Artifact For SBM 4

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Sample Artifacts for the Four Principles of School Based Management – A Child and Community –Centered

Educational Systems (SBM –ACCESs)

Principle/ Indicator Artifacts

A. Leadership and Governance  School Improvement Plan (Past years )
Indicators 1 & 2  School Improvement Plan (Enhanced)
1. In place is a Development Plan (e.g SIP)  Vision and Mission Statement and Core Values
developed collaboratively by the (DO#36,s.2013)
stakeholders of the school and the  Annual Improvement Plan
community .  Continuous Improvement Plan
 School Site Development Plan
 Annual Procurement Plan
 Resource Mobilization Plan
 Updated Monitoring and Evaluation

 Barangay Development Plan (that captures/highlights

priority improvement area identified in the SIP/AIP

 Documents to show the Development /Revision of the
AIP and SIP:
 Minutes of meeting ,
 Attendance
 Pictorials
 Monitoring and Evaluation
 School Report Card (SRC)/School Information System
2. The development plan (e.g. SIP) is  School Improvement Plan (Past Years)
regularly reviewed by the school  School Improvement Plan (Enhanced )
community to keep it responsive and  Vision and Mission Statement and Core Values
relevant to emerging needs, challenges (DO#36,s.2013)
and opportunities  Annual Improvement Plan
 Continuous Improvement Plan
 School Site Development Plan
 Annual Procurement Plan
 Resource Mobilization Plan
 Updated Monitoring and Evaluation

 Barangay Development Plan (that captures/highlights

priority improvement area identified in the SIP/AIP

 Documents to show the Development /Revision of the
AIP and SIP:
 Minutes of meeting ,
 Attendance
 Pictorials
 Monitoring and Evaluation
 School Report Card (SRC)/School Information System

3. The school is organized by a clear  School Organizational Chart with Corresponding

structure and work arrangement s that Roles/Designations
promote shared leadership and  Approved Designations/Special Assignments of
governance and define the roles and School Personnel with roles and Functions
responsibilities of the stakeholders  Approved Action/Work Plans consistent with
 Accomplishment Reports
 Updated Monitoring and Evaluation
 School Report Card (SRC)/school Information Systems
 Personnel Handbook/Student Handbook (if any)
 DepEd Manual/School Manual
 SBM Manual/SGC Manual/Other Manuals
 Compilation of Orders/ Memoranda: National,
Regional, Division, District, School and Office
 Compilation of Orders/ Memoranda/ Letters ( Non
 List of Homeroom Officers/PTA Officers
 List of Officers of Different Academic Clubs and Faculty
 Approved Action Plan (Cubs and Organization)
and Accomplishment Reports (captured in
Monitoring and Evaluation)
 Duly Audited Financial Statements/Reports
(clubs and Organizations)
 Constitution and By Laws ( Clubs and
4. A leadership network facilitates  Compilation of communication for request of approval
communication between and among to conduct meetings (School Management, clubs and
school and community leaders for organizations)
informed decision-making and solving  Minutes of meetings
community wide learning problems  Attendance sheet
 Resolution and agreements
 Pictorials/Video clips
 State of the School Address (SOSA)/Report on Learners’
 School Report Card/s distributed and received by
 Transparency Board
 Performance Indicator is published regularly
 Students’ Portfolio/Assessment Results and their
utilization ( interventions)
 Home visits with narrative report of teachers signed by
Parent/s and student/s
 School Publication highlighting school accomplishments
 Media program ( radio and television)
 School website/email address/other social media outlet
 Social media resource mobilization guidelines
and activities
 List of benefactors/donors and their donations
 Acknowledgement/Acceptance Certificates
 Adopt –A-School Program Documents
5. A long term program is in operation that  Annual Training Programs based on School Plan for
addresses the training and development Professional Development (SPPD) /Individual Plan for
needs of school and community leaders Professional Development (IPPD) and Accomplishment
 TSNA Result of Teachers of Teaching and Non-
Teaching Personnel/Competency Assessment
 Compilation of IPPD, Self- Monitoring by Grade
Level and by Department and Accomplishment
 Compilation of Narrative Report of School
Based Seminars/Training of Teachers and
Community Leaders.
 Teachers’ Portfolio/Teachers’ Profile/Teachers’
Training Journals /Record/201 Files
 Evidences of the Professional Growth of
Teaching and Non- teaching Personnel
 Compilation of Training Reports with
Certificates of Participation/Completion
 List of teachers/personnel enrolled in post graduate
studies with permit to study
 List of teachers/personnel graduated in graduate
 Guidelines on Reward System for teachers , students,
staff and community stakeholders (scholarship,
trainings, awards)
 List of beneficiaries/awardees (International,
National, Regional, Division, District School)
 Programs
 Pictorials/Video Clips
 Publication/s showing their accomplishments
and awards (pictorials, bulletin board display,
streamers, tarpaulins and others)
B. Curriculum and Learning  Curriculum Guides, Teachers’ Guides, Learning
1. The curriculum provides the  Students’ handbook (if any)
development needs of all types of  Students Learning Program/Class Program
learners in the school community  List of Non- Readers by Grade Level and their
 List of Numerates /Non-Numerates
 Intervention and Remediation Programs
 Drop Out Reduction Program
 Action Research conducted to address learning
gaps and least mastered skills/competencies
 Assessment tools, assessment conducted and
 Students Report Card
 NAT results

2. The implemented curriculum is  Curriculum Guides, Teachers Guide, Learning

localized to make it more Materials/Syllabus
meaningful to the learners and  Developed and Utilized Instructional Materials with
applicable to life in the community results and their utilization
 Contextualized and Localized IMs with results and their
 Implemented Lesson Plans
 Topics integrated to the lessons suited to the
 Approved Action Plans and Accomplishment Report by
learning area/ grade level
 Instruction supervision/Classroom Observation Report
and Technical Assistance extended, Results,
Agreements and Follow-up
3. A representative group of school and  Teachers Lesson Study Groups/Communities of Practice
community stakeholders developed (COPS)
the methods and materials for  Minutes of Meeting ,Resolution, Attendance
developing creative thinking and sheets
problem solving .  Developed /contextualized and Localized
Instructional Materials
 Localized Curriculum Guides
 Instructional supervision/Classroom
observation Reports
 Technical Assistance extended, Results,
Agreements and Follow-up

4. The learning systems are regularly  School Monitoring and Evaluation Team
and collaboratively monitored by the  Approved designation with roles and functions
community using appropriate tools  Approved Action/Work Plans
to ensure the holistic growth and  Accom0plished Updated Monitoring and
development of the learners and the Evaluation
community  Conducted conferences on the M&E Results
with management /SGC and concerned School
Implementing Team/s
 Reviewed/Revised AIP, APP and CIP
 Reviewed/revised M&E Tools
 Instructional supervision/Classroom observation
 Technical Assistance extended, Results,
Agreements and Follow-up
 Performance Indicators
 Summative Test results/Periodical Test results and their
utilization (interventions)
 PHIL- IRI results and their utilization (intervention)
 NAT Results and their utilization (intervention)
 School Reading Action Plan
Implementation/Accomplishment Report and its
Utilization (CIP)
 Numeracy Program Implementation/Accomplishment
Report and its Utilization (CIP)
 Action Research Conducted and utilization of Results
 Intervention and Remediation Program Implementation
/ Accomplishment Report and its utilization (CIP)
5. Appropriate assessment tools for  INSET on Test Construction with Accomplishment
teaching and learning are Report
continuously reviewed and  Periodical Tests with Table of specification y
improved and assessment results Subject Area/Grade Level, results and their
are contextualized to the learner utilization (CIP)
and local situation and the  Test Item Analysis by Subject Area/Grade Level
attainment of relevant life skills. revision and utilization
 Test Item Bank by Subject Area/Grade Level
(Diagnostic, Formative, Summative) validation
results, revision and utilization (CIP)
6. Learning managers and facilitators  Copy of Mission, Vision and Core Values displayed on a
(teachers , administrators and conspicuous place
community members) nurture  School Programs/Projects/Activities that promote value
values and environment that are orientation
protective of all children and  Accomplishment Reports
demonstrate behaviors consistent to
the organization’s vision, mission
and goals.
7. Methods and Resources are learner  Best Practices in improving Learning Outcomes
and community-friendly, enjoyable,  Benchmarking activities
safe, inclusive, accessible and aimed  Request /permit to conduct and accomplishment
at developing self-directed learners. report on :
Learners are equipped with essential  Student Leadership/SSG Training
knowledge, skills, and values to  Boy Scout and Girls Scout Activities
assume responsibility and  YES-O Camp
accountability for their own  Math Camp/ Fair
learning,  Science Camp/Fair
 Special Education Program
 And other similar activities
 Students’ Portfolios/Assessment Results and their
Utilization (CIP)
 Students’ Learning Management
 Guidance Office Records/Class Adviser’s Anecdotal
C. Accountability and Continuous  Organizational chart with Job description and
Improvement corresponding roles
1. Roles and responsibilities of  PTA and SGC Constitution and By Laws
accountable person/s and collective  SPG/SSG/YES-O constitution and By Laws
body/ies are clearly defined and  Other School Working committee (Internal/External)
agreed upon by the stakeholders contained in the SIP/SBM
 Fiscal Management Reports:
 Liquidation
 Projects
 Property inventory
 Financial Statement( School, PTA, IGP)
 Canteen Report

2. Achievement of goals is recognized  Beginning and Year End Indicators:

based on a collaboratively  Participation Rate
developed performance  Cohort Survival Rate
accountability system; gaps are  Drop Out Rate
addresses through appropriate  Achievement Rate
action  Completion Rate
 Academic Achievement
 NAT Result
 Periodical Test Results and Utilization (CIP)
 Other Assessment Activities,Results and Utilization
 Intervention and Remediation programs with
Accomplishment Reports
 Action Research conducted
 School Heads and staff Professional Development
3. The accountability system is owned  General PTA Assembly and School and community
by the community and is stakeholders Meeting/ Assembly with:
continuously enhanced to ensure  Letter of invitation
that management structures and  Minutes of Meeting
mechanisms are responsive to the  Attendance
emerging needs and demands of the  Pictorials/Video Clips
community.  Resolutions
 Certificates of Appreciation
 Pledge of commitment of the Stakeholders -Internal &
 Records of school buildings and facilities built by
 PTCA Records of annual programs and projects with
corresponding audited financial report
 Record of donations and contributions from
stakeholders use to finance programs and projects
 Narrative Report on events /activities spearheaded by
the external stakeholders
4. Accountability assessment criteria  Updated Monitoring and Evaluation and Utilization
and tools , feedback mechanisms (CIP)
and information collection and  Technical assistance results, agreement and follow –up
validation techniques and processes  Crises Management Plan Implementation Report and
are inclusive and collaboratively Utilization (CIP)
developed and agreed upon.  Other assessment activities, agreement and follow -up
5. Participatory assessment of  Updated Monitoring and Evaluation and Utilization
performance is done regularly with (CIP)
the community,  Technical assistance results, agreement and follow –up
Assessment results and lessons  Crises Management Plan Implementation Report and
learned serves as basis for feedback, Utilization (CIP)
technical assistance , recognition
Other assessment activities, agreement and follow –up
and plan adjustment

D. Management of Resources
1. Regular resource inventory is
collaboratively undertaken by  School Property Inventory Report
learning managers, learning  Income Generating Activity Report
facilitators and community  Resource mobilization Activities (solicitation, donation,
stakeholders as basis for resource MOA)
allocation and mobilization.

2. A regular dialogue for planning and  Records of consultative meeting with Stakeholders and
resource programming , that is accomplishment report on:
accessible and inclusive ,  Workplan formulation
continuously engage stakeholders  Project proposal for school continuous
and support implementation of improvement
community education plans.  Development Plan and Policies on students
 Brigada Eskwela
 Feeding Program/ Nutritional Status
 Improvement of Learning Outcomes
 Others
3. In place is a community developed  Pledge of commitment of the Stakeholders -Internal &
resources management system that External
drives appropriate behaviors of  Records of school buildings and facilities built by Local
stakeholders to ensure judicious , School
appropriate and effective use of Board/ LGUs/NGOs
resources .  PTCA Records of annual programs and projects with
corresponding audited financial report
 Record of donations and contributions from
stakeholders use to finance programs and projects
 Narrative Report on events /activities spearheaded by
the external stakeholders
 Recognition/appreciation/reward system for the
4. Regular monitoring, evaluation and  Updated Monitoring and Evaluation and Utilization
reporting processes of resource (CIP)
management are collaboratively  Technical assistance results, agreement and follow –up
developed and implemented by the  Crises Management Plan Implementation Report and
learning managers, facilitators and Utilization (CIP)
community stakeholders
 Other assessment activities, agreement and follow -up
5. There is a system that manages the  Networking linkages for improving resource
network and linkages which management:
strengthen and sustain partnership  Record of Donations /contributions and
for improving resource financial report
management.  Recognition and appreciation provided to
 Documentation of events/activities held or
spearheaded by the stakeholders
 Advocacy/resource mobilization/social
mobilization activities, results and sustainable
 Establishment of school website
 Utilization of School Publication and public
address system
 Media exposure/activities
Prepared by


EPS-Mathematics/SBM Coordinator Noted:
Schools Division Superintendent

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