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WORKBOOK []degitrac | 2 CENGAGE LEARNING ** Learning” Close-Up 82 Workbook with Audio CO tsa Gormley Publier Gavin Mckean Director of Content Development Sarch Bdeleux ‘ut Dtetor: Natasa Asenidou “ext Designer: Natasa Aseridou Cover Dezigner: Valli Chrateferidou Compositor: Praxis Natiral Geographic Usizr: Lela Hlshmgh Acknowledgements Edited by Angela Bandis Recording and production by Motivation ‘Sound Suidios (©2013 National Geographic Learning, 2 partof Cengage Learning ‘ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. No part ofthis work covera by the copyright herein may be eproduced, transmitted, stored. or used in any former by ‘any means graphic, electonic, of mechanical, nelading but not limited to phetocopying recording, scomning. digitising taping, Web distribution, Information netivorks, or information storage and eetrieal systems, ‘except as permitted under Section 107 oF 108 of the 1976 United States ‘Copyright Act, without the prior written permiasion of the publisher. Fer perltin ta ye mater tis et or prot, subi ai requess ovine at www Fuster pemiaions qetcns canbe emai permitionregerstecengape con (SBN: 978-113331875-0 ‘National Geographic Learning Cheriton House, North Wany, Asdowes Hampshive, SPIO SBE United Kingdom Cengage teaming sa leasing power of costomited teaming solutions with ofice locations around the giche. echuding Singapose, the United Kingdom, Australia, Medea: Sra and japan, Locate your local office at: International cengage.comiragion Cengage Learning products arerezresented i Cnada by Nelson Education, tid, Visit National Geographic Learing tine » Visit our corporate website = wa compe com Cover images once Drs Latta GLC) Sd Pia SC ath oe aes amg hme a pen Se io ‘oad was of the Cavango Rive, boc cove OCOMhuteech ‘Averages srucesece NIC «tation Cac iage Colton Mustratons: tevin Hoppin Bech Rata) Printed in China by RR Donnelley 345678910~1514 13 Unit 1 Unit 2 Review 1 Unit 3 Unit 4 Review 2 Unit 5 Unit 6 Review 3 Unit 7 Unit 8 Review 4 Unit 9 Unit 10 Review 5 Unit 11 Unit 12 Review 6 p4 | pit “a p17 . p21 p27 p33 p37 p44. p50 p54 pét p66 p70 p78 pas p89 po p101 A Pra Nay ye a4 Reading Choose the answer (2, b, ¢ or d) which fits best according to the text. How to be a teenager and survive! Being teenager in these troubled rimes isn'texactlya walk In the park. The uncertainty only adds to the typical list of problems you're already facing, So, what are the challenges you are up against and haw can you weather the storm and arrive safely on the other side? ‘Asa teenage the biggest challenge you, your family and friends face is mood swings. One minute you feel ecstatic full ‘of confidence and optimism and the next you feel depressed, angry at the world and certain that you are a failure. Personal appearance also becomes 2 huge issue. The hormones racing through your body play havoc with your sel-image. Suddenly, you have become too fat, to0 thin, toougly, too short. too tall your hair is tow datk too light, too curly, too straight, etc. In short youare completely dissatisted with your appearance. Relationships with others also become more complicated. You may find you no Fonger have that much in common with the friends you've been hanging around with for years. tcan also be distressing when a former bestfriend now prefersto spend time with other friends. for farnily relationships, well it ‘often seerns thata war has been declared, and ‘parents and siblings have become the enemy. But itneedn't all be doom and gloom, The teenage years are unique In a person’ life They mark the endo childhood and the important passage to adulthood. The key 10 a happy’ teenhood sto recognise that no matter how your emotions change or how insecure you feel about yourself, you are perfectly normalt Everyone, big and small, experiences feelings of depression and anisety from time to time, But here are afew tips to helo you get through your darkest moments, Confiding in someone has got to bethe first tip. ifyou keep negative feelings in, yout reach a point where you thinkyou're going to explode. Talk about how youare fesling with someone you can trust Even ifthey can't give you the advice you need, just getting t off yourchest can makea world of diference. But, whatcan you do if you're at exploding point ang there's 10 one totalk to? Ifyou want to avoid confict with others go somewhere on your own for a minute or two. Take time to breathe propery. When we aren stressful situations our breathing becomes short and rushed, and as a resultlexs oxygen reaches the brain, This can heighten negative feelings that we have, One technique is to close one nosttl with your thumb and inhale, then close the other nostril with your index finger and exhale as you release your thump from the first ostr Do this at least ten times and your breathing will return to normal and you will fee! much calmer inniextto no time. Physical exercise ike running, cycling and swimming arealso {greet ways to clear the mind and they have theadded bonus ‘of keeping you fit. you do this whenever you're down, youl also startto fee! better about yourselfand your body. There's no need to push yourself tothe limits, though. Listen toyour | body and stop when it says'No more! Finally, always try to focus on the postive aspects of your life. Being a teenager means you have more freedom. Use Itin Constructive ways so that feelings of frustration are replaced by feelings of accomplishment. FAs 2 result of the current world situation, 4 What does the word ‘unique’ in paragraph 4 tell us about 2 everyone has the same problems the teen years? teenagers ate coping better than others. a They cause a lot of anxiety € people feel insecure about the future. b They are a very special time in our lives, 4 the problems confronting teenagers have € All teenagers experience them in the same way. changed completely Teenagers ought to be happier nagers often have to deal with 5 According to the writer, anary teenagers fea better 2 sudden emotional changes. a. by listening to the advice of others. the anger of relatives and friends bby bottling up thei feeings. € constantly putting on ard losing weight. € by taking about their feelings 4 lack of success. by taking short, quick breaths During the teenage years, 6 The writer encourages teenagers to 2 family membars ahways stap talking to one respect their body and its limitations another b_ exercse only when they are depressed. hormonal changes can make young people € oak their parents for more freedom, dissatisfied with how they look. take up a competitive snort best friends always grow apart 4 personal appearance becomes the most important aspect of a teenager's life cavulary plete the sentences with the correct form of the words. Jia is 80 — with her new job thet she's thinking of leaving. SATISFY This chairis really can | have another one? ‘COMFORT Everyone looked on in while the performer smashed up the stage. AMAZE os aa. to walk though the park at night, DANGER Tania’ very bright, but she lacks = CONFIDENT Are you very ________ about your exam results? ANXIETY Last year's temis championship was just est DISASTER Sorry, but we can't give you details about the position at the moment SPECIFY ‘Match the first parts of the sentences 1-6 to the second parts af. The player limped in Ail the way through the play, she was on When | heard about the break-up, | was at Sesing the huge flames, James ran out of the office in haven't been on Don't let Fiona get under 3 loss for words. ‘good terms with my bors since last December. your skin; she's just insecure. the edge of her seat. agony off the field 2 pric C Complete the words in the sentences, 1 Aphotiaisani _ fear of something specific. Nover be afraid to e______ your feelings. Iwasa _tofind out they were getting married. How will the new changes a_____ your job? Claire's behaviour has become u __ ve had s_____ stomach pains all morning What as____ you missed the party! Take a taxi as the bus service is very i_ 50 we've made an appointment with a psychologist. euouaun D Read the text and circle the correct words. Does alone = lonely? We tend to think that people who are alone experience great (1) lenis /SHINOVaRER. But is this necessarily the case? While some people crave company, others may be (2) desperate teria to spend some time alone, It can be @ chance to concentrate (3) E8160 their hobbies and interests, or a good way to (4) Galen GOWRIIBSHIEND after a busy day in a stressful job. On the ‘ther hand, while many people don't like being on thelr own, others -smply (5) Her UBUifeealeut in company and this can (6) lal {pond to unsociable or even anti-social behaviour. Being in a crowd ‘can have a negative (7) BHBGEVIEBRHBEE on these people. They may rot be able to (8) Biss i/feeus on other people's conversations and consequently, may appear to be rude. However, more often than net, it isn’t that they're not interested (9) fOFIAIN what other people have to say, but that they find it impossible to follow group conversations. E The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write each word next to the correct sentences. ‘Are you responsible about going on the excursion tomorrow?. | was terrified at how dirty her kitchen was The company is disgusted that sales will be much better this quater We were absolutely optimistic by the horror film. << | don't understand why everyone likes that actor. There's nathing terrible about her, Please write the report again it’s strict. _ This enthusiastic diet is making me miserable! Who is special for breaking the window? eNousens

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