.23

Malefic Aspects ( Asubhadrishti )

-7.66 -3.91 -0.16 . . . -3.59 -10.93 -7.66 -0.33 -14.35 -11.41

. . . -1.66 -7.07 -9.59 -4.18 -6.64 -13.34 -9.59 -5.84 -2.09
-3.75 -3.75
-9.18 -8.54 -2.07 -10.86 -12.29 -8.54 -4.79 -1.03 . . . -2.72
-11.25 -11.25

Asubha bala

-28.09 -12.45 -2.23 -12.52 -19.36 -21.88 -12.56 -29.85 -21.00 -13.67 -20.19 -16.22

Drishti Pinda / Drik Bala

53.64 61.78 11.35 -12.52 -19.36 -15.03 25.08 48.64 53.87 70.90 68.65 103.01

Bhava Bala Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bhavadhipati Bala
401.26 296.15 383.34 451.00 401.54 383.34 296.15 401.26 411.99 462.12 462.12 411.99
Bhava Digbala
30.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 10.00 10.00 0 50.00 20.00 60.00 40.00 20.00
Bhavadrishti Bala
53.64 61.78 11.35 -12.52 -19.36 -15.03 25.08 48.64 53.87 70.90 68.65 103.01
Total Bhava Bala
484.90 377.93 434.69 498.48 392.18 378.31 321.23 499.90 485.86 593.02 570.77 535.00
Bhava Bala in Rupas
8.08 6.30 7.24 8.31 6.54 6.31 5.35 8.33 8.10 9.88 9.51 8.92
Relative Rank
7 11 8 5 9 10 12 4 6 1 2 3

Check for Moudhyam (combustion)

When planets come very near to Sun they get 'Moudhyam' (combust). Planets in 'Moudhyam' produce very bad effects.
Moon within 12, Mars 17, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 9 and Saturn 15 degrees of the Sun are considered to be in

There are no planets in Moudhyam in this horoscope

Graha Yuddha (Planetary war)

Planets except the Sun and the Moon enter into war when they are closer than one degree from each other. Although there
are differences of opinion regarding which planets win in graha yuddha, the concept followed here is that :
Among others, the planet on the northern side wins.

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There are no planets in graha yuddha in this horoscope.

Summary of Grahavastha

Planet Exaltation/ Combustion Graha Yuddha Retrograde Baladi Avastha


Moo Mritavastha
Sun Yuvavastha
Mer Balavastha
Ven Debilitated Mritavastha
Mar Balavastha
Jup Mritavastha
Sat Retrograde Kumaravastha

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Special Combination of Planets in the Horoscope (YOGA)

Yogas are special combination of planets in the horoscope which influence the life and future of a person. Some are formed
by simple conjunction of planets,whereas others are based on complex astrological logic or peculiar placement of planets in
the chart. Hundreds of combinations and their effects have been described in the ancient astrological texts. While some
combinations are good, others may have undesirable effects.

The important combinations identified in your horoscope are listed below with a brief mention of the effect it can have on

Sasa Mahayoga

Saturn in a kendra in own house.

As a result of the Sasha Maha Yoga, you, your husband or your close relatives will be connected with the law, the police,
or the armed forces. You will be a dignified and thoughtful, women regardless of your profession or circumstance. You will
have numerous assistants. You may decide to participate in social activities with determination. Your life span is over 70.
You may have enemies who resent you. You have the strength and capability to head an institution or organization and run
it efficiently.

Neecha Banga Rajayoga

Shukra is in its house of debilitation.
Lord of debilitated house is in Lagna Kendra.
Planet which is exalted in the debilitated rasi is in Lagna kendra.

You will be a very fortunate lady. So you will reach high positions. You will be kind hearted and fair in all your dealings
with others.

Anabha Yoga

Planet (excepting Sun) situated in the 12th. from Moon.

Anabha Yoga is formed when the 12th house from the Moon is occupied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn
either alone or together. Anabha Yoga makes a girl, and her male partner, wealthy and happy. In spite of material
possession and worldly status, you will remain unspoiled. You are drawn towards the finer things in clothes, jewellery, and
fashion. You will be attractive, well dressed and socially gracious. You will have a generous and affectionate nature.

Parvatha Yoga

Lord of lagna and lord of 12th house in mutually kendra position.

You will become wealthy and prosperous after meeting your husband. As a women, you will be liberal, charitable and
humerous. You will be passionate in all your actions. You will be able to head an institution or family.

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Mathrumooladhana Yoga

Lord of second joins the lord of fourth.

You will gain money with the help and blessing of your mother.

Dwigraha Yoga

Two planets are situated in the same house
Surya,Guru are in Fifth house

The benevolence and readiness to help others will fetch you good reputation among friends and public. Interest in customs
& rituals and obedience will be your striking features. You will be keen to provide practical advice to others. You will earn
the goodwill of higher officials.

Dwigraha Yoga

Two planets are situated in the same house
Chandra,Shukra are in Sixth house

Control the tendency to pick up fights with others and to engage in misdemeanours. Be careful in the manner in which you
appreciate beauty and fragrance around. A sensible use of your skill to conduct transactions will help you shine in your

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Bhava Predictions

This report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions or contradictions in the
report which only show the interactive nature of various planets on your life.

Personality, physical structure, status

The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fame of the person.

Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be predicted about your personality. You will be:
Independent; courageous; sensitive to the feelings of others; distrustful of relatives; quick tempered; proud; interested in
legality and logic; scientifically inclined; enterprising; ambitious; adventerous; a good planner; keenly observant; stubborn;
not receptive to criticism; frank and open; strong willed; practical; tactless. You are interested in: Beauty; grace; sex; good
food; the excitement of argument. Physically you have: A medium build; sharp eye-sight; a long face and neck; a mark or
scar on the head or temples; round eyes; weak legs and joints.

Since your Lagna lies in the second Drekkana of its house, you are keenly interested in amassing wealth, but you are
naturally cautious. You like to have people believe that you are richer than you really are. Financially, the important years
in your life are 20, 24, 29, 36, 47, 56 and 61.

Since the lord of the ascendant is in the 2nd house, you will possess a multitude of excellent qualities. You will be studious
and religious. You will be a gifted conversationalist. And you will have the ability to ascertain or intuit the future. You will
have piercing eyes. Most importantly, you will be a happy individual.

Jupiter aspects Lagna. You give importance to wearing good, clean dress and choosing good words in conversations.

Wealth, land and properties

Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by the second
house in a horoscope.

As the 2nd lord is in the 6th, you are destined to gain power, privilege and wealth from and through your enemies. You will
have the power to destroy those who do not agree with your personal agenda or convictions. Only seldom will you fail to
achieve what you really want. Black-marketing, blackmailing and deceit, may all play a role in how you amass your

Since Mars is seen in the 2nd house, you will be a strict person committed to hard work but quick tempered. You may not
have had as many educational opportunities as you would have liked. You tend to argue with others.

Since Moon and the second lord are positioned together, you will be interested in arts and performances.

Since the second lord and the fourth lord are in conjunction, there are chances of your gaining wealth through maternal


Third house in the horoscope mainly refers to siblings, courage and cleverness .

Since the 3rd lord is in the 4th, you will be intelligent and wealthy. Your spouse, who is unconventional in many ways, will
probably be extraordinarily intelligent. However, you will not be dictated to, or manipulated by anyone, including your
spouse. You may have step-brothers.

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Since Ketu happens to be in the 3rd house, you will be considered intellectual, capable and good-natured.

Property, Education etc.

The fourth house of your horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.

As the 4th lord is in the 6th house, you will receive motherly love and affection in abundance from a person other than your
mother during the early part of your life. You may appear to be a careless or indifferent daughter. The health of your
mother will be a cause for concern within the family. You will probably be quick tempered even in youth. You are
mercurial and like to be always on the move. You find it hard to settle down.

As the Moon is the lord of the 4th house, you may have a wavering mind. You will need and get support from your father,
husband or boss. As a girl, you will do well in school. You have good career potential. To develop your mind, it will help if
you have the support of those at home, and finally a husband who understands you well.

Since Mercury is seen occupying the fourth, you will do well in education. You will have instinctive interest in astrology,
and in connected celestial and scientific developments. You are capable of deep concentration, and generally, mathematics
and calculations should be easy for you. Education or career connected with these areas are most advisable for you. Your
father will be a self-made, strong-willed individual. You have a good sense of humour and command respect. You enjoy

It is seen that the fourth house is hemmed in between malefic planets. Therefore the good effects given by other planetary
combinations or positions will not be fully experienced. Delays and difficulties in owning a house, in education, etc., are to
be expected.

Children, mind, intelligence.

The fifth house of the horoscope mainly gives indications regarding children, mind and intelligence.

Sun is placed in the 5th house. You have the inborn capacity to succeed in speculative games and business. You will enjoy
the outdoors. You make and keep influential friends.

Jupiter is placed in the 5th house. Your love literature, language, and art. Your affection for children is strong. You like
speculation. You will make a good administrator, priest, counsellor, judge, or negotiator.

As the 5th lord is in the 5th, problems with or about children are likely. You pursue excitement and quick results to make
life interesting. You will rarely be deceitful, pretentious, or hypocritical. Your children will understandably benefit from
your stability when things go wrong. You will have sons who will be connected with each other professionally, or will show
an interest in each other's work. You may become an expert in mathematics or the director of a religious institution.

Positioning of benefic planets in the fifth house from Lagna, Moon or Jupiter or benefic planets aspecting these houses is
considered to favour well for having children. Such positive indications are seen in this horoscope.

Diseases, enemies, obstacles

The sixth house gives indications regarding diseases, enemies, obstacles and other generally negative topics.

The Moon occupies the 6th house. You may have abdominal trouble. Your sense of accommodation and tolerance is
comparatively low.

Venus occupies the 6th house. It is difficult for you to be consistent under changing situations. This may create problems
with the opposite sex. You may also incur enmity.

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Since the 6th lord is in the 4th, you will be intelligent and imaginative. There may be imaginative additions or deliberate
subtractions during the course of transfer of information through you. Elements of jealousy in your personality are inbuilt
and you cannot escape from it altogether. Your unconscious fear of losing the love of your mother affects all you do. There
may be a break in education. If these happens you might be emotionally volatile. Your mind is not as strong as other's
assume from a distance. Ancestral property will be involved in debt. You have to face trouble through assistants.

Marriage etc.

The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th. house.

Your 7th lord is in the 6th. You will be very feminine and will be interested in beautiful clothes, and nice jewellery. You
will be interested in appearing attractive in public. Many men will show a romantic interest in you. However, you find it
hard to commit to any relationship whole-heartedly. You are very definite about the type of man you will marry, but you
tend to be secretive about your desire. You will marry a man you know well and trust. You will understand your husband,
and expect the same understanding from him. You value human relationships and friendships. You will have children, and
gain happiness from them. You enjoy travelling and vacationing.

The 7th lord is badly afflicted and Venus ill disposed. It is difficult for you to chose a mate. You are a woman with
numerous likes and dislikes. This may make it hard for you to find a suitable husband. If you and your partner experience
any sexual difficulties, or you have any physical problems, you should be willing to go to a doctor immediately. Any delay
will complicate the situation and make it worse. As a wife, you will be called upon to support and encourage your husband.
Your approach has to be analytical and considerate. Both you and your spouse will have a temper and be quick to anger.
You will have to take the initiative when it comes to discussing sensitive matters. You have the power to ensure a happy
married life.

A person from the south could make an ideal partner for you.

Since Jupiter influences the Sun, your husband will probably be religious. He will give you good advice.

It is seen that Venus is afflicted by other planets. Hence, occasional disturbances in family life should be expected. Both
partners are advised to take care to ensure the success of the family unit.

Longevity, difficulties

The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment and other difficulties.

Since the 8th lord is in the 2nd, you may not be as physically active as you would like to be. May experience problems of
the eyes and teeth. You are picky about your food and may not like what is served to you. You should try to protect and
retain what you already possess as it is rather difficult to regain what has been lost. Normally, a person of your
temperament who receives genuine and intense response from your partner will not look elsewhere for fulfilment. You will
need all your strength to remain calm and collected when your lover becomes stubborn or violently emotional. Guard
against diseases that may cause problems in old age.

Fortune, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.

As the 9th lord is in the 5th, you are the daughter of a famous and rich father. It will be difficult to find fault with you. You
will be wise, generous, and devoted to your family. Moreover, you are ready to face any challenge in life. You will no
doubt enjoy prosperity and lead a happy family life. But you take pleasure in analyzing and criticizing your spouse. Your
partner does not take kindly to your comments and may respond acrimoniously. To prevent or repair the damage caused by
arguments, you'll have to utilize your charm and most imaginative love-making. Your sons will also be fortunate in life and
enjoy success and distinction.

Since Rahu is occupying the ninth, it is likely that your partner will be nagging and domineering. You may have strong

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feelings about your father and about tradition in general.

It is significant that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the 9th house, and this reduces any other bad effects.

Yellow color and topaz stone are lucky for you. Wearing topaz will improve your intellectual capacity and also compensate
for the weak planets in your horoscope.


Verse from Phaladeepika says that the tenth house indicates Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position), Karma (acts,
occupation, profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood, profession), Vyoma (sky),
Achara (conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (going), Ajna (command)

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, from the tenth house, the astrologer should judge occupation, command, authority,
fame, rain, life in foreign lands, performance of sacrifice, esteem, respect, means of livelihood, profession, the knees and
the servants.

An analysis of the tenth house, lord of tenth house, planets in tenth house, position of Sun and Moon are analysed below to
get an insight into the professions astrologically indicated for you.

In your horoscope, the lord of the tenth house is placed in the tenth house itself. Verse from Brihat Parasara Hora indicates
that you develop expertise in whatever you do. You face problems with courage and remain cheerful even in adverse
situations. You believe in speaking the truth. You are always concerned with the well being of your elders.

The tenth house is Capricorn. This sign gives authority and power. It helps you think deeply and also practical and self
reliant. You can successfully manage large projects. This sign also denotes political agents and ministers of state. The ruler
of Capricorn is Saturn and this indicates smithy, manual jobs, service sector, mining and other trades, jobs in jails and
enforcement agencies. Your career may have some connection with the color blue.

Saturns virtues are patience and persistence, fortitude and reliability. In your horoscope, it is significant to note that Saturn
is in the tenth house. Some astrologers are of the opinion that this position means initial success will be followed by
ultimate defeat. However, many experts feel that Saturn in tenth means you have to tackle serious challenges in
professional life but if you face the problems with courage, ultimate success will be yours to keep. Your uncompromising
attitude often lands you in trouble.

The verse from Saravali says that when Saturn is placed in the tenth house, one is rich, learned and courageous. You may
become a minister or a punishing authority. You can become a leader of group, city or village.

Saturn in Capricorn makes you ambitious, capable of taking up responsible jobs. Take extra care to see that your family
life is not spoiled by your workaholic nature and insatiable desire for achievement.

Apart from the above analysis based on the planetary positions in the horoscope, some general guidance can be derived
from the birth star itself. Occupations suggested for your birth star are related to the following.

Chemical engineering, public health engineering, communication, tourism, journalism, publishing, public relations officer,
mine engineer, receptionist, registries, local administration, diplomatic services, postal department, astronomy, astrology.


The eleventh house mainly gives indications regarding income and sources of income.

As the 11th lord is in the 10th, you will do well in business and make a good profit. You can expect assistance from your
older brother. You will win awards or prizes for your original contributions to your subject or field of study.

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A benefic planet is positioned in the eleventh house. This is a positive indication.

Eleventh lord is in a Kendra position. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy wealth.

Expenditure, losses

The twelfth house gives indications regarding expenditure and losses.

Since the 12th lord is in the 5th, there will be either difficulty or delay, intentional or unintentional, in having children. You
are spiritually inclined and may frequently spend money on religious causes. You may find it hard to achieve peace of mind
and you may need to express your worries to someone. Do not give money blindly to those who come to you in the name of
Effect of Dasa/Apahara

In Indian Astrology, the Dasa system divides your life into periods and sub-periods which are influenced by various
planets. The general trend of fortunes and misfortunes that can be expected are given below. The intensity of experiences
may vary depending on the natal and transit positions of the planets. This needs further in-depth analysis. The effects which
are not applicable to a child should be considered as applicable to the parents. Predictions are given starting from current
dasa onwards. Details of apahara (bhukti) are given for a maximum of twenty five years only. The starting and ending of
each apahara is also shown. (The initial five years are skipped for infants). Strength of planets is judged by their positions
in Saptavarga.

Rahu Dasa

Rahu is generally associated with Maya, illusion, temptation, glamour, delusion, and falsehood. It tempts a person to
undesirable involvements and attachments. You may also be tempted to cherish false hopes. Your behavior may change or
be erratic. You will be concerned with material comfort. You will find it easier at this time to discard tradition or values.
Rahu is not necessarily bad for everyone; check the other indicators in your chart. Prudence and careful thinking will
mitigate many of the problems of this dasa.

You may feel mentally run-down or tired at this time. Asthma or skin problems are to be expected.You should guard
against snake-bites. This is not a good Maha dasa for education. Be careful about your associates, because through them
you could lose your money or your reputation.

 ( 01-12-2019 >> 19-06-2022 )

The sub-period of Mercury in the Rahu dasa is good for the establishment of new relationships. You will have more good
friends. Your mental capabilities will develop. Your income will rise.

 ( 19-06-2022 >> 07-07-2023 )

Fever is more likely during the sub-period of Ketu in the Rahu dasa. You should be careful since you will be more accident
prone. You may have to face unexpected, and unpleasant events. You should be careful while using electricity, or fire.

 ( 07-07-2023 >> 07-07-2026 )

The sub-period of Venus in the Rahu dasa is not very stable for friendships. Self-control and concentration will become
difficult now. It will be difficult to avoid arguments and differences of opinions. Marriages are possible in the family.

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 ( 07-07-2026 >> 01-06-2027 )

Any symptom of illness during the sub-period of Sun in the Rahu dasa, should be taken seriously. You will be observed by
those in authority. Take care to conduct your academic and business dealings with extra care since you may be asked to
answer for your actions. You should be successful in your efforts.

 ( 01-06-2027 >> 30-11-2028 )

In the sub-period of Moon in the Rahu dasa, you will enjoy companionship and a stable relationship. However, you will
have to face a few problems. Be aware of what is occurring around you. There may be problems on account of children.

 ( 30-11-2028 >> 18-12-2029 )

Antagonism will be on the rise during the sub-period of Mars in the Rahu dasa. Fire, electricity, and explosives will prove
more dangerous now. Increase your fire and accident insurance. Be methodical and careful in what you do. You have to try
and increase your sense of self-awareness at this time.

Guru Dasa (Jupiter)

Jupiter is the most benevolent of all the planets. It can give you greater fortunes. During its rule, you will become a
successful women and will receive respect, praise and prosperity. Members of your family will get ahead at this time due to
your good will and efforts. Older members of your family will look upon you with special concern and kindness. You will
have good friends of both sexes. However, during this period, you may be separated from people who are close to your
heart. In general you should pay special medical attention to your ears, nose, and throat as they will be unusually
susceptible at this time.

Jupiter is well disposed in your case. You can expect added benefits.

You will be more inclined to learn and absorb all you can during this time. This is one of the best Mahadasa's to experience
during one's educational career. The middle part of this dasa imparts growth. You will probably be comfortable. You may
attend, or participate in, many celebrations. General luck with yellow articles such as gold, and with juicy and sweet

 ( 18-12-2029 >> 05-02-2032 )

The sub-period of Jupiter in Jupiter dasa is fairly good. Your health will be better. If you have children, or if you are close
to children, they will do well. You will develop your mind and seek knowledge. Relationships with family and coworkers
will improve. Those in authority will appreciate you.

 ( 05-02-2032 >> 19-08-2034 )

Despite all your efforts and self-discipline, your mind will wander during the sub-period of Saturn in the Jupiter dasa.
Alcohol, and drugs, or gambling may appear tempting to you. You will feel disinterested in most events. You will be
insecure, or feel guilty, about a number of things.

 ( 19-08-2034 >> 24-11-2036 )

There will be changes for the better during the sub-period of Mercury in the Jupiter dasa. Opportunities that were
unavailable will suddenly become more accessible. You will associate with important people. Although you are sincere in

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your efforts, people may be jealous of you. You will feel sorry for yourself. You or those close to you will do well in school.

 ( 24-11-2036 >> 31-10-2037 )

You may change jobs, or move during the sub-period of Ketu in the Jupiter dasa. International travel may become
necessary. Displacement is unavoidable.

 ( 31-10-2037 >> 01-07-2040 )

The sub-period of Venus in the Jupiter dasa is considered unfavourable. You will be irritated with friends and foes alike.
Women will cause worry or trouble for you. You will do better financially. Your reasoning ability will be developed. You
may buy, or be given, expensive items for the home.

 ( 01-07-2040 >> 19-04-2041 )

Your enemies will be weak and ineffective during the sub-period of Sun in the Jupiter dasa. Guests and entertainment may
increase. You will become more well known and better liked. You will be lucky with vehicles. You will be respected by
your society.

 ( 19-04-2041 >> 19-08-2042 )

During the sub-period of Moon in the Jupiter dasa, you will enjoy socializing. People who were unfriendly to you until now
may suddenly change their opinion of you and come to you with offers of assistance. You may receive approval or
recognition in the professional sphere.

 ( 19-08-2042 >> 26-07-2043 )

During the sub-period of Mars in the Jupiter dasa, you will become strong and self-confident. You will be willing to
confront those who challenge you. You will become more popular. This time is generally favorable.

Starting from 18-12-2045

Sani Dasa (Saturn)

Saturn is the gloomy member of the heavenly family. But the planet does not bring grief for its entire period. You should
expect your share of ups and downs, pleasures and displeasures during this period. However, Saturn also rules
perseverance, and it gives you the power to accomplish what you want through hard work. Hence, Saturn is called the great
disciplinarian. You will find many people who are willing to give you support when you need it. If you are married, you
may find more support from your husband than you had ever anticipated. You can expect pleasant surprises as well. There
may be problems for your mate or for other men in your family. You may have pain due to rheumatic complaints.

Since Sasa Mahayoga is found in your chart, Dasa period of Saturn could be surprisingly beneficial for you.

Since Saturn occupies a good position in your horoscope, you will succeed in your efforts during this period due to your
own hard-work. You may enjoy the benefits of agriculture. You may inherit property.

Starting from 18-12-2064

Budha Dasa (Mercury)

This dasa ruled by Mercury, known as the messenger of the gods, will generate unusual desire for higher knowledge, and a
longing for change. You will feel unsettled and will be prone to wandering with friends without definite objectives.

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However you will meet with success if intellectual activities are taken up seriously. You will probably travel far from
home. Important men will be helpful at this time. If you are married, you will enjoy the companionship of your husband
and your joint ventures and opportunities will flourish. However, you have to be careful about your health.

Graha dosham and Remedies

Kuja Dosha Check

Great importance is attached to the effect of KUJA in a horoscope. Kuja plays an important role in determining marriage
compatibility. Often people say that there is Kuja dosham in a horoscope simply because Kuja is in the 7th. or 8th. house.
However, authentic books on astrology gives several rules of exception by which Kuja dosha can be considered as nullified.
A proper analysis on this basis is given below to see if there is Kuja dosham in your horoscope or not.

In this horoscope, Kuja (Mars) is in the Second house.

This position gives some dosham.

Result of Kuja Dosha check with respect to Lagna

Kuja Dosha seen in this horoscope


Confidence and hard work can overcome any challenge that come in to your way. Realistic attitude will help you lead a
happy family life. Be reasonable in what you spend and ready to meet unexpected expenses. Do not let the family conflicts
to affect your thoughts and tasks. You may release the tensions, being clever and friendly to your family members.
Avoiding bad companies and influences will make you happier. You may face some hostilities and legal actions. Good
friends can make you more confident in your efforts for a better living.


To alleviate the bad effects of Kuja in second house, you can follow the below mentioned remedies.

Offer archanas to Lord Vishnu and Lord Subrahmania. Try to have the archanaprasada (sandal wood paste) applied on
your forehead most of the times. Observe Vrata on Tuesdays and Fridays with morning prayers to Vishnu and
Subrahmania. Every morning, before you work, recite Skandashashtikavacha and Shanmukhakavacha. On Suklapaksha
Fridays, perform Lakshmipooja and give annadan and vasthradan to two sumangali women.

Rahu Dosha & Ketu Dosha

Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. Their movement is interrelated and as parts of one body they are at all times just
opposite to each other but keeping in view of aspect (drishti), they can be regarded together.

In general, Rahu carries the positive and beneficial tone of Jupiter and hence stands for growth and development and self
help while Ketu expresses the restrictions and obstacles of Saturn and hence thought to restrict growth. In this way Rahu
represents positive objectives and Ketu denotes the easy way out with little opportunity for growth.

Thus Rahu signifies materialism and desires, whereas Ketu signifies spiritual tendencies and process of the refinement of
materialization to spirit but obstacles in the material realm. Rahu is considered to be wile, deceitful and dishonest.

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Rahu Dosha

No Rahu Dosha found in this horoscope.

Remedies To Rahu Dosha

Since there is no Rahu dosha in your horoscope, you do not need to take any remedies

Ketu Dosha

No Ketu Dosha found in this horoscope.

Remedies To Ketu Dosha

Since there is no Ketu dosha in your horoscope, you do not need to take any remedies


Star Remedies

As you are born in Uthram star, your star lord is Sun. Your self-confidence and belief in ideas is your striking feature. But
this may be a drawback as delays may be caused in achieving the desired results.

On the basis of the birth star, the Dasa periods of some planets may be generally unfavorable to you. The birth star being
Uthram suggests that you may have adverse experiences during the dasa periods of Mars, Jupiter and Mercury.

There will be a number of visible changes in your feelings, thoughts and actions during this period. Even the most
good-natured individuals may act foolishly in certain situations. Sometimes your own nature may be inimical to your
lifestyle. It is desirable to avoid any shade of selfishness in your timely interferences. Often, success comes after a
laborious battle.

The lord of the birth sign Kanni is Mercury. Situations may arise where you will be required to present a clear vision with
respect to education and friendships. Taking into account how your ideas influence others will be good. Relatives and
colleagues may not acknowledge your sincerity immediately.

Avoid transactions and auspicious functions in Chithira, Vishakham, Thrikketta, Aswathi, Bharani and Karthika (Medam

You must practice restraining your words and behaviour during the unfavourable Dasa periods, especially on the hostile
stars. Try to stay away from unnecessary tussles. It is best not to interfere in others' matters during this period.

Practicing customary remedial measures will help to mitigate the negative effects.

Praying regularly to Sun and Lord Shiva, particularly during the hostile Dasa period, is considered to be beneficial. For
better results, visit the temples of Lord Shiva and pray to Sun on the birth star of Uthram and on the associated stars of

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Uthradam and Karthika. It is also good to observe fast on the days in which Sundays and Uthram star come together.

Meditate on Lord Sun and stay in the sun for sometime daily. Avoid the siesta to receive the maximum benefit from the
Sun. Also, try to read holy books like epics daily. This will ensure prosperity in your home. Selecting and wearing red,
green and saffron coloured dresses is considered yet another way to appease Sun and Mercury.

In addition, fortune will smile on those who take measures to please the lord of the sign, Mercury.

Bhagan is the lord of Uthram star. Chant faithfully any of the following Mantras to appease Bhagan, one of the Adityans
mentioned in the Rig Veda, and receive good prospects:

1 Om baga pranetharbaga sathya raadho bage

Maam dhiyamudhwaadhadhannaha baga prano janago
Gobirashaiwr bagapranrbinrvathesyam

2 Om bagaaya namaha

Besides, nurturing plants, animals and birds is considered highly auspicious. Especially, keep off from harming camel, the
animal of Uthram star. Take care not to cut the Ithi or its branches- the official tree- and harm crow, the official bird of
Uthram. If possible feed the crows. The element of Uthram is Fire. Worshipping the lord of fire and lighting lamps during
twilight will bring good luck to the people born in this star.

Dasa Remedies

The remedies for the harmful effects of dasa

The analysis of the general trend of fortunes and misfortunes, during the dasa of each planet, is based on the planetary
position in the horoscope. The examination of the benefic and malefic effects of the planets shows that some dasa periods
are not generally favorable to you. In order to mitigate the harmful effects of the unfavourable dasa periods, you must
observe certain remedial rites.

The unfavourable dasa periods in this horoscope and the remedial rites to be observed during that period are given below.

Dasa :Guru

Your Guru dasa starts on 18-12-2029

Your birth star is Utaraphalguni. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.

According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Jupiter dasa.
Even though Jupiter is the planet which grants riches, you will have to face many unforeseen difficulties when Jupiter is in
an unfavourable position in your horoscope. Don't be complacent in the matters of health. You must treat even an
insignificant disease.

The intensity of the harmful effects of Jupiter dasa varies according to the positional variation of Jupiter. Some of the
difficulties that you may have to face, when Jupiter is in unfavourable positions, are given below.

When Jupiter is debilitated your faith in God may be weakened. The actions of others may knowingly or unknowingly
evoke mental pain. You are advised to control your anger and sadness in these occasions.

During this period you may find it difficult to be optimistic. Disappointment, anxiety and lack of self-confidence may be
impediment to your success. You are advised to exercise self-control while conversing with your friends and relatives.

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During this period you may feel the lack of vitality. Your extravagance will lead to financial difficulties. You must try to
maintain delicacy in your behaviour.

You may loose weight when Jupiter is in an unfavourable position. Be careful that diseases like accumulation of phlegm in
your throat, diabetes and diseases related to the liver do not affect you.

If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Jupiter dasa, you can easily deduce that Jupiter is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Jupiter. Appeasing
Jupiter not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.

Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Jupiter dasa are given


You must wear yellow dresses to appease Jupiter. In order to reduce the harmful effects, you should wear yellow on


Your lifestyle in the Jupiter dasa period should complement the requirements of Jupiter. Don't forsake the faith in God and
optimism. Give importance to human values. You should foster social service with the support of virtue and mutual
friendships. You should love your relatives and take care of their health. You must be eager to fulfill your promises. You
must have a clear idea of your financial position. Gaining spiritual knowledge and sharing it with others is virtuous.
Always see the good side of everything in your life. You should maintain mental and physical purity on Thursdays. You
must respect and obey the guru's.

Devatha Bhajanam

You must worship Lord Vishnu to gratify Jupiter. Visiting the temple of Lord Vishnu on Thursdays while fasting; doing
Vishnu pooja on every birth star day; performing the Mahasudarshana sacrifice (homa) when you experience an increase in
your enemies in the Jupiter dasa and doing Chakrabja pooja are some of the ways to gratify Jupiter.

Alms (Daanam)

Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins.

Donate pulses, yellow silk, yellow ruby, turmeric, jute, lemon, gold, salt, sugar etc to appease Jupiter. It is beneficial to
give away the gold statue of Jupiter.


You must wear yellow flowers like yellow Chrysanthus (thechi), yellow Nerium (arali), and yellow Boehima (Mandaram)
to appease Jupiter. Chant the mantra given below and wear it.

Anishtasthaanasanjaathadoshashaanthikaram sumam
Santhathe shirasaa thena devapoojyaha praseethathu

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Observe the above remedies till 18-12-2045.

Dasa :Budha

Your Budha dasa starts on 18-12-2064

Your birth star is Utaraphalguni. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.

According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Mercury dasa.
You may come across many unforeseen complications in this period. You are advised to exercise self-restrain in speech. Be
careful while dealing with the situations which demand taking important decisions.

The intensity of the harmful effects of Mercury dasa varies according to the positional variation of Mercury. Some of the
difficulties that you may have to face, when Mercury is in unfavourable positions, are given below.

When Mercury is debilitated, you may not achieve the desired satisfaction in your field of activity. Unanticipated
hindrances are likely to occur in the execution of auspicious feats.

During this period you may make delay in taking logical decisions and implementing it. You may need assistance in your
field. It won't be easy to deviate from the long practiced customs. As a result, you may incur practical difficulties and
unexpected losses.

You may find it difficult to maintain personal relationships. Your words and actions may evoke adverse consequences in
certain situations. All may not happen according to your expectations. Be careful while making diplomatic decisions.

If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Mercury dasa, you can easily deduce that Mercury is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Mercury.
Appeasing Mercury not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.

Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Mercury dasa are given


Green is the favourite colour of Mercury. So wear green dresses to appease Mercury. It is auspicious to wear green dresses
on Wednesdays and while worshipping Mercury.


You can escape from the harmful effects of Mercury dasa to certain extend by cultivating a noble approach in your thought
and action. Engaging in educational disciplines like reading, writing and learning will help you to appease Mercury. You
can gain by developing your communication skill and acquiring new knowledge. Try to learn new languages and enter new
areas of knowledge. Being worldly-wise and listening to the words of learned men will help you during Mercury dasa.
Reading puranas and other such holy books daily will be beneficial to you.

Devatha Bhajanam

Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, must be worshipped to appease Mercury. In order to
reduce the harmful effects of both dasa and time, pray to these deities every Wednesday. Visiting the temple of these idols
and making offerings to them is considered virtuous.

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Alms (Daanam)

Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins.

Donate gold, green gems, the image of Mercury and green clothes to appease Mercury. It is beneficial to give away sugar,
ghee, pulses or the food made with it.


You must wear the green tender leaves of Basil (Thulsi) and Crataeva Religiosa (Koovalam) to appease Mercury. You can
also wear yellow flowers during Mercury dasa. Wear the yellow flowers of Chrysanthus (chethi), Boehima (Mandaram),
Nerium (Arali), Caesalpinia (Swarnamalli), Cassia (Konnapoovu) and Dandelion (Jamanthi) during Mercury dasa.

Observe the above remedies till 18-12-2081.

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Transit forecast

Name : chanchu (Female)

Birth Rasi : Kanya
Birth Star : Utaraphalguni

Position of planets on : 1-February- 2020

Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha

Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. The movements
of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may be opposing, nullifying or
reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of the dynamics at work by studying the
impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, is a blend of the following predictions.

Transit of Sun

The Sun takes about a month to transit through one sign.

 ( 13-January-2020 >> 12-February-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Fifth house.

If you are careful now, you can avoid disappointments later. Failures and losses are part of the present position of the stars.
You tend to work hard, neglect food and feel tired. However, all these habits are counter-productive. You should be
extremely careful while eating out since the possibility of food poisoning exists.

 ( 12-February-2020 >> 13-March-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Sixth house.

This is definitely a favorable period for you. You will feel ready to take on any adversary. You will feel happy and enjoy
improved living conditions. You will succeed in all you set your mind to do. You may meet someone who will become very
important in your life in some manner. If you are married, you will try to be an ideal wife.

 ( 13-March-2020 >> 12-April-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Seventh house.

Since you are an intelligent woman, you will be prepared for all eventualities. But sudden changes in plans may occur due
to family pressure. To some extent, this will irritate you. Financial problems may exist, but you can handle them. You
should take care of your health. You will also need to relax and take care of yourself. A vacation will be a good idea, and
you may plan for one; however, you may find yourself unable to follow through on your plans.

Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effect of this

 ( 6-November-2019 >> 30-March-2020 )

During this period Jupiter transits the Fourth house.

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This is a time when you will have to focus on the man who is most important in your life. You will try to maintain a stable
and calm relationship. However, your husband or lover, seems distanced from you. Your attention might be distracted by
the health of someone close to you. You feel like you have to bear the burden of everyone else's problems. Financially you
might not have as much ready cash as you would like. However, you will be able to manage.

 ( 31-March-2020 >> 30-June-2020 )

During this period Jupiter transits the Fifth house.

Jupiter's transitory influence is positive at this time, and this could make you seem happy and cheerful to others. You may
have a new baby in the house, or you may get to spend more time with your children. You will be on good terms with your
neighbors. You will be optimistic and happy. You may move to a new house, or a new neighborhood. You may arrange or
participate in interviews. You are more attentive to the appearance of the man in your life. You will be more confident. You
will receive encouragement from others.

Transit of Saturn

Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certain positions, it gives powerful
and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.

 ( 25-January-2020 >> 29-April-2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Fifth house.

You may have problems due to children during this period. You may have to distance yourself from people you enjoy being
with. This separation may be only for a short while. The transit of Saturn will soon be favorable for you. You may
suddenly rise in your career, or you may receive money.

 ( 30-April-2022 >> 12-July-2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Sixth house.

You are entering a happier phase than before. Your adversaries will have to leave you alone. You may have new and
enterprising plans. At this time, you will do well at home and in your career. There will also be an improvement in your
financial situation at this time. You will do well in all things.

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Favourable Periods for Career

Considering the lagna lord, tenth lord, benefic planets in lagna and tenth house, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and tenth house
and other factors the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for career.
Analysis for age 15 to age 60.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Kuja Sani 11-05-2007 18-06-2008 Excellent

Kuja Budha 18-06-2008 16-06-2009 Favourable
Kuja Ketu 16-06-2009 12-11-2009 Favourable
Kuja Shukra 12-11-2009 12-01-2011 Favourable
Kuja Surya 12-01-2011 20-05-2011 Favourable
Kuja Chandra 20-05-2011 19-12-2011 Favourable
Rahu Guru 31-08-2014 24-01-2017 Favourable
Rahu Sani 24-01-2017 01-12-2019 Favourable
Rahu Kuja 30-11-2028 18-12-2029 Favourable
Guru Sani 05-02-2032 19-08-2034 Excellent
Guru Budha 19-08-2034 24-11-2036 Favourable
Guru Ketu 24-11-2036 31-10-2037 Favourable
Guru Shukra 31-10-2037 01-07-2040 Favourable
Guru Surya 01-07-2040 19-04-2041 Favourable
Guru Chandra 19-04-2041 19-08-2042 Favourable
Guru Kuja 19-08-2042 26-07-2043 Excellent
Guru Rahu 26-07-2043 18-12-2045 Favourable
Sani Budha 21-12-2048 31-08-2051 Favourable
Sani Ketu 31-08-2051 09-10-2052 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for Career.

Period start Period End Analysis

11-12-2008 01-05-2009 Favourable

31-07-2009 20-12-2009 Favourable
03-05-2010 01-11-2010 Excellent
07-12-2010 08-05-2011 Excellent
18-05-2012 31-05-2013 Favourable
20-06-2014 14-07-2015 Excellent
13-09-2017 11-10-2018 Favourable
31-03-2020 30-06-2020 Favourable
21-11-2020 06-04-2021 Favourable
15-09-2021 21-11-2021 Favourable
14-04-2022 22-04-2023 Excellent
02-05-2024 15-05-2025 Favourable
19-10-2025 05-12-2025 Excellent
03-06-2026 31-10-2026 Excellent
26-01-2027 26-06-2027 Excellent
27-12-2028 29-03-2029 Favourable
26-08-2029 25-01-2030 Favourable
02-05-2030 23-09-2030 Favourable
06-03-2032 12-08-2032 Favourable

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02-05-2024 15-05-2025 Favourable
19-10-2025 05-12-2025 Excellent
03-06-2026 31-10-2026 Excellent
26-01-2027 26-06-2027 Excellent
27-12-2028 29-03-2029 Favourable
26-08-2029 25-01-2030 Favourable
02-05-2030 23-09-2030 Favourable
06-03-2032 12-08-2032 Favourable
24-10-2032 18-03-2033 Favourable
29-03-2034 06-04-2035 Excellent
16-04-2036 10-09-2036 Favourable
18-11-2036 26-04-2037 Favourable
17-09-2037 17-01-2038 Excellent
12-05-2038 07-10-2038 Excellent
04-03-2039 02-06-2039 Excellent
04-12-2040 06-05-2041 Favourable
01-08-2041 02-01-2042 Favourable
11-06-2042 28-08-2042 Favourable
17-02-2044 02-03-2045 Favourable
14-03-2046 22-03-2047 Excellent
19-08-2047 11-10-2047 Favourable
29-03-2048 13-08-2048 Favourable
29-12-2048 03-04-2049 Favourable
28-08-2049 08-03-2050 Excellent
03-04-2050 19-09-2050 Excellent
16-11-2052 15-12-2053 Favourable
31-01-2056 13-02-2057 Favourable
25-02-2058 03-03-2059 Excellent
17-07-2059 25-11-2059 Favourable
05-03-2060 22-07-2060 Favourable
10-08-2061 02-09-2062 Excellent
01-11-2064 30-11-2065 Favourable
16-01-2068 28-01-2069 Favourable
08-02-2070 22-06-2070 Excellent
16-10-2070 09-02-2071 Excellent

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AshtakaVarga Predictions


Ashtakavarga system is a predictive method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary
positions. Ashtakavarga means eightfold categorization. It depicts eightfold strength of planets excluding the nodes of the
Moon but including the ascendant. It is worked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the planetary
strength. The strength of each planet and the power and intensity of their influence depends upon the location of other
planets and the ascendant in relation to it. Eight full points are assigned to each planet. They can obtain strength varying
from zero to 8 points which, plotted on different signs in a chart, determine the possibility of a transiting planet in inducing
auspicious or other effects during its sojourn in a particular sign. Events and their timings are to a large extent determined
by the positioning of particular points. Depending on their negative or positive influences the native can take remedial
measures or pre-empt unpleasant possibilities, just by being aware of the likely consequences. To be forewarned is to be
forearmed --- the planets are one of the best guides to help condition mans mind to the possibilities of his future.

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

Mesha 1 4 6 6 3 3 3 26
Vrishabha 5 3 4 6 4* 8 3 33
Mithuna 7 6 5 4 4 5 5 36
Karkata 5 3 7* 5 4 4 5 33
Simha 1 4* 2 3 3 5* 2 20
Kanya 4* 4 4 5* 3 3 3 26
Tula 3 1 3 4 2 6 1 20
Vrischika 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 31
Dhanu 1 3 5 5 3 4 2 23
Makara 5 4 6 3 4 3 2* 27
Kumbha 6 6 4 1 4 5 6 32
Meena 6 5 3 5 1 6 4 30

49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

* - Planetary Position.
Lagna in Mesha.

Moon's Ashtakavarga

Your luck with the influence of the moon is due to the presence of four Bindus in your chart. You will be generally
regarded as a lucky mascot or the harbinger of good fortune. This influence may be responsible for the prosperity your
household is likely to enjoy.

Sun's Ashtakavarga

Just when you have decided to consolidate your well deserved gains there may arise cicumstances which may take them
away from you. The sun has four Bindus in its own ashtakavarga denoting the phenomena of evasive wealth. But you
will be blessed with happiness in other areas of life which will make up for it.

Mercury's Ashtakavarga

Mercury's ashtakavarga has a brilliant positioning on your chart with seven Bindus. This unique placement puts you in a

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position of advantage when it comes to amassing wealth , experiencing happiness and attaining positions of honour among

Venus' Ashtakavarga

The best things in life for you will be got from your association with friends. Socially acceptable geniality and popularity
characterise your personality and will play a major role in all your accomplishments. You will shine in personnel and
human resource management fields due to your good social skills.

Mars' Ashtakavarga

You are fortunate to have the presence of four Bindus in the ashtakavarga of Mars on your chart. This positioning helps to
mitigate the detrimental effects of the planets endowing you with equal proportions of good and bad fortune.You may not
have the chance for excessive jubilation but neither will you sink into the abyss of deep sorrow.

Jupiter's Ashtakavarga

The power wielded by the five Bindus occurring in Jupiter's ashtakavarga in your chart is a great blessing. It spells
success in endeavours and in overcoming challenges, and getting the better of your opponents. Overall you are born under
this lucky planetary position and will enjoy the benefits of circumstances conspiring to help you succeed.

Saturn's Ashtakavarga

At some point in your life there may come a time when the chances of imprisonment will loom large. You should be
careful while brushing with the authorities as the presence of two Bindus in Saturn's ashtakavarga indicates the likelihood
of incarceration. You are also prone to ill-health. It would be prudent to look after your health and keep official
documentation up- to-date to avoid punishment.

Sarvashtakavarga Predictions

Meena to Mithuna has the most number of bindus in your chart. This points to bliss in childhood . The days that you are
most likely to cherish are the best days of your childhood years. Academically, physically, financially and from the family
angle, any which way you look at it, your early formative years look fulfilled and care free.

At the age corresponding to the figures in the signs occupied by Jupiter, Venus and Mercury..your fortune turns for the
better . Your educational ambitions will materialise and you could acquire that coveted seat for higher education if you
have been aspiring towards that. Your future looks set to take off on the path to wealth, recognition and fame for your
professional accomplishments . Personal life will also match up giving you the ideal mate and marital togetherness will
bring much joy . Your life with progeny also appears blessed. This is the stage of life that will be one of the most
rewarding for you.

In your case this special periods comes in your 20, 26 and 33 years of age.

With best wishes : Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt Ltd

Door No.31/2165-A3, Ist Floor, White Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O., Cochin - 32.
[Ref:14.0 S Eng-060-0073-6FD1-D8EB]

Note: This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we have received so far. We
do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken on the basis of this report.

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