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TOTAL MARKS: 60 COMPUTER EDUCATION NAME:___________________________

TIME: 1 Hour 30 Mints CLASS # 7th UNIT # 05 ROLL NO:____________

Total Obtained Marks:________
Q.1 Tick The Correct Choice. 30
1. Sending and Receiving message and files electrically is known as_____________.

a). E-mail b).F-mail c).H-mail d).C-mail

2. Storage area or “mailbox” supplied by an e-mail service provider is called_______.

a). inbox b).Bank account c). E-mail account d).Commercial account

3.___________ is a unique name chosen by a user while creating an e-mail.

a).Login b). Password c). Subject d).Username

4. The name of the e-mail service provider comes after___________________.

a).$ b).@ c).* d). #

5. Can two friends have same e-mail address?

a). yes b).No c). May be d).No idea

6. A user has to click on the __________ button to create a new e-mail account.

a).Sign on b).Sign out c). Sign in d).Sign up

7. Cc: stands for____________________.

a). Cat Copy b). Carbon Copy c). Cool Copy d).Can’t Copy
8. Incoming message are stored in a folder known as _______________.

a). Outbox b).Inbox c). Post Box d).Mail box

9. E-mail are arranged in inbox with respect to ___________________.

a).Names b).Date and time c).Client and Server d).Subject

10. All replied and send e-mail are stored in a___________________folder.

a). Drafts b).Inbox c). Sent d).Trash/Deleted

11.____________ folder is used to store the deleted e-mails.

a). Drafts b). Trash c). Sent d).Junk

12. All outgoing messages are stored in _____________ folder..

a). Inbox b). Deleted c). Sent d).Drafts

13._________________ means to close an e-mail account.

a). Sign up b). Delete c). Sign in d).Sign out

14. To answer a received e-mail is called ___________ an e-mail.

a). Read b). Reply c). Write d).Compose

15._____________ is a keyboard short cut key to compose an e-mail.

a). Ctrl+P b). Ctrl+C c). Ctrl+N d).Ctrl+X

Q.2 Define The Following. 10
i) E-mail Account ii) E-mail Address iii) E-mail Service Provider

iv) Sign In v) Trash/Deleted folder

i) E-mail Account:___________________________________________________________________


ii) E-mail Address:___________________________________________________________________

iii) E-mail Service Provider:___________________________________________________________


iv) Sign In:_________________________________________________________________________


v) Trash/Deleted folder:______________________________________________________________


Q.3 Fill In The Blanks. 10

1. Hotmail is a popular ______________________________________based e-mail service provider

2. A ____________________________________________________is a secrt word,number or both.

3. An e-mail address consists of username and__________________________________________

4. ______________________________________button is used to include a file/photo in an e-mail

5. Recipient’s e-mail address is written in ___________________________________________ line

6. ____________________________________ line is used to write the description of the message

7. To open an e-mail account is known as ______________________________________________

8. A ________________________________ and password is required to sign in an e-mail account.

9. A user can restore deleted e-mail within _________________________________________days

10. ___________________________________________________click a received e-mail to read it.

Q.4 Match column A with column B and write the matching pairs number in 10
Column C.

i) Sign up a) Sent
ii) Sign in b) Secret word
iii) Password c)
iv) Outgoing e-mails d) Carbon copy
v) Deleted e-mails e) Create a new e-mail
vi) E-mail address f) Hotmail
vii) Domain name g) Trash/Deleted
viii) Cc: h) Inbox
ix) Incoming messages i) Open an e-mail account
x) Sign out j) Closing an e-mail account
k) Bcc:
l) Attach a file

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