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‘Ten Intentions for a Better World : ‘The First Intent - Support Life Tretia fre opening or beviing anyone: I shrw-gtre t beve tir own SeeraSHEEE eee Si clings ttt wen tt ercimy ewecfemanee et ‘The Second Intent, - Seek Truth fellow my inner compese and discard any beliefs tha are ne longer serving me T go tothe ources/aeekeruch. The Third Intent - Set Your Course Thegin the crestive process. give direction to my Life at my courme The Fourth Intent - Simplify {et go 20 therein so0m for something beter to come ins intend thie Tarn pide eaigh pete provid for and tredop wpe Higiens Gost se a Heros Sn nce open ta reoeive from bath expected and unepeceed socrexs aiapliy ‘The Fifth Intent - Stay Positive eee god, ny good, and do geod: I scept the ita from all ef my experiences fam living in grace and gratitude, /ecey poortve. ‘The Sixth Intent - Synchronize Aker intending and surrendering, I take action by following the opporcunties shat are prosonead co natn in dso ware Grete Myrery and Miche abide ‘alflling my desires and doing whet Leame here to da, faymokranire The venth Invent - Serve Others I practice bve in ation. I always bave enough 9 spare andenough ta share. a eer ceed tree ‘The Highth Intent - Shine Your Light test swentBcont Being: srrakening treny hadueet poserteal express myself with joy, omiling canly and laughing oftem J akine my lige: ‘The Ninth Intent - Share Your Vision ‘ereats my ideal world by envisioning it and teling others about Tabare my vision. ‘The Tenth Intent - Synergize 1 soe husntty as One. Tenjey anthering with igachrarted people regularly. ‘When we come ogee, went age for Great Oneneacrevea

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