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Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs

Département Génie Mécanique

Module Management Production et Qualité
Pr. Amar Hammouche

Production Management Project

June 13 2018
This project is about the study of the production operations (Figure 1) of a manufacturing firm named
As the managers of this fictitious firm, you are asked to operate it in a basic simulated environment
using R as a tool for decision making (inputing data, making decisions and generating production
outputs). As good managers you seek to optimize your profits through producing quality products on
time with minimum of costs.

The operations of EMI_Manufacture are to be carried out using the informations and the data as well
as the assumptions that follows.

EMI_Manufacturing manufactures, assembles and sells three different products X, Y, Z (Figure 2). As
the managers of this firm, and for each production week, you are asked to undertake a certain
decision making concerning operations:
 Forecasting and long term planning,
 master scheduling,
 operations scheduling with manpower assignment
and expenditures for
 acquisition of regular and/or expedited raw materials,
 capacity planning,
 quality planning,
 plant maintenance,

Each week, decisions have to be made as to which part/product, if any, is to be scheduled on each
machine or work station. X', Y', and Z' may be scheduled on any or all of the four machines in the
Parts Manufacture Department and the same is true of X, Y, and Z on the five work stations in the
Assembly Department (Figure 1) given that the fifth station is reserved for marginal use (to be used
for assembly in addition to or instead of one of its 1 to 4 regular stations). Only one part/product per
week, however, may be scheduled on any given machine or work station. The managers cannot, for
example, schedule Product X' on Machine I for part of a week and Product Y' on the same machine
for the remainder of the week.
Figure 1. Overall Manufacturing process

Figure 2. Products BOMs

Work Assignment

For this assignment, it is supposed that all data needed to do this part and that are not specified are
to be chosen and/or generated by each group Using R.

Part I : Production management

Let us suppose that the demand schema for final products X,Y, and Z include, in addition to the
random fluctuations, a trend and a seasonal components and that it will stay the same in the future.

1) From a flow point of view what type is this EMI_Manufacture production system. Explain why
and what advantages does it have ?
2) Using an appropriate forecasting model, predict the demand for these products for the next 6
months of production given you are in the last month of the current year.
3) Compute the MPS of X, Y, and Z for the next 6 months using a lot-for-lot policy for all items of
the BOMs except that the EOQ policy and the Wagner-Whitin algorithm are to be respectively
used for M and for X’.

Part II : Operations basic simulation (facultative)

Simulate the operations of EMI_Manufacture over one day (8 hours operation).

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