Tom Ferry Listing

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Hi (Names) thanks again for inviting me over today...



(Name)... I know you have a lot of choices when it comes to realtors... so I

really appreciate the opportunity to meet with you today.

Why don’t we take a minute... and take a look around your home... would

that be okay?

(While previewing)

Tell me about some of the most desirable features of the property.

If you were to buy the home... what are some of the features you might

change? (Amplify) Tell me more about that?

Who do you see as the ideal buyer for your home?

Now that we’ve seen the home... where should we sit, the dinning room or

kitchen table?

So (Names)... Let me share with you what we’re going to cover today...

Based on my experience... there are 3 critical areas most sellers want to

discuss with me...

#1 – How much your home will sell for... and how much you’ll receive after

the sale...

#2 – What I’m going to do to expose your property to the highest number of

qualified buyers... and...

#3 – Ultimately, why you should... choose me... as the agent to represent

the sale of your home... Does that make sense?

(Name)... is there anything else important to you?

So before we discuss these... let’s confirm your plans... now...

1. You said you were moving/downsizing/buying a bigger home,


2. And, you’ve decided to move to (location), is that right?

3. How did you choose that area?

4. In terms of timing... how soon can I begin marketing the property?

5. And in a perfect world... we would sell this home... and have you

moved by when?

6. (Names)... if the home, doesn’t sell... is there a plan “B”?

7. ____________________________________________________?

8. ____________________________________________________?

9. ____________________________________________________?
I had delivered a marketing proposal with all of the necessary paperwork...

did you have an opportunity to review it?

Tell me... what’s most important to you in making this move?

(Trial close)

(Names) you have any questions about how we’re going to market the





Handle their questions... remember to close after each answer with a tie down.

“Is that what you want?” “Do you see the value in that?” “Is that the marketing

Did you have any questions about the paperwork?

you’re looking for?”


(Names), the commission we choose is very important, rather than jumping

to that now... let’s first focus on what we’re going to do to sell the home, is

that okay?


(Names) in my professional opinion... there are two important decisions

we’re going to make tonight regarding the marketing of your home... both

will allow us to attract the highest number of qualified buyers... which is

the goal, right?

They are, #1 – The price we set for your home... and #2 – Choosing a full

service approach to the marketing of your property...

Can you see how those two will impact the sale of your home?

Let’s spend some time and go through what my clients tell me... is simply

what I do better... and more effectively than my competition... that’s of

course, how I market your home, okay?

Pricing Presentation

(Names) now were going to focus on the price we set on your home. I’ve

prepared what’s called a market analysis, have you see one of these


There are basically three parts to the report. We have properties for sale,

pending properties, and most importantly sold properties....

Let’s look at Section 1... these are properties in our area... that are still for
sale... I refer to this as our competition. Do you know any of these homes?

(Show 3 to 5 comps)

(Names)... the key to this report is understanding... these homes haven’t

sold, right? They are still listed for sale... and that’s not our goal, is it?

Let’s focus on an important aspect of this report... section two... which are

the prices buyers are paying for homes...

(Look at Pending)

These recent sales prices are great to look at because they tell us what’s

causing buyers in today’s market to say...” I want that house, here’s my

deposit, get me that house”. That’s what we want, right?

(Name)... let’s look at what the buyers and their agents focus on... the sold


(Look at Sold Prices)

These are the homes that have actually SOLD and closed in the last 6
months. It’s important that you understand... some properties sell

quickly... but the deal falls apart... and it’s usually because of price or a

financial terms. Have you heard any horror stories of homes that sold but

never closed? It’s my job to make sure that doesn’t happen, okay?

That’s exactly why we must focus on this section of the report.

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