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Children International, founded in 1936, is a nonprofit humanitarian organization

whose mission is "to bring about real and lasting change in the lives of children
living in poverty." Its headquarters is located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA,
and has 17 agencies in 11 countries.mas mision y vision

The organization carries out this mission mainly through its sponsorship
program, in which children of low economic resources are united with individual
sponsors who wish to address their immediate and basic needs. The purpose of
the sponsorship program is to provide each child with benefits and support
programs - primarily in the areas of education and health - in order to provide
them with the tools and opportunities needed to improve their economic
situation. Among the main benefits are medical and dental care, educational
assistance, clothing, footwear and housing assistance. Tania mas location

Children International currently serves more than 335,000 underprivileged

children in 11 countries around the world: the United States, Mexico,
Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, the
Philippines, India, Kenya and Zambia. In Chile, it closed its operations in May
2014. Gilson mas la parte que dice wher we work

Children International argues that the sustained improvement in the social and
economic situation of the country make unnecessary the permanence of the
institution and the program, since the public system is able to cover in a good
way the deficiencies of the people in need maria bravo

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